【詞義】 adj.反常的;不正常的;變態的express
【派生】abnormally / abnormalityswift
【同義詞】irregular/ unusual/ eccentric/ uncommonapi
【反義詞】conventional/ commonplace/ ordinarypromise
【派生】incidental/ incidentally/ incidentalssession
【同義詞】accident/ affair/ event/ occurrence/ happeningapp
【派生】compete/ competition/ competitive/competence/competitorless
【同義詞】able/ qualified/ adequate/ efficientdom
【反義詞】incompetent/ unqualified/ incapable
【同義詞】desert/ forsake/ discard/ quit/surrender
【反義詞】keep/ continue/ maintain/ hold
【派生】adequately/ adequacy
【同義詞】sufficient/ plentiful/ abundant/ affluent
【反義詞】insufficient/ inadequate/ deficient/ scanty
【派生】elimination/ eliminator/ eliminative
【同義詞】abolish/ cancel/ terminate/ remove/ cease/ extinct/ eradicate/ die out/ get rid of/ do away with
【派生】capable/ capably
【同義詞】ability/ capacity/ genius/ talent/ faculty/ gift/aptitude/competence
【派生】attraction/ attract/ attractiveness/ attractant
【同義詞】fascinating/ captivating/ obsessed/enchanted/ appealing
【反義詞】unattractive/ repellent
【派生】compliance/ compliancy/ compliant
【同義詞】conform/ consent /approve/subscribe/ abide by/ adhere to/ stick to/ insist on/ persist in/ cling to
【反義詞】disobey/ oppose/ reject
10. accomplish [ə'kʌmplɪʃ]
【派生】accomplishment/ accomplished/ accomplishable
【同義詞】achieve/ attain/ complete/ fulfill/ execute
11. prosecute ['prɒsɪkjuːt]
【派生】prosecution/ prosecutor/ prosecuted / prosecutorial
【同義詞】sue/ accuse/ charge/ condemn/ denounce/ indict
【反義詞】defend/ protect/ shield/ guard
12. administrate [əd'mɪnɪstreɪt]
【派生】administration/ administrative/ administrator
【同義詞】control/ manage/ govern/ administer/ supervise/ oversee/ regulate/ dominate/ rule
13. adore [ə'dɔː(r)]
【派生】adorable/ adoration/ adoring/ adorer
【同義詞】admire/ appreciate/ worship/ honor/ respect/ esteem
【反義詞】dislike/ hate
14. abbreviate [ə'briːvieɪt]
【派生】abbreviation/ abbreviated/ abbreviator
【同義詞】compress/ condense/ shorten/ curtail/ abridge
【反義詞】extend/ expand/ stretch
15. transform [træns'fɔːm]
【派生】transformation/ transformational/ transformer
【同義詞】convert/ alter/ change/ shift/ switch/ modify/ transfigure/ vary/ reform
16. acquire [ə'kwaɪə(r)]
【派生】acquired/ acquirer/ acquirable/ acquirement
【同義詞】get/ obtain/ attain/ gain/ win/ achieve/earn
【反義詞】lose/ deprive
17. adjust [ə'dʒʌst]
【派生】adjustment/ adjusted/ adjustable
【同義詞】alter/ modify/ accommodate/ adapt/ regulate
18. combine [kəm'baɪn]
【派生】combination/ combined/ combining
【同義詞】connect/ unite/ integrate/ mix/ merge
【反義詞】disintegrate/ differentiate/ separate/ decompose
19. accumulate [ə'kjuːmjəleɪt]
【派生】accumulation/ accumulative/ accumulator
【同義詞】assemble/ collect/ congregate/ gather
【反義詞】diffuse/ distribute/ scatter
20. seize [siːz]
【同義詞】grasp/ snatch
21.atificial [ˌɑːtɪ'fɪʃl]
【同義詞】fake/ false/ man-made/ unnatural/ synthetic
【反義詞】genuine/ real
22. argue ['ɑːɡjuː]
【派生】argument/ arguable/ arguer/ arguing
【同義詞】debate/ discuss/ dispute
【反義詞】agree/ concur/ assent/ comply/ subscribe
23. announce [ə'naʊns]
【派生】announcement/ announcer
【同義詞】pronounce/ advertise/ publish/ declare/ proclaim/ broadcast/ report
【反義詞】censor/ suppress/ stifle
24. conspicuous [kən'spɪkjuəs]
【派生】conspicuousness/ conspicuously
