saiku嵌入頁面plugin=true時數據不顯示(plugin=false或者不設定plugin的值時數據顯示正常)這個問題困擾了我很久很久呀.... 最近想着先處理問題吧,手動來實現一下相似的效果。html
>> true: 以插件的形式展現,會隱藏菜單欄api
>> false: 不以插件的形式展現,會帶出工具欄數組
mode的值爲 view/table瀏覽器
>>view 會帶出導出excel那一欄工具按鈕信息app
>>table 只顯示table數據,沒有工具欄信息less
我部署在本地的saiku能正常使用以上方法嵌入頁面使用,可是不知道爲何 部署在公司的saiku使用plugin=true時顯示不了... plugin=false的時候顯示正常 無奈這又很影響使用,因此就本身改了一下源碼,手動控制一些菜單欄以及工具欄的顯示了dom
嵌入url中添加一個參數 embedFlag,參數值我指定爲 hideToolbar
而後在Saiku的Query.js文件的run方法中獲取embedFlag參數值而且判斷參數值是否爲 hideToolbar。 若是是就添加控制菜單欄以及工具欄顯示的js代碼,若是不是就正常往下執行。
//add embed flag,when the parameter embedFlag equals hideToolbar,hide the toolbar. 20190508 var paramsURI = Saiku.URLParams.paramsURI(); //get the param from url if(paramsURI.embedFlag != undefined && paramsURI.embedFlag == "hideToolbar"){ Saiku.toolbar.remove();//hide toolbar $('#header').remove(); //hide tabs $('#new_icon').remove(); //hide open query button $('#fullscreen_icon').remove(); //hide fullscreen_icon button }
在url上添加自定義的參數信息 embedFlag=hideToolbar
//add embed flag,when the parameter embedFlag equals hideToolbar,hide the toolbar. 20190508 var paramsURI = Saiku.URLParams.paramsURI(); //get the param from url if(paramsURI.embedFlag != undefined && paramsURI.embedFlag == "hideToolbar"){ Saiku.toolbar.remove();//hide toolbar $('#header').remove(); //hide tabs $('#new_icon').remove(); //hide open query button $('#fullscreen_icon').remove(); //hide fullscreen_icon button }
ps: 查詢按鈕 以及 全屏按鈕是否須要隱藏可根據本身的須要選擇註釋哦! (我這裏顯示的按鈕比較少 是由於我註釋掉了一些目前用不到的按鈕信息,避免形成用戶視覺混亂~)
隱藏按鈕也比較簡單啦, 谷歌瀏覽器 inspect 一下,而後找到對應的 id ,獲取元素而後調用remove方法就能夠啦~
例如 咱們想隱藏導出excel按鈕
1.inspect 看到對應的id爲 export_xls_icon
2. 在Query.js run方法裏面添加 $('#export_xls_icon').remove(); //hide export xls button 便可
/* * Copyright 2012 OSBI Ltd * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * Workspace query */ var Query = Backbone.Model.extend({ formatter: Settings.CELLSET_FORMATTER, properties: null, /*初始化方法*/ initialize: function(args, options) { if(args != null && args != undefined && args != "" && args.flag == "resultForstatisdate"){ this.get_all_statisdate(args); }else{ // Save cube _.extend(this, options); // Bind `this` _.bindAll(this, "run"); // Generate a unique query id this.uuid = 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function (c) { var r = Math.random() * 16 | 0, v = c == 'x' ? r : (r & 0x3 | 0x8); return v.toString(16); }).toUpperCase(); this.model = _.extend({ name: this.uuid }, SaikuOlapQueryTemplate); if (args.cube) { this.model.cube = args.cube; } this.helper = new SaikuOlapQueryHelper(this); // Initialize properties, action handler, and result handler this.action = new QueryAction({}, { query: this }); this.result = new Result({ limit: Settings.RESULT_LIMIT }, { query: this }); this.scenario = new QueryScenario({}, { query: this }); // A flag to tell who changed selection members this.updatedSelectionFromModal = false; } }, parse: function(response) { // Assign id so Backbone knows to PUT instead of POST = this.uuid; if ( { =; this.uuid =; } this.model = _.extend(this.model, response); = _.extend({}, Settings.QUERY_PROPERTIES,; }, setProperty: function(key, value) {[key] = value; }, getProperty: