



  1. 將php.jar文件解壓,取出目錄stubs
  2. 將stubs中的全部php文件中的註釋去掉,並作格式化處理,放在目錄output
  3. 將全部文件中類和函數解析出來
  5. 格式化輸出類和函數及全部註釋



0 acos 反餘弦
1 acosh 反雙曲餘弦
2 addcslashes 以 C 語言風格使用反斜線轉義字符串中的字符
3 addslashes 使用反斜線引用字符串
4 apache_child_terminate 在本次請求結束後終止 apache 子進程
5 apache_get_modules 得到已加載的Apache模塊列表
6 apache_get_version 得到Apache版本信息
7 apache_getenv 獲取 Apache subprocess_env 變量
8 apache_lookup_uri 對指定的 URI 執行部分請求並返回全部有關信息
9 apache_note 取得或設置 apache 請求記錄
10 apache_request_headers 獲取所有 HTTP 請求頭信息
11 apache_reset_timeout 重置 Apache 寫入計時器
12 apache_response_headers 得到所有 HTTP 響應頭信息
13 apache_setenv 設置 Apache 子進程環境變量
14 apc_add 緩存一個變量到數據存儲
15 apc_bin_dump Get a binary dump of the given files and user variables
16 apc_bin_dumpfile Output a binary dump of cached files and user variables to a file
17 apc_bin_load Load a binary dump into the APC file/user cache
18 apc_bin_loadfile Load a binary dump from a file into the APC file/user cache
19 apc_cache_info Retrieves cached information from APC's data store
20 apc_cas 用新值更新舊值
21 apc_clear_cache 清除APC緩存
22 apc_compile_file Stores a file in the bytecode cache, bypassing all filters
23 apc_dec Decrease a stored number
24 apc_define_constants Defines a set of constants for retrieval and mass-definition
25 apc_delete 從用戶緩存中刪除某個變量
26 apc_delete_file Deletes files from the opcode cache
27 apc_exists 檢查APC中是否存在某個或者某些key
28 apc_fetch 從緩存中取出存儲的變量
29 apc_inc 遞增一個儲存的數字
30 apc_load_constants Loads a set of constants from the cache
31 apc_sma_info Retrieves APC's Shared Memory Allocation information
32 apc_store Cache a variable in the data store
33 apcu_add Cache a new variable in the data store
34 apcu_cache_info Retrieves cached information from APCu's data store
35 apcu_cas Updates an old value with a new value
36 apcu_clear_cache Clears the APCu cache
37 apcu_dec Decrease a stored number
38 apcu_delete Removes a stored variable from the cache
39 apcu_entry Atomically fetch or generate a cache entry
40 apcu_exists Checks if entry exists
41 apcu_fetch Fetch a stored variable from the cache
42 apcu_inc Increase a stored number
43 apcu_sma_info Retrieves APCu Shared Memory Allocation information
44 apcu_store Cache a variable in the data store
45 array_change_key_case 將數組中的全部鍵名修改成全大寫或小寫
46 array_chunk 將一個數組分割成多個
47 array_column 返回數組中指定的一列
48 array_combine 建立一個數組,用一個數組的值做爲其鍵名,另外一個數組的值做爲其值
49 array_count_values 統計數組中全部的值
50 array_diff 計算數組的差集
51 array_diff_assoc 帶索引檢查計算數組的差集
52 array_diff_key 使用鍵名比較計算數組的差集
53 array_diff_uassoc 用用戶提供的回調函數作索引檢查來計算數組的差集
54 array_diff_ukey 用回調函數對鍵名比較計算數組的差集
55 array_fill 用給定的值填充數組
56 array_fill_keys 使用指定的鍵和值填充數組
57 array_filter 用回調函數過濾數組中的單元
58 array_flip 交換數組中的鍵和值
59 array_intersect 計算數組的交集
60 array_intersect_assoc 帶索引檢查計算數組的交集
61 array_intersect_key 使用鍵名比較計算數組的交集
62 array_intersect_uassoc 帶索引檢查計算數組的交集,用回調函數比較索引
63 array_intersect_ukey 用回調函數比較鍵名來計算數組的交集
64 array_key_exists 檢查數組裏是否有指定的鍵名或索引
65 array_keys 返回數組中部分的或全部的鍵名
66 array_map 爲數組的每一個元素應用回調函數
67 array_merge 合併一個或多個數組
68 array_merge_recursive 遞歸地合併一個或多個數組
69 array_multisort 對多個數組或多維數組進行排序
70 array_pad 以指定長度將一個值填充進數組
71 array_pop 彈出數組最後一個單元(出棧)
72 array_product 計算數組中全部值的乘積
73 array_push 將一個或多個單元壓入數組的末尾(入棧)
74 array_rand 從數組中隨機取出一個或多個單元
75 array_reduce 用回調函數迭代地將數組簡化爲單一的值
76 array_replace 使用傳遞的數組替換第一個數組的元素
77 array_replace_recursive 使用傳遞的數組遞歸替換第一個數組的元素
78 array_reverse 返回單元順序相反的數組
79 array_search 在數組中搜索給定的值,若是成功則返回首個相應的鍵名
80 array_shift 將數組開頭的單元移出數組
81 array_slice 從數組中取出一段
82 array_splice 去掉數組中的某一部分並用其它值取代
83 array_sum 對數組中全部值求和
84 array_udiff 用回調函數比較數據來計算數組的差集
85 array_udiff_assoc 帶索引檢查計算數組的差集,用回調函數比較數據
86 array_udiff_uassoc 帶索引檢查計算數組的差集,用回調函數比較數據和索引
87 array_uintersect 計算數組的交集,用回調函數比較數據
88 array_uintersect_assoc 帶索引檢查計算數組的交集,用回調函數比較數據
89 array_uintersect_uassoc 帶索引檢查計算數組的交集,用單獨的回調函數比較數據和索引
90 array_unique 移除數組中重複的值
91 array_unshift 在數組開頭插入一個或多個單元
92 array_values 返回數組中全部的值
93 array_walk 使用用戶自定義函數對數組中的每一個元素作回調處理
94 array_walk_recursive 對數組中的每一個成員遞歸地應用用戶函數
95 arsort 對數組進行逆向排序並保持索引關係
96 asin 反正弦
97 asinh 反雙曲正弦
98 asort 對數組進行排序並保持索引關係
99 assert 檢查一個斷言是否爲 FALSE
100 assert_options 設置/獲取斷言的各類標誌
101 atan 反正切
102 atan2 兩個參數的反正切
103 atanh 反雙曲正切

104 base64_encode 使用 MIME base64 對數據進行編碼
105 base_convert 在任意進制之間轉換數字
106 basename 返回路徑中的文件名部分
107 bcadd 2個任意精度數字的加法計算
108 bccomp 比較兩個任意精度的數字
109 bcdiv 2個任意精度的數字除法計算
110 bcmod 對一個任意精度數字取模
111 bcmul 2個任意精度數字乘法計算
112 bcpow 任意精度數字的乘方
113 bcpowmod Raise an arbitrary precision number to another, reduced by a specified modulus
114 bcscale 設置全部bc數學函數的默認小數點保留位數
115 bcsqrt 任意精度數字的二次方根
116 bcsub 2個任意精度數字的減法
117 bin2hex 函數把包含數據的二進制字符串轉換爲十六進制值
118 bind_textdomain_codeset Specify the character encoding in which the messages from the DOMAIN message catalog will be returned
119 bindec 二進制轉換爲十進制
120 bindtextdomain Sets the path for a domain
121 boolval 獲取變量的布爾值
122 bzclose 關閉一個 bzip2 文件
123 bzcompress 把一個字符串壓縮成 bzip2 編碼數據
124 bzdecompress 解壓經 bzip2 編碼過的數據
125 bzerrno 返回一個 bzip2 錯誤碼
126 bzerror 返回包含 bzip2 錯誤號和錯誤字符串的一個 array
127 bzerrstr 返回一個 bzip2 的錯誤字符串
128 bzflush 強制寫入全部寫緩衝區的數據
129 bzopen 打開 bzip2 壓縮文件
130 bzread bzip2 文件二進制安全地讀取
131 bzwrite 二進制安全地寫入 bzip2 文件

132 cal_from_jd 轉換Julian Day計數到一個支持的歷法。
133 cal_info 返回選定曆法的信息
134 cal_to_jd 從一個支持的歷法轉變爲Julian Day計數。
135 call_user_func 把第一個參數做爲回調函數調用
136 call_user_func_array 調用回調函數,並把一個數組參數做爲回調函數的參數
137 call_user_method 對特定對象調用用戶方法
138 call_user_method_array 以參數列表的數組,調用用戶方法
139 ceil 進一法取整
140 chdir 改變目錄
141 checkdate 驗證一個格里高裏日期
142 checkdnsrr 給指定的主機(域名)或者IP地址作DNS通訊檢查
143 chgrp 改變文件所屬的組
144 chmod 改變文件模式
145 chop rtrim() 的別名
146 chown 改變文件的全部者
147 chr 返回指定的字符
148 chroot 改變根目錄
149 chunk_split 將字符串分割成小塊
150 class_alias 爲一個類建立別名
151 class_exists 檢查類是否已定義
152 class_implements 返回指定的類實現的全部接口。
153 class_parents 返回指定類的父類。
154 class_uses Return the traits used by the given class
155 clearstatcache 清除文件狀態緩存
156 cli_get_process_title Returns the current process title
157 cli_set_process_title Sets the process title
158 closedir 關閉目錄句柄
159 closelog 關閉系統日誌連接
160 collator::asort Sort array maintaining index association
161 collator::compare Compare two Unicode strings
162 collator::getattribute Get collation attribute value
163 collator::geterrorcode Get collator's last error code
164 collator::geterrormessage Get text for collator's last error code
165 collator::getlocale Get the locale name of the collator
166 collator::getsortkey Get sorting key for a string
167 collator::getstrength Get current collation strength
168 collator::setattribute Set collation attribute
169 collator::setstrength Set collation strength
170 collator::sort Sort array using specified collator
171 collator::sortwithsortkeys Sort array using specified collator and sort keys
172 collator_asort Sort array maintaining index association
173 collator_compare Compare two Unicode strings
174 collator_create Create a collator
175 collator_sort Sort array using specified collator
176 compact 創建一個數組,包括變量名和它們的值
177 connection_aborted 檢查客戶端是否已經斷開
178 connection_status 返回鏈接的狀態位
179 constant 返回一個常量的值
180 convert_cyr_string 將字符由一種 Cyrillic 字符轉換成另外一種
181 convert_uudecode 解碼一個 uuencode 編碼的字符串
182 convert_uuencode 使用 uuencode 編碼一個字符串
183 copy 拷貝文件
184 cos 餘弦
185 cosh 雙曲餘弦
186 count 計算數組中的單元數目,或對象中的屬性個數
187 count_chars 返回字符串所用字符的信息
188 crc32 計算一個字符串的 crc32 多項式
189 create_function Create an anonymous (lambda-style) function
190 crypt 單向字符串散列
191 ctype_alnum 作字母和數字字符檢測
192 ctype_alpha 作純字符檢測
193 ctype_cntrl 作控制字符檢測
194 ctype_digit 作純數字檢測
195 ctype_graph 作可打印字符串檢測,空格除外
196 ctype_lower 作小寫字符檢測
197 ctype_print 作可打印字符檢測
198 ctype_punct 檢測可打印的字符是否是不包含空白、數字和字母
199 ctype_space 作空白字符檢測
200 ctype_upper 作大寫字母檢測
201 ctype_xdigit 檢測字符串是否只包含十六進制字符
202 cubrid_affected_rows Return the number of rows affected by the last SQL statement
203 cubrid_bind Bind variables to a prepared statement as parameters
204 cubrid_client_encoding Return the current CUBRID connection charset
205 cubrid_close Close CUBRID connection
206 cubrid_close_prepare Close the request handle
207 cubrid_close_request Close the request handle
208 cubrid_col_get Get contents of collection type column using OID
209 cubrid_col_size Get the number of elements in collection type column using OID
210 cubrid_column_names Get the column names in result
211 cubrid_column_types Get column types in result
212 cubrid_commit Commit a transaction
213 cubrid_connect Open a connection to a CUBRID Server
214 cubrid_connect_with_url Establish the environment for connecting to CUBRID server
215 cubrid_current_oid Get OID of the current cursor location
216 cubrid_data_seek Move the internal row pointer of the CUBRID result
217 cubrid_db_name Get db name from results of cubrid_list_dbs
218 cubrid_disconnect Close a database connection
219 cubrid_drop Delete an instance using OID
220 cubrid_errno Return the numerical value of the error message from previous CUBRID operation
221 cubrid_error Get the error message
222 cubrid_error_code Get error code for the most recent function call
223 cubrid_error_code_facility Get the facility code of error
224 cubrid_error_msg Get last error message for the most recent function call
225 cubrid_execute Execute a prepared SQL statement
226 cubrid_fetch Fetch the next row from a result set
227 cubrid_fetch_array Fetch a result row as an associative array, a numeric array, or both
228 cubrid_fetch_assoc Return the associative array that corresponds to the fetched row
229 cubrid_fetch_field Get column information from a result and return as an object
230 cubrid_fetch_lengths Return an array with the lengths of the values of each field from the current row
231 cubrid_fetch_object Fetch the next row and return it as an object
232 cubrid_fetch_row Return a numerical array with the values of the current row
233 cubrid_field_flags Return a string with the flags of the given field offset
234 cubrid_field_len Get the maximum length of the specified field
235 cubrid_field_name Return the name of the specified field index
236 cubrid_field_seek Move the result set cursor to the specified field offset
237 cubrid_field_table Return the name of the table of the specified field
238 cubrid_field_type Return the type of the column corresponding to the given field offset
239 cubrid_free_result Free the memory occupied by the result data
240 cubrid_get Get a column using OID
241 cubrid_get_autocommit Get auto-commit mode of the connection
242 cubrid_get_charset Return the current CUBRID connection charset
243 cubrid_get_class_name Get the class name using OID
244 cubrid_get_client_info Return the client library version
245 cubrid_get_db_parameter Returns the CUBRID database parameters
246 cubrid_get_query_timeout Get the query timeout value of the request
247 cubrid_get_server_info Return the CUBRID server version
248 cubrid_insert_id Return the ID generated for the last updated AUTO_INCREMENT column
249 cubrid_is_instance Check whether the instance pointed by OID exists
250 cubrid_list_dbs Return an array with the list of all existing CUBRID databases
251 cubrid_lob2_bind Bind a lob object or a string as a lob object to a prepared statement as parameters
252 cubrid_lob2_close Close LOB object
253 cubrid_lob2_export Export the lob object to a file
254 cubrid_lob2_import Import BLOB/CLOB data from a file
255 cubrid_lob2_new Create a lob object
256 cubrid_lob2_read Read from BLOB/CLOB data
257 cubrid_lob2_seek Move the cursor of a lob object
258 cubrid_lob2_seek64 Move the cursor of a lob object
259 cubrid_lob2_size Get a lob object's size
260 cubrid_lob2_size64 Get a lob object's size
261 cubrid_lob2_tell Tell the cursor position of the LOB object
262 cubrid_lob2_tell64 Tell the cursor position of the LOB object
263 cubrid_lob_close Close BLOB/CLOB data
264 cubrid_lob_export Export BLOB/CLOB data to file
265 cubrid_lob_get Get BLOB/CLOB data
266 cubrid_lob_send Read BLOB/CLOB data and send straight to browser
267 cubrid_lob_size Get BLOB/CLOB data size
268 cubrid_lock_read Set a read lock on the given OID
269 cubrid_lock_write Set a write lock on the given OID
270 cubrid_move_cursor Move the cursor in the result
271 cubrid_next_result Get result of next query when executing multiple SQL statements
272 cubrid_num_cols Return the number of columns in the result set
273 cubrid_num_fields Return the number of columns in the result set
274 cubrid_num_rows Get the number of rows in the result set
275 cubrid_pconnect Open a persistent connection to a CUBRID server
276 cubrid_pconnect_with_url Open a persistent connection to CUBRID server
277 cubrid_ping Ping a server connection or reconnect if there is no connection
278 cubrid_prepare Prepare a SQL statement for execution
279 cubrid_put Update a column using OID
280 cubrid_query Send a CUBRID query
281 cubrid_real_escape_string Escape special characters in a string for use in an SQL statement
282 cubrid_result Return the value of a specific field in a specific row
283 cubrid_rollback Roll back a transaction
284 cubrid_schema Get the requested schema information
285 cubrid_seq_drop Delete an element from sequence type column using OID
286 cubrid_seq_insert Insert an element to a sequence type column using OID
287 cubrid_seq_put Update the element value of sequence type column using OID
288 cubrid_set_add Insert a single element to set type column using OID
289 cubrid_set_autocommit Set autocommit mode of the connection
290 cubrid_set_db_parameter Sets the CUBRID database parameters
291 cubrid_set_drop Delete an element from set type column using OID
292 cubrid_set_query_timeout Set the timeout time of query execution
293 cubrid_unbuffered_query Perform a query without fetching the results into memory
294 cubrid_version Get the CUBRID PHP module's version
295 curl_close 關閉 cURL 會話
296 curl_copy_handle 複製一個cURL句柄和它的全部選項
297 curl_errno 返回最後一次的錯誤代碼
298 curl_error 返回當前會話最後一次錯誤的字符串
299 curl_escape 使用 URL 編碼給定的字符串
300 curl_exec 執行 cURL 會話
301 curl_file_create 建立一個 CURLFile 對象
302 curl_getinfo 獲取一個cURL鏈接資源句柄的信息
303 curl_init 初始化 cURL 會話
304 curl_multi_add_handle 向curl批處理會話中添加單獨的curl句柄
305 curl_multi_close 關閉一組cURL句柄
306 curl_multi_errno 返回上一次 curl 批處理的錯誤碼
307 curl_multi_exec 運行當前 cURL 句柄的子鏈接
308 curl_multi_getcontent 若是設置了CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,則返回獲取的輸出的文本流
309 curl_multi_info_read 獲取當前解析的cURL的相關傳輸信息
310 curl_multi_init 返回一個新cURL批處理句柄
311 curl_multi_remove_handle 移除cURL批處理句柄資源中的某個句柄資源
312 curl_multi_select 等待全部cURL批處理中的活動鏈接
313 curl_multi_setopt 爲 cURL 並行處理設置一個選項
314 curl_multi_strerror 返回字符串描述的錯誤代碼
315 curl_pause 暫停和取消暫停一個鏈接。
316 curl_reset 重置一個 libcurl 會話句柄的全部的選項
317 curl_setopt 設置 cURL 傳輸選項
318 curl_setopt_array 爲 cURL 傳輸會話批量設置選項
319 curl_share_close 關閉 cURL 共享句柄
320 curl_share_errno Return the last share curl error number
321 curl_share_init 初始化一個 cURL 共享句柄。
322 curl_share_setopt 爲 cURL 共享句柄設置選項。
323 curl_share_strerror Return string describing the given error code
324 curl_strerror 返回錯誤代碼的字符串描述
325 curl_unescape 解碼給定的 URL 編碼的字符串
326 curl_version 獲取 cURL 版本信息
327 curlfile::getfilename 獲取被上傳文件的 文件名
328 curlfile::getmimetype 獲取被上傳文件的 MIME 類型
329 curlfile::getpostfilename 獲取 POST 請求時使用的 文件名
330 curlfile::setmimetype 設置被上傳文件的 MIME 類型
331 curlfile::setpostfilename 設置 POST 請求時使用的文件名
332 current 返回數組中的當前單元

