SCCM 軟件分發使用的 封裝軟件 AdminStudio SMS Edition



AdminStudio SMS Edition

AdminStudio Configuration Manager Edition
Updated: August 29, 2008
AdminStudio SMS Edition provides Systems Management Server customers with an easy way to prepare reliable, customized Windows Installer packages for distribution via SMS. AdminStudio SMS Edition provides IT professionals with the ability to quickly convert legacy applications to the industry-standard Windows Installer (MSI) format, customize those MSI packages to meet corporate standards, and release them to SMS for successful distribution.
What AdminStudio SMS Edition Does
AdminStudio SMS Edition is a limited-featured version of AdminStudio Professional Edition, the industry’s most advanced software packaging solution. AdminStudio SMS Edition enables IT departments to quickly convert applications with legacy setups to Windows Installer. It also enables them to create transforms to customize MSI packages to meet company and department-specific standards. Plus, AdminStudio SMS Edition has a wizard and Web-based console that automatically converts MSIs to SMS deploy-ready packages and simplifies package distribution via SMS.
The table below provides a summary of the functionality included in AdminStudio SMS Edition.
Key Feature Description
A wizard-based tool that makes it easy to convert legacy setups into 100 percent MSI packages.
Legacy Format Conversion
Convert native SMS, Novell ZENworks, WinINSTALL, and Wise WSE software packages directly into robust MSIs without spending any time repackaging.
Quickly create transforms (MSTs), including Response File transforms, to customize software already in the Windows Installer format and automatically validate that any changes conform to Microsoft guidelines.
SMS Distribution Wizard
This wizard-based system automatically creates the system-specific files necessary to successfully deploy packages via SMS.
SMS Web Console
Provides Web-based access to key settings and configuration capabilities, including server connection settings, package selection, package configuration, distribution points, and package summary.

Note: AdminStudio SMS Edition is supported only through Acresso. For support questions, see the Acresso Support page.