function(key) { return[key]; }, syncSelectionsModalAndUpdateParameters: function() { if (this.updatedSelectionFromModal) { var mParameters = this.helper.model().parameters; for (var mKey in mParameters) { var mVal = mParameters[mKey]; var selections = this.helper.getSelectionsForParameter(mKey); mVal = { return sel.caption; }).join(); mParameters[mKey] = mVal; } } else { var mParameters = this.helper.model().parameters; for (var mKey in mParameters) { var mVal = mParameters[mKey]; var mLevel = this.helper.getLevelForParameter(mKey); var selections = this.helper.getSelectionsForParameter(mKey); if (mVal !== null && mVal !== undefined) { this.helper.setSelectionsForParameter(mKey, _.filter(selections, function(sel) { var containsParam = false; _.each(mVal.split(','), function (v) { if (sel.caption === v) { containsParam = true; return false; } }); return containsParam; })); } } } this.updatedSelectionFromModal = false; }, /*執行查詢的方法*/ run: function(force, mdx) { //add embed flag,when the parameter embedFlag equals hideToolbar,hide the toolbar. 20190508 var paramsURI = Saiku.URLParams.paramsURI(); //get the param from url if(paramsURI.embedFlag != undefined && paramsURI.embedFlag == "hideToolbar"){ Saiku.toolbar.remove();//hide toolbar $('#header').remove(); //hide tabs $('#new_icon').remove(); //hide open query button $('#fullscreen_icon').remove(); //hide fullscreen_icon button } this.syncSelectionsModalAndUpdateParameters(); var self = this; // Check for automatic execution Saiku.ui.unblock(); if (typeof != "undefined" &&['saiku.olap.query.automatic_execution'] === false && (force === false || force === undefined || force === null)) { return; } this.workspace.unblock(); $(this.workspace.el).find(".workspace_results_info").empty(); this.workspace.trigger('query:run'); this.result.result = null; var validated = false; var errorMessage = '<span class="i18n">Query Validation failed!</span>'; var exModel = this.helper.model(); //針對Summary數據作出更改 當行數據為空的時候 也須要展現出來 var cubename = ; if(cubename == "SummaryKPI_2018_ext" ||cubename == "SummaryKPI_2019_ext" ||cubename == "SummaryKPI_2019_Dynamic" ) { exModel.queryModel.axes.ROWS.nonEmpty=false;//設置行數據為空的時候也顯示數據! 20190425 for summaryKPI Data }else{ exModel.queryModel.axes.ROWS.nonEmpty=true; } for(var k in this.attributes) { var att = this.attributes[k]; if(k.substring(0,5)==="PARAM"){ var p = k.substring(5, k.length); exModel.parameters[p] = att; } } if (exModel.queryType == "OLAP") { if (exModel.type == "QUERYMODEL") { var columnsOk = Object.keys(exModel.queryModel.axes.COLUMNS.hierarchies).length > 0; var rowsOk = Object.keys(exModel.queryModel.axes.ROWS.hierarchies).length > 0; var detailsOk = exModel.queryModel.details.axis == 'COLUMNS' && exModel.queryModel.details.measures.length > 0; if (!rowsOk || !columnsOk || !detailsOk) { errorMessage = ""; } if (!columnsOk && !detailsOk) { errorMessage += '<span class="i18n">You need to include at least one measure or a level on columns for a valid query.</span>'; } if(!rowsOk) { errorMessage += '<span class="i18n">You need to include at least one level on rows for a valid query.