333 date_add 別名 DateTime::add()
334 date_create 別名 DateTime::__construct()
335 date_create_from_format 別名 DateTime::createFromFormat()
336 date_create_immutable 別名 DateTimeImmutable::__construct()
337 date_date_set 別名 DateTime::setDate()
338 date_default_timezone_get 取得一個腳本中全部日期時間函數所使用的默認時區
339 date_default_timezone_set 設定用於一個腳本中全部日期時間函數的默認時區
340 date_diff 別名 DateTime::diff()
341 date_format 別名 DateTime::format()
342 date_get_last_errors 別名 DateTime::getLastErrors()
343 date_interval_create_from_date_string 別名 DateInterval::createFromDateString()
344 date_interval_format 別名 DateInterval::format()
345 date_isodate_set 別名 DateTime::setISODate()
346 date_modify 別名 DateTime::modify()
347 date_offset_get 別名 DateTime::getOffset()
348 date_parse Returns associative array with detailed info about given date
349 date_parse_from_format Get info about given date formatted according to the specified format
350 date_sub 別名 DateTime::sub()
351 date_sun_info Returns an array with information about sunset/sunrise and twilight begin/end
352 date_sunrise 返回給定的日期與地點的日出時間
353 date_sunset 返回給定的日期與地點的日落時間
354 date_time_set 別名 DateTime::setTime()
355 date_timestamp_get 別名 DateTime::getTimestamp()
356 date_timestamp_set 別名 DateTime::setTimestamp()
357 date_timezone_get 別名 DateTime::getTimezone()
358 date_timezone_set 別名 DateTime::setTimezone()
359 dateinterval::format Formats the interval
360 datetimezone::getlocation 返回與時區相關的定位信息。
361 datetimezone::getname 返回時區名稱。
362 datetimezone::getoffset 返回相對於 GMT 的時差。
363 datetimezone::gettransitions Returns all transitions for the timezone
364 db2_autocommit Returns or sets the AUTOCOMMIT state for a database connection
365 db2_bind_param Binds a PHP variable to an SQL statement parameter
366 db2_client_info Returns an object with properties that describe the DB2 database client
367 db2_close Closes a database connection
368 db2_column_privileges Returns a result set listing the columns and associated privileges for a table
369 db2_columns Returns a result set listing the columns and associated metadata for a table
370 db2_commit Commits a transaction
371 db2_conn_error Returns a string containing the SQLSTATE returned by the last connection attempt
372 db2_conn_errormsg Returns the last connection error message and SQLCODE value
373 db2_connect Returns a connection to a database
374 db2_cursor_type Returns the cursor type used by a statement resource
375 db2_escape_string Used to escape certain characters
376 db2_exec Executes an SQL statement directly
377 db2_execute Executes a prepared SQL statement
378 db2_fetch_array Returns an array, indexed by column position, representing a row in a result set
379 db2_fetch_assoc Returns an array, indexed by column name, representing a row in a result set
380 db2_fetch_both Returns an array, indexed by both column name and position, representing a row in a result set
381 db2_fetch_object Returns an object with properties representing columns in the fetched row
382 db2_fetch_row Sets the result set pointer to the next row or requested row
383 db2_field_display_size Returns the maximum number of bytes required to display a column
384 db2_field_name Returns the name of the column in the result set
385 db2_field_num Returns the position of the named column in a result set
386 db2_field_precision Returns the precision of the indicated column in a result set
387 db2_field_scale Returns the scale of the indicated column in a result set
388 db2_field_type Returns the data type of the indicated column in a result set
389 db2_field_width Returns the width of the current value of the indicated column in a result set
390 db2_foreign_keys Returns a result set listing the foreign keys for a table
391 db2_free_result Frees resources associated with a result set
392 db2_free_stmt Frees resources associated with the indicated statement resource
393 db2_get_option Retrieves an option value for a statement resource or a connection resource
394 db2_last_insert_id Returns the auto generated ID of the last insert query that successfully executed on this connection
395 db2_lob_read Gets a user defined size of LOB files with each invocation
396 db2_next_result Requests the next result set from a stored procedure
397 db2_num_fields Returns the number of fields contained in a result set
398 db2_num_rows Returns the number of rows affected by an SQL statement
399 db2_pconnect Returns a persistent connection to a database
400 db2_prepare Prepares an SQL statement to be executed
401 db2_primary_keys Returns a result set listing primary keys for a table
402 db2_procedure_columns Returns a result set listing stored procedure parameters
403 db2_procedures Returns a result set listing the stored procedures registered in a database
404 db2_result Returns a single column from a row in the result set
405 db2_rollback Rolls back a transaction
406 db2_server_info Returns an object with properties that describe the DB2 database server
407 db2_set_option Set options for connection or statement resources
408 db2_special_columns Returns a result set listing the unique row identifier columns for a table
409 db2_statistics Returns a result set listing the index and statistics for a table
410 db2_stmt_error Returns a string containing the SQLSTATE returned by an SQL statement
411 db2_stmt_errormsg Returns a string containing the last SQL statement error message
412 db2_table_privileges Returns a result set listing the tables and associated privileges in a database
413 db2_tables Returns a result set listing the tables and associated metadata in a database
414 dba_close Close a DBA database
415 dba_delete Delete DBA entry specified by key
416 dba_exists Check whether key exists
417 dba_fetch Fetch data specified by key
418 dba_firstkey Fetch first key
419 dba_handlers List all the handlers available
420 dba_insert Insert entry
421 dba_key_split Splits a key in string representation into array representation
422 dba_list List all open database files
423 dba_nextkey Fetch next key
424 dba_open Open database
425 dba_optimize Optimize database
426 dba_popen Open database persistently
427 dba_replace Replace or insert entry
428 dba_sync Synchronize database
429 dcgettext Overrides the domain for a single lookup
430 dcngettext Plural version of dcgettext
431 debug_backtrace 產生一條回溯跟蹤(backtrace)
432 debug_print_backtrace 打印一條回溯。
433 debug_zval_dump Dumps a string representation of an internal zend value to output
434 decbin 十進制轉換爲二進制
435 dechex 十進制轉換爲十六進制
436 decoct 十進制轉換爲八進制
437 define 定義一個常量
438 define_syslog_variables Initializes all syslog related variables
439 defined 檢查某個名稱的常量是否存在
440 deflate_add Incrementally deflate data
441 deflate_init Initialize an incremental deflate context
442 deg2rad 將角度轉換爲弧度
443 dgettext Override the current domain
444 dir 返回一個 Directory 類實例
445 directory::close 釋放目錄句柄
446 directory::read 從目錄句柄中讀取條目
447 directory::rewind 倒回目錄句柄
448 dirname 返回路徑中的目錄部分
449 disk_free_space 返回目錄中的可用空間
450 disk_total_space 返回一個目錄的磁盤總大小
451 diskfreespace disk_free_space() 的別名
452 dl 運行時載入一個 PHP 擴展
453 dngettext Plural version of dgettext
454 dns_check_record 別名 checkdnsrr()
455 dns_get_mx 別名 getmxrr()
456 dom_import_simplexml Gets a DOMElement object from a SimpleXMLElement object
457 domimplementation::createdocument Creates a DOMDocument object of the specified type with its document element
458 domimplementation::createdocumenttype Creates an empty DOMDocumentType object
459 domnode::appendchild Adds new child at the end of the children
460 domnode::c14n Canonicalize nodes to a string
461 domnode::c14nfile Canonicalize nodes to a file
462 domnode::clonenode Clones a node
463 domnode::getlineno Get line number for a node
464 domnode::getnodepath Get an XPath for a node
465 domnode::hasattributes Checks if node has attributes
466 domnode::haschildnodes Checks if node has children
467 domnode::insertbefore Adds a new child before a reference node
468 domnode::isdefaultnamespace Checks if the specified namespaceURI is the default namespace or not
469 domnode::issamenode Indicates if two nodes are the same node
470 domnode::issupported Checks if feature is supported for specified version
471 domnode::lookupnamespaceuri Gets the namespace URI of the node based on the prefix
472 domnode::lookupprefix Gets the namespace prefix of the node based on the namespace URI
473 domnode::normalize Normalizes the node
474 domnode::removechild Removes child from list of children
475 domnode::replacechild Replaces a child
476 domxpath::evaluate Evaluates the given XPath expression and returns a typed result if possible
477 domxpath::query Evaluates the given XPath expression
478 domxpath::registernamespace Registers the namespace with the DOMXPath object
479 domxpath::registerphpfunctions Register PHP functions as XPath functions
480 doubleval floatval() 的別名

481 easter_date 獲得指定年份的復活節午夜時的Unix時間戳。
482 easter_days 獲得指定年份的3月21日到復活節之間的天數
483 enchant_broker_describe Enumerates the Enchant providers
484 enchant_broker_dict_exists Whether a dictionary exists or not. Using non-empty tag
485 enchant_broker_free Free the broker resource and its dictionnaries
486 enchant_broker_free_dict Free a dictionary resource
487 enchant_broker_get_dict_path Get the directory path for a given backend
488 enchant_broker_get_error Returns the last error of the broker
489 enchant_broker_init Create a new broker object capable of requesting
490 enchant_broker_list_dicts Returns a list of available dictionaries
491 enchant_broker_request_dict Create a new dictionary using a tag
492 enchant_broker_request_pwl_dict Creates a dictionary using a PWL file
493 enchant_broker_set_dict_path Set the directory path for a given backend
494 enchant_broker_set_ordering Declares a preference of dictionaries to use for the language
495 enchant_dict_add_to_personal Add a word to personal word list
496 enchant_dict_add_to_session Add 'word' to this spell-checking session
497 enchant_dict_check Check whether a word is correctly spelled or not
498 enchant_dict_describe Describes an individual dictionary
499 enchant_dict_get_error Returns the last error of the current spelling-session
500 enchant_dict_is_in_session Whether or not 'word' exists in this spelling-session
501 enchant_dict_quick_check Check the word is correctly spelled and provide suggestions
502 enchant_dict_store_replacement Add a correction for a word
503 enchant_dict_suggest Will return a list of values if any of those pre-conditions are not met
504 end 將數組的內部指針指向最後一個單元
505 ereg 正則表達式匹配
506 ereg_replace 正則表達式替換
507 eregi 不區分大小寫的正則表達式匹配
508 eregi_replace 不區分大小寫的正則表達式替換
509 error_clear_last 清除最近一次錯誤
510 error_get_last 獲取最後發生的錯誤
511 error_log 發送錯誤信息到某個地方
512 error_reporting 設置應該報告何種 PHP 錯誤
513 escapeshellarg 把字符串轉碼爲能夠在 shell 命令裏使用的參數
514 escapeshellcmd shell 元字符轉義
515 event_add Add an event to the set of monitored events
516 event_base_free Destroy event base
517 event_base_loop Handle events
518 event_base_loopbreak Abort event loop
519 event_base_loopexit Exit loop after a time
520 event_base_new Create and initialize new event base
521 event_base_priority_init Set the number of event priority levels
522 event_base_set Associate event base with an event
523 event_buffer_base_set Associate buffered event with an event base
524 event_buffer_disable Disable a buffered event
525 event_buffer_enable Enable a buffered event
526 event_buffer_fd_set Change a buffered event file descriptor
527 event_buffer_free Destroy buffered event
528 event_buffer_new Create new buffered event
529 event_buffer_priority_set Assign a priority to a buffered event
530 event_buffer_read Read data from a buffered event
531 event_buffer_set_callback Set or reset callbacks for a buffered event
532 event_buffer_timeout_set Set read and write timeouts for a buffered event
533 event_buffer_watermark_set Set the watermarks for read and write events
534 event_buffer_write Write data to a buffered event
535 event_del Remove an event from the set of monitored events
536 event_free Free event resource
537 event_new Create new event
538 event_set Prepare an event
539 event_timer_add 別名 event_add()
540 event_timer_del 別名 event_del()
541 event_timer_new 別名 event_new()
542 event_timer_set Prepare a timer event
543 exec 執行一個外部程序
544 exif_imagetype 判斷一個圖像的類型
545 exif_read_data JPEGTIFF 文件中讀取 EXIF 頭信息
546 exif_tagname 獲取指定索引的頭名稱
547 exif_thumbnail 取得嵌入在 TIFF 或 JPEG 圖像中的縮略圖
548 exp 計算 e 的指數
549 explode 使用一個字符串分割另外一個字符串
550 expm1 返回 exp(number) - 1,甚至當 number 的值接近零也能計算出準確結果
551 extension_loaded 檢查一個擴展是否已經加載
552 extract 從數組中將變量導入到當前的符號表
553 ezmlm_hash 計算 EZMLM 所需的散列值

554 fclose 關閉一個已打開的文件指針
555 feof 測試文件指針是否到了文件結束的位置
556 fflush 將緩衝內容輸出到文件
557 fgetc 從文件指針中讀取字符
558 fgetcsv 從文件指針中讀入一行並解析 CSV 字段
559 fgets 從文件指針中讀取一行
560 fgetss 從文件指針中讀取一行並過濾掉 HTML 標記
561 file 把整個文件讀入一個數組中
562 file_exists 檢查文件或目錄是否存在
563 file_get_contents 將整個文件讀入一個字符串
564 file_put_contents 將一個字符串寫入文件
565 fileatime 取得文件的上次訪問時間
566 filectime 取得文件的 inode 修改時間
567 filegroup 取得文件的組
568 fileinode 取得文件的 inode
569 filemtime 取得文件修改時間
570 fileowner 取得文件的全部者
571 fileperms 取得文件的權限
572 filesize 取得文件大小
573 filetype 取得文件類型
574 filter_has_var 檢測是否存在指定類型的變量
575 filter_id 返回與某個特定名稱的過濾器相關聯的id
576 filter_input 經過名稱獲取特定的外部變量,而且能夠經過過濾器處理它
577 filter_input_array 獲取一系列外部變量,而且能夠經過過濾器處理它們
578 filter_list 返回所支持的過濾器列表
579 filter_var 使用特定的過濾器過濾一個變量
580 filter_var_array 獲取多個變量而且過濾它們
581 finfo_buffer 返回一個字符串緩衝區的信息
582 finfo_close 關閉 fileinfo 資源
583 finfo_file 返回一個文件的信息
584 finfo_open 建立一個 fileinfo 資源
585 finfo_set_flags 設置 libmagic 配置選項
586 floatval 獲取變量的浮點值
587 flock 輕便的諮詢文件鎖定
588 floor 捨去法取整
589 flush 刷新輸出緩衝
590 fmod 返回除法的浮點數餘數
591 fnmatch 用模式匹配文件名
592 fopen 打開文件或者 URL
593 forward_static_call Call a static method
594 forward_static_call_array Call a static method and pass the arguments as array
595 fpassthru 輸出文件指針處的全部剩餘數據
596 fprintf 將格式化後的字符串寫入到流
597 fputcsv 將行格式化爲 CSV 並寫入文件指針
598 fputs fwrite() 的別名
599 fread 讀取文件(可安全用於二進制文件)
600 frenchtojd 從一個French Republican曆法的日期獲得Julian Day計數。
601 fscanf 從文件中格式化輸入
602 fseek 在文件指針中定位
603 fsockopen 打開一個網絡鏈接或者一個Unix套接字鏈接
604 fstat 經過已打開的文件指針取得文件信息
605 ftell 返回文件指針讀/寫的位置
606 ftok Convert a pathname and a project identifier to a System V IPC key
607 ftp_alloc 爲要上傳的文件分配空間
608 ftp_cdup 切換到當前目錄的父目錄
609 ftp_chdir 在 FTP 服務器上改變當前目錄
610 ftp_chmod 設置 FTP 服務器上的文件權限
611 ftp_close 關閉一個 FTP 鏈接
612 ftp_connect 創建一個新的 FTP 鏈接
613 ftp_delete 刪除 FTP 服務器上的一個文件
614 ftp_exec 請求運行一條 FTP 命令
615 ftp_fget 從 FTP 服務器上下載一個文件並保存到本地一個已經打開的文件中
616 ftp_fput 上傳一個已經打開的文件到 FTP 服務器
617 ftp_get 從 FTP 服務器上下載一個文件
618 ftp_get_option 返回當前 FTP 鏈接的各類不一樣的選項設置
619 ftp_login 登陸 FTP 服務器
620 ftp_mdtm 返回指定文件的最後修改時間
621 ftp_mkdir 創建新目錄
622 ftp_nb_continue 連續獲取/發送文件(non-blocking)
623 ftp_nb_fget 從 FTP 服務器獲取文件並寫入到一個打開的文件(非阻塞)
624 ftp_nb_fput 將文件存儲到 FTP 服務器 (非阻塞)
625 ftp_nb_get 從 FTP 服務器上獲取文件並寫入本地文件(non-blocking)
626 ftp_nb_put 存儲一個文件至 FTP 服務器(non-blocking)
627 ftp_nlist 返回給定目錄的文件列表
628 ftp_pasv 返回當前 FTP 被動模式是否打開
629 ftp_put 上傳文件到 FTP 服務器
630 ftp_pwd 返回當前目錄名
631 ftp_quit ftp_close() 的 別名
632 ftp_raw 向 FTP 服務器發送命令
633 ftp_rawlist 返回指定目錄下文件的詳細列表
634 ftp_rename 更改 FTP 服務器上的文件或目錄名
635 ftp_rmdir 刪除 FTP 服務器上的一個目錄
636 ftp_set_option 設置各類 FTP 運行時選項
637 ftp_site 向服務器發送 SITE 命令
638 ftp_size 返回指定文件的大小
639 ftp_ssl_connect 打開 SSL-FTP 鏈接
640 ftp_systype 返回遠程 FTP 服務器的操做系統類型
641 ftruncate 將文件截斷到給定的長度
642 func_get_arg 返回參數列表的某一項
643 func_get_args 返回一個包含函數參數列表的數組
644 func_num_args Returns the number of arguments passed to the function
645 function_exists 若是給定的函數已經被定義就返回 TRUE
646 fwrite 寫入文件(可安全用於二進制文件)

647 gc_disable 停用循環引用收集器
648 gc_enable 激活循環引用收集器
649 gc_enabled 返回循環引用計數器的狀態
650 gc_mem_caches Reclaims memory used by the Zend Engine memory manager
651 gd_info 取得當前安裝的 GD 庫的信息
652 gearman_client_clone Create a copy of a GearmanClient object
653 gearman_client_context Get the application context
654 gearman_client_do Run a single task and return a result [deprecated]
655 gearman_client_echo Send data to all job servers to see if they echo it back [deprecated]
656 gearman_client_error Returns an error string for the last error encountered
657 gearman_client_timeout Get current socket I/O activity timeout value
658 gearman_job_handle Get the job handle
659 gearman_job_unique Get the unique identifier
660 gearman_job_workload Get workload
661 gearman_task_data Get data returned for a task
662 gearman_task_unique Get the unique identifier for a task
663 gearman_worker_clone Create a copy of the worker
664 gearman_worker_echo Test job server response
665 gearman_worker_error Get the last error encountered
666 gearman_worker_options Get worker options
667 gearman_worker_register Register a function with the job server
668 gearman_worker_timeout Get socket I/O activity timeout
669 gearman_worker_unregister Unregister a function name with the job servers
670 gearman_worker_wait Wait for activity from one of the job servers
671 gearman_worker_work Wait for and perform jobs
672 gearmanclient::addoptions Add client options
673 gearmanclient::addserver Add a job server to the client
674 gearmanclient::addservers Add a list of job servers to the client
675 gearmanclient::addtask Add a task to be run in parallel
676 gearmanclient::addtaskbackground Add a background task to be run in parallel
677 gearmanclient::addtaskhigh Add a high priority task to run in parallel
678 gearmanclient::addtaskhighbackground Add a high priority background task to be run in parallel
679 gearmanclient::addtasklow Add a low priority task to run in parallel
680 gearmanclient::addtasklowbackground Add a low priority background task to be run in parallel
681 gearmanclient::addtaskstatus Add a task to get status
682 gearmanclient::clearcallbacks Clear all task callback functions
683 gearmanclient::context Get the application context
684 gearmanclient::dobackground Run a task in the background
685 gearmanclient::dohigh Run a single high priority task
686 gearmanclient::dohighbackground Run a high priority task in the background
687 gearmanclient::dojobhandle Get the job handle for the running task
688 gearmanclient::dolow Run a single low priority task
689 gearmanclient::dolowbackground Run a low priority task in the background
690 gearmanclient::donormal Run a single task and return a result
691 gearmanclient::dostatus Get the status for the running task
692 gearmanclient::error Returns an error string for the last error encountered
693 gearmanclient::geterrno Get an errno value
694 gearmanclient::jobstatus Get the status of a background job
695 gearmanclient::removeoptions Remove client options
696 gearmanclient::returncode Get the last Gearman return code
697 gearmanclient::runtasks Run a list of tasks in parallel
698 gearmanclient::setcompletecallback Set a function to be called on task completion
699 gearmanclient::setcontext Set application context
700 gearmanclient::setcreatedcallback Set a callback for when a task is queued
701 gearmanclient::setdatacallback Callback function when there is a data packet for a task
702 gearmanclient::setexceptioncallback Set a callback for worker exceptions
703 gearmanclient::setfailcallback Set callback for job failure
704 gearmanclient::setoptions Set client options
705 gearmanclient::setstatuscallback Set a callback for collecting task status
706 gearmanclient::settimeout Set socket I/O activity timeout
707 gearmanclient::setwarningcallback Set a callback for worker warnings
708 gearmanclient::setworkloadcallback Set a callback for accepting incremental data updates
709 gearmanclient::timeout Get current socket I/O activity timeout value
710 gearmanjob::functionname Get function name
711 gearmanjob::handle Get the job handle
712 gearmanjob::returncode Get last return code
713 gearmanjob::sendcomplete Send the result and complete status
714 gearmanjob::senddata Send data for a running job
715 gearmanjob::sendexception Send exception for running job (exception)
716 gearmanjob::sendfail Send fail status
717 gearmanjob::sendstatus Send status
718 gearmanjob::sendwarning Send a warning
719 gearmanjob::setreturn Set a return value
720 gearmanjob::unique Get the unique identifier
721 gearmanjob::workload Get workload
722 gearmanjob::workloadsize Get size of work load
723 gearmantask::data Get data returned for a task
724 gearmantask::datasize Get the size of returned data
725 gearmantask::functionname Get associated function name
726 gearmantask::isknown Determine if task is known
727 gearmantask::isrunning Test whether the task is currently running
728 gearmantask::jobhandle Get the job handle
729 gearmantask::recvdata Read work or result data into a buffer for a task
730 gearmantask::returncode Get the last return code
731 gearmantask::sendworkload Send data for a task
732 gearmantask::taskdenominator Get completion percentage denominator
733 gearmantask::tasknumerator Get completion percentage numerator
734 gearmantask::unique Get the unique identifier for a task
735 gearmanworker::addfunction Register and add callback function
736 gearmanworker::addoptions Add worker options
737 gearmanworker::addserver Add a job server
738 gearmanworker::addservers Add job servers
739 gearmanworker::error Get the last error encountered
740 gearmanworker::geterrno Get errno
741 gearmanworker::options Get worker options
742 gearmanworker::register Register a function with the job server
743 gearmanworker::removeoptions Remove worker options
744 gearmanworker::returncode Get last Gearman return code
745 gearmanworker::setid Give the worker an identifier so it can be tracked when asking gearmand for the list of available workers
746 gearmanworker::setoptions Set worker options
747 gearmanworker::settimeout Set socket I/O activity timeout
748 gearmanworker::timeout Get socket I/O activity timeout
749 gearmanworker::unregister Unregister a function name with the job servers
750 gearmanworker::unregisterall Unregister all function names with the job servers
751 gearmanworker::wait Wait for activity from one of the job servers
752 gearmanworker::work Wait for and perform jobs
753 geoip_continent_code_by_name 獲取七大洲的大寫字母簡稱
754 geoip_country_code3_by_name 獲取三個字母組成的國家簡稱
755 geoip_country_code_by_name 獲取國家代碼
756 geoip_country_name_by_name 獲取國家的全稱
757 geoip_database_info 獲取 GeoIP 數據庫的信息
758 geoip_db_avail GeoIP 數據庫是否可用
759 geoip_db_filename 返回 GeoIP 數據庫相對應的文件名
760 geoip_db_get_all_info 返回全部 GeoIP 數據庫類型的詳細信息
761 geoip_id_by_name 獲取網絡鏈接類型
762 geoip_isp_by_name 獲取 ISP (網絡服務提供商)的名稱
763 geoip_org_by_name 獲取機構的名稱
764 geoip_record_by_name 返回 GeoIP 數據庫中詳細的城市信息
765 geoip_region_by_name 獲取國家和地區代碼
766 geoip_region_name_by_code 返回給定的國家和地區代碼組合所對應的地區名稱
767 geoip_time_zone_by_country_and_region 返回國家和地區的時區
768 get_browser 獲取瀏覽器具備的功能
769 get_called_class 後期靜態綁定("Late Static Binding")類的名稱
770 get_cfg_var 獲取 PHP 配置選項的值
771 get_class 返回對象的類名
772 get_class_methods 返回由類的方法名組成的數組
773 get_class_vars 返回由類的默認屬性組成的數組
774 get_current_user 獲取當前 PHP 腳本全部者名稱
775 get_declared_classes 返回由已定義類的名字所組成的數組
776 get_declared_interfaces 返回一個數組包含全部已聲明的接口
777 get_declared_traits 返回全部已定義的 traits 的數組
778 get_defined_constants 返回全部常量的關聯數組,鍵是常量名,值是常量值
779 get_defined_functions 返回全部已定義函數的數組
780 get_defined_vars 返回由全部已定義變量所組成的數組
781 get_extension_funcs 返回模塊函數名稱的數組
782 get_headers 取得服務器響應一個 HTTP 請求所發送的全部標頭
783 get_html_translation_table 返回使用 htmlspecialchars()htmlentities() 後的轉換表
784 get_include_path 獲取當前的 include_path 配置選項
785 get_included_files 返回被 include 和 require 文件名的 array
786 get_loaded_extensions 返回全部編譯並加載模塊名的 array
787 get_magic_quotes_gpc 獲取當前 magic_quotes_gpc 的配置選項設置
788 get_magic_quotes_runtime 獲取當前 magic_quotes_runtime 配置選項的激活狀態
789 get_meta_tags 從一個文件中提取全部的 meta 標籤 content 屬性,返回一個數組
790 get_object_vars 返回由對象屬性組成的關聯數組
791 get_parent_class 返回對象或類的父類名
792 get_required_files 別名 get_included_files()
793 get_resource_type 返回資源(resource)類型
794 get_resources Returns active resources
795 getallheaders 獲取所有 HTTP 請求頭信息
796 getcwd 取得當前工做目錄
797 getdate 取得日期/時間信息
798 getenv 獲取一個環境變量的值
799 gethostbyaddr 獲取指定的IP地址對應的主機名
800 gethostbyname 返回主機名對應的 IPv4地址。
801 gethostbynamel 獲取互聯網主機名對應的 IPv4 地址列表
802 gethostname 獲取主機名
803 getimagesize 取得圖像大小
804 getimagesizefromstring 從字符串中獲取圖像尺寸信息
805 getlastmod 獲取頁面最後修改的時間
806 getmxrr 獲取互聯網主機名對應的 MX 記錄
807 getmygid 獲取當前 PHP 腳本擁有者的 GID
808 getmypid 獲取 PHP 進程的 ID
809 getmyuid 獲取 PHP 腳本全部者的 UID
810 getopt 從命令行參數列表中獲取選項
811 getprotobyname Get protocol number associated with protocol name
812 getprotobynumber Get protocol name associated with protocol number
813 getrandmax 顯示隨機數最大的可能值
814 getrusage 獲取當前資源使用情況
815 getservbyname 獲取互聯網服務協議對應的端口
816 getservbyport Get Internet service which corresponds to port and protocol
817 gettext Lookup a message in the current domain
818 gettimeofday 取得當前時間
819 gettype 獲取變量的類型
820 glob 尋找與模式匹配的文件路徑
821 gmdate 格式化一個 GMT/UTC 日期/時間
822 gmmktime 取得 GMT 日期的 UNIX 時間戳
823 gmp_abs Absolute value
824 gmp_add Add numbers
825 gmp_and Bitwise AND
826 gmp_clrbit Clear bit
827 gmp_cmp Compare numbers
828 gmp_com Calculates one's complement
829 gmp_div 別名 gmp_div_q()
830 gmp_div_q Divide numbers
831 gmp_div_qr Divide numbers and get quotient and remainder
832 gmp_div_r Remainder of the division of numbers
833 gmp_divexact Exact division of numbers
834 gmp_export Export to a binary string
835 gmp_fact Factorial
836 gmp_gcd Calculate GCD
837 gmp_gcdext Calculate GCD and multipliers
838 gmp_hamdist Hamming distance
839 gmp_import Import from a binary string
840 gmp_init Create GMP number
841 gmp_intval Convert GMP number to integer
842 gmp_invert Inverse by modulo
843 gmp_jacobi Jacobi symbol
844 gmp_legendre Legendre symbol
845 gmp_mod Modulo operation
846 gmp_mul Multiply numbers
847 gmp_neg Negate number
848 gmp_nextprime Find next prime number
849 gmp_or Bitwise OR
850 gmp_perfect_square Perfect square check
851 gmp_popcount Population count
852 gmp_pow Raise number into power
853 gmp_powm Raise number into power with modulo
854 gmp_prob_prime Check if number is "probably prime"
855 gmp_random Random number
856 gmp_random_seed Sets the RNG seed
857 gmp_root Take the integer part of nth root
858 gmp_rootrem Take the integer part and remainder of nth root
859 gmp_scan0 Scan for 0
860 gmp_scan1 Scan for 1
861 gmp_setbit Set bit
862 gmp_sign Sign of number
863 gmp_sqrt Calculate square root
864 gmp_sqrtrem Square root with remainder
865 gmp_strval Convert GMP number to string
866 gmp_sub Subtract numbers
867 gmp_testbit Tests if a bit is set
868 gmp_xor Bitwise XOR
869 gmstrftime 根據區域設置格式化 GMT/UTC 時間/日期
870 grapheme_extract Function to extract a sequence of default grapheme clusters from a text buffer, which must be encoded in UTF-8
871 grapheme_stripos Find position (in grapheme units) of first occurrence of a case-insensitive string
872 grapheme_stristr Returns part of haystack string from the first occurrence of case-insensitive needle to the end of haystack
873 grapheme_strlen Get string length in grapheme units
874 grapheme_strpos Find position (in grapheme units) of first occurrence of a string
875 grapheme_strripos Find position (in grapheme units) of last occurrence of a case-insensitive string
876 grapheme_strrpos Find position (in grapheme units) of last occurrence of a string
877 grapheme_strstr Returns part of haystack string from the first occurrence of needle to the end of haystack
878 grapheme_substr Return part of a string
879 gregoriantojd 轉變一個Gregorian曆法日期到Julian Day計數
880 gzclose Close an open gz-file pointer
881 gzcompress Compress a string
882 gzdecode Decodes a gzip compressed string
883 gzdeflate Deflate a string
884 gzencode Create a gzip compressed string
885 gzeof Test for EOF on a gz-file pointer
886 gzfile Read entire gz-file into an array
887 gzgetc Get character from gz-file pointer
888 gzgets Get line from file pointer
889 gzgetss Get line from gz-file pointer and strip HTML tags
890 gzinflate Inflate a deflated string
891 gzopen Open gz-file
892 gzpassthru Output all remaining data on a gz-file pointer
893 gzputs 別名 gzwrite()
894 gzread Binary-safe gz-file read
895 gzrewind Rewind the position of a gz-file pointer
896 gzseek Seek on a gz-file pointer
897 gztell Tell gz-file pointer read/write position
898 gzuncompress Uncompress a compressed string
899 gzwrite Binary-safe gz-file write

