a sample template system which recognize {@xxx} pattern and take appropriate actionspython
it is similar to the mechanism bitbake deploys to deal with .bb filesexpress
regular expression (match and substitute)ide
dictionary and scopethis
eval and execlua
#!/usr/bin/env python # a template system: recognize {@XXX} pattern and execute it or evaluate it import re import fileinput # Matches fields enclosed in braces pattern = re.compile(r'{@(.+?)}') # Collect variables in this scope = {} # This is used in re.sub, match is a match object def replacement(match): code = match.group(1) try: # if the field can be evaluated, return it return str(eval(code, scope)) except SyntaxError: # otherwise excuete the statement in the same scope exec code in scope return '' def main(): lines = [] for line in fileinput.input(): lines.append(line) text = ''.join(lines) #substitue all the occurrences of the field pattern print pattern.sub(replacement, text) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
{@name = 'James.C'}
{@email = 'james.c.2012.c.james@gmail.com'}
{@language = 'python'}
{@import time}
Dear {@name},
I would like to learn how to program. I hear you use the {@language} language a lot -- is it something I should consider?
And by the way, is {@email} your correct email address?
Qi, {@time.asctime()}
chenqi@chenqi-OptiPlex-760:~/mypro/python$ ./templates.py def.txt mail.txt Dear James.C, I would like to learn how to program. I hear you use the python language a lot -- is it something I should consider? And by the way, is james.c.2012.c.james@gmail.com your correct email address? Qi, Fri Aug 24 12:37:34 2012 chenqi@chenqi-OptiPlex-760:~/mypro/python$