easyui關機圖標_如何在Windows 10中創建關機圖標



The Windows 10 Logo.

It’s true that shutting down your Windows 10 PC the old-fashioned way only takes three clicks. But why spend the extra energy when you can do it in two? All you have to do is create a shutdown icon, and you’ll save yourself some time.

的確,以老式方式關閉Windows 10 PC只需單擊三下。 但是,如果可以一分爲二,爲什麼還要花掉多餘的精力呢? 您所要做的就是創建一個關閉圖標,這樣可以節省一些時間。

創建一個關機圖標 (Create a Shutdown Icon)

To create a shutdown icon, right-click your Desktop, hover over 「New,」 and then select 「Shortcut.」


Hover over "New," and then click "Shortcut."

The 「Create Shortcut」 menu appears. In the text box under 「Type the location of the item,」 type the following command and then click 「Next」:

出現「創建快捷方式」菜單。 在「鍵入項目的位置」下的文本框中,鍵入以下命令,然後單擊「下一步」:

Shutdown.exe /s /t 00

Shutdown.exe /s /t 00

Enter shutdown command

In the next window, type a name for your new shortcut if you want. 「Shutdown」 is the default, so we’ll leave it that for this example.

如果需要,在下一個窗口中,輸入新快捷方式的名稱。 「 Shutdown」是默認設置,因此在本示例中將其保留爲默認值。

Click 「Finish」 to finish the setup process.


Type a name for your shortcut in the text box, and then click "Finish."

Your new shutdown icon will appear on your Desktop.


A Shutdown icon on a desktop.

Now, whenever you double-click the icon, your PC will shut down instantly.


其他有用的快捷方式 (Other Useful Shortcuts)

As you might have guessed, in addition to Shutdown, there are several other shortcuts you can create. The good news is you don’t have to sacrifice one shortcut to have another—you can create as many as you want.

您可能已經猜到了,除了「關機」之外,您還可以創建其他幾種快捷方式。 好消息是,您不必犧牲一個捷徑就可以擁有另一個捷徑-您可以創建任意數量的捷徑。

The steps are the same as those we covered above, except you type different commands for each shortcut.


So, once again, just right-click your Desktop, hover over 「New,」 and then select 「Shortcut.」 Then, type any of the commands below to create the other shortcuts you want.

因此,再次單擊鼠標右鍵,將鼠標懸停在「新建」上,然後選擇「快捷方式」。 然後,鍵入以下任何命令以創建所需的其他快捷方式。

Command Shortcut Icon Type
Shutdown.exe /r /t 00 Restart
rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState 0,1,0 Sleep
rundll32.exe PowrProf.dll,SetSuspendState Hibernate
Rundll32.exe User32.dll,LockWorkStation Lock PC
命令 快捷方式圖標類型
Shutdown.exe / r / t 00 重新開始
rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState 0,1,0 睡覺
rundll32.exe PowrProf.dll,SetSuspendState 冬眠
Rundll32.exe User32.dll,LockWorkStation 鎖電腦

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/656672/how-to-create-a-shutdown-icon-in-windows-10/