900 hash_algos 返回已註冊的哈希算法列表
901 hash_copy 拷貝哈希運算上下文
902 hash_equals 可防止時序攻擊的字符串比較
903 hash_file 使用給定文件的內容生成哈希值
904 hash_final 結束增量哈希,而且返回摘要結果
905 hash_hmac 使用 HMAC 方法生成帶有密鑰的哈希值
906 hash_hmac_file 使用 HMAC 方法和給定文件的內容生成帶密鑰的哈希值
907 hash_init 初始化增量哈希運算上下文
908 hash_pbkdf2 生成所提供密碼的 PBKDF2 密鑰導出
909 hash_update 向活躍的哈希運算上下文中填充數據
910 hash_update_file 從文件向活躍的哈希運算上下文中填充數據
911 hash_update_stream 從打開的流向活躍的哈希運算上下文中填充數據
912 header 發送原生 HTTP 頭
913 header_register_callback 調用一個 header 函數
914 header_remove 刪除以前設置的 HTTP 頭
915 headers_list 返回已發送的 HTTP 響應頭(或準備發送的)
916 headers_sent 檢測 HTTP 頭是否已經發送
917 hebrev 將邏輯順序希伯來文(logical-Hebrew)轉換爲視覺順序希伯來文(visual-Hebrew)
918 hebrevc 將邏輯順序希伯來文(logical-Hebrew)轉換爲視覺順序希伯來文(visual-Hebrew),而且轉換換行符
919 hex2bin 轉換十六進制字符串爲二進制字符串
920 hexdec 十六進制轉換爲十進制
921 highlight_file 語法高亮一個文件
922 highlight_string 字符串的語法高亮
923 html_entity_decode Convert all HTML entities to their applicable characters
924 htmlentities 將字符轉換爲 HTML 轉義字符
925 htmlspecialchars 將特殊字符轉換爲 HTML 實體
926 htmlspecialchars_decode 將特殊的 HTML 實體轉換回普通字符
927 http_build_query 生成 URL-encode 以後的請求字符串
928 http_response_code 獲取/設置響應的 HTTP 狀態碼
929 hypot 計算一直角三角形的斜邊長度

930 ibase_affected_rows Return the number of rows that were affected by the previous query
931 ibase_backup Initiates a backup task in the service manager and returns immediately
932 ibase_blob_add Add data into a newly created blob
933 ibase_blob_cancel Cancel creating blob
934 ibase_blob_close Close blob
935 ibase_blob_create Create a new blob for adding data
936 ibase_blob_echo Output blob contents to browser
937 ibase_blob_get Get len bytes data from open blob
938 ibase_blob_import Create blob, copy file in it, and close it
939 ibase_blob_info Return blob length and other useful info
940 ibase_blob_open Open blob for retrieving data parts
941 ibase_close Close a connection to an InterBase database
942 ibase_commit Commit a transaction
943 ibase_commit_ret Commit a transaction without closing it
944 ibase_connect Open a connection to a database
945 ibase_db_info Request statistics about a database
946 ibase_delete_user Delete a user from a security database
947 ibase_drop_db Drops a database
948 ibase_errcode Return an error code
949 ibase_errmsg Return error messages
950 ibase_execute Execute a previously prepared query
951 ibase_fetch_assoc Fetch a result row from a query as an associative array
952 ibase_fetch_object Get an object from a InterBase database
953 ibase_fetch_row Fetch a row from an InterBase database
954 ibase_field_info Get information about a field
955 ibase_free_event_handler Cancels a registered event handler
956 ibase_free_query Free memory allocated by a prepared query
957 ibase_free_result Free a result set
958 ibase_gen_id Increments the named generator and returns its new value
959 ibase_maintain_db Execute a maintenance command on the database server
960 ibase_modify_user Modify a user to a security database
961 ibase_name_result Assigns a name to a result set
962 ibase_num_fields Get the number of fields in a result set
963 ibase_num_params Return the number of parameters in a prepared query
964 ibase_param_info Return information about a parameter in a prepared query
965 ibase_pconnect Open a persistent connection to an InterBase database
966 ibase_prepare Prepare a query for later binding of parameter placeholders and execution
967 ibase_query Execute a query on an InterBase database
968 ibase_restore Initiates a restore task in the service manager and returns immediately
969 ibase_rollback Roll back a transaction
970 ibase_rollback_ret Roll back a transaction without closing it
971 ibase_server_info Request information about a database server
972 ibase_service_attach Connect to the service manager
973 ibase_service_detach Disconnect from the service manager
974 ibase_set_event_handler Register a callback function to be called when events are posted
975 ibase_trans Begin a transaction
976 ibase_wait_event Wait for an event to be posted by the database
977 iconv 字符串按要求的字符編碼來轉換
978 iconv_get_encoding 獲取 iconv 擴展的內部配置變量
979 iconv_mime_decode 解碼一個MIME頭字段
980 iconv_mime_decode_headers 一次性解碼多個 MIME 頭字段
981 iconv_mime_encode Composes a MIME header field
982 iconv_set_encoding 爲字符編碼轉換設定當前設置
983 iconv_strlen 返回字符串的字符數統計
984 iconv_strpos Finds position of first occurrence of a needle within a haystack
985 iconv_strrpos Finds the last occurrence of a needle within a haystack
986 iconv_substr 截取字符串的部分
987 idate 將本地時間日期格式化爲整數
988 idn_to_ascii Convert domain name to IDNA ASCII form
989 idn_to_utf8 Convert domain name from IDNA ASCII to Unicode
990 ignore_user_abort 設置客戶端斷開鏈接時是否中斷腳本的執行
991 image2wbmp 以 WBMP 格式將圖像輸出到瀏覽器或文件
992 image_type_to_extension 取得圖像類型的文件後綴
993 image_type_to_mime_type 取得 getimagesize,exif_read_data,exif_thumbnail,exif_imagetype 所返回的圖像類型的 MIME 類型
994 imageaffine 返回通過仿射變換後的圖像,剪切區域可選
995 imageaffinematrixconcat Concatenate two affine transformation matrices
996 imageaffinematrixget Get an affine transformation matrix
997 imagealphablending 設定圖像的混色模式
998 imageantialias 是否使用抗鋸齒(antialias)功能
999 imagearc 畫橢圓弧
1000 imagechar 水平地畫一個字符
1001 imagecharup 垂直地畫一個字符
1002 imagecolorallocate 爲一幅圖像分配顏色
1003 imagecolorallocatealpha 爲一幅圖像分配顏色 + alpha
1004 imagecolorat 取得某像素的顏色索引值
1005 imagecolorclosest 取得與指定的顏色最接近的顏色的索引值
1006 imagecolorclosestalpha 取得與指定的顏色加透明度最接近的顏色
1007 imagecolorclosesthwb 取得與給定顏色最接近的色度的黑白色的索引
1008 imagecolordeallocate 取消圖像顏色的分配
1009 imagecolorexact 取得指定顏色的索引值
1010 imagecolorexactalpha 取得指定的顏色加透明度的索引值
1011 imagecolormatch 使一個圖像中調色板版本的顏色與真彩色版本更能匹配
1012 imagecolorresolve 取得指定顏色的索引值或有可能獲得的最接近的替代值
1013 imagecolorresolvealpha 取得指定顏色 + alpha 的索引值或有可能獲得的最接近的替代值
1014 imagecolorset 給指定調色板索引設定顏色
1015 imagecolorsforindex 取得某索引的顏色
1016 imagecolorstotal 取得一幅圖像的調色板中顏色的數目
1017 imagecolortransparent 將某個顏色定義爲透明色
1018 imageconvolution 用係數 div 和 offset 申請一個 3x3 的卷積矩陣
1019 imagecopy 拷貝圖像的一部分
1020 imagecopymerge 拷貝併合並圖像的一部分
1021 imagecopymergegray 用灰度拷貝併合並圖像的一部分
1022 imagecopyresampled 重採樣拷貝部分圖像並調整大小
1023 imagecopyresized 拷貝部分圖像並調整大小
1024 imagecreate 新建一個基於調色板的圖像
1025 imagecreatefromgd 從 GD 文件或 URL 新建一圖像
1026 imagecreatefromgd2 從 GD2 文件或 URL 新建一圖像
1027 imagecreatefromgd2part 從給定的 GD2 文件或 URL 中的部分新建一圖像
1028 imagecreatefromgif 由文件或 URL 建立一個新圖象。
1029 imagecreatefromjpeg 由文件或 URL 建立一個新圖象。
1030 imagecreatefrompng 由文件或 URL 建立一個新圖象。
1031 imagecreatefromstring 從字符串中的圖像流新建一圖像
1032 imagecreatefromwbmp 由文件或 URL 建立一個新圖象。
1033 imagecreatefromxbm 由文件或 URL 建立一個新圖象。
1034 imagecreatefromxpm 由文件或 URL 建立一個新圖象。
1035 imagecreatetruecolor 新建一個真彩色圖像
1036 imagecrop Crop an image to the given rectangle
1037 imagecropauto Crop an image automatically using one of the available modes
1038 imagedashedline 畫一虛線
1039 imagedestroy 銷燬一圖像
1040 imageellipse 畫一個橢圓
1041 imagefill 區域填充
1042 imagefilledarc 畫一橢圓弧且填充
1043 imagefilledellipse 畫一橢圓並填充
1044 imagefilledpolygon 畫一多邊形並填充
1045 imagefilledrectangle 畫一矩形並填充
1046 imagefilltoborder 區域填充到指定顏色的邊界爲止
1047 imagefilter 對圖像使用過濾器
1048 imageflip Flips an image using a given mode
1049 imagefontheight 取得字體高度
1050 imagefontwidth 取得字體寬度
1051 imageftbbox 給出一個使用 FreeType 2 字體的文本框
1052 imagefttext 使用 FreeType 2 字體將文本寫入圖像
1053 imagegammacorrect 對 GD 圖像應用 gamma 修正
1054 imagegd 將 GD 圖像輸出到瀏覽器或文件
1055 imagegd2 將 GD2 圖像輸出到瀏覽器或文件
1056 imagegif 輸出圖象到瀏覽器或文件。
1057 imageinterlace 激活或禁止隔行掃描
1058 imageistruecolor 檢查圖像是否爲真彩色圖像
1059 imagejpeg 輸出圖象到瀏覽器或文件。
1060 imagelayereffect 設定 alpha 混色標誌以使用綁定的 libgd 分層效果
1061 imageline 畫一條線段
1062 imageloadfont 載入一新字體
1063 imagepalettecopy 將調色板從一幅圖像拷貝到另外一幅
1064 imagepalettetotruecolor Converts a palette based image to true color
1065 imagepng 以 PNG 格式將圖像輸出到瀏覽器或文件
1066 imagepolygon 畫一個多邊形
1067 imagepsbbox 給出一個使用 PostScript Type1 字體的文本方框
1068 imagepsencodefont 改變字體中的字符編碼矢量
1069 imagepsextendfont 擴充或精簡字體
1070 imagepsfreefont 釋放一個 PostScript Type 1 字體所佔用的內存
1071 imagepsloadfont 從文件中加載一個 PostScript Type 1 字體
1072 imagepsslantfont 傾斜某字體
1073 imagepstext 用 PostScript Type1 字體把文本字符串畫在圖像上
1074 imagerectangle 畫一個矩形
1075 imagerotate 用給定角度旋轉圖像
1076 imagesavealpha 設置標記以在保存 PNG 圖像時保存完整的 alpha 通道信息(與單一透明色相反)
1077 imagescale Scale an image using the given new width and height
1078 imagesetbrush 設定畫線用的畫筆圖像
1079 imagesetinterpolation Set the interpolation method
1080 imagesetpixel 畫一個單一像素
1081 imagesetstyle 設定畫線的風格
1082 imagesetthickness 設定畫線的寬度
1083 imagesettile 設定用於填充的貼圖
1084 imagestring 水平地畫一行字符串
1085 imagestringup 垂直地畫一行字符串
1086 imagesx 取得圖像寬度
1087 imagesy 取得圖像高度
1088 imagetruecolortopalette 將真彩色圖像轉換爲調色板圖像
1089 imagettfbbox 取得使用 TrueType 字體的文本的範圍
1090 imagettftext 用 TrueType 字體向圖像寫入文本
1091 imagetypes 返回當前 PHP 版本所支持的圖像類型
1092 imagewbmp 以 WBMP 格式將圖像輸出到瀏覽器或文件
1093 imagexbm 將 XBM 圖像輸出到瀏覽器或文件
1094 imap_8bit Convert an 8bit string to a quoted-printable string
1095 imap_alerts Returns all IMAP alert messages that have occurred
1096 imap_append Append a string message to a specified mailbox
1097 imap_base64 Decode BASE64 encoded text
1098 imap_binary Convert an 8bit string to a base64 string
1099 imap_body Read the message body
1100 imap_bodystruct Read the structure of a specified body section of a specific message
1101 imap_check Check current mailbox
1102 imap_clearflag_full Clears flags on messages
1103 imap_close Close an IMAP stream
1104 imap_create 別名 imap_createmailbox()
1105 imap_createmailbox Create a new mailbox
1106 imap_delete Mark a message for deletion from current mailbox
1107 imap_deletemailbox Delete a mailbox
1108 imap_errors Returns all of the IMAP errors that have occurred
1109 imap_expunge Delete all messages marked for deletion
1110 imap_fetch_overview Read an overview of the information in the headers of the given message
1111 imap_fetchbody Fetch a particular section of the body of the message
1112 imap_fetchheader Returns header for a message
1113 imap_fetchmime Fetch MIME headers for a particular section of the message
1114 imap_fetchstructure Read the structure of a particular message
1115 imap_fetchtext 別名 imap_body()
1116 imap_gc Clears IMAP cache
1117 imap_get_quota Retrieve the quota level settings, and usage statics per mailbox
1118 imap_get_quotaroot Retrieve the quota settings per user
1119 imap_getacl Gets the ACL for a given mailbox
1120 imap_getmailboxes Read the list of mailboxes, returning detailed information on each one
1121 imap_getsubscribed List all the subscribed mailboxes
1122 imap_header 別名 imap_headerinfo()
1123 imap_headerinfo Read the header of the message
1124 imap_headers Returns headers for all messages in a mailbox
1125 imap_last_error Gets the last IMAP error that occurred during this page request
1126 imap_list Read the list of mailboxes
1127 imap_listmailbox 別名 imap_list()
1128 imap_listscan Returns the list of mailboxes that matches the given text
1129 imap_listsubscribed 別名 imap_lsub()
1130 imap_lsub List all the subscribed mailboxes
1131 imap_mail Send an email message
1132 imap_mail_compose Create a MIME message based on given envelope and body sections
1133 imap_mail_copy Copy specified messages to a mailbox
1134 imap_mail_move Move specified messages to a mailbox
1135 imap_mailboxmsginfo Get information about the current mailbox
1136 imap_mime_header_decode Decode MIME header elements
1137 imap_msgno Gets the message sequence number for the given UID
1138 imap_num_msg Gets the number of messages in the current mailbox
1139 imap_num_recent Gets the number of recent messages in current mailbox
1140 imap_open Open an IMAP stream to a mailbox
1141 imap_ping Check if the IMAP stream is still active
1142 imap_qprint Convert a quoted-printable string to an 8 bit string
1143 imap_rename 別名 imap_renamemailbox()
1144 imap_renamemailbox Rename an old mailbox to new mailbox
1145 imap_reopen Reopen IMAP stream to new mailbox
1146 imap_rfc822_parse_adrlist Parses an address string
1147 imap_rfc822_parse_headers Parse mail headers from a string
1148 imap_rfc822_write_address Returns a properly formatted email address given the mailbox, host, and personal info
1149 imap_savebody Save a specific body section to a file
1150 imap_scan 別名 imap_listscan()
1151 imap_scanmailbox 別名 imap_listscan()
1152 imap_search This function returns an array of messages matching the given search criteria
1153 imap_set_quota Sets a quota for a given mailbox
1154 imap_setacl Sets the ACL for a given mailbox
1155 imap_setflag_full Sets flags on messages
1156 imap_sort Gets and sort messages
1157 imap_status Returns status information on a mailbox
1158 imap_subscribe Subscribe to a mailbox
1159 imap_thread Returns a tree of threaded message
1160 imap_timeout Set or fetch imap timeout
1161 imap_uid This function returns the UID for the given message sequence number
1162 imap_undelete Unmark the message which is marked deleted
1163 imap_unsubscribe Unsubscribe from a mailbox
1164 imap_utf7_decode Decodes a modified UTF-7 encoded string
1165 imap_utf7_encode Converts ISO-8859-1 string to modified UTF-7 text
1166 imap_utf8 Converts MIME-encoded text to UTF-8
1167 implode 將一個一維數組的值轉化爲字符串
1168 import_request_variables 將 GET/POST/Cookie 變量導入到全局做用域中
1169 in_array 檢查數組中是否存在某個值
1170 inet_ntop Converts a packed internet address to a human readable representation
1171 inet_pton Converts a human readable IP address to its packed in_addr representation
1172 inflate_add Incrementally inflate encoded data
1173 inflate_init Initialize an incremental inflate context
1174 ini_alter 別名 ini_set()
1175 ini_get 獲取一個配置選項的值
1176 ini_get_all 獲取全部配置選項
1177 ini_restore 恢復配置選項的值
1178 ini_set 爲一個配置選項設置值
1179 inotify_add_watch Add a watch to an initialized inotify instance
1180 inotify_init Initialize an inotify instance
1181 inotify_queue_len Return a number upper than zero if there are pending events
1182 inotify_read Read events from an inotify instance
1183 inotify_rm_watch Remove an existing watch from an inotify instance
1184 intdiv 對除法結果取整
1185 interface_exists 檢查接口是否已被定義
1186 intl_error_name Get symbolic name for a given error code
1187 intl_get_error_code Get the last error code
1188 intl_get_error_message Get description of the last error
1189 intl_is_failure Check whether the given error code indicates failure
1190 intlcalendar::add Add a (signed) amount of time to a field
1191 intlcalendar::after Whether this objectʼs time is after that of the passed object
1192 intlcalendar::before Whether this objectʼs time is before that of the passed object
1193 intlcalendar::clear Clear a field or all fields
1194 intlcalendar::equals Compare time of two IntlCalendar objects for equality
1195 intlcalendar::fielddifference Calculate difference between given time and this objectʼs time
1196 intlcalendar::get Get the value for a field
1197 intlcalendar::getactualmaximum The maximum value for a field, considering the objectʼs current time
1198 intlcalendar::getactualminimum The minimum value for a field, considering the objectʼs current time
1199 intlcalendar::getdayofweektype Tell whether a day is a weekday, weekend or a day that has a transition between the two
1200 intlcalendar::geterrorcode Get last error code on the object
1201 intlcalendar::geterrormessage Get last error message on the object
1202 intlcalendar::getfirstdayofweek Get the first day of the week for the calendarʼs locale
1203 intlcalendar::getgreatestminimum Get the largest local minimum value for a field
1204 intlcalendar::getleastmaximum Get the smallest local maximum for a field
1205 intlcalendar::getlocale Get the locale associated with the object
1206 intlcalendar::getmaximum Get the global maximum value for a field
1207 intlcalendar::getminimaldaysinfirstweek Get minimal number of days the first week in a year or month can have
1208 intlcalendar::getminimum Get the global minimum value for a field
1209 intlcalendar::getrepeatedwalltimeoption Get behavior for handling repeating wall time
1210 intlcalendar::getskippedwalltimeoption Get behavior for handling skipped wall time
1211 intlcalendar::gettime Get time currently represented by the object
1212 intlcalendar::gettimezone Get the objectʼs timezone
1213 intlcalendar::gettype Get the calendar type
1214 intlcalendar::getweekendtransition Get time of the day at which weekend begins or ends
1215 intlcalendar::indaylighttime Whether the objectʼs time is in Daylight Savings Time
1216 intlcalendar::isequivalentto Whether another calendar is equal but for a different time
1217 intlcalendar::islenient Whether date/time interpretation is in lenient mode
1218 intlcalendar::isweekend Whether a certain date/time is in the weekend
1219 intlcalendar::roll Add value to field without carrying into more significant fields
1220 intlcalendar::set Set a time field or several common fields at once
1221 intlcalendar::setfirstdayofweek Set the day on which the week is deemed to start
1222 intlcalendar::setlenient Set whether date/time interpretation is to be lenient
1223 intlcalendar::setrepeatedwalltimeoption Set behavior for handling repeating wall times at negative timezone offset transitions
1224 intlcalendar::setskippedwalltimeoption Set behavior for handling skipped wall times at positive timezone offset transitions
1225 intlcalendar::settime Set the calendar time in milliseconds since the epoch
1226 intlcalendar::settimezone Set the timezone used by this calendar
1227 intlcalendar::todatetime Convert an IntlCalendar into a DateTime object
1228 intldateformatter::format Format the date/time value as a string
1229 intldateformatter::formatobject Formats an object
1230 intldateformatter::getcalendar Get the calendar type used for the IntlDateFormatter
1231 intldateformatter::getcalendarobject Get copy of formatterʼs calendar object
1232 intldateformatter::getdatetype Get the datetype used for the IntlDateFormatter
1233 intldateformatter::geterrorcode Get the error code from last operation
1234 intldateformatter::geterrormessage Get the error text from the last operation
1235 intldateformatter::getlocale Get the locale used by formatter
1236 intldateformatter::getpattern Get the pattern used for the IntlDateFormatter
1237 intldateformatter::gettimetype Get the timetype used for the IntlDateFormatter
1238 intldateformatter::gettimezone Get formatterʼs timezone
1239 intldateformatter::gettimezoneid Get the timezone-id used for the IntlDateFormatter
1240 intldateformatter::islenient Get the lenient used for the IntlDateFormatter
1241 intldateformatter::localtime Parse string to a field-based time value
1242 intldateformatter::parse Parse string to a timestamp value
1243 intldateformatter::setcalendar Sets the calendar type used by the formatter
1244 intldateformatter::setlenient Set the leniency of the parser
1245 intldateformatter::setpattern Set the pattern used for the IntlDateFormatter
1246 intldateformatter::settimezone Sets formatterʼs timezone
1247 intldateformatter::settimezoneid Sets the time zone to use
1248 intltimezone::getdisplayname Get a name of this time zone suitable for presentation to the user
1249 intltimezone::getdstsavings Get the amount of time to be added to local standard time to get local wall clock time
1250 intltimezone::geterrorcode Get last error code on the object
1251 intltimezone::geterrormessage Get last error message on the object
1252 intltimezone::getid Get timezone ID
1253 intltimezone::getoffset Get the time zone raw and GMT offset for the given moment in time
1254 intltimezone::getrawoffset Get the raw GMT offset (before taking daylight savings time into account
1255 intltimezone::hassamerules Check if this zone has the same rules and offset as another zone
1256 intltimezone::todatetimezone Convert to DateTimeZone object
1257 intltimezone::usedaylighttime Check if this time zone uses daylight savings time
1258 intval 獲取變量的整數值
1259 ip2long 將 IPV4 的字符串互聯網協議轉換成長整型數字
1260 iptcembed 將二進制 IPTC 數據嵌入到一幅 JPEG 圖像中
1261 iptcparse 將二進制 IPTC 塊解析爲單個標記
1262 is_a 若是對象屬於該類或該類是此對象的父類則返回 TRUE
1263 is_array 檢測變量是不是數組
1264 is_bool 檢測變量是不是布爾型
1265 is_callable 檢測參數是否爲合法的可調用結構
1266 is_dir 判斷給定文件名是不是一個目錄
1267 is_double is_float() 的別名
1268 is_executable 判斷給定文件名是否可執行
1269 is_file 判斷給定文件名是否爲一個正常的文件
1270 is_finite 判斷是否爲有限值
1271 is_float 檢測變量是不是浮點型
1272 is_infinite 判斷是否爲無限值
1273 is_int 檢測變量是不是整數
1274 is_integer is_int() 的別名
1275 is_iterable Verify that the contents of a variable is an iterable value
1276 is_link 判斷給定文件名是否爲一個符號鏈接
1277 is_long is_int() 的別名
1278 is_nan 判斷是否爲合法數值
1279 is_null 檢測變量是否爲 NULL
1280 is_numeric 檢測變量是否爲數字或數字字符串
1281 is_object 檢測變量是不是一個對象
1282 is_readable 判斷給定文件名是否可讀
1283 is_real is_float() 的別名
1284 is_resource 檢測變量是否爲資源類型
1285 is_scalar 檢測變量是不是一個標量
1286 is_soap_fault Checks if a SOAP call has failed
1287 is_string 檢測變量是不是字符串
1288 is_subclass_of 若是此對象是該類的子類,則返回 TRUE
1289 is_uploaded_file 判斷文件是不是經過 HTTP POST 上傳的
1290 is_writable 判斷給定的文件名是否可寫
1291 is_writeable is_writable() 的別名
1292 iterator_apply 爲迭代器中每一個元素調用一個用戶自定義函數
1293 iterator_count 計算迭代器中元素的個數
1294 iterator_to_array 將迭代器中的元素拷貝到數組