</span>'; } if ( (columnsOk || detailsOk) && rowsOk) { validated = true; } } else if (exModel.type == "MDX") { validated = (exModel.mdx && exModel.mdx.length > 0); if (!validated) { errorMessage = '<span class="i18n">You need to enter some MDX statement to execute.</span>'; } } } if (!validated) { this.workspace.table.clearOut(); $(this.workspace.processing).html(errorMessage).show(); this.workspace.adjust(); Saiku.i18n.translate(); return; } // Run it this.workspace.table.clearOut(); $(this.workspace.processing).html('<span class="processing_image"> </span> <span class="i18n">Running query...</span> [ <a class="cancel i18n" href="#cancel">Cancel</a> ]').show(); this.workspace.adjust(); this.workspace.trigger('query:fetch'); Saiku.i18n.translate(); var message = '<span class="processing_image"> </span> <span class="i18n">Running query...</span> [ <a class="cancel i18n" href="#cancel">Cancel</a> ]'; this.workspace.block(message); /* TODO: i wonder if we should clean up the model (name and captions etc.) delete this.model.queryModel.axes['FILTER'].name; */ /**根據ROWS中的statisdate字段過濾!*/ //根據用戶輸入的開始日期與結束日期查詢範圍數據 /* var dimensionArr = exModel.queryModel.axes.ROWS.hierarchies; //取出行信息中的全部維度信息 dimension,用一個數組接收 var statisdateFlag = "no"; for(var i=0;i<dimensionArr.length;i++){ //判斷維度信息中是否有statisdate這個時間維度(這是固定的) if(dimensionArr[i]!=null && ((dimensionArr[i].dimension == "statisdate")||(dimensionArr[i].levels.statisdate != null)) ){ var paramsURI = Saiku.URLParams.paramsURI(); //get the param from url //判斷參數是否爲空 if(paramsURI.startdate != null && paramsURI.startdate != undefined && paramsURI.startdate != ""&& paramsURI.enddate != null && paramsURI.enddate != undefined && paramsURI.enddate != ""){ statisdateFlag = "yes"; this.startdateThis=null; this.enddateThis=null; var key="statisdateSpec"; (new SelectionsModal({ key: key, exModel: exModel, result: this.result, workspace: this.workspace })); } } } */ /**根據Fliter中的statisdate字段過濾!*/ var dimensionArr = exModel.queryModel.axes.FILTER.hierarchies; //取出FILTER信息中的全部維度信息 dimension,用一個數組接收 var statisdateFlag = "no"; for(var i=0;i<dimensionArr.length;i++){ //判斷維度信息中是否有statisdate這個時間維度(這是固定的) if(dimensionArr[i]!=null && ((dimensionArr[i].dimension == "statisdate")||(dimensionArr[i].levels.statisdate != null)) ){ var paramsURI = Saiku.URLParams.paramsURI(); //get the param from url //判斷參數是否爲空 if(paramsURI.startdate != null && paramsURI.startdate != undefined && paramsURI.startdate != ""&& paramsURI.enddate != null && paramsURI.enddate != undefined && paramsURI.enddate != ""){ statisdateFlag = "yes"; this.startdateThis=null; this.enddateThis=null; var key="statisdateSpec"; (new SelectionsModal({ key: key, exModel: exModel, result: this.result, workspace: this.workspace })); } } } //根據入參是否有statisdate字段來判斷是否執行如下查詢 if(statisdateFlag == 'no'){{},{ contentType: "application/json", data: JSON.stringify(exModel), error: function() { Saiku.ui.unblock(); var errorMessage = '<span class="i18n">Error executing query. Please check the server logs or contact your administrator!