圖1 待測程序GUIui
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace AUTForm { public partial class Form1 : Form { public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); } private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string tb = textBox1.Text; string cb = comboBox1.Text; if (tb == cb) { listBox1.Items.Add("Result is a tie"); } else if (tb == "paper" && cb == "rock" || tb == "rock" && cb == "scissors" || tb == "scissors" && cb == "paper") { listBox1.Items.Add("The TextBox wins"); } else { listBox1.Items.Add("The ComboBox wins"); } } private void menuItem2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Application.Exit(); } } }
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Reflection; using System.Threading; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Drawing; namespace AUTFormTest { class Program { [STAThread] static void Main(string[] args) { try { Console.WriteLine("\nStarting test scenario"); Console.WriteLine("\nLaunching Form1"); Form theForm = null; string formName = "AUTForm.Form1"; string path = @"E:\wicresoft\Management\Knowledge\Learned\TestFramework\TestSampleLearn\AUTForm\bin\Debug\AUTForm.exe"; theForm = LaunchApp(path, formName); Console.WriteLine("\nMoving Form1"); Point pt = new Point(320, 100); Thread.Sleep(3000); SetFormProperty.SetFormPropertyValue(theForm, "Location", pt); Console.WriteLine("\nSetting textBox1 to 'rock'"); Thread.Sleep(3000); SetControlProperty.SetControlPropertyValue(theForm, "textBox1", "Text", "rock"); Console.WriteLine("Setting comboBox1 to 'scissors'"); Thread.Sleep(3000); SetControlProperty.SetControlPropertyValue(theForm, "comboBox1", "Text", "scissors"); Console.WriteLine("\nClicking button1"); object[] parms = new object[] { null, EventArgs.Empty }; Thread.Sleep(3000); InvokeClickMethod.InvokeMethod(theForm, "button1_Click", parms); bool pass = true; Console.WriteLine("\nChecking listBox1 for 'TextBox wins'"); Thread.Sleep(3000); ListBox.ObjectCollection oc = (ListBox.ObjectCollection) GetControlProperty.GetControlPropertyValue(theForm, "listBox1", "Items"); string s = oc[0].ToString(); if (s.IndexOf("TextBox wins") == -1) pass = false; if (pass) Console.WriteLine("\n-- Scenario result = Pass --"); else Console.WriteLine("\n-- Scenario result = *FAIL* --"); Console.WriteLine("\nClicking File->Exit in 3 seconds"); Thread.Sleep(3000); InvokeClickMethod.InvokeMethod(theForm, "menuItem2_Click", parms); Console.WriteLine("\nEnd test scenario"); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Fatal error: " + ex.Message); } } /// <summary> /// Lunch App /// </summary> /// <param name="path">The Application path</param> /// <param name="formName">The Form name</param> /// <returns>Form Instance</returns> static Form LaunchApp(string path, string formName) { //1. Load assmebly //2. Get the define type //3. Create type instance //經過assembly讀取程序,而後程序獲取窗體類型,經過程序建立窗體的實例. Form result = null; Assembly a = Assembly.LoadFrom(path); Type t = a.GetType(formName); result = (Form)a.CreateInstance(t.FullName); AppState aps = new AppState(result); ThreadStart ts = new ThreadStart(aps.RunApp); Thread thread = new Thread(ts); //single thread thread.SetApartmentState(ApartmentState.STA); thread.IsBackground = true; thread.Start(); return result; } } public class AppState { public readonly Form formToRun; public AppState(Form f) { this.formToRun = f; } public void RunApp() { Application.Run(formToRun); } } }
public static class SetFormProperty { delegate void SetFormPropertyValueHandler(Form f, string propertyName, object newValue); public static void SetFormPropertyValue(Form f, string propertyName, object newValue) { if (f.InvokeRequired) { Delegate d = new SetFormPropertyValueHandler(SetFormPropertyValue); object[] o = new object[] { f, propertyName, newValue }; f.Invoke(d, o); return; } else { Type t = f.GetType(); PropertyInfo pi = t.GetProperty(propertyName); pi.SetValue(f, newValue, null); } } }
問題1:若是在測試程序中直接調用PropertyInfo.SetValue()會拋錯:"Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation."。這是由於,不是在窗體的主線程裏調用,而是在自動化測試程序所建立的一個線程裏調用。所以,咱們用Form.Invoke()方法以間接的方式調用SetValue。間接的方式調用,就是用delegate對象調用SetValue()。線程
public static class GetFormProperty { delegate object GetFormPropertyValueHandler(Form f, string propertyName); public static object GetFormPropertyValue(Form f, string propertyName) { if (f.InvokeRequired) { Delegate d = new GetFormPropertyValueHandler(GetFormPropertyValue); object[] o = new object[] { f, propertyName }; object iresult = f.Invoke(d, o); return iresult; } else { Type t = f.GetType(); PropertyInfo pi = t.GetProperty(propertyName); object result = pi.GetValue(f, null); return result; } } }
public static class SetControlProperty { delegate void SetControlPropertyValueHandler(Form f, string controlName, string propertyName, object newValue); public static void SetControlPropertyValue(Form f, string controlName, string PropertyName, object newValue) { if (f.InvokeRequired) { Delegate d = new SetControlPropertyValueHandler(SetControlPropertyValue); object[] o = new object[] { f, controlName, PropertyName, newValue }; f.Invoke(d, o); } else { Type t1 = f.GetType(); FieldInfo fi = t1.GetField(controlName, BindingFlagsList.Flags); object ctr1 = fi.GetValue(f); Type t2 = ctr1.GetType(); PropertyInfo pi = t2.GetProperty(PropertyName); pi.SetValue(ctr1, newValue, null); } } }
public static class BindingFlagsList { public static BindingFlags Flags = BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Instance; }
public static class GetControlProperty { delegate object GetControlPropertyValueHandler(Form f, string controlName, string propertyName); public static object GetControlPropertyValue(Form f, string controlName, string propertyName) { if (f.InvokeRequired) { Delegate d = new GetControlPropertyValueHandler(GetControlPropertyValue); object[] o = new object[] { f, controlName, propertyName }; object iResult = f.Invoke(d, o); return iResult; } else { Type t1 = f.GetType(); FieldInfo fi = t1.GetField(controlName, BindingFlagsList.Flags); object ctr1 = fi.GetValue(f); Type t2 = ctr1.GetType(); PropertyInfo pi = t2.GetProperty(propertyName); object gResult = pi.GetValue(ctr1, null); return gResult; } } }
public static class InvokeClickMethod { static AutoResetEvent are = new AutoResetEvent(false); delegate void InvokeMethodHandler(Form f, string methodName, params object[] parms); public static void InvokeMethod(Form f, string methodName, params object[] parms) { if (f.InvokeRequired) { Delegate d = new InvokeMethodHandler(InvokeMethod); f.Invoke(d, new object[] { f, methodName, parms }); are.WaitOne(); } else { Type t = f.GetType(); MethodInfo mi = t.GetMethod(methodName, BindingFlagsList.Flags); mi.Invoke(f, parms); are.Set(); } } }