1295 jdmonthname 返回月份的名稱
1296 jdtofrench 轉變一個Julian Day計數到French Republican曆法的日期
1297 jdtogregorian 轉變一個Julian Day計數爲Gregorian曆法日期
1298 jdtojewish 轉換一個julian天數爲Jewish曆法的日期
1299 jdtojulian 轉變一個Julian Day計數到Julian曆法的日期
1300 jdtounix 轉變Julian Day計數爲一個Unix時間戳
1301 jewishtojd 轉變一個Jewish曆法的日期爲一個Julian Day計數
1302 join 別名 implode()
1303 jpeg2wbmp 將 JPEG 圖像文件轉換爲 WBMP 圖像文件
1304 json_decode 對 JSON 格式的字符串進行解碼
1305 json_encode 對變量進行 JSON 編碼
1306 json_last_error 返回最後發生的錯誤
1307 json_last_error_msg Returns the error string of the last json_encode() or json_decode() call
1308 juliantojd 轉變一個Julian曆法的日期爲Julian Day計數

1309 key_exists 別名 array_key_exists()
1310 krsort 對數組按照鍵名逆向排序
1311 ksort 對數組按照鍵名排序

1312 lcg_value 組合線性同餘發生器
1313 lchgrp 修改符號連接的全部組
1314 lchown 修改符號連接的全部者
1315 ldap_add Add entries to LDAP directory
1316 ldap_bind 綁定 LDAP 目錄
1317 ldap_close 別名 ldap_unbind()
1318 ldap_compare Compare value of attribute found in entry specified with DN
1319 ldap_connect Connect to an LDAP server
1320 ldap_control_paged_result Send LDAP pagination control
1321 ldap_control_paged_result_response Retrieve the LDAP pagination cookie
1322 ldap_count_entries Count the number of entries in a search
1323 ldap_delete Delete an entry from a directory
1324 ldap_dn2ufn Convert DN to User Friendly Naming format
1325 ldap_err2str Convert LDAP error number into string error message
1326 ldap_errno Return the LDAP error number of the last LDAP command
1327 ldap_error Return the LDAP error message of the last LDAP command
1328 ldap_escape Escape a string for use in an LDAP filter or DN
1329 ldap_explode_dn Splits DN into its component parts
1330 ldap_first_attribute Return first attribute
1331 ldap_first_entry Return first result id
1332 ldap_first_reference Return first reference
1333 ldap_free_result Free result memory
1334 ldap_get_attributes Get attributes from a search result entry
1335 ldap_get_dn Get the DN of a result entry
1336 ldap_get_entries Get all result entries
1337 ldap_get_option Get the current value for given option
1338 ldap_get_values Get all values from a result entry
1339 ldap_get_values_len Get all binary values from a result entry
1340 ldap_list Single-level search
1341 ldap_mod_add Add attribute values to current attributes
1342 ldap_mod_del Delete attribute values from current attributes
1343 ldap_mod_replace Replace attribute values with new ones
1344 ldap_modify 別名 ldap_mod_replace()
1345 ldap_modify_batch Batch and execute modifications on an LDAP entry
1346 ldap_next_attribute Get the next attribute in result
1347 ldap_next_entry Get next result entry
1348 ldap_next_reference Get next reference
1349 ldap_parse_reference Extract information from reference entry
1350 ldap_parse_result Extract information from result
1351 ldap_read Read an entry
1352 ldap_rename Modify the name of an entry
1353 ldap_sasl_bind Bind to LDAP directory using SASL
1354 ldap_search Search LDAP tree
1355 ldap_set_option Set the value of the given option
1356 ldap_set_rebind_proc Set a callback function to do re-binds on referral chasing
1357 ldap_sort Sort LDAP result entries on the client side
1358 ldap_start_tls Start TLS
1359 ldap_unbind Unbind from LDAP directory
1360 levenshtein 計算兩個字符串之間的編輯距離
1361 libxml_clear_errors Clear libxml error buffer
1362 libxml_disable_entity_loader Disable the ability to load external entities
1363 libxml_get_errors Retrieve array of errors
1364 libxml_get_last_error Retrieve last error from libxml
1365 libxml_set_external_entity_loader Changes the default external entity loader
1366 libxml_set_streams_context Set the streams context for the next libxml document load or write
1367 libxml_use_internal_errors Disable libxml errors and allow user to fetch error information as needed
1368 link 創建一個硬鏈接
1369 linkinfo 獲取一個鏈接的信息
1370 locale_canonicalize Canonicalize the locale string
1371 locale_lookup Searches the language tag list for the best match to the language
1372 localeconv Get numeric formatting information
1373 localtime 取得本地時間
1374 log 天然對數
1375 log10 以 10 爲底的對數
1376 log1p 返回 log(1 + number),甚至當 number 的值接近零也能計算出準確結果
1377 long2ip 將長整型轉化爲字符串形式帶點的互聯網標準格式地址(IPV4)
1378 lstat 給出一個文件或符號鏈接的信息
1379 ltrim 刪除字符串開頭的空白字符(或其餘字符)

1380 mail 發送郵件
1381 max 找出最大值
1382 mb_check_encoding 檢查字符串在指定的編碼裏是否有效
1383 mb_convert_case 對字符串進行大小寫轉換
1384 mb_convert_encoding 轉換字符的編碼
1385 mb_convert_kana Convert "kana" one from another ("zen-kaku", "han-kaku" and more)
1386 mb_convert_variables 轉換一個或多個變量的字符編碼
1387 mb_decode_mimeheader 解碼 MIME 頭字段中的字符串
1388 mb_decode_numericentity 根據 HTML 數字字符串解碼成字符
1389 mb_detect_encoding 檢測字符的編碼
1390 mb_detect_order 設置/獲取 字符編碼的檢測順序
1391 mb_encode_mimeheader 爲 MIME 頭編碼字符串
1392 mb_encode_numericentity Encode character to HTML numeric string reference
1393 mb_encoding_aliases Get aliases of a known encoding type
1394 mb_ereg Regular expression match with multibyte support
1395 mb_ereg_match Regular expression match for multibyte string
1396 mb_ereg_replace Replace regular expression with multibyte support
1397 mb_ereg_replace_callback Perform a regular expresssion seach and replace with multibyte support using a callback
1398 mb_ereg_search Multibyte regular expression match for predefined multibyte string
1399 mb_ereg_search_getpos Returns start point for next regular expression match
1400 mb_ereg_search_getregs Retrieve the result from the last multibyte regular expression match
1401 mb_ereg_search_init Setup string and regular expression for a multibyte regular expression match
1402 mb_ereg_search_pos Returns position and length of a matched part of the multibyte regular expression for a predefined multibyte string
1403 mb_ereg_search_regs Returns the matched part of a multibyte regular expression
1404 mb_ereg_search_setpos Set start point of next regular expression match
1405 mb_eregi Regular expression match ignoring case with multibyte support
1406 mb_eregi_replace Replace regular expression with multibyte support ignoring case
1407 mb_get_info 獲取 mbstring 的內部設置
1408 mb_http_input 檢測 HTTP 輸入字符編碼
1409 mb_http_output 設置/獲取 HTTP 輸出字符編碼
1410 mb_internal_encoding 設置/獲取內部字符編碼
1411 mb_language 設置/獲取當前的語言
1412 mb_list_encodings 返回全部支持編碼的數組
1413 mb_output_handler 在輸出緩衝中轉換字符編碼的回調函數
1414 mb_parse_str 解析 GET/POST/COOKIE 數據並設置全局變量
1415 mb_preferred_mime_name 獲取 MIME 字符串
1416 mb_regex_encoding Set/Get character encoding for multibyte regex
1417 mb_regex_set_options Set/Get the default options for mbregex functions
1418 mb_send_mail 發送編碼過的郵件
1419 mb_split 使用正則表達式分割多字節字符串
1420 mb_strcut 獲取字符的一部分
1421 mb_strimwidth 獲取按指定寬度截斷的字符串
1422 mb_stripos 大小寫不敏感地查找字符串在另外一個字符串中首次出現的位置
1423 mb_stristr 大小寫不敏感地查找字符串在另外一個字符串裏的首次出現
1424 mb_strlen 獲取字符串的長度
1425 mb_strpos 查找字符串在另外一個字符串中首次出現的位置
1426 mb_strrchr 查找指定字符在另外一個字符串中最後一次的出現
1427 mb_strrichr 大小寫不敏感地查找指定字符在另外一個字符串中最後一次的出現
1428 mb_strripos 大小寫不敏感地在字符串中查找一個字符串最後出現的位置
1429 mb_strrpos 查找字符串在一個字符串中最後出現的位置
1430 mb_strstr 查找字符串在另外一個字符串裏的首次出現
1431 mb_strtolower 使字符串小寫
1432 mb_strtoupper 使字符串大寫
1433 mb_strwidth 返回字符串的寬度
1434 mb_substitute_character 設置/獲取替代字符
1435 mb_substr 獲取部分字符串
1436 mb_substr_count 統計字符串出現的次數
1437 mcrypt_cbc 以 CBC 模式加解密數據
1438 mcrypt_cfb 以 CFB 模式加解密數據
1439 mcrypt_create_iv 從隨機源建立初始向量
1440 mcrypt_decrypt 使用給定參數解密密文
1441 mcrypt_ecb 已廢棄:使用 ECB 模式加解密數據
1442 mcrypt_enc_get_algorithms_name 返回打開的算法名稱
1443 mcrypt_enc_get_block_size 返回打開的算法的分組大小
1444 mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size 返回打開的算法的初始向量大小
1445 mcrypt_enc_get_key_size 返回打開的模式所能支持的最長密鑰
1446 mcrypt_enc_get_modes_name 返回打開的模式的名稱
1447 mcrypt_enc_get_supported_key_sizes 以數組方式返回打開的算法所支持的密鑰長度
1448 mcrypt_enc_is_block_algorithm 檢測打開模式的算法是否爲分組算法
1449 mcrypt_enc_is_block_algorithm_mode 檢測打開的模式是否支持分組加密
1450 mcrypt_enc_is_block_mode 檢測打開的模式是否以分組方式輸出
1451 mcrypt_enc_self_test 在打開的模塊上進行自檢
1452 mcrypt_encrypt 使用給定參數加密明文
1453 mcrypt_generic 加密數據
1454 mcrypt_generic_deinit 對加密模塊進行清理工做
1455 mcrypt_generic_end 終止加密
1456 mcrypt_generic_init 初始化加密所需的緩衝區
1457 mcrypt_get_block_size 得到加密算法的分組大小
1458 mcrypt_get_cipher_name 獲取加密算法名稱
1459 mcrypt_get_iv_size 返回指定算法/模式組合的初始向量大小
1460 mcrypt_get_key_size 獲取指定加密算法的密鑰大小
1461 mcrypt_list_algorithms 獲取支持的加密算法
1462 mcrypt_list_modes 獲取所支持的模式
1463 mcrypt_module_close 關閉加密模塊
1464 mcrypt_module_get_algo_block_size 返回指定算法的分組大小
1465 mcrypt_module_get_algo_key_size 獲取打開模式所支持的最大密鑰大小
1466 mcrypt_module_get_supported_key_sizes 以數組形式返回打開的算法所支持的密鑰大小
1467 mcrypt_module_is_block_algorithm 檢測指定算法是否爲分組加密算法
1468 mcrypt_module_is_block_algorithm_mode 返回指定模塊是不是分組加密模式
1469 mcrypt_module_is_block_mode 檢測指定模式是否以分組方式輸出
1470 mcrypt_module_open 打開算法和模式對應的模塊
1471 mcrypt_module_self_test 在指定模塊上執行自檢
1472 mcrypt_ofb 使用 OFB 模式加密/解密數據
1473 md5 計算字符串的 MD5 散列值
1474 md5_file 計算指定文件的 MD5 散列值
1475 mdecrypt_generic 解密數據
1476 memcache_add 增長一個條目到緩存服務器
1477 memcache_close 關閉memcache鏈接
1478 memcache_connect 打開一個memcached服務端鏈接
1479 memcache_debug 轉換調試輸出的開/關
1480 memcache_decrement 減少元素的值
1481 memcache_delete 從服務端刪除一個元素
1482 memcache_flush 清洗(刪除)已經存儲的全部的元素
1483 memcache_get 從服務端檢回一個元素
1484 memcache_increment 增長一個元素的值
1485 memcache_pconnect 打開一個到服務器的持久化鏈接
1486 memcache_replace 替換已經存在的元素的值
1487 memcache_set Store data at the server
1488 memory_get_peak_usage 返回分配給 PHP 內存的峯值
1489 memory_get_usage 返回分配給 PHP 的內存量
1490 messageformatter::format Format the message
1491 messageformatter::geterrorcode Get the error code from last operation
1492 messageformatter::geterrormessage Get the error text from the last operation
1493 messageformatter::getlocale Get the locale for which the formatter was created
1494 messageformatter::getpattern Get the pattern used by the formatter
1495 messageformatter::parse Parse input string according to pattern
1496 messageformatter::setpattern Set the pattern used by the formatter
1497 metaphone Calculate the metaphone key of a string
1498 method_exists 檢查類的方法是否存在
1499 mhash Computes hash
1500 mhash_count Gets the highest available hash ID
1501 mhash_get_block_size Gets the block size of the specified hash
1502 mhash_get_hash_name Gets the name of the specified hash
1503 mhash_keygen_s2k Generates a key
1504 microtime 返回當前 Unix 時間戳和微秒數
1505 mime_content_type 檢測文件的 MIME 類型
1506 min 找出最小值
1507 ming_keypress Returns the action flag for keyPress(char)
1508 ming_setcubicthreshold Set cubic threshold
1509 ming_setscale Set the global scaling factor
1510 ming_setswfcompression Sets the SWF output compression
1511 ming_useconstants Use constant pool
1512 ming_useswfversion Sets the SWF version
1513 mkdir 新建目錄
1514 mktime 取得一個日期的 Unix 時間戳
1515 money_format 將數字格式化成貨幣字符串
1516 mongocollection::__tostring String representation of this collection
1517 mongocollection::aggregate Perform an aggregation using the aggregation framework
1518 mongocollection::aggregatecursor Execute an aggregation pipeline command and retrieve results through a cursor
1519 mongocollection::batchinsert Inserts multiple documents into this collection
1520 mongocollection::count 返回集合中的文檔數量
1521 mongocollection::createdbref 建立一個數據庫引用
1522 mongocollection::createindex Creates an index on the specified field(s) if it does not already exist
1523 mongocollection::deleteindex Deletes an index from this collection
1524 mongocollection::deleteindexes 刪除集合的全部索引
1525 mongocollection::distinct 獲取集合裏指定鍵的不一樣值的列表。
1526 mongocollection::drop 刪除該集合
1527 mongocollection::ensureindex Creates an index on the specified field(s) if it does not already exist
1528 mongocollection::find 查詢該集合,並返回結果集的 MongoCursor
1529 mongocollection::findandmodify Update a document and return it
1530 mongocollection::findone Queries this collection, returning a single element
1531 mongocollection::getdbref Fetches the document pointed to by a database reference
1532 mongocollection::getindexinfo Returns information about indexes on this collection
1533 mongocollection::getname 返回這個集合的名稱
1534 mongocollection::getreadpreference Get the read preference for this collection
1535 mongocollection::getslaveokay Get slaveOkay setting for this collection
1536 mongocollection::group Performs an operation similar to SQL's GROUP BY command
1537 mongocollection::insert 插入文檔到集合中
1538 mongocollection::remove 從集合中刪除記錄
1539 mongocollection::save 保存一個文檔到集合
1540 mongocollection::setreadpreference Set the read preference for this collection
1541 mongocollection::setslaveokay Change slaveOkay setting for this collection
1542 mongocollection::update Update records based on a given criteria
1543 mongocollection::validate Validates this collection
1544 mongodate::todatetime Returns a DateTime object representing this date
1545 mongodb::__tostring The name of this database
1546 mongodb::authenticate 登陸到數據庫
1547 mongodb::command 執行一條 Mongo 指令
1548 mongodb::createcollection 建立一個集合
1549 mongodb::createdbref 建立數據庫引用
1550 mongodb::drop 刪除數據庫
1551 mongodb::dropcollection Drops a collection [deprecated]
1552 mongodb::execute 在數據庫服務器上運行JavaScript
1553 mongodb::forceerror Creates a database error
1554 mongodb::getcollectionnames Gets an array of names for all collections in this database
1555 mongodb::getdbref Fetches the document pointed to by a database reference
1556 mongodb::getgridfs Fetches toolkit for dealing with files stored in this database
1557 mongodb::getprofilinglevel Gets this database's profiling level
1558 mongodb::getreadpreference Get the read preference for this database
1559 mongodb::getslaveokay Get slaveOkay setting for this database
1560 mongodb::getwriteconcern Get the write concern for this database
1561 mongodb::lasterror Check if there was an error on the most recent db operation performed
1562 mongodb::listcollections Gets an array of MongoCollection objects for all collections in this database
1563 mongodb::preverror Checks for the last error thrown during a database operation
1564 mongodb::repair Repairs and compacts this database
1565 mongodb::reseterror Clears any flagged errors on the database
1566 mongodb::selectcollection Gets a collection
1567 mongodb::setprofilinglevel Sets this database's profiling level
1568 mongodb::setreadpreference Set the read preference for this database
1569 mongodb::setslaveokay Change slaveOkay setting for this database
1570 mongodb::setwriteconcern Set the write concern for this database
1571 mongogridfsfile::getbytes Returns this file's contents as a string of bytes
1572 mongogridfsfile::getfilename Returns this file's filename
1573 mongogridfsfile::getresource Returns a resource that can be used to read the stored file
1574 mongogridfsfile::getsize Returns this file's size
1575 mongogridfsfile::write Writes this file to the filesystem
1576 mongoid::getinc 返回用於建立 id 所增長的值
1577 mongoid::getpid 獲取進程 ID
1578 mongoid::gettimestamp 獲取新紀元時間到 id 建立時的秒數。
1579 move_uploaded_file 將上傳的文件移動到新位置
1580 msg_get_queue Create or attach to a message queue
1581 msg_queue_exists Check whether a message queue exists
1582 msg_receive Receive a message from a message queue
1583 msg_remove_queue Destroy a message queue
1584 msg_send Send a message to a message queue
1585 msg_set_queue Set information in the message queue data structure
1586 msg_stat_queue Returns information from the message queue data structure
1587 mssql_bind Adds a parameter to a stored procedure or a remote stored procedure
1588 mssql_close 關閉MS SQL Server連接
1589 mssql_connect 打開MS SQL server連接
1590 mssql_data_seek Moves internal row pointer
1591 mssql_execute Executes a stored procedure on a MS SQL server database
1592 mssql_fetch_array Fetch a result row as an associative array, a numeric array, or both
1593 mssql_fetch_assoc Returns an associative array of the current row in the result
1594 mssql_fetch_batch Returns the next batch of records
1595 mssql_fetch_field Get field information
1596 mssql_fetch_object Fetch row as object
1597 mssql_fetch_row Get row as enumerated array
1598 mssql_field_length Get the length of a field
1599 mssql_field_name Get the name of a field
1600 mssql_field_seek Seeks to the specified field offset
1601 mssql_field_type Gets the type of a field
1602 mssql_free_result Free result memory
1603 mssql_free_statement Free statement memory
1604 mssql_get_last_message Returns the last message from the server
1605 mssql_guid_string Converts a 16 byte binary GUID to a string
1606 mssql_init Initializes a stored procedure or a remote stored procedure
1607 mssql_min_error_severity Sets the minimum error severity
1608 mssql_min_message_severity Sets the minimum message severity
1609 mssql_next_result Move the internal result pointer to the next result
1610 mssql_num_fields Gets the number of fields in result
1611 mssql_num_rows Gets the number of rows in result
1612 mssql_pconnect Open persistent MS SQL connection
1613 mssql_query Send MS SQL query
1614 mssql_result Get result data
1615 mssql_rows_affected Returns the number of records affected by the query
1616 mssql_select_db Select MS SQL database
1617 mt_getrandmax 顯示隨機數的最大可能值
1618 mt_rand 生成更好的隨機數
1619 mt_srand 播下一個更好的隨機數發生器種子
1620 mysql_affected_rows 取得前一次 MySQL 操做所影響的記錄行數
1621 mysql_client_encoding 返回字符集的名稱
1622 mysql_close 關閉 MySQL 鏈接
1623 mysql_connect 打開一個到 MySQL 服務器的鏈接
1624 mysql_data_seek 移動內部結果的指針
1625 mysql_db_name 取得結果數據
1626 mysql_db_query 發送一條 MySQL 查詢
1627 mysql_errno 返回上一個 MySQL 操做中的錯誤信息的數字編碼
1628 mysql_error 返回上一個 MySQL 操做產生的文本錯誤信息
1629 mysql_escape_string 轉義一個字符串用於 mysql_query
1630 mysql_fetch_array 從結果集中取得一行做爲關聯數組,或數字數組,或兩者兼有
1631 mysql_fetch_assoc 從結果集中取得一行做爲關聯數組
1632 mysql_fetch_field 從結果集中取得列信息並做爲對象返回
1633 mysql_fetch_lengths 取得結果集中每一個輸出的長度
1634 mysql_fetch_object 從結果集中取得一行做爲對象
1635 mysql_fetch_row 從結果集中取得一行做爲枚舉數組
1636 mysql_field_flags 從結果中取得和指定字段關聯的標誌
1637 mysql_field_len 返回指定字段的長度
1638 mysql_field_name 取得結果中指定字段的字段名
1639 mysql_field_seek 將結果集中的指針設定爲制定的字段偏移量
1640 mysql_field_table 取得指定字段所在的表名
1641 mysql_field_type 取得結果集中指定字段的類型
1642 mysql_free_result 釋放結果內存
1643 mysql_get_client_info 取得 MySQL 客戶端信息
1644 mysql_get_host_info 取得 MySQL 主機信息
1645 mysql_get_proto_info 取得 MySQL 協議信息
1646 mysql_get_server_info 取得 MySQL 服務器信息
1647 mysql_info 取得最近一條查詢的信息
1648 mysql_insert_id 取得上一步 INSERT 操做產生的 ID
1649 mysql_list_dbs 列出 MySQL 服務器中全部的數據庫
1650 mysql_list_fields 列出 MySQL 結果中的字段
1651 mysql_list_processes 列出 MySQL 進程
1652 mysql_list_tables 列出 MySQL 數據庫中的表
1653 mysql_num_fields 取得結果集中字段的數目
1654 mysql_num_rows 取得結果集中行的數目
1655 mysql_pconnect 打開一個到 MySQL 服務器的持久鏈接
1656 mysql_ping Ping 一個服務器鏈接,若是沒有鏈接則從新鏈接
1657 mysql_query 發送一條 MySQL 查詢
1658 mysql_real_escape_string 轉義 SQL 語句中使用的字符串中的特殊字符,並考慮到鏈接的當前字符集
1659 mysql_result 取得結果數據
1660 mysql_select_db 選擇 MySQL 數據庫
1661 mysql_set_charset 設置客戶端的字符集
1662 mysql_stat 取得當前系統狀態
1663 mysql_tablename 取得表名
1664 mysql_thread_id 返回當前線程的 ID
1665 mysql_unbuffered_query 向 MySQL 發送一條 SQL 查詢,並不獲取和緩存結果的行
1666 mysqli::begin_transaction Starts a transaction
1667 mysqli::release_savepoint Removes the named savepoint from the set of savepoints of the current transaction
1668 mysqli::savepoint Set a named transaction savepoint
1669 mysqli_autocommit 打開或關閉本次數據庫鏈接的自動命令提交事務模式
1670 mysqli_bind_param mysqli_stmt_bind_param()的別名
1671 mysqli_bind_result mysqli_stmt_bind_result()的別名
1672 mysqli_client_encoding mysqli_character_set_name()的別名
1673 mysqli_close 關閉先前打開的數據庫鏈接
1674 mysqli_commit 提交一個事務
1675 mysqli_connect 別名 mysqli::__construct()
1676 mysqli_debug Performs debugging operations
1677 mysqli_errno 返回最近函數調用的錯誤代碼
1678 mysqli_error Returns a string description of the last error
1679 mysqli_escape_string 別名 mysqli_real_escape_string()
1680 mysqli_execute mysqli_stmt_execute()的別名
1681 mysqli_fetch mysqli_stmt_fetch()的別名。
1682 mysqli_get_metadata mysqli_stmt_result_metadata()的別名
1683 mysqli_info Retrieves information about the most recently executed query
1684 mysqli_init Initializes MySQLi and returns a resource for use with mysqli_real_connect()
1685 mysqli_kill Asks the server to kill a MySQL thread
1686 mysqli_options Set options
1687 mysqli_param_count mysqli_stmt_param_count()的別名
1688 mysqli_ping Pings a server connection, or tries to reconnect if the connection has gone down
1689 mysqli_poll Poll connections
1690 mysqli_prepare Prepare an SQL statement for execution
1691 mysqli_query 對數據庫執行一次查詢
1692 mysqli_refresh Refreshes
1693 mysqli_report 開啓或禁用(Mysql)內部(錯誤)報告函數
1694 mysqli_rollback 回退當前事務
1695 mysqli_savepoint Set a named transaction savepoint
1696 mysqli_send_long_data mysqli_stmt_send_long_data()的別名
1697 mysqli_set_opt mysqli_options()的別名
1698 mysqli_sqlstate Returns the SQLSTATE error from previous MySQL operation
1699 mysqli_stat Gets the current system status
1700 mysqli_stmt_close Closes a prepared statement
1701 mysqli_stmt_errno Returns the error code for the most recent statement call
1702 mysqli_stmt_error Returns a string description for last statement error
1703 mysqli_stmt_execute Executes a prepared Query
1704 mysqli_stmt_fetch Fetch results from a prepared statement into the bound variables
1705 mysqli_stmt_prepare Prepare an SQL statement for execution
1706 mysqli_stmt_reset Resets a prepared statement
1707 mysqli_stmt_sqlstate Returns SQLSTATE error from previous statement operation

