- if[條件] … elif[條件] … else 條件控制語句:執行相應的條件語句。
- while [條件] … else 循環控制語句(無邊界):當條件爲真時,則執行;條件爲假,則不執行。
- for [條件] … else 循環控制語句(有邊界):同While。
- break/continue :用於循環控制語句中。break爲跳出當前循環,並結束循環;continue爲從新進入循環條件判斷。
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Filename: expression
running = True
number = int(input('Enter an integer: '))
again = 0
while running:
if number == area:
print 'Congratulations,you number it.' #New block starts here.
print "(but you do not win any prizes!)" #New block ends here.
running = False # this cause the while loop to stop
elif number < area:
print 'No, it is a little higher than that.' #Another block.
# You can do whatever you want in a block ...
number = number + 1
again = again + 1
print 'while running again, this',again,'agains.'
print 'NO, it is a little lower than that.'
# You must have number > aera to reach here.
number = number - 1
again = again + 1
print 'while running again, this',again,'agains.'
print 'The while loop is over.'
# Do anything else you want to do here .
pt = 0
fu = 0
# range(a,b,c).
# a is first print number .
# b is max number , but print number not eq b .
# c is the print number length .
# eg: print number = a + c , and a =< print number < b .
# break and continue for loop.
for i in range(0,again,1):
pt = pt +1
fu = fu + 2
print 'The' , pt , "print number of 'for loop' is" , i ,'.'
if pt > 3 :
print "The loop of for will end to break stop."
elif pt == 3 :
print "The loop of for will end last for again."
print 'The loop of for will end to normal.'