【同義詞】clear/ evident/ obvious/ remarkable/ visible/ noticeable/ striking/ outstanding/ distinct/ apparent
【反義詞】hazy/ indistinct/ vague/ obscure
25. ascend [ə'send]
【派生】ascending/ ascendant/ ascendancy/ ascendency
【同義詞】soar/ surge/ increase/ mount/ rise/ accelerate
【反義詞】descend/ decrease/ decline/ decelerate
26. temper ['tempə(r)]
【派生】temperature/ temperament/ temperate/ temperamental
【同義詞】character/ nature/ personality/ disposition/ complexion
27. astonish [ə'stɒnɪʃ]
【派生】astonishing/ astonished/ astonishment
【同義詞】surprise/ amaze/ shock/ startle/ astound/ stun
28. attempt [ə'tempt]
【詞義】v.企圖;嘗試 n.企圖;試圖
【同義詞】try/ strive/ endeavor
【反義詞】accomplish/ achieve
29. assure [ə'ʃʊə(r)]
【派生】assurance/ assured/ assuring/ assurer
【同義詞】ensure/ insure/ guarantee/ pledge/ convince
30. attract [ə'trækt]
【派生】attraction/ attractive/ attractiveness/ attractable
【同義詞】charm/ fascinate/ tempt/ enchant/ captivate/ appeal to
【反義詞】repel/ repulse
31. conference ['kɒnfərəns]
【同義詞】meeting/ assembly/ convention/ congress/ rally/ parliament/ council/ session/ gathering/ summit
32. assume [ə'sjuːm]
【派生】assumption/ assumed/ assuming/ assumable
【同義詞】presume/ suppose/ guess/ postulate/ deem/ infer
33. perceive [pə'siːv]
【同義詞】think/ believe/ reckon/ regard/ persist/ insist/ consider/ maintain
34. bargain ['bɑːgɪn]
【詞義】n.交易;便宜貨;契約 v.討價還價;議價
【派生】bargaining/ bargainer
【同義詞】deal/ trade/ exchange/ transaction/ commerce
35. advocate ['ædvəkeɪt]
【派生】avocation/ advocator/ advocatory
【同義詞】uphold/ support/ sustain/ defend
【反義詞】oppose/ object/ contradict
36. obstruction [əb'strʌkʃn]
【派生】obstruct/ obstructive/ obstructed/ obstructer
【同義詞】barrier/ block/ obstacle/ bar/ hindrance/ impediment/ prevention
37. initiate [ɪ'nɪʃieɪt]
【派生】initiation/ initiative/ initiator/ initialize
【同義詞】start/ begin/ originate/ launch
38. confuse [kən'fjuːz]
【派生】confusion/ confused/ confusing
【同義詞】bewilder/ puzzle/ perplex/ complicate/ muddle/ baffle/ confound/ distract
39. essential [ɪ'senʃl]
【派生】essentially/ essentiality/ essentials
【同義詞】crucial/ fatal/ vital/ decisive/ significant/ indispensable/ critical
【反義詞】inessential/ unnecessary
40. campaign [kæm'peɪn]
【同義詞】battle/ fight/ conflict/ combat/ movement/ warfare/ war
41. endure [ɪn'djʊə(r)]
【詞義】vt.容忍 vi.忍耐
【派生】endurance/ endurable
【同義詞】bear/ stand/ suffer/ withstand/ tolerate/ put up with/ abide
【反義詞】avoid/ escape
42. accuse [ə'kjuːz]
【派生】accusation/ accuser/ accusative/ accusatory/ accusable
【同義詞】blame/ condemn/ reproach/ scold/ denounce/ rebuke/ charge
【反義詞】absolve/ forgive/ pardon/ defend/ acquit
43. irritate ['ɪrɪteɪt]
【派生】irritation/ irritating/ irritated
【同義詞】bother/ disturb/ trouble/ annoy/ vex/ provoke
【反義詞】delight/ ease/ soothe/ gratify
44. tedious ['tiːdiəs]
【同義詞】boring/ tiresome/ dull/ monotonous/ dreary
【反義詞】interesting/ absorbing/ attractive/ pleasing
45. courageous [kə'reɪdʒəs]
【同義詞】bold/ brave/ daring/ heroic/ fearless/ aggressive/ formidable
【反義詞】timid/ shy/ coward/ shrinking/ faint-hearted
46. fragile ['frædʒaɪl]
【派生】fragility/ fragileness
【同義詞】brittle/ vulnerable/ feeble/ weak/ susceptible/ delicate/ breakable
【反義詞】durable/ hardy/ strong/ tough
47. establish [ɪ'stæblɪʃ]
【派生】establishment/ established
【同義詞】build/ found/ erect/ create/ set up
【反義詞】ruin/ abolish/ demolish/ destroy