1708 natsort 用「天然排序」算法對數組排序
1709 ncurses_addch Add character at current position and advance cursor
1710 ncurses_addchnstr Add attributed string with specified length at current position
1711 ncurses_addchstr Add attributed string at current position
1712 ncurses_addnstr Add string with specified length at current position
1713 ncurses_addstr Output text at current position
1714 ncurses_assume_default_colors Define default colors for color 0
1715 ncurses_attroff Turn off the given attributes
1716 ncurses_attron Turn on the given attributes
1717 ncurses_attrset Set given attributes
1718 ncurses_baudrate Returns baudrate of terminal
1719 ncurses_beep Let the terminal beep
1720 ncurses_bkgd Set background property for terminal screen
1721 ncurses_bkgdset Control screen background
1722 ncurses_border Draw a border around the screen using attributed characters
1723 ncurses_bottom_panel Moves a visible panel to the bottom of the stack
1724 ncurses_can_change_color Checks if terminal color definitions can be changed
1725 ncurses_cbreak Switch off input buffering
1726 ncurses_clear Clear screen
1727 ncurses_clrtobot Clear screen from current position to bottom
1728 ncurses_clrtoeol Clear screen from current position to end of line
1729 ncurses_color_content Retrieves RGB components of a color
1730 ncurses_color_set Set active foreground and background colors
1731 ncurses_curs_set Set cursor state
1732 ncurses_def_prog_mode Saves terminals (program) mode
1733 ncurses_def_shell_mode Saves terminals (shell) mode
1734 ncurses_define_key Define a keycode
1735 ncurses_del_panel Remove panel from the stack and delete it (but not the associated window)
1736 ncurses_delay_output Delay output on terminal using padding characters
1737 ncurses_delch Delete character at current position, move rest of line left
1738 ncurses_deleteln Delete line at current position, move rest of screen up
1739 ncurses_delwin Delete a ncurses window
1740 ncurses_doupdate Write all prepared refreshes to terminal
1741 ncurses_echo Activate keyboard input echo
1742 ncurses_echochar Single character output including refresh
1743 ncurses_end Stop using ncurses, clean up the screen
1744 ncurses_erase Erase terminal screen
1745 ncurses_erasechar Returns current erase character
1746 ncurses_filter Set LINES for iniscr() and newterm() to 1
1747 ncurses_flash Flash terminal screen (visual bell)
1748 ncurses_flushinp Flush keyboard input buffer
1749 ncurses_getch Read a character from keyboard
1750 ncurses_getmaxyx Returns the size of a window
1751 ncurses_getmouse Reads mouse event
1752 ncurses_getyx Returns the current cursor position for a window
1753 ncurses_halfdelay Put terminal into halfdelay mode
1754 ncurses_has_colors Checks if terminal has color capabilities
1755 ncurses_has_ic Check for insert- and delete-capabilities
1756 ncurses_has_il Check for line insert- and delete-capabilities
1757 ncurses_has_key Check for presence of a function key on terminal keyboard
1758 ncurses_hide_panel Remove panel from the stack, making it invisible
1759 ncurses_hline Draw a horizontal line at current position using an attributed character and max. n characters long
1760 ncurses_inch Get character and attribute at current position
1761 ncurses_init Initialize ncurses
1762 ncurses_init_color Define a terminal color
1763 ncurses_init_pair Define a color pair
1764 ncurses_insch Insert character moving rest of line including character at current position
1765 ncurses_insdelln Insert lines before current line scrolling down (negative numbers delete and scroll up)
1766 ncurses_insertln Insert a line, move rest of screen down
1767 ncurses_insstr Insert string at current position, moving rest of line right
1768 ncurses_instr Reads string from terminal screen
1769 ncurses_isendwin Ncurses is in endwin mode, normal screen output may be performed
1770 ncurses_keyok Enable or disable a keycode
1771 ncurses_keypad Turns keypad on or off
1772 ncurses_killchar Returns current line kill character
1773 ncurses_longname Returns terminals description
1774 ncurses_meta Enables/Disable 8-bit meta key information
1775 ncurses_mouse_trafo Transforms coordinates
1776 ncurses_mouseinterval Set timeout for mouse button clicks
1777 ncurses_mousemask Sets mouse options
1778 ncurses_move Move output position
1779 ncurses_move_panel Moves a panel so that its upper-left corner is at [startx, starty]
1780 ncurses_mvaddch Move current position and add character
1781 ncurses_mvaddchnstr Move position and add attributed string with specified length
1782 ncurses_mvaddchstr Move position and add attributed string
1783 ncurses_mvaddnstr Move position and add string with specified length
1784 ncurses_mvaddstr Move position and add string
1785 ncurses_mvcur Move cursor immediately
1786 ncurses_mvdelch Move position and delete character, shift rest of line left
1787 ncurses_mvgetch Move position and get character at new position
1788 ncurses_mvhline Set new position and draw a horizontal line using an attributed character and max. n characters long
1789 ncurses_mvinch Move position and get attributed character at new position
1790 ncurses_mvwaddstr Add string at new position in window
1791 ncurses_napms Sleep
1792 ncurses_new_panel Create a new panel and associate it with window
1793 ncurses_newpad Creates a new pad (window)
1794 ncurses_newwin Create a new window
1795 ncurses_nl Translate newline and carriage return / line feed
1796 ncurses_nocbreak Switch terminal to cooked mode
1797 ncurses_noecho Switch off keyboard input echo
1798 ncurses_nonl Do not translate newline and carriage return / line feed
1799 ncurses_noqiflush Do not flush on signal characters
1800 ncurses_noraw Switch terminal out of raw mode
1801 ncurses_pair_content Retrieves foreground and background colors of a color pair
1802 ncurses_panel_above Returns the panel above panel
1803 ncurses_panel_below Returns the panel below panel
1804 ncurses_panel_window Returns the window associated with panel
1805 ncurses_pnoutrefresh Copies a region from a pad into the virtual screen
1806 ncurses_prefresh Copies a region from a pad into the virtual screen
1807 ncurses_putp Apply padding information to the string and output it
1808 ncurses_qiflush Flush on signal characters
1809 ncurses_raw Switch terminal into raw mode
1810 ncurses_refresh Refresh screen
1811 ncurses_replace_panel Replaces the window associated with panel
1812 ncurses_reset_prog_mode Resets the prog mode saved by def_prog_mode
1813 ncurses_reset_shell_mode Resets the shell mode saved by def_shell_mode
1814 ncurses_resetty Restores saved terminal state
1815 ncurses_savetty Saves terminal state
1816 ncurses_scr_dump Dump screen content to file
1817 ncurses_scr_init Initialize screen from file dump
1818 ncurses_scr_restore Restore screen from file dump
1819 ncurses_scr_set Inherit screen from file dump
1820 ncurses_scrl Scroll window content up or down without changing current position
1821 ncurses_show_panel Places an invisible panel on top of the stack, making it visible
1822 ncurses_slk_attr Returns current soft label key attribute
1823 ncurses_slk_attroff Turn off the given attributes for soft function-key labels
1824 ncurses_slk_attron Turn on the given attributes for soft function-key labels
1825 ncurses_slk_attrset Set given attributes for soft function-key labels
1826 ncurses_slk_clear Clears soft labels from screen
1827 ncurses_slk_color Sets color for soft label keys
1828 ncurses_slk_init Initializes soft label key functions
1829 ncurses_slk_noutrefresh Copies soft label keys to virtual screen
1830 ncurses_slk_refresh Copies soft label keys to screen
1831 ncurses_slk_restore Restores soft label keys
1832 ncurses_slk_set Sets function key labels
1833 ncurses_slk_touch Forces output when ncurses_slk_noutrefresh is performed
1834 ncurses_standend Stop using 'standout' attribute
1835 ncurses_standout Start using 'standout' attribute
1836 ncurses_start_color Initializes color functionality
1837 ncurses_termattrs Returns a logical OR of all attribute flags supported by terminal
1838 ncurses_termname Returns terminals (short)-name
1839 ncurses_timeout Set timeout for special key sequences
1840 ncurses_top_panel Moves a visible panel to the top of the stack
1841 ncurses_typeahead Specify different filedescriptor for typeahead checking
1842 ncurses_ungetch Put a character back into the input stream
1843 ncurses_ungetmouse Pushes mouse event to queue
1844 ncurses_update_panels Refreshes the virtual screen to reflect the relations between panels in the stack
1845 ncurses_use_default_colors Assign terminal default colors to color id -1
1846 ncurses_use_env Control use of environment information about terminal size
1847 ncurses_use_extended_names Control use of extended names in terminfo descriptions
1848 ncurses_vidattr Display the string on the terminal in the video attribute mode
1849 ncurses_vline Draw a vertical line at current position using an attributed character and max. n characters long
1850 ncurses_waddch Adds character at current position in a window and advance cursor
1851 ncurses_waddstr Outputs text at current postion in window
1852 ncurses_wattroff Turns off attributes for a window
1853 ncurses_wattron Turns on attributes for a window
1854 ncurses_wattrset Set the attributes for a window
1855 ncurses_wborder Draws a border around the window using attributed characters
1856 ncurses_wclear Clears window
1857 ncurses_wcolor_set Sets windows color pairings
1858 ncurses_werase Erase window contents
1859 ncurses_wgetch Reads a character from keyboard (window)
1860 ncurses_whline Draws a horizontal line in a window at current position using an attributed character and max. n characters long
1861 ncurses_wmouse_trafo Transforms window/stdscr coordinates
1862 ncurses_wmove Moves windows output position
1863 ncurses_wnoutrefresh Copies window to virtual screen
1864 ncurses_wrefresh Refresh window on terminal screen
1865 ncurses_wstandend End standout mode for a window
1866 ncurses_wstandout Enter standout mode for a window
1867 ncurses_wvline Draws a vertical line in a window at current position using an attributed character and max. n characters long
1868 next 將數組中的內部指針向前移動一位
1869 ngettext Plural version of gettext
1870 nl2br 在字符串全部新行以前插入 HTML 換行標記
1871 nl_langinfo Query language and locale information
1872 normalizer_normalize Normalizes the input provided and returns the normalized string
1873 number_format 以千位分隔符方式格式化一個數字
1874 numberformatter::format Format a number
1875 numberformatter::formatcurrency Format a currency value
1876 numberformatter::getattribute Get an attribute
1877 numberformatter::geterrorcode Get formatter's last error code
1878 numberformatter::geterrormessage Get formatter's last error message
1879 numberformatter::getlocale Get formatter locale
1880 numberformatter::getpattern Get formatter pattern
1881 numberformatter::getsymbol Get a symbol value
1882 numberformatter::gettextattribute Get a text attribute
1883 numberformatter::parse Parse a number
1884 numberformatter::parsecurrency Parse a currency number
1885 numberformatter::setattribute Set an attribute
1886 numberformatter::setpattern Set formatter pattern
1887 numberformatter::setsymbol Set a symbol value
1888 numberformatter::settextattribute Set a text attribute