</span>'; self.workspace.table.clearOut(); $(self.workspace.processing).html(errorMessage).show(); self.workspace.adjust(); Saiku.i18n.translate(); } }); } }, //獲得返回的全部statisdate參數信息 get_all_statisdate: function(args){ var response = args.response; this.result = args.result; //var exModel = args.exModel; var statisdateArr= new Array(); for(var i=0;i<response.length;i++){ statisdateArr[i]=response[i].name; } //this.helper = new SaikuOlapQueryHelper(this); var exModel = args.exModel; var paramsURI = Saiku.URLParams.paramsURI(); //get the param from url var startdate=null; var enddate=null; if(this.startdateThis != null){ startdate=this.dateToStr(this.startdateThis); //獲取修正後的開始日期 }else{ startdate=paramsURI.startdate;//開始日期(參數中的) } if(this.enddateThis != null){ enddate=this.dateToStr(this.enddateThis); //獲取修正後的結束日期 }else{ enddate=paramsURI.enddate;//結束日期(參數中的) } //startdate = this.dateToStr(startdate); // 日期格式化 //enddate = this.dateToStr(enddate); // 日期格式化 if(statisdateArr.indexOf(startdate) > -1){// 這裏是判斷開始日期是否屬於statisdateArr if(statisdateArr.indexOf(enddate) > -1){// 這裏是判斷結束日期是否屬於statisdateArr //var dimensionArr = exModel.queryModel.axes.ROWS.hierarchies; //根據ROWS var dimensionArr = exModel.queryModel.axes.FILTER.hierarchies; //根據Filter for(var i=0;i<dimensionArr.length;i++){ if(dimensionArr[i]!=null && (dimensionArr[i].dimension == "statisdate" || dimensionArr[i].levels.statisdate != null ) ){ //更改level下的mdx表達式(使用開始日期與結束日期來控制過濾數據) dimensionArr[i].levels.statisdate.mdx="[statisdate].[statisdate].[statisdate].["+startdate+"]:[statisdate].[statisdate].[statisdate].["+enddate+"]"; //須要清除以前默認展現本週數據的過濾腳本信息 //exModel.queryModel.axes.ROWS.filters=[];//在ROWS中定義了過濾表達式時,清除此表達式 exModel.queryModel.axes.FILTER.filters=[];//在Filter中定義了過濾表達式時,清除此表達式 } }{},{ contentType: "application/json", data: JSON.stringify(exModel), error: function() { Saiku.ui.unblock(); var errorMessage = '<span class="i18n">Error executing query. Please check the server logs or contact your administrator!</span>'; self.workspace.table.clearOut(); $(self.workspace.processing).html(errorMessage).show(); self.workspace.adjust(); Saiku.i18n.translate(); } }); }else{//結束日期不存在時:若是結束日期大於開始日期,將結束日期往前減一天 var tmpStartdate = this.strToDate(startdate);//StringToDate方法不存在 var tmpEnddate = this.strToDate(enddate); if(tmpEnddate>=tmpStartdate){ tmpEnddate = tmpEnddate.valueOf(); tmpEnddate = tmpEnddate - 1*24*60*60*1000; tmpEnddate = new Date(tmpEnddate); //這裏改變paramURL中的結束日期參數值,而後回調當前函數 get_all_statisdate this.enddateThis=tmpEnddate; this.get_all_statisdate(args); }else{ //不然的話直接執行查詢,直接無數據返回 var dimensionArr = exModel.queryModel.axes.FILTER.hierarchies; for(var i=0;i<dimensionArr.length;i++){ if(dimensionArr[i]!=null && (dimensionArr[i].dimension == "statisdate" || dimensionArr[i].levels.statisdate != null ) ){ enddate = this.dateToStr(tmpStartdate) //更改level下的mdx表達式(使用開始日期與結束日期來控制過濾數據) dimensionArr[i].levels.statisdate.mdx="[statisdate].[statisdate].[statisdate].["+enddate+"]:[statisdate].[statisdate].[statisdate].["+enddate+"]"; //須要清除以前默認展現本週數據的過濾腳本信息 //exModel.queryModel.axes.ROWS.filters=[];//在ROWS中定義了過濾表達式時,清除此表達式 exModel.queryModel.axes.FILTER.filters=[];//在Filter中定義了過濾表達式時,清除此表達式 } }{},{ contentType: "application/json", data: JSON.stringify(exModel), error: function() { Saiku.ui.unblock(); var errorMessage = '<span class="i18n">Error executing query. Please check the server logs or contact your administrator!