X-Ray 是一項服務,收集您應用程序所服務的請求的相關數據,並提供用於查看、篩選和獲取數據洞察力的工具,以肯定問題和發現優化的機會。對於任何被跟蹤的對您應用程序的請求,您不只能夠查看請求和響應的詳細信息,還能夠查看您的應用程序對下游 AWS 資源、微服務、數據庫和 HTTP Web API 進行的調用的詳細信息。html

X-Ray 開發工具包提供:前端

  • 攔截器,可添加到您的代碼中以跟蹤傳入 HTTP 請求git

  • 客戶端處理程序,可分析您的應用程序用來調用其餘 AWS 服務的 AWS 開發工具包客戶端github

  • HTTP 客戶端,用於分析對其餘內部和外部 HTTP Web 服務的調用web

    • Interceptors to add to your code to trace incoming HTTP requests數據庫

    • Client handlers to instrument AWS SDK clients that your application uses to call other AWS services後端

    • An HTTP client to use to instrument calls to other internal and external HTTP web servicesapp

該開發工具包還支持分析對 SQL 數據庫的調用、自動 AWS 開發工具包客戶端分析以及其餘功能。ide

      X-Ray 開發工具包的工做方式

該開發工具包不是直接將跟蹤數據發送到 X-Ray,而是將 JSON 分段文檔發送到偵聽 UDP 流量的守護程序進程。X-Ray 守護程序將分段緩衝在隊列中,並將分段批量上傳到 X-Ray。該守護程序可用於 Linux、Windows 和 macOS,且包含在 AWS Elastic Beanstalk 和 AWS Lambda 平臺上。微服務

X-Ray 使用來自支持您的雲應用程序的 AWS 資源的跟蹤數據生成詳細的服務圖。該服務圖顯示客戶端、您的前端服務以及前端服務調用來處理請求和保存數據的後端服務。您可使用服務圖來查明瓶頸、延遲峯值和其餘須要解決的問題,以提升應用程序性能。

Instead of sending trace data directly to X-Ray, the SDK sends JSON segment documents to a daemon process listening for UDP traffic. The  X-Ray daemon buffers segments in a queue and uploads them to X-Ray in batches. The daemon is available for Linux, Windows, and macOS, and is included on AWS Elastic Beanstalk and AWS Lambda platforms.

AWS X-Ray Daemon

The AWS X-Ray daemon is a software application that listens for traffic on UDP port 2000, gathers raw segment data, and relays it to the AWS X-Ray API. The daemon works in conjunction with the AWS X-Ray SDKs and must be running so that data sent by the SDKs can reach the X-Ray service.


The X-Ray daemon is an open source project. You can follow the project and submit issues and pull requests on GitHub:

On AWS Lambda and AWS Elastic Beanstalk, use those services' integration with X-Ray to run the daemon. Lambda runs the daemon automatically any time a function is invoked for a sampled request. On Elastic Beanstalk, use the XRayEnabled configuration option to run the daemon on the instances in your environment.

To run the X-Ray daemon locally, on-premises, or on other AWS services, download it from Amazon S3run it, and then give it permission to upload segment documents to X-Ray.