1889 oauth::disableredirects 關閉重定向
1890 oauth::disablesslchecks 關閉 SSL 檢查
1891 oauth::enabledebug 啓用詳細調試
1892 oauth::enableredirects 啓用重定向
1893 oauth::enablesslchecks 啓用 SSL 檢查
1894 oauth::fetch 獲取一個 OAuth 受保護的資源
1895 oauth::getaccesstoken 獲取一個訪問令牌
1896 oauth::getcapath 獲取 CA 信息
1897 oauth::getlastresponse 獲取最後一次的響應
1898 oauth::getlastresponseheaders 獲取最後一次響應的頭信息
1899 oauth::getlastresponseinfo 獲取關於最後一次響應的 HTTP 信息
1900 oauth::getrequestheader 生成 OAuth 頭信息字符串簽名
1901 oauth::getrequesttoken 獲取一個請求令牌
1902 oauth::setauthtype 設置受權類型
1903 oauth::setcapath 設置 CA 路徑和信息
1904 oauth::setnonce 爲後續請求設置現時標誌
1905 oauth::setrequestengine 設置目標請求引擎
1906 oauth::setrsacertificate 設置 RSA 證書
1907 oauth::settimestamp 設置時間戳
1908 oauth::settoken 設置令牌和 secret
1909 oauth::setversion 設置 OAuth 版本
1910 oauth_get_sbs 生成一個簽名字符基串
1911 oauth_urlencode 將 URI 編碼爲 RFC 3986 規範
1912 oauthprovider::callconsumerhandler 調用 consumerNonceHandler 回調函數
1913 oauthprovider::calltimestampnoncehandler 調用 timestampNonceHandler 回調函數
1914 oauthprovider::calltokenhandler 調用 tokenNonceHandler 回調函數
1915 oauthprovider::checkoauthrequest 檢查一個 oauth 請求
1916 oauthprovider::consumerhandler 設置 consumerHandler 句柄回調函數
1917 oauthprovider::is2leggedendpoint is2LeggedEndpoint
1918 oauthprovider::isrequesttokenendpoint 設置 isRequestTokenEndpoint
1919 oauthprovider::timestampnoncehandler 設置 timestampNonceHandler 句柄回調函數
1920 oauthprovider::tokenhandler 設置 tokenHandler 句柄回調函數
1921 ob_clean 清空(擦掉)輸出緩衝區
1922 ob_end_clean 清空(擦除)緩衝區並關閉輸出緩衝
1923 ob_end_flush 沖刷出(送出)輸出緩衝區內容並關閉緩衝
1924 ob_flush 沖刷出(送出)輸出緩衝區中的內容
1925 ob_get_clean 獲得當前緩衝區的內容並刪除當前輸出緩。
1926 ob_get_contents 返回輸出緩衝區的內容
1927 ob_get_flush 刷出(送出)緩衝區內容,以字符串形式返回內容,並關閉輸出緩衝區。
1928 ob_get_length 返回輸出緩衝區內容的長度
1929 ob_get_level 返回輸出緩衝機制的嵌套級別
1930 ob_get_status 獲得全部輸出緩衝區的狀態
1931 ob_gzhandler 在ob_start中使用的用來壓縮輸出緩衝區中內容的回調函數。ob_start callback function to gzip output buffer
1932 ob_iconv_handler 以輸出緩衝處理程序轉換字符編碼
1933 ob_implicit_flush 打開/關閉絕對刷送
1934 ob_list_handlers 列出全部使用中的輸出處理程序。
1935 ob_start 打開輸出控制緩衝
1936 ob_tidyhandler ob_start callback function to repair the buffer
1937 oci_bind_array_by_name Binds a PHP array to an Oracle PL/SQL array parameter
1938 oci_bind_by_name 綁定一個 PHP 變量到一個 Oracle 位置標誌符
1939 oci_cancel 中斷遊標讀取數據
1940 oci_client_version Returns the Oracle client library version
1941 oci_close 關閉 Oracle 鏈接
1942 oci_commit 提交未執行的事務處理
1943 oci_connect 創建一個到 Oracle 服務器的鏈接
1944 oci_define_by_name 在 SELECT 中使用 PHP 變量做爲定義的步驟
1945 oci_error 返回上一個錯誤
1946 oci_execute 執行一條語句
1947 oci_fetch Fetches the next row into result-buffer
1948 oci_fetch_all 獲取結果數據的全部行到一個數組
1949 oci_fetch_array Returns the next row from a query as an associative or numeric array
1950 oci_fetch_assoc Returns the next row from a query as an associative array
1951 oci_fetch_object Returns the next row from a query as an object
1952 oci_fetch_row Returns the next row from a query as a numeric array
1953 oci_field_is_null 檢查字段是否爲 NULL
1954 oci_field_name 返回字段名
1955 oci_field_precision 返回字段精度
1956 oci_field_scale 返回字段範圍
1957 oci_field_size 返回字段大小
1958 oci_field_type 返回字段的數據類型
1959 oci_field_type_raw 返回字段的原始 Oracle 數據類型
1960 oci_free_descriptor Frees a descriptor
1961 oci_free_statement 釋放關聯於語句或遊標的全部資源
1962 oci_get_implicit_resultset Returns the next child statement resource from a parent statement resource that has Oracle Database 12c Implicit Result Sets
1963 oci_internal_debug 打開或關閉內部調試輸出
1964 oci_lob_copy Copies large object
1965 oci_lob_is_equal Compares two LOB/FILE locators for equality
1966 oci_new_collection 分配新的 collection 對象
1967 oci_new_connect 建定一個到 Oracle 服務器的新鏈接
1968 oci_new_cursor 分配並返回一個新的遊標(語句句柄)
1969 oci_new_descriptor 初始化一個新的空 LOB 或 FILE 描述符
1970 oci_num_fields 返回結果列的數目
1971 oci_num_rows 返回語句執行後受影響的行數
1972 oci_parse 配置 Oracle 語句預備執行
1973 oci_password_change 修改 Oracle 用戶的密碼
1974 oci_pconnect 使用一個持久鏈接連到 Oracle 數據庫
1975 oci_result 返回所取得行中字段的值
1976 oci_rollback 回滾未提交的事務
1977 oci_server_version 返回服務器版本信息
1978 oci_set_action Sets the action name
1979 oci_set_client_identifier Sets the client identifier
1980 oci_set_client_info Sets the client information
1981 oci_set_edition Sets the database edition
1982 oci_set_module_name Sets the module name
1983 oci_set_prefetch 設置預提取行數
1984 oci_statement_type 返回 OCI 語句的類型
1985 ocibindbyname 別名 oci_bind_by_name()
1986 ocicancel 別名 oci_cancel()
1987 ocicloselob 別名 OCI-Lob::close()
1988 ocicollappend 別名 OCI-Collection::append()
1989 ocicollassign 別名 OCI-Collection::assign()
1990 ocicollassignelem 別名 OCI-Collection::assignElem()
1991 ocicollgetelem 別名 OCI-Collection::getElem()
1992 ocicollmax 別名 OCI-Collection::max()
1993 ocicollsize 別名 OCI-Collection::size()
1994 ocicolltrim 別名 OCI-Collection::trim()
1995 ocicolumnisnull 別名 oci_field_is_null()
1996 ocicolumnname 別名 oci_field_name()
1997 ocicolumnprecision 別名 oci_field_precision()
1998 ocicolumnscale 別名 oci_field_scale()
1999 ocicolumnsize 別名 oci_field_size()
2000 ocicolumntype 別名 oci_field_type()
2001 ocicolumntyperaw 別名 oci_field_type_raw()
2002 ocicommit 別名 oci_commit()
2003 ocidefinebyname 別名 oci_define_by_name()
2004 ocierror 別名 oci_error()
2005 ociexecute 別名 oci_execute()
2006 ocifetch 別名 oci_fetch()
2007 ocifetchinto Obsolete variant of oci_fetch_array(), oci_fetch_object(), oci_fetch_assoc() and oci_fetch_row()
2008 ocifetchstatement 別名 oci_fetch_all()
2009 ocifreecollection 別名 OCI-Collection::free()
2010 ocifreecursor 別名 oci_free_statement()
2011 ocifreedesc 別名 OCI-Lob::free()
2012 ocifreestatement 別名 oci_free_statement()
2013 ociinternaldebug 別名 oci_internal_debug()
2014 ociloadlob 別名 OCI-Lob::load()
2015 ocilogoff 別名 oci_close()
2016 ocilogon 別名 oci_connect()
2017 ocinewcollection 別名 oci_new_collection()
2018 ocinewcursor 別名 oci_new_cursor()
2019 ocinewdescriptor 別名 oci_new_descriptor()
2020 ocinlogon 別名 oci_new_connect()
2021 ocinumcols 別名 oci_num_fields()
2022 ociparse 別名 oci_parse()
2023 ociplogon 別名 oci_pconnect()
2024 ociresult 別名 oci_result()
2025 ocirollback 別名 oci_rollback()
2026 ocirowcount 別名 oci_num_rows()
2027 ocisavelob 別名 OCI-Lob::save()
2028 ocisavelobfile 別名 OCI-Lob::import()
2029 ociserverversion 別名 oci_server_version()
2030 ocisetprefetch 別名 oci_set_prefetch()
2031 ocistatementtype 別名 oci_statement_type()
2032 ociwritelobtofile 別名 OCI-Lob::export()
2033 ociwritetemporarylob 別名 OCI-Lob::writeTemporary()
2034 octdec 八進制轉換爲十進制
2035 odbc_autocommit Toggle autocommit behaviour
2036 odbc_binmode Handling of binary column data
2037 odbc_close Close an ODBC connection
2038 odbc_close_all Close all ODBC connections
2039 odbc_columnprivileges Lists columns and associated privileges for the given table
2040 odbc_columns Lists the column names in specified tables
2041 odbc_commit Commit an ODBC transaction
2042 odbc_connect Connect to a datasource
2043 odbc_cursor Get cursorname
2044 odbc_data_source Returns information about a current connection
2045 odbc_do 別名 odbc_exec()
2046 odbc_error Get the last error code
2047 odbc_errormsg Get the last error message
2048 odbc_exec Prepare and execute an SQL statement
2049 odbc_execute Execute a prepared statement
2050 odbc_fetch_array Fetch a result row as an associative array
2051 odbc_fetch_into Fetch one result row into array
2052 odbc_fetch_object Fetch a result row as an object
2053 odbc_fetch_row Fetch a row
2054 odbc_field_len Get the length (precision) of a field
2055 odbc_field_name Get the columnname
2056 odbc_field_num Return column number
2057 odbc_field_precision 別名 odbc_field_len()
2058 odbc_field_scale Get the scale of a field
2059 odbc_field_type Datatype of a field
2060 odbc_foreignkeys Retrieves a list of foreign keys
2061 odbc_free_result Free resources associated with a result
2062 odbc_gettypeinfo Retrieves information about data types supported by the data source
2063 odbc_longreadlen Handling of LONG columns
2064 odbc_next_result Checks if multiple results are available
2065 odbc_num_fields Number of columns in a result
2066 odbc_num_rows Number of rows in a result
2067 odbc_pconnect Open a persistent database connection
2068 odbc_prepare Prepares a statement for execution
2069 odbc_primarykeys Gets the primary keys for a table
2070 odbc_procedurecolumns Retrieve information about parameters to procedures
2071 odbc_procedures Get the list of procedures stored in a specific data source
2072 odbc_result Get result data
2073 odbc_result_all Print result as HTML table
2074 odbc_rollback Rollback a transaction
2075 odbc_setoption Adjust ODBC settings
2076 odbc_specialcolumns Retrieves special columns
2077 odbc_statistics Retrieve statistics about a table
2078 odbc_tableprivileges Lists tables and the privileges associated with each table
2079 odbc_tables Get the list of table names stored in a specific data source
2080 opcache_compile_file 無需運行,便可編譯並緩存 PHP 腳本
2081 opcache_get_configuration 獲取緩存的配置信息
2082 opcache_get_status 獲取緩存的狀態信息
2083 opcache_invalidate 廢除腳本緩存
2084 opcache_reset 重置字節碼緩存的內容
2085 opendir 打開目錄句柄
2086 openlog Open connection to system logger
2087 openssl_cipher_iv_length Gets the cipher iv length
2088 openssl_csr_export Exports a CSR as a string
2089 openssl_csr_export_to_file Exports a CSR to a file
2090 openssl_csr_get_public_key Returns the public key of a CSR
2091 openssl_csr_get_subject Returns the subject of a CSR
2092 openssl_csr_new Generates a CSR
2093 openssl_csr_sign Sign a CSR with another certificate (or itself) and generate a certificate
2094 openssl_decrypt Decrypts data
2095 openssl_dh_compute_key Computes shared secret for public value of remote DH key and local DH key
2096 openssl_digest Computes a digest
2097 openssl_encrypt 加密數據
2098 openssl_error_string Return openSSL error message
2099 openssl_free_key Free key resource
2100 openssl_get_cert_locations Retrieve the available certificate locations
2101 openssl_get_cipher_methods Gets available cipher methods
2102 openssl_get_md_methods Gets available digest methods
2103 openssl_get_privatekey 別名 openssl_pkey_get_private()
2104 openssl_get_publickey 別名 openssl_pkey_get_public()
2105 openssl_open Open sealed data
2106 openssl_pbkdf2 Generates a PKCS5 v2 PBKDF2 string
2107 openssl_pkcs12_export Exports a PKCS#12 Compatible Certificate Store File to variable
2108 openssl_pkcs12_export_to_file Exports a PKCS#12 Compatible Certificate Store File
2109 openssl_pkcs12_read Parse a PKCS#12 Certificate Store into an array
2110 openssl_pkcs7_decrypt Decrypts an S/MIME encrypted message
2111 openssl_pkcs7_encrypt Encrypt an S/MIME message
2112 openssl_pkcs7_sign Sign an S/MIME message
2113 openssl_pkcs7_verify Verifies the signature of an S/MIME signed message
2114 openssl_pkey_export Gets an exportable representation of a key into a string
2115 openssl_pkey_export_to_file Gets an exportable representation of a key into a file
2116 openssl_pkey_free Frees a private key
2117 openssl_pkey_get_details Returns an array with the key details
2118 openssl_pkey_get_private Get a private key
2119 openssl_pkey_get_public Extract public key from certificate and prepare it for use
2120 openssl_pkey_new Generates a new private key
2121 openssl_private_decrypt Decrypts data with private key
2122 openssl_private_encrypt Encrypts data with private key
2123 openssl_public_decrypt Decrypts data with public key
2124 openssl_public_encrypt Encrypts data with public key
2125 openssl_random_pseudo_bytes Generate a pseudo-random string of bytes
2126 openssl_seal Seal (encrypt) data
2127 openssl_sign Generate signature
2128 openssl_spki_export Exports a valid PEM formatted public key signed public key and challenge
2129 openssl_spki_export_challenge Exports the challenge assoicated with a signed public key and challenge
2130 openssl_spki_new Generate a new signed public key and challenge
2131 openssl_spki_verify Verifies a signed public key and challenge
2132 openssl_verify Verify signature
2133 openssl_x509_check_private_key Checks if a private key corresponds to a certificate
2134 openssl_x509_checkpurpose Verifies if a certificate can be used for a particular purpose
2135 openssl_x509_export Exports a certificate as a string
2136 openssl_x509_export_to_file Exports a certificate to file
2137 openssl_x509_fingerprint Calculates the fingerprint, or digest, of a given X.509 certificate
2138 openssl_x509_free Free certificate resource
2139 openssl_x509_parse Parse an X509 certificate and return the information as an array
2140 openssl_x509_read Parse an X.509 certificate and return a resource identifier for it
2141 ord 返回字符的 ASCII 碼值
2142 output_add_rewrite_var 添加URL重寫器的值(Add URL rewriter values)
2143 output_reset_rewrite_vars 重設URL重寫器的值(Reset URL rewriter values)

2144 parse_ini_file 解析一個配置文件
2145 parse_ini_string 解析配置字符串
2146 parse_str 將字符串解析成多個變量
2147 parse_url 解析 URL,返回其組成部分
2148 passthru 執行外部程序而且顯示原始輸出
2149 password_get_info 返回指定哈希(hash)的相關信息
2150 password_hash 建立密碼的哈希(hash)
2151 password_needs_rehash Checks if the given hash matches the given options
2152 password_verify 驗證密碼是否和哈希匹配
2153 pathinfo 返回文件路徑的信息
2154 pclose 關閉進程文件指針
2155 pcntl_alarm 爲進程設置一個alarm鬧鐘信號
2156 pcntl_async_signals Enable/disable asynchronous signal handling or return the old setting
2157 pcntl_errno 別名 pcntl_get_last_error()
2158 pcntl_exec 在當前進程空間執行指定程序
2159 pcntl_fork 在當前進程當前位置產生分支(子進程)。譯註:fork是建立了一個子進程,父進程和子進程 都從fork的位置開始向下繼續執行,不一樣的是父進程執行過程當中,獲得的fork返回值爲子進程 號,而子進程獲得的是0。
2160 pcntl_get_last_error Retrieve the error number set by the last pcntl function which failed
2161 pcntl_getpriority 獲取任意進程的優先級
2162 pcntl_setpriority 修改任意進程的優先級
2163 pcntl_signal 安裝一個信號處理器
2164 pcntl_signal_dispatch 調用等待信號的處理器
2165 pcntl_signal_get_handler Get the current handler for specified signal
2166 pcntl_sigprocmask 設置或檢索阻塞信號
2167 pcntl_sigtimedwait 帶超時機制的信號等待
2168 pcntl_sigwaitinfo 等待信號
2169 pcntl_strerror Retrieve the system error message associated with the given errno
2170 pcntl_wait 等待或返回fork的子進程狀態
2171 pcntl_waitpid 等待或返回fork的子進程狀態
2172 pcntl_wexitstatus 返回一箇中斷的子進程的返回代碼
2173 pcntl_wifexited 檢查狀態代碼是否表明一個正常的退出。
2174 pcntl_wifsignaled 檢查子進程狀態碼是否表明因爲某個信號而中斷
2175 pcntl_wifstopped 檢查子進程當前是否已經中止
2176 pcntl_wstopsig 返回致使子進程中止的信號
2177 pcntl_wtermsig 返回致使子進程中斷的信號
2178 pdo::prepare Prepares a statement for execution and returns a statement object
2179 pfsockopen 打開一個持久的網絡鏈接或者Unix套接字鏈接。
2180 pg_affected_rows 返回受影響的記錄數目
2181 pg_cancel_query 取消異步查詢
2182 pg_client_encoding 取得客戶端編碼方式
2183 pg_close 關閉一個 PostgreSQL 鏈接
2184 pg_connect 打開一個 PostgreSQL 鏈接
2185 pg_connection_busy 獲知鏈接是否爲忙
2186 pg_connection_reset 重置鏈接(再次鏈接)
2187 pg_connection_status 得到鏈接狀態
2188 pg_convert 將關聯的數組值轉換爲適合 SQL 語句的格式。
2189 pg_copy_from 根據數組將記錄插入表中
2190 pg_copy_to 將一個表拷貝到數組中
2191 pg_dbname 得到數據庫名
2192 pg_delete 刪除記錄
2193 pg_end_copy 與 PostgreSQL 後端同步
2194 pg_escape_bytea 轉義 bytea 類型的二進制數據
2195 pg_escape_identifier Escape a identifier for insertion into a text field
2196 pg_escape_literal Escape a literal for insertion into a text field
2197 pg_escape_string 轉義 text/char 類型的字符串
2198 pg_execute Sends a request to execute a prepared statement with given parameters, and waits for the result
2199 pg_fetch_all 從結果中提取全部行做爲一個數組
2200 pg_fetch_all_columns Fetches all rows in a particular result column as an array
2201 pg_fetch_array 提取一行做爲數組
2202 pg_fetch_assoc 提取一行做爲關聯數組
2203 pg_fetch_object 提取一行做爲對象
2204 pg_fetch_result 從結果資源中返回值
2205 pg_fetch_row 提取一行做爲枚舉數組
2206 pg_field_is_null 測試字段是否爲 NULL
2207 pg_field_name 返回字段的名字
2208 pg_field_num 返回字段的編號
2209 pg_field_prtlen 返回打印出來的長度
2210 pg_field_size 返回指定字段佔用內部存儲空間的大小
2211 pg_field_table Returns the name or oid of the tables field
2212 pg_field_type 返回相應字段的類型名稱
2213 pg_field_type_oid Returns the type ID (OID) for the corresponding field number
2214 pg_free_result 釋放查詢結果佔用的內存
2215 pg_get_notify Ping 數據庫鏈接
2216 pg_get_pid Ping 數據庫鏈接
2217 pg_get_result 取得異步查詢結果
2218 pg_host 返回和某鏈接關聯的主機名
2219 pg_insert 將數組插入到表中
2220 pg_last_error 獲得某鏈接的最後一條錯誤信息
2221 pg_last_notice 返回 PostgreSQL 服務器最新一條公告信息
2222 pg_last_oid 返回上一個對象的 oid
2223 pg_lo_close 關閉一個大型對象
2224 pg_lo_create 新建一個大型對象
2225 pg_lo_export 將大型對象導出到文件
2226 pg_lo_import 將文件導入爲大型對象
2227 pg_lo_open 打開一個大型對象
2228 pg_lo_read 從大型對象中讀入數據
2229 pg_lo_read_all 讀入整個大型對象並直接發送給瀏覽器
2230 pg_lo_seek 移動大型對象中的指針
2231 pg_lo_tell 返回大型對象的當前指針位置
2232 pg_lo_unlink 刪除一個大型對象
2233 pg_lo_write 向大型對象寫入數據
2234 pg_meta_data 得到表的元數據
2235 pg_num_fields 返回字段的數目
2236 pg_num_rows 返回行的數目
2237 pg_options 得到和鏈接有關的選項
2238 pg_parameter_status Looks up a current parameter setting of the server
2239 pg_pconnect 打開一個持久的 PostgreSQL 鏈接
2240 pg_ping Ping 數據庫鏈接
2241 pg_port 返回該鏈接的端口號
2242 pg_prepare Submits a request to create a prepared statement with the given parameters, and waits for completion
2243 pg_put_line 向 PostgreSQL 後端發送以 NULL 結尾的字符串
2244 pg_query 執行查詢
2245 pg_query_params Submits a command to the server and waits for the result, with the ability to pass parameters separately from the SQL command text
2246 pg_result_error 得到查詢結果的錯誤信息
2247 pg_result_error_field Returns an individual field of an error report
2248 pg_result_seek 在結果資源中設定內部行偏移量
2249 pg_result_status 得到查詢結果的狀態
2250 pg_select 選擇記錄
2251 pg_send_execute Sends a request to execute a prepared statement with given parameters, without waiting for the result(s)
2252 pg_send_prepare Sends a request to create a prepared statement with the given parameters, without waiting for completion
2253 pg_send_query 發送異步查詢
2254 pg_send_query_params Submits a command and separate parameters to the server without waiting for the result(s)
2255 pg_set_client_encoding 設定客戶端編碼
2256 pg_set_error_verbosity Determines the verbosity of messages returned by pg_last_error() and pg_result_error()
2257 pg_trace 啓動一個 PostgreSQL 鏈接的追蹤功能
2258 pg_transaction_status Returns the current in-transaction status of the server
2259 pg_tty 返回該鏈接的 tty 號
2260 pg_unescape_bytea 取消 bytea 類型中的字符串轉義
2261 pg_untrace 關閉 PostgreSQL 鏈接的追蹤功能
2262 pg_update 更新表
2263 pg_version Returns an array with client, protocol and server version (when available)
2264 php_ini_loaded_file 取得已加載的 php.ini 文件的路徑
2265 php_ini_scanned_files 返回從額外 ini 目錄裏解析的 .ini 文件列表
2266 php_logo_guid 獲取 logo 的 guid
2267 php_sapi_name 返回 web 服務器和 PHP 之間的接口類型
2268 php_strip_whitespace 返回刪除註釋和空格後的PHP源碼
2269 php_uname 返回運行 PHP 的系統的有關信息
2270 phpcredits 打印 PHP 貢獻者名單
2271 phpinfo 輸出關於 PHP 配置的信息
2272 phpversion 獲取當前的PHP版本
2273 pi 獲得圓周率值
2274 png2wbmp 將 PNG 圖像文件轉換爲 WBMP 圖像文件
2275 pool::collect 回收已完成任務的引用
2276 pool::resize 改變 Pool 對象的可容納 Worker 對象的數量
2277 pool::shutdown 中止全部的 Worker 對象
2278 pool::submit 提交對象以執行
2279 popen 打開進程文件指針
2280 pos current() 的別名
2281 posix_access Determine accessibility of a file
2282 posix_ctermid Get path name of controlling terminal
2283 posix_errno 別名 posix_get_last_error()
2284 posix_get_last_error Retrieve the error number set by the last posix function that failed
2285 posix_getcwd Pathname of current directory
2286 posix_getegid Return the effective group ID of the current process
2287 posix_geteuid Return the effective user ID of the current process
2288 posix_getgid Return the real group ID of the current process
2289 posix_getgrgid Return info about a group by group id
2290 posix_getgrnam Return info about a group by name
2291 posix_getgroups Return the group set of the current process
2292 posix_getlogin Return login name
2293 posix_getpgid Get process group id for job control
2294 posix_getpgrp Return the current process group identifier
2295 posix_getpid 返回當前進程 id
2296 posix_getppid Return the parent process identifier
2297 posix_getpwnam Return info about a user by username
2298 posix_getpwuid Return info about a user by user id
2299 posix_getrlimit Return info about system resource limits
2300 posix_getsid Get the current sid of the process
2301 posix_getuid Return the real user ID of the current process
2302 posix_initgroups Calculate the group access list
2303 posix_isatty Determine if a file descriptor is an interactive terminal
2304 posix_kill Send a signal to a process
2305 posix_mkfifo Create a fifo special file (a named pipe)
2306 posix_mknod Create a special or ordinary file (POSIX.1)
2307 posix_setegid Set the effective GID of the current process
2308 posix_seteuid Set the effective UID of the current process
2309 posix_setgid Set the GID of the current process
2310 posix_setpgid Set process group id for job control
2311 posix_setrlimit Set system resource limits
2312 posix_setsid Make the current process a session leader
2313 posix_setuid Set the UID of the current process
2314 posix_strerror Retrieve the system error message associated with the given errno
2315 posix_times Get process times
2316 posix_ttyname Determine terminal device name
2317 posix_uname Get system name
2318 pow 指數表達式
2319 preg_filter 執行一個正則表達式搜索和替換
2320 preg_grep 返回匹配模式的數組條目
2321 preg_last_error 返回最後一個PCRE正則執行產生的錯誤代碼
2322 preg_match 執行匹配正則表達式
2323 preg_match_all 執行一個全局正則表達式匹配
2324 preg_quote 轉義正則表達式字符
2325 preg_replace 執行一個正則表達式的搜索和替換
2326 preg_replace_callback 執行一個正則表達式搜索而且使用一個回調進行替換
2327 preg_replace_callback_array Perform a regular expression search and replace using callbacks
2328 preg_split 經過一個正則表達式分隔字符串
2329 prev 將數組的內部指針倒回一位
2330 print_r 打印關於變量的易於理解的信息。
2331 printf 輸出格式化字符串
2332 proc_close 關閉由 proc_open() 打開的進程而且返回進程退出碼
2333 proc_get_status 獲取由 proc_open() 函數打開的進程的信息
2334 proc_nice 修改當前進程的優先級
2335 proc_open 執行一個命令,而且打開用來輸入/輸出的文件指針。
2336 proc_terminate 殺除由 proc_open 打開的進程
2337 property_exists 檢查對象或類是否具備該屬性
2338 pspell_add_to_personal Add the word to a personal wordlist
2339 pspell_add_to_session Add the word to the wordlist in the current session
2340 pspell_check Check a word
2341 pspell_clear_session Clear the current session
2342 pspell_config_create Create a config used to open a dictionary
2343 pspell_config_data_dir Location of language data files
2344 pspell_config_dict_dir Location of the main word list
2345 pspell_config_ignore Ignore words less than N characters long
2346 pspell_config_mode Change the mode number of suggestions returned
2347 pspell_config_personal Set a file that contains personal wordlist
2348 pspell_config_repl Set a file that contains replacement pairs
2349 pspell_config_runtogether Consider run-together words as valid compounds
2350 pspell_config_save_repl Determine whether to save a replacement pairs list along with the wordlist
2351 pspell_new Load a new dictionary
2352 pspell_new_config Load a new dictionary with settings based on a given config
2353 pspell_new_personal Load a new dictionary with personal wordlist
2354 pspell_save_wordlist Save the personal wordlist to a file
2355 pspell_store_replacement Store a replacement pair for a word
2356 pspell_suggest Suggest spellings of a word
2357 putenv 設置環境變量的值