</span>'; self.workspace.table.clearOut(); $(self.workspace.processing).html(errorMessage).show(); self.workspace.adjust(); Saiku.i18n.translate(); } }); } } }else{ //開始日期不存在時: 若是開始日期小於結束日期,將開始日期日後加一天 var tmpStartdate = this.strToDate(startdate); var tmpEnddate = this.strToDate(enddate); if(tmpStartdate<=tmpEnddate){ tmpStartdate = tmpStartdate.valueOf(); tmpStartdate = tmpStartdate + 1*24*60*60*1000; tmpStartdate = new Date(tmpStartdate); //這裏改變paramURL中的結束日期參數值,而後回調當前函數get_all_statisdate this.startdateThis=tmpStartdate; this.get_all_statisdate(args); }else{ //不然的話直接執行查詢,直接無數據返回 var dimensionArr = exModel.queryModel.axes.FILTER.hierarchies; for(var i=0;i<dimensionArr.length;i++){ if(dimensionArr[i]!=null && (dimensionArr[i].dimension == "statisdate" || dimensionArr[i].levels.statisdate != null ) ){ startdate = this.dateToStr(tmpEnddate) //更改level下的mdx表達式(使用開始日期與結束日期來控制過濾數據) dimensionArr[i].levels.statisdate.mdx="[statisdate].[statisdate].[statisdate].["+startdate+"]:[statisdate].[statisdate].[statisdate].["+startdate+"]"; //須要清除以前默認展現本週數據的過濾腳本信息 //exModel.queryModel.axes.ROWS.filters=[];//在ROWS中定義了過濾表達式時,清除此表達式 exModel.queryModel.axes.FILTER.filters=[];//在Filter中定義了過濾表達式時,清除此表達式 } }{},{ contentType: "application/json", data: JSON.stringify(exModel), error: function() { Saiku.ui.unblock(); var errorMessage = '<span class="i18n">Error executing query. Please check the server logs or contact your administrator!</span>'; self.workspace.table.clearOut(); $(self.workspace.processing).html(errorMessage).show(); self.workspace.adjust(); Saiku.i18n.translate(); } }); } } }, /*將string類型的數據轉換為date類型*/ strToDate: function(strDate){ strDate = strDate.toLocaleString(); strDate = strDate.substring(-1,10); var convert = Date.parse(strDate); var tmpdate = new Date(convert); return tmpdate; }, /*將Date類型轉換爲String類型 格式爲:2019-03-03*/ dateToStr: function(dateStr){ //dateStr = this.strToDate(dateStr); var tmpYear= dateStr.getFullYear(); var tmpMonth = dateStr.getMonth()+1; var tmpDay = dateStr.getDate(); if(tmpMonth < 10){ tmpMonth = "0"+tmpMonth;} if(tmpDay < 10){ tmpDay = "0"+tmpDay;} var tmpdate = tmpYear+"-"+tmpMonth+"-"+tmpDay; return tmpdate; }, enrich: function() { var self = this;"/../enrich", { contentType: "application/json", data: JSON.stringify(self.model), async: false, success: function(response, model) { self.model = model; } }); }, url: function() { return "api/query/" + encodeURI(this.uuid); } /** get_statisdate_members: function() { var path = "/result/metadata/hierarchies/%5Bstatisdate%5D.%5Bstatisdate%5D/levels/statisdate"; * gett isn't a typo, although someone should probably rename that method to avoid confusion. this.workspace.query.action.gett(path, { success: this.fetch_statisdate_members, error: function() { alert("error"); }, data: {result: true, searchlimit: 30000 }}); }, 獲得獲取statisdate字段的結果信息然後處理 fetch_statisdate_members: function(model, response) { if (response && response.length > 0) { alert("Fetch_statisdate_member++++++++++++"+response); } }, */ });