48. intelligent [ɪn'telɪdʒənt]
【同義詞】bright/ clever/ wise/ smart/ ingenious/ shrewd
【反義詞】foolish/ unintelligent/ silly/ stupid/ unwise
49. calculate ['kælkjuleɪt]
【派生】calculation/ calculated/ calculator/ calculative
【同義詞】compute/ count/ evaluate/ weigh/ measure/ estimate/ figure/ reckon
50. wreck [rek]
【派生】wreckage/ wrecking/ wrecked/ wrecker
【同義詞】break/ burst/ crack/ crush/ smash/ fracture/ destroy/ ruin/ damage/ corrupt/spoil
【反義詞】protect/ defend
51. foster ['fɒstə(r)]
【派生】fosterage/ fosterer
【同義詞】nurture/ cultivate/ raise/ rear/ breed
【反義詞】combat/ oppose/ resist
52. transfer [træns'fɜː(r)]
【派生】transferable/ transference/ transferee
【同義詞】carry/ convey/ transport/ remove
【反義詞】keep/ retain
53. deceive [dɪ'siːv]
【派生】deception/ deceiver/ deceivable/ deceivability
【同義詞】cheat/ trick/ mislead/ beguile
【反義詞】undeceive/ disillusion
54. cautious ['kɔːʃəs]
【派生】caution/ cautiousness
【同義詞】careful/ attentive/ prudent/ precautious/ watchful/ circumspect/ alert/ discreet
【反義詞】incautious/ careless/ unthinking/ imprudent/ indiscreet
55. seize [siːz]
【派生】seizure/ seizer
【同義詞】catch/ grasp/ grip/ capture/ hold/ snatch
56. pursue [pə'sjuː]
【派生】pursuit/ pursuer/ pursuance/ pursuable
【同義詞】chase/ seek/ track/ trail/ quest/ probe/ hunt
【反義詞】flee/ escape/ abscond/ run away
57. choice [tʃɔɪs]
【同義詞】alternative/ option/ selection/ election/ preference
58. circumstance ['sɜːkəmstəns]
【派生】circumstantial/ circumstantiate
【同義詞】context/ situation/ condition/ state/ status/ environment/ surroundings
59. modify ['mɒdɪfaɪ]
【派生】modification/ modified/ modifier/ modifiable
【同義詞】change/ alter/ remold/ reshape/ vary/ convert/ transform/ adjust/ adapt/ regulate/ amend
【反義詞】disturb/ derange
60. characteristic [ˌkærəktə'rɪstɪk]
【詞義】n.特色;特性;特點 adj.典型的;特有的
【派生】characterize/ characterization/ characteristically
【同義詞】feature/ mark/ trait/ peculiarity/ property/ quality/ distinctive/ special/ typical/ unique/ unusual
【反義詞】common/ usual/ ordinary
61. principal ['prɪnsəp(ə)l]
【詞義】adj.主要的;首要的 n.本金;資本;校長;主角
【派生】principally/ principality
【同義詞】chief/ main/ major/ leading/ foremost/ primary/ capital/ master
【反義詞】least/ minor
62. collaborate [kə'læbəreɪt]
【派生】collaboration/ collaborative/ collaborator
63. compete [kəm'piːt]
【派生】competition/ competitor/ competition/ competitive/ competent/ competence
【同義詞】contend/ contest
64. complicated ['kɒmplɪkeɪtɪd]
【派生】complicate/ complicatedness
【同義詞】complex/ sophisticated/ intricate
【反義詞】easy/ simple/ clear/ basic/ elemental
65. component [kəm'pəʊnənt]
【詞義】 n.零部件;元件;組成部分;成分
【同義詞】constituent/ ingredient/ element/ factor
66. consistent [kən'sɪstənt]
【同義詞】persistent/ insistent/ constant/ successive/ continuous/ continual
【反義詞】inconsistent/ incoherent/ discordant/ contradictory/ conflicting/ irreconcilable
67. comprise [kəm'praɪz]
【派生】comprised/ comprisal/ comprisable
【同義詞】embrace/ include/ encompass/ contain/ involve/ comprehend/ hold/ compose/ consist
68. limit ['lɪmɪt]
【詞義】n.限度;限制;界限 vt.限制;限定
【派生】limitation/ limited
【同義詞】restrain/ discipline/ hold back/ curb on/ restrict/ confine/ circumscribe/ hinder/ constrict
69. acquire [ə'kwaɪə(r)]
【派生】acquired/ acquirement/ acquirer/ acquirable
【同義詞】get/ obtain/ attain/ gain/ win/