2358 quoted_printable_encode 將 8-bit 字符串轉換成 quoted-printable 字符串
2359 quotemeta 轉義元字符集

2360 rand 產生一個隨機整數
2361 random_bytes Generates cryptographically secure pseudo-random bytes
2362 range 根據範圍建立數組,包含指定的元素
2363 rawurldecode 對已編碼的 URL 字符串進行解碼
2364 rawurlencode 按照 RFC 3986 對 URL 進行編碼
2365 read_exif_data 別名 exif_read_data()
2366 readdir 從目錄句柄中讀取條目
2367 readfile 輸出文件
2368 readgzfile Output a gz-file
2369 readline 讀取一行
2370 readline_add_history 添加一行命令行歷史記錄
2371 readline_callback_handler_install 初始化一個 readline 回調接口,而後終端輸出提示信息並當即返回
2372 readline_callback_handler_remove 移除上一個安裝的回調函數句柄而且恢復終端設置
2373 readline_callback_read_char 當一個行被接收時讀取一個字符而且通知 readline 調用回調函數
2374 readline_clear_history 清除歷史
2375 readline_completion_function 註冊一個完成函數
2376 readline_info 獲取/設置readline內部的各個變量
2377 readline_list_history 獲取命令歷史列表
2378 readline_on_new_line 通知readline將光標移動到新行
2379 readline_read_history 讀取命令歷史
2380 readline_redisplay 重繪顯示區
2381 readline_write_history 寫入歷史記錄
2382 readlink 返回符號鏈接指向的目標
2383 realpath 返回規範化的絕對路徑名
2384 realpath_cache_get 獲取真實目錄緩存的詳情
2385 realpath_cache_size 獲取真實路徑緩衝區的大小
2386 recode 別名 recode_string()
2387 recode_file Recode from file to file according to recode request
2388 recode_string Recode a string according to a recode request
2389 register_shutdown_function 註冊一個會在php停止時執行的函數
2390 register_tick_function Register a function for execution on each tick
2391 rename 重命名一個文件或目錄
2392 reset 將數組的內部指針指向第一個單元
2393 resourcebundle_count Get number of elements in the bundle
2394 resourcebundle_create Create a resource bundle
2395 resourcebundle_get Get data from the bundle
2396 resourcebundle_locales Get supported locales
2397 restore_error_handler 還原以前的錯誤處理函數
2398 restore_exception_handler 恢復以前定義過的異常處理函數。
2399 restore_include_path 還原 include_path 配置選項的值
2400 rewind 倒回文件指針的位置
2401 rewinddir 倒回目錄句柄
2402 rmdir 刪除目錄
2403 round 對浮點數進行四捨五入
2404 rrd_create Creates rrd database file
2405 rrd_error Gets latest error message
2406 rrd_fetch Fetch the data for graph as array
2407 rrd_first Gets the timestamp of the first sample from rrd file
2408 rrd_graph Creates image from a data
2409 rrd_info Gets information about rrd file
2410 rrd_last Gets unix timestamp of the last sample
2411 rrd_lastupdate Gets information about last updated data
2412 rrd_restore Restores the RRD file from XML dump
2413 rrd_tune Tunes some RRD database file header options
2414 rrd_update Updates the RRD database
2415 rrd_version Gets information about underlying rrdtool library
2416 rrd_xport Exports the information about RRD database
2417 rrdcreator::addarchive Adds RRA - archive of data values for each data source
2418 rrdcreator::adddatasource Adds data source definition for RRD database
2419 rrdcreator::save Saves the RRD database to a file
2420 rrdgraph::save Saves the result of query into image
2421 rrdgraph::saveverbose Saves the RRD database query into image and returns the verbose information about generated graph
2422 rrdgraph::setoptions Sets the options for rrd graph export
2423 rrdupdater::update Update the RRD database file
2424 rsort 對數組逆向排序
2425 rtrim 刪除字符串末端的空白字符(或者其餘字符)

2426 sem_acquire Acquire a semaphore
2427 sem_get Get a semaphore id
2428 sem_release Release a semaphore
2429 sem_remove Remove a semaphore
2430 serialize 產生一個可存儲的值的表示
2431 session_abort Discard session array changes and finish session
2432 session_cache_expire 返回當前緩存的到期時間
2433 session_cache_limiter 讀取/設置緩存限制器
2434 session_commit session_write_close() 的別名
2435 session_create_id Create new session id
2436 session_decode 解碼會話數據
2437 session_destroy 銷燬一個會話中的所有數據
2438 session_encode 將當前會話數據編碼爲一個字符串
2439 session_gc Perform session data garbage collection
2440 session_get_cookie_params 獲取會話 cookie 參數
2441 session_id 獲取/設置當前會話 ID
2442 session_is_registered 檢查變量是否在會話中已經註冊
2443 session_module_name 獲取/設置會話模塊名稱
2444 session_name 讀取/設置會話名稱
2445 session_regenerate_id 使用新生成的會話 ID 更新現有會話 ID
2446 session_register Register one or more global variables with the current session
2447 session_register_shutdown 關閉會話
2448 session_reset Re-initialize session array with original values
2449 session_save_path 讀取/設置當前會話的保存路徑
2450 session_set_cookie_params 設置會話 cookie 參數
2451 session_set_save_handler 設置用戶自定義會話存儲函數
2452 session_start 啓動新會話或者重用現有會話
2453 session_status 返回當前會話狀態
2454 session_unregister Unregister a global variable from the current session
2455 session_unset 釋放全部的會話變量
2456 session_write_close Write session data and end session
2457 set_error_handler 設置用戶自定義的錯誤處理函數
2458 set_exception_handler 設置用戶自定義的異常處理函數
2459 set_file_buffer stream_set_write_buffer() 的別名
2460 set_include_path 設置 include_path 配置選項
2461 set_magic_quotes_runtime 設置當前 magic_quotes_runtime 配置選項的激活狀態
2462 set_socket_blocking 別名 stream_set_blocking()
2463 set_time_limit 設置腳本最大執行時間
2464 setcookie 發送 Cookie
2465 setlocale 設置地區信息
2466 setrawcookie 發送未經 URL 編碼的 cookie
2467 settype 設置變量的類型
2468 sha1 計算字符串的 sha1 散列值
2469 sha1_file 計算文件的 sha1 散列值
2470 shell_exec 經過 shell 環境執行命令,而且將完整的輸出以字符串的方式返回。
2471 shm_attach Creates or open a shared memory segment
2472 shm_detach Disconnects from shared memory segment
2473 shm_get_var Returns a variable from shared memory
2474 shm_has_var Check whether a specific entry exists
2475 shm_put_var Inserts or updates a variable in shared memory
2476 shm_remove Removes shared memory from Unix systems
2477 shm_remove_var Removes a variable from shared memory
2478 shmop_close Close shared memory block
2479 shmop_delete Delete shared memory block
2480 shmop_open Create or open shared memory block
2481 shmop_read Read data from shared memory block
2482 shmop_size Get size of shared memory block
2483 shmop_write Write data into shared memory block
2484 show_source 別名 highlight_file()
2485 shuffle 打亂數組
2486 similar_text 計算兩個字符串的類似度
2487 simplexml_import_dom Get a SimpleXMLElement object from a DOM node
2488 simplexml_load_file Interprets an XML file into an object
2489 simplexml_load_string Interprets a string of XML into an object
2490 sin 正弦
2491 sinh 雙曲正弦
2492 sizeof count() 的別名
2493 sleep 延緩執行
2494 snmp2_get Fetch an SNMP object
2495 snmp2_getnext Fetch the SNMP object which follows the given object id
2496 snmp2_real_walk Return all objects including their respective object ID within the specified one
2497 snmp2_set Set the value of an SNMP object
2498 snmp2_walk Fetch all the SNMP objects from an agent
2499 snmp3_get Fetch an SNMP object
2500 snmp3_getnext Fetch the SNMP object which follows the given object id
2501 snmp3_real_walk Return all objects including their respective object ID within the specified one
2502 snmp3_set Set the value of an SNMP object
2503 snmp3_walk Fetch all the SNMP objects from an agent
2504 snmp_get_quick_print 返回 UCD 庫中 quick_print 設置的當前值
2505 snmp_get_valueretrieval Return the method how the SNMP values will be returned
2506 snmp_read_mib Reads and parses a MIB file into the active MIB tree
2507 snmp_set_enum_print Return all values that are enums with their enum value instead of the raw integer
2508 snmp_set_oid_numeric_print Set the OID output format
2509 snmp_set_oid_output_format Set the OID output format
2510 snmp_set_quick_print 設置 UCD SNMP 庫中 quick_print 的值
2511 snmp_set_valueretrieval Specify the method how the SNMP values will be returned
2512 snmpget 獲取一個 SNMP 對象
2513 snmpgetnext Fetch the SNMP object which follows the given object id
2514 snmprealwalk 返回指定的全部對象,包括它們各自的對象 ID
2515 snmpset 設置一個 SNMP 對象
2516 snmpwalk 從代理返回全部的 SNMP 對象
2517 snmpwalkoid 查詢關於網絡實體的信息樹
2518 socket_accept Accepts a connection on a socket
2519 socket_bind 給套接字綁定名字
2520 socket_clear_error 清除套接字或者最後的錯誤代碼上的錯誤
2521 socket_close 關閉套接字資源
2522 socket_cmsg_space Calculate message buffer size
2523 socket_connect 開啓一個套接字鏈接
2524 socket_create 建立一個套接字(通信節點)
2525 socket_create_listen Opens a socket on port to accept connections
2526 socket_create_pair Creates a pair of indistinguishable sockets and stores them in an array
2527 socket_get_option Gets socket options for the socket
2528 socket_get_status 別名 stream_get_meta_data()
2529 socket_getopt 別名 socket_get_option()
2530 socket_getpeername Queries the remote side of the given socket which may either result in host/port or in a Unix filesystem path, dependent on its type
2531 socket_getsockname Queries the local side of the given socket which may either result in host/port or in a Unix filesystem path, dependent on its type
2532 socket_import_stream Import a stream
2533 socket_last_error Returns the last error on the socket
2534 socket_listen Listens for a connection on a socket
2535 socket_read Reads a maximum of length bytes from a socket
2536 socket_recv 從已鏈接的socket接收數據
2537 socket_recvfrom Receives data from a socket whether or not it is connection-oriented
2538 socket_recvmsg Read a message
2539 socket_select Runs the select() system call on the given arrays of sockets with a specified timeout
2540 socket_send Sends data to a connected socket
2541 socket_sendmsg Send a message
2542 socket_sendto Sends a message to a socket, whether it is connected or not
2543 socket_set_block Sets blocking mode on a socket resource
2544 socket_set_blocking 別名 stream_set_blocking()
2545 socket_set_nonblock Sets nonblocking mode for file descriptor fd
2546 socket_set_option Sets socket options for the socket
2547 socket_set_timeout 別名 stream_set_timeout()
2548 socket_setopt 別名 socket_set_option()
2549 socket_shutdown Shuts down a socket for receiving, sending, or both
2550 socket_strerror Return a string describing a socket error
2551 socket_write Write to a socket
2552 sort 對數組排序
2553 soundex Calculate the soundex key of a string
2554 spl_autoload __autoload()函數的默認實現
2555 spl_autoload_call 嘗試調用全部已註冊的__autoload()函數來裝載請求類
2556 spl_autoload_extensions 註冊並返回spl_autoload函數使用的默認文件擴展名。
2557 spl_autoload_functions 返回全部已註冊的__autoload()函數。
2558 spl_autoload_register 註冊給定的函數做爲 __autoload 的實現
2559 spl_autoload_unregister 註銷已註冊的__autoload()函數
2560 spl_classes 返回全部可用的SPL類
2561 spl_object_hash 返回指定對象的hash id
2562 splfileinfo::getatime Gets last access time of the file
2563 splfileinfo::getbasename Gets the base name of the file
2564 splfileinfo::getctime 獲取文件 inode 修改時間
2565 splfileinfo::getextension Gets the file extension
2566 splfileinfo::getfileinfo Gets an SplFileInfo object for the file
2567 splfileinfo::getfilename Gets the filename
2568 splfileinfo::getgroup Gets the file group
2569 splfileinfo::getinode Gets the inode for the file
2570 splfileinfo::getlinktarget Gets the target of a link
2571 splfileinfo::getmtime Gets the last modified time
2572 splfileinfo::getowner Gets the owner of the file
2573 splfileinfo::getpath Gets the path without filename
2574 splfileinfo::getpathinfo Gets an SplFileInfo object for the path
2575 splfileinfo::getpathname Gets the path to the file
2576 splfileinfo::getperms Gets file permissions
2577 splfileinfo::getrealpath Gets absolute path to file
2578 splfileinfo::getsize Gets file size
2579 splfileinfo::gettype Gets file type
2580 splfileinfo::isdir Tells if the file is a directory
2581 splfileinfo::isexecutable Tells if the file is executable
2582 splfileinfo::isfile Tells if the object references a regular file
2583 splfileinfo::islink Tells if the file is a link
2584 splfileinfo::isreadable Tells if file is readable
2585 splfileinfo::iswritable Tells if the entry is writable
2586 splfileinfo::setfileclass Sets the class used with SplFileInfo::openFile()
2587 splfileinfo::setinfoclass Sets the class used with SplFileInfo::getFileInfo() and SplFileInfo::getPathInfo()
2588 split 用正則表達式將字符串分割到數組中
2589 spliti 用正則表達式不區分大小寫將字符串分割到數組中
2590 spoofchecker::areconfusable Checks if given strings can be confused
2591 spoofchecker::issuspicious Checks if a given text contains any suspicious characters
2592 spoofchecker::setallowedlocales Locales to use when running checks
2593 spoofchecker::setchecks Set the checks to run
2594 sprintf Return a formatted string
2595 sql_regcase 產生用於不區分大小的匹配的正則表達式
2596 sqlite_array_query Execute a query against a given database and returns an array
2597 sqlite_busy_timeout Set busy timeout duration, or disable busy handlers
2598 sqlite_changes Returns the number of rows that were changed by the most recent SQL statement
2599 sqlite_close Closes an open SQLite database
2600 sqlite_column Fetches a column from the current row of a result set
2601 sqlite_create_aggregate Register an aggregating UDF for use in SQL statements
2602 sqlite_create_function Registers a "regular" User Defined Function for use in SQL statements
2603 sqlite_current Fetches the current row from a result set as an array
2604 sqlite_error_string Returns the textual description of an error code
2605 sqlite_escape_string Escapes a string for use as a query parameter
2606 sqlite_exec Executes a result-less query against a given database
2607 sqlite_factory Opens an SQLite database and returns an SQLiteDatabase object
2608 sqlite_fetch_all Fetches all rows from a result set as an array of arrays
2609 sqlite_fetch_array Fetches the next row from a result set as an array
2610 sqlite_fetch_column_types Return an array of column types from a particular table
2611 sqlite_fetch_object Fetches the next row from a result set as an object
2612 sqlite_fetch_single Fetches the first column of a result set as a string
2613 sqlite_fetch_string 別名 sqlite_fetch_single()
2614 sqlite_field_name Returns the name of a particular field
2615 sqlite_has_more Finds whether or not more rows are available
2616 sqlite_has_prev Returns whether or not a previous row is available
2617 sqlite_last_error Returns the error code of the last error for a database
2618 sqlite_last_insert_rowid Returns the rowid of the most recently inserted row
2619 sqlite_libencoding Returns the encoding of the linked SQLite library
2620 sqlite_libversion Returns the version of the linked SQLite library
2621 sqlite_next Seek to the next row number
2622 sqlite_num_fields Returns the number of fields in a result set
2623 sqlite_num_rows Returns the number of rows in a buffered result set
2624 sqlite_open Opens an SQLite database and create the database if it does not exist
2625 sqlite_popen Opens a persistent handle to an SQLite database and create the database if it does not exist
2626 sqlite_prev Seek to the previous row number of a result set
2627 sqlite_query Executes a query against a given database and returns a result handle
2628 sqlite_rewind Seek to the first row number
2629 sqlite_seek Seek to a particular row number of a buffered result set
2630 sqlite_single_query Executes a query and returns either an array for one single column or the value of the first row
2631 sqlite_udf_decode_binary Decode binary data passed as parameters to an UDF
2632 sqlite_udf_encode_binary Encode binary data before returning it from an UDF
2633 sqlite_unbuffered_query Execute a query that does not prefetch and buffer all data
2634 sqlite_valid Returns whether more rows are available
2635 sqlsrv_begin_transaction Begins a database transaction
2636 sqlsrv_cancel Cancels a statement
2637 sqlsrv_client_info Returns information about the client and specified connection
2638 sqlsrv_close Closes an open connection and releases resourses associated with the connection
2639 sqlsrv_commit Commits a transaction that was begun with sqlsrv_begin_transaction()
2640 sqlsrv_configure Changes the driver error handling and logging configurations
2641 sqlsrv_connect Opens a connection to a Microsoft SQL Server database
2642 sqlsrv_errors Returns error and warning information about the last SQLSRV operation performed
2643 sqlsrv_execute Executes a statement prepared with sqlsrv_prepare()
2644 sqlsrv_fetch Makes the next row in a result set available for reading
2645 sqlsrv_fetch_array Returns a row as an array
2646 sqlsrv_fetch_object Retrieves the next row of data in a result set as an object
2647 sqlsrv_field_metadata Retrieves metadata for the fields of a statement prepared by sqlsrv_prepare() or sqlsrv_query()
2648 sqlsrv_free_stmt Frees all resources for the specified statement
2649 sqlsrv_get_config Returns the value of the specified configuration setting
2650 sqlsrv_get_field Gets field data from the currently selected row
2651 sqlsrv_has_rows Indicates whether the specified statement has rows
2652 sqlsrv_next_result Makes the next result of the specified statement active
2653 sqlsrv_num_fields Retrieves the number of fields (columns) on a statement
2654 sqlsrv_num_rows Retrieves the number of rows in a result set
2655 sqlsrv_prepare Prepares a query for execution
2656 sqlsrv_query Prepares and executes a query
2657 sqlsrv_rollback Rolls back a transaction that was begun with sqlsrv_begin_transaction()
2658 sqlsrv_rows_affected Returns the number of rows modified by the last INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE query executed
2659 sqlsrv_send_stream_data Sends data from parameter streams to the server
2660 sqlsrv_server_info Returns information about the server
2661 sqrt 平方根
2662 srand 播下隨機數發生器種子
2663 sscanf 根據指定格式解析輸入的字符
2664 ssh2_auth_hostbased_file Authenticate using a public hostkey
2665 ssh2_auth_none Authenticate as "none"
2666 ssh2_auth_password Authenticate over SSH using a plain password
2667 ssh2_auth_pubkey_file Authenticate using a public key
2668 ssh2_connect Connect to an SSH server
2669 ssh2_exec Execute a command on a remote server
2670 ssh2_fetch_stream Fetch an extended data stream
2671 ssh2_fingerprint Retrieve fingerprint of remote server
2672 ssh2_methods_negotiated Return list of negotiated methods
2673 ssh2_publickey_add Add an authorized publickey
2674 ssh2_publickey_init Initialize Publickey subsystem
2675 ssh2_publickey_list List currently authorized publickeys
2676 ssh2_publickey_remove Remove an authorized publickey
2677 ssh2_scp_recv Request a file via SCP
2678 ssh2_scp_send Send a file via SCP
2679 ssh2_sftp Initialize SFTP subsystem
2680 ssh2_sftp_lstat Stat a symbolic link
2681 ssh2_sftp_mkdir Create a directory
2682 ssh2_sftp_readlink Return the target of a symbolic link
2683 ssh2_sftp_realpath Resolve the realpath of a provided path string
2684 ssh2_sftp_rename Rename a remote file
2685 ssh2_sftp_rmdir Remove a directory
2686 ssh2_sftp_stat Stat a file on a remote filesystem
2687 ssh2_sftp_symlink Create a symlink
2688 ssh2_sftp_unlink Delete a file
2689 ssh2_shell Request an interactive shell
2690 ssh2_tunnel Open a tunnel through a remote server
2691 stat 給出文件的信息
2692 str_getcsv 解析 CSV 字符串爲一個數組
2693 str_ireplace str_replace() 的忽略大小寫版本
2694 str_pad 使用另外一個字符串填充字符串爲指定長度
2695 str_repeat 重複一個字符串
2696 str_replace 子字符串替換
2697 str_rot13 對字符串執行 ROT13 轉換
2698 str_shuffle 隨機打亂一個字符串
2699 str_split 將字符串轉換爲數組
2700 str_word_count 返回字符串中單詞的使用狀況
2701 strcasecmp 二進制安全比較字符串(不區分大小寫)
2702 strchr 別名 strstr()
2703 strcmp 二進制安全字符串比較
2704 strcoll 基於區域設置的字符串比較
2705 strcspn 獲取不匹配遮罩的起始子字符串的長度
2706 stream_bucket_append Append bucket to brigade
2707 stream_bucket_make_writeable Return a bucket object from the brigade for operating on
2708 stream_bucket_new Create a new bucket for use on the current stream
2709 stream_bucket_prepend Prepend bucket to brigade
2710 stream_context_create 建立資源流上下文
2711 stream_context_get_default Retrieve the default stream context
2712 stream_context_get_options 獲取資源流/數據包/上下文的參數
2713 stream_context_get_params Retrieves parameters from a context
2714 stream_context_set_default Set the default stream context
2715 stream_context_set_option 對資源流、數據包或者上下文設置參數
2716 stream_context_set_params Set parameters for a stream/wrapper/context
2717 stream_copy_to_stream Copies data from one stream to another
2718 stream_filter_append Attach a filter to a stream
2719 stream_filter_prepend Attach a filter to a stream
2720 stream_filter_register Register a user defined stream filter
2721 stream_filter_remove 從資源流裏移除某個過濾器
2722 stream_get_contents 讀取資源流到一個字符串
2723 stream_get_filters 獲取已註冊的數據流過濾器列表
2724 stream_get_line 從資源流裏讀取一行直到給定的定界符
2725 stream_get_meta_data 從封裝協議文件指針中取得報頭/元數據
2726 stream_get_transports 獲取已註冊的套接字傳輸協議列表
2727 stream_get_wrappers 獲取已註冊的流類型
2728 stream_is_local Checks if a stream is a local stream
2729 stream_register_wrapper 別名 stream_wrapper_register()
2730 stream_resolve_include_path Resolve filename against the include path
2731 stream_select Runs the equivalent of the select() system call on the given arrays of streams with a timeout specified by tv_sec and tv_usec
2732 stream_set_blocking 爲資源流設置阻塞或者阻塞模式
2733 stream_set_chunk_size 設置資源流區塊大小
2734 stream_set_read_buffer Set read file buffering on the given stream
2735 stream_set_timeout Set timeout period on a stream
2736 stream_set_write_buffer Sets write file buffering on the given stream
2737 stream_socket_accept 接受由 stream_socket_server() 建立的套接字鏈接
2738 stream_socket_client Open Internet or Unix domain socket connection
2739 stream_socket_enable_crypto Turns encryption on/off on an already connected socket
2740 stream_socket_get_name 獲取本地或者遠程的套接字名稱
2741 stream_socket_pair 建立一對徹底同樣的網絡套接字鏈接流
2742 stream_socket_recvfrom Receives data from a socket, connected or not
2743 stream_socket_sendto Sends a message to a socket, whether it is connected or not
2744 stream_socket_server Create an Internet or Unix domain server socket
2745 stream_socket_shutdown Shutdown a full-duplex connection
2746 stream_supports_lock Tells whether the stream supports locking
2747 stream_wrapper_register 註冊一個用 PHP 類實現的 URL 封裝協議
2748 stream_wrapper_restore Restores a previously unregistered built-in wrapper
2749 stream_wrapper_unregister Unregister a URL wrapper
2750 strftime 根據區域設置格式化本地時間/日期
2751 strip_tags 從字符串中去除 HTML 和 PHP 標記
2752 stripcslashes 反引用一個使用 addcslashes() 轉義的字符串
2753 stripos 查找字符串首次出現的位置(不區分大小寫)
2754 stripslashes 反引用一個引用字符串
2755 stristr strstr() 函數的忽略大小寫版本
2756 strlen 獲取字符串長度
2757 strnatcasecmp 使用「天然順序」算法比較字符串(不區分大小寫)
2758 strnatcmp 使用天然排序算法比較字符串
2759 strncasecmp 二進制安全比較字符串開頭的若干個字符(不區分大小寫)
2760 strncmp 二進制安全比較字符串開頭的若干個字符
2761 strpbrk 在字符串中查找一組字符的任何一個字符
2762 strpos 查找字符串首次出現的位置
2763 strptime 解析由 strftime() 生成的日期/時間
2764 strrchr 查找指定字符在字符串中的最後一次出現
2765 strrev 反轉字符串
2766 strripos 計算指定字符串在目標字符串中最後一次出現的位置(不區分大小寫)
2767 strrpos 計算指定字符串在目標字符串中最後一次出現的位置
2768 strspn 計算字符串中所有字符都存在於指定字符集合中的第一段子串的長度。
2769 strstr 查找字符串的首次出現
2770 strtok 標記分割字符串
2771 strtolower 將字符串轉化爲小寫
2772 strtotime 將任何字符串的日期時間描述解析爲 Unix 時間戳
2773 strtoupper 將字符串轉化爲大寫
2774 strtr 轉換指定字符
2775 strval 獲取變量的字符串值
2776 substr 返回字符串的子串
2777 substr_compare 二進制安全比較字符串(從偏移位置比較指定長度)
2778 substr_count 計算字串出現的次數
2779 substr_replace 替換字符串的子串
2780 svn_add 計劃在工做目錄添加項
2781 svn_auth_get_parameter Retrieves authentication parameter
2782 svn_auth_set_parameter Sets an authentication parameter
2783 svn_blame Get the SVN blame for a file
2784 svn_cat Returns the contents of a file in a repository
2785 svn_checkout Checks out a working copy from the repository
2786 svn_cleanup Recursively cleanup a working copy directory, finishing incomplete operations and removing locks
2787 svn_client_version Returns the version of the SVN client libraries
2788 svn_commit 將修改的本地文件副本發送至版本庫
2789 svn_delete Delete items from a working copy or repository
2790 svn_diff Recursively diffs two paths
2791 svn_export Export the contents of a SVN directory
2792 svn_fs_abort_txn Abort a transaction, returns true if everything is okay, false otherwise
2793 svn_fs_apply_text Creates and returns a stream that will be used to replace
2794 svn_fs_begin_txn2 Create a new transaction
2795 svn_fs_change_node_prop Return true if everything is ok, false otherwise
2796 svn_fs_check_path Determines what kind of item lives at path in a given repository fsroot
2797 svn_fs_contents_changed Return true if content is different, false otherwise
2798 svn_fs_copy Copies a file or a directory, returns true if all is ok, false otherwise
2799 svn_fs_delete Deletes a file or a directory, return true if all is ok, false otherwise
2800 svn_fs_dir_entries Enumerates the directory entries under path; returns a hash of dir names to file type
2801 svn_fs_file_contents Returns a stream to access the contents of a file from a given version of the fs
2802 svn_fs_file_length Returns the length of a file from a given version of the fs
2803 svn_fs_is_dir Return true if the path points to a directory, false otherwise
2804 svn_fs_is_file Return true if the path points to a file, false otherwise
2805 svn_fs_make_dir Creates a new empty directory, returns true if all is ok, false otherwise
2806 svn_fs_make_file Creates a new empty file, returns true if all is ok, false otherwise
2807 svn_fs_node_created_rev Returns the revision in which path under fsroot was created
2808 svn_fs_node_prop Returns the value of a property for a node
2809 svn_fs_props_changed Return true if props are different, false otherwise
2810 svn_fs_revision_prop Fetches the value of a named property
2811 svn_fs_revision_root Get a handle on a specific version of the repository root
2812 svn_fs_txn_root Creates and returns a transaction root
2813 svn_fs_youngest_rev Returns the number of the youngest revision in the filesystem
2814 svn_import Imports an unversioned path into a repository
2815 svn_log Returns the commit log messages of a repository URL
2816 svn_ls Returns list of directory contents in repository URL, optionally at revision number
2817 svn_mkdir Creates a directory in a working copy or repository
2818 svn_repos_create Create a new subversion repository at path
2819 svn_repos_fs Gets a handle on the filesystem for a repository
2820 svn_repos_fs_begin_txn_for_commit Create a new transaction
2821 svn_repos_fs_commit_txn Commits a transaction and returns the new revision
2822 svn_repos_hotcopy Make a hot-copy of the repos at repospath; copy it to destpath
2823 svn_repos_open Open a shared lock on a repository
2824 svn_repos_recover Run recovery procedures on the repository located at path
2825 svn_revert Revert changes to the working copy
2826 svn_status Returns the status of working copy files and directories
2827 svn_update Update working copy
2828 sybase_affected_rows Gets number of affected rows in last query
2829 sybase_close Closes a Sybase connection
2830 sybase_connect Opens a Sybase server connection
2831 sybase_data_seek Moves internal row pointer
2832 sybase_deadlock_retry_count Sets the deadlock retry count
2833 sybase_fetch_array Fetch row as array
2834 sybase_fetch_assoc Fetch a result row as an associative array
2835 sybase_fetch_field Get field information from a result
2836 sybase_fetch_object Fetch a row as an object
2837 sybase_fetch_row Get a result row as an enumerated array
2838 sybase_field_seek Sets field offset
2839 sybase_free_result Frees result memory
2840 sybase_get_last_message Returns the last message from the server
2841 sybase_min_client_severity Sets minimum client severity
2842 sybase_min_server_severity Sets minimum server severity
2843 sybase_num_fields Gets the number of fields in a result set
2844 sybase_num_rows Get number of rows in a result set
2845 sybase_pconnect Open persistent Sybase connection
2846 sybase_query Sends a Sybase query
2847 sybase_result Get result data
2848 sybase_select_db Selects a Sybase database
2849 sybase_set_message_handler Sets the handler called when a server message is raised
2850 sybase_unbuffered_query Send a Sybase query and do not block
2851 symlink 創建符號鏈接
2852 sys_get_temp_dir 返回用於臨時文件的目錄
2853 sys_getloadavg 獲取系統的負載(load average)
2854 syslog Generate a system log message
2855 system 執行外部程序,而且顯示輸出

