error: attempt to read or write outside of disk 'hd0'


某些狀況(例如BIOS限制或此GRUB錯誤)可能須要在磁盤的開頭建立單獨的/啓動分區,並設置Ubuntu以使用它。 ubuntu





第1步 - 在liveCD或liveUSB上啓動


Linux-Secure-Remix liveCD或liveUSB,而後選擇「Try Ubuntu」,而後直接進入下面的步驟3ide

- 或者是Ubuntu live-CD或live-USB,選擇「Try Ubuntu」,而後轉到下面的第2步工具


第2步 - 在實時會話中安裝Boot-Repair


  • 鏈接互聯網
  • 打開終端(Ctrl + Alt + T)並鍵入:


sudo add-apt-repository ppa:yannubuntu / boot-repair && sudo apt-get update


sudo apt-get install -y boot-repair


第3步 - 運行gParted


- Dash(Ubuntu 11.04和下一個):單擊屏幕左上角的Ubuntu徽標,而後鍵入gparted並單擊將出現gParted圖標。spa

- 或系統 - >管理 - > gParted菜單(Ubuntu 10.04).net

- 或者在終端中鍵入gksudo gparted3d


步驟4 - 在磁盤的開頭建立1GB分區


- 減小磁盤的第一個分區之一,以便安裝Ubuntu 的磁盤的開頭建立1GB(= 1000MiB)的可用空間此可用空間必須位於磁盤的前100GB內(其末端的磁盤起始位置不得超過100GB)。重要提示:要調整Windows Vista / 7/8分區的大小,請不要使用gParted而是使用Windows工具。


- 在此可用空間中,建立一個格式爲EXT41GB分區

- 在紙上,記下這個新的1GB分區的名稱。這一般相似於/ dev / sdXY(X是一個字母,Y是一個數字)。


第5步 - 運行引導修復


- Dash(Ubuntu 11.04和下一個):單擊屏幕左上角的Ubuntu徽標,而後鍵入boot並單擊將出現Boot-Repair圖標。

- 或System-> Administration-> Boot-Repair菜單(Ubuntu 10.04)

- 或者在終端中鍵入boot-repair


第6步 - 選擇正確的選項


- 單擊「 高級選項」

- 轉到GRUB位置選項卡

- 勾選「Separate / boot partition:sdXY」選項(sdXY必須是你的1GB分區)


- 點擊「申請」

- 在紙上注意將出現的URL(。

- 關閉計算機

- 刪除liveCD和/或liveUSB

- 啓動電腦。你如今應該能夠啓動到Ubuntu了。




Some situations (eg BIOS limitations, or this GRUB bug) may require to create a separate /boot partition at the start of the disk, and setup Ubuntu to use it. 

Here is how to do it very easily:




Step 1 - Boot on a liveCD or liveUSB

Boot your computer either on:

- a Linux-Secure-Remix liveCD or liveUSB, then choose "Try Ubuntu", then go directly to Step 3 below.

- or a Ubuntu live-CD or live-USB, choose "Try Ubuntu", then go to Step 2 below.


Step 2 - Install Boot-Repair in the live-session

Once in the Ubuntu live session, install Boot-Repair this way:

  • Connect internet
  • Open a terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and type :


sudo add-apt-repository ppa:yannubuntu/boot-repair && sudo apt-get update


sudo apt-get install -y boot-repair


Step 3 - Run gParted

Launch gParted from either:

- the Dash (Ubuntu 11.04 and next): click the Ubuntu logo in the top-left corner of the screen, then type gparted and click on the gParted icon that will appear.

- or System->Administration->gParted menu (Ubuntu 10.04)

- or by typing gksudo gparted in a terminal


Step 4 - Create a 1GB partition at the start of the disk

Via gParted:

- Reduce one of the first partitions of the disk in order to create 1GB (=1000MiB) of free space at the start of the disk where Ubuntu is installed. This free space must be located inside the first 100GB of the disk (its end must not be located at more than 100GB from the start of the disk). Important: to resize Windows Vista/7/8 partitions, don't use gParted but Windows tools instead.

- In this free space, create a 1GB partition formatted in EXT4.

- On a paper, note the name of this new 1GB partition. This is generally something like /dev/sdXY (X is a letter, Y is a number).


Step 5 - Run Boot-Repair

Launch Boot-Repair from either:

- the Dash (Ubuntu 11.04 and next): click the Ubuntu logo in the top-left corner of the screen, then type boot and click on the Boot-Repair icon that will appear.

- or System->Administration->Boot-Repair menu (Ubuntu 10.04)

- or by typing boot-repair in a terminal


Step 6 - Choose the right option

In Boot-Repair:

- Click on Advanced Options

- Go to the GRUB location tab

- Tick the "Separate /boot partition: sdXY" option (sdXY must be your 1GB partition)

- Click "Apply"

- Note on a paper the URL ( that will appear.

- Shutdown the computer

- Remove the liveCD and/or liveUSB

- Start the computer. You should now be able to boot into Ubuntu.