2856 tanh 雙曲正切
2857 tempnam 創建一個具備惟一文件名的文件
2858 textdomain Sets the default domain
2859 tidy_access_count Returns the Number of Tidy accessibility warnings encountered for specified document
2860 tidy_config_count Returns the Number of Tidy configuration errors encountered for specified document
2861 tidy_diagnose Run configured diagnostics on parsed and repaired markup
2862 tidy_error_count Returns the Number of Tidy errors encountered for specified document
2863 tidy_get_output Return a string representing the parsed tidy markup
2864 tidy_getopt Returns the value of the specified configuration option for the tidy document
2865 tidy_warning_count Returns the Number of Tidy warnings encountered for specified document
2866 time 返回當前的 Unix 時間戳
2867 time_nanosleep 延緩執行若干秒和納秒
2868 time_sleep_until 使腳本睡眠到指定的時間爲止。
2869 timezone_abbreviations_list 別名 DateTimeZone::listAbbreviations()
2870 timezone_identifiers_list 別名 DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers()
2871 timezone_location_get 別名 DateTimeZone::getLocation()
2872 timezone_name_from_abbr Returns the timezone name from abbreviation
2873 timezone_name_get 別名 DateTimeZone::getName()
2874 timezone_offset_get 別名 DateTimeZone::getOffset()
2875 timezone_open 別名 DateTimeZone::__construct()
2876 timezone_transitions_get 別名 DateTimeZone::getTransitions()
2877 timezone_version_get Gets the version of the timezonedb
2878 tmpfile 創建一個臨時文件
2879 token_get_all 將提供的源碼按 PHP 標記進行分割
2880 token_name 獲取提供的 PHP 解析器代號的符號名稱
2881 touch 設定文件的訪問和修改時間
2882 trait_exists 檢查指定的 trait 是否存在
2883 transliterator::createinverse Create an inverse transliterator
2884 transliterator::geterrorcode Get last error code
2885 transliterator::geterrormessage Get last error message
2886 transliterator::transliterate Transliterate a string
2887 transliterator_create Create a transliterator
2888 transliterator_transliterate Transliterate a string
2889 trigger_error 產生一個用戶級別的 error/warning/notice 信息
2890 trim 去除字符串首尾處的空白字符(或者其餘字符)

2891 ucfirst 將字符串的首字母轉換爲大寫
2892 uconverter::convert Convert string from one charset to another
2893 uconverter::fromucallback Default "from" callback function
2894 uconverter::getdestinationencoding Get the destination encoding
2895 uconverter::getdestinationtype Get the destination converter type
2896 uconverter::geterrorcode Get last error code on the object
2897 uconverter::geterrormessage Get last error message on the object
2898 uconverter::getsourceencoding Get the source encoding
2899 uconverter::getsourcetype Get the source convertor type
2900 uconverter::getsubstchars Get substitution chars
2901 uconverter::setdestinationencoding Set the destination encoding
2902 uconverter::setsourceencoding Set the source encoding
2903 uconverter::setsubstchars Set the substitution chars
2904 uconverter::toucallback Default "to" callback function
2905 ucwords 將字符串中每一個單詞的首字母轉換爲大寫
2906 uksort 使用用戶自定義的比較函數對數組中的鍵名進行排序
2907 umask 改變當前的 umask
2908 uniqid 生成一個惟一ID
2909 unixtojd 轉變Unix時間戳爲Julian Day計數
2910 unlink 刪除文件
2911 unpack Unpack data from binary string
2912 unregister_tick_function De-register a function for execution on each tick
2913 unserialize 從已存儲的表示中建立 PHP 的值
2914 urldecode 解碼已編碼的 URL 字符串
2915 urlencode 編碼 URL 字符串
2916 use_soap_error_handler Set whether to use the SOAP error handler
2917 user_error trigger_error() 的別名
2918 usleep 以指定的微秒數延遲執行
2919 usort 使用用戶自定義的比較函數對數組中的值進行排序
2920 utf8_decode 將用 UTF-8 方式編碼的 ISO-8859-1 字符串轉換成單字節的 ISO-8859-1 字符串。
2921 utf8_encode 將 ISO-8859-1 編碼的字符串轉換爲 UTF-8 編碼

2922 var_export 輸出或返回一個變量的字符串表示
2923 version_compare 對比兩個「PHP 規範化」的版本數字字符串
2924 vfprintf 將格式化字符串寫入流
2925 virtual 執行 Apache 子請求
2926 vprintf 輸出格式化字符串
2927 vsprintf 返回格式化字符串

2928 wddx_deserialize Unserializes a WDDX packet
2929 wddx_packet_end Ends a WDDX packet with the specified ID
2930 wddx_packet_start Starts a new WDDX packet with structure inside it
2931 wddx_serialize_value Serialize a single value into a WDDX packet
2932 wddx_serialize_vars Serialize variables into a WDDX packet
2933 wincache_fcache_fileinfo Retrieves information about files cached in the file cache
2934 wincache_fcache_meminfo Retrieves information about file cache memory usage
2935 wincache_lock Acquires an exclusive lock on a given key
2936 wincache_ocache_fileinfo Retrieves information about files cached in the opcode cache
2937 wincache_ocache_meminfo Retrieves information about opcode cache memory usage
2938 wincache_refresh_if_changed Refreshes the cache entries for the cached files
2939 wincache_rplist_fileinfo Retrieves information about resolve file path cache
2940 wincache_rplist_meminfo Retrieves information about memory usage by the resolve file path cache
2941 wincache_scache_info Retrieves information about files cached in the session cache
2942 wincache_scache_meminfo Retrieves information about session cache memory usage
2943 wincache_ucache_add Adds a variable in user cache only if variable does not already exist in the cache
2944 wincache_ucache_cas Compares the variable with old value and assigns new value to it
2945 wincache_ucache_clear Deletes entire content of the user cache
2946 wincache_ucache_dec Decrements the value associated with the key
2947 wincache_ucache_delete Deletes variables from the user cache
2948 wincache_ucache_exists Checks if a variable exists in the user cache
2949 wincache_ucache_get Gets a variable stored in the user cache
2950 wincache_ucache_inc Increments the value associated with the key
2951 wincache_ucache_info Retrieves information about data stored in the user cache
2952 wincache_ucache_meminfo Retrieves information about user cache memory usage
2953 wincache_ucache_set Adds a variable in user cache and overwrites a variable if it already exists in the cache
2954 wincache_unlock Releases an exclusive lock on a given key
2955 wordwrap 打斷字符串爲指定數量的字串

2956 xhprof_enable 啓動 xhprof 性能分析器
2957 xhprof_sample_disable 中止 xhprof 性能採樣分析器
2958 xhprof_sample_enable 以採樣模式啓動 XHProf 性能分析
2959 xml_error_string 獲取 XML 解析器的錯誤字符串
2960 xml_get_current_byte_index 獲取 XML 解析器的當前字節索引
2961 xml_get_current_column_number 獲取 XML 解析器的當前列號
2962 xml_get_current_line_number 獲取 XML 解析器的當前行號
2963 xml_get_error_code 獲取 XML 解析器錯誤代碼
2964 xml_parse 開始解析一個 XML 文檔
2965 xml_parse_into_struct 將 XML 數據解析到數組中
2966 xml_parser_create 創建一個 XML 解析器
2967 xml_parser_create_ns 生成一個支持命名空間的 XML 解析器
2968 xml_parser_free 釋放指定的 XML 解析器
2969 xml_parser_get_option 從 XML 解析器獲取選項設置信息
2970 xml_parser_set_option 爲指定 XML 解析進行選項設置
2971 xml_set_character_data_handler 創建字符數據處理器
2972 xml_set_default_handler 創建默認處理器
2973 xml_set_element_handler 創建起始和終止元素處理器
2974 xml_set_end_namespace_decl_handler 創建終止命名空間聲明處理器
2975 xml_set_external_entity_ref_handler 創建外部實體指向處理器
2976 xml_set_notation_decl_handler 創建註釋聲明處理器
2977 xml_set_object 在對象中使用 XML 解析器
2978 xml_set_processing_instruction_handler 創建處理指令(PI)處理器
2979 xml_set_start_namespace_decl_handler 創建起始命名空間聲明處理器
2980 xml_set_unparsed_entity_decl_handler 創建未解析實體定義聲明處理器
2981 xmlrpc_decode 將 XML 譯碼爲 PHP 自己的類型
2982 xmlrpc_decode_request 將 XML 譯碼爲 PHP 自己的類型
2983 xmlrpc_encode 爲 PHP 的值生成 XML
2984 xmlrpc_encode_request 爲 PHP 的值生成 XML
2985 xmlrpc_get_type 爲 PHP 的值獲取 xmlrpc 的類型
2986 xmlrpc_is_fault Determines if an array value represents an XMLRPC fault
2987 xmlrpc_parse_method_descriptions 將 XML 譯碼成方法描述的列表
2988 xmlrpc_server_add_introspection_data 添加自我描述的文檔
2989 xmlrpc_server_call_method 解析 XML 請求同時調用方法
2990 xmlrpc_server_create 建立一個 xmlrpc 服務端
2991 xmlrpc_server_destroy 銷燬服務端資源
2992 xmlrpc_server_register_introspection_callback 註冊一個 PHP 函數用於生成文檔
2993 xmlrpc_server_register_method 註冊一個 PHP 函數用於匹配 xmlrpc 方法名
2994 xmlrpc_set_type 爲一個 PHP 字符串值設置 xmlrpc 的類型、base64 或日期時間
2995 xmlwriter_end_attribute End attribute
2996 xmlwriter_end_cdata End current CDATA
2997 xmlwriter_end_comment Create end comment
2998 xmlwriter_end_document End current document
2999 xmlwriter_end_dtd End current DTD
3000 xmlwriter_end_dtd_attlist End current DTD AttList
3001 xmlwriter_end_dtd_element End current DTD element
3002 xmlwriter_end_dtd_entity End current DTD Entity
3003 xmlwriter_end_element End current element
3004 xmlwriter_end_pi End current PI
3005 xmlwriter_flush Flush current buffer
3006 xmlwriter_full_end_element End current element
3007 xmlwriter_open_memory Create new xmlwriter using memory for string output
3008 xmlwriter_open_uri Create new xmlwriter using source uri for output
3009 xmlwriter_output_memory Returns current buffer
3010 xmlwriter_set_indent Toggle indentation on/off
3011 xmlwriter_set_indent_string Set string used for indenting
3012 xmlwriter_start_attribute Create start attribute
3013 xmlwriter_start_attribute_ns Create start namespaced attribute
3014 xmlwriter_start_cdata Create start CDATA tag
3015 xmlwriter_start_comment Create start comment
3016 xmlwriter_start_document Create document tag
3017 xmlwriter_start_dtd Create start DTD tag
3018 xmlwriter_start_dtd_attlist Create start DTD AttList
3019 xmlwriter_start_dtd_element Create start DTD element
3020 xmlwriter_start_dtd_entity Create start DTD Entity
3021 xmlwriter_start_element Create start element tag
3022 xmlwriter_start_element_ns Create start namespaced element tag
3023 xmlwriter_start_pi Create start PI tag
3024 xmlwriter_text Write text
3025 xmlwriter_write_attribute Write full attribute
3026 xmlwriter_write_attribute_ns Write full namespaced attribute
3027 xmlwriter_write_cdata Write full CDATA tag
3028 xmlwriter_write_comment Write full comment tag
3029 xmlwriter_write_dtd Write full DTD tag
3030 xmlwriter_write_dtd_attlist Write full DTD AttList tag
3031 xmlwriter_write_dtd_element Write full DTD element tag
3032 xmlwriter_write_dtd_entity Write full DTD Entity tag
3033 xmlwriter_write_element Write full element tag
3034 xmlwriter_write_element_ns Write full namespaced element tag
3035 xmlwriter_write_pi Writes a PI
3036 xmlwriter_write_raw Write a raw XML text

3037 yaml_emit_file Send the YAML representation of a value to a file
3038 yaml_parse Parse a YAML stream
3039 yaml_parse_file Parse a YAML stream from a file
3040 yaml_parse_url Parse a Yaml stream from a URL

3041 zend_version 獲取當前 Zend 引擎的版本
3042 zip_close 關閉一個ZIP檔案文件
3043 zip_entry_close 關閉目錄項
3044 zip_entry_compressedsize 檢索目錄項壓縮事後的大小
3045 zip_entry_compressionmethod 檢索目錄實體的壓縮方法
3046 zip_entry_filesize 檢索目錄實體的實際大小
3047 zip_entry_name 檢索目錄項的名稱
3048 zip_entry_open 打開用於讀取的目錄實體
3049 zip_entry_read 讀取一個打開了的壓縮目錄實體
3050 zip_open 打開ZIP存檔文件
3051 zip_read 讀取ZIP存檔文件中下一項
3052 ziparchive::setpassword Set the password for the active archive
3053 zlib_decode Uncompress any raw/gzip/zlib encoded data
3054 zlib_encode Compress data with the specified encoding
3055 zlib_get_coding_type Returns the coding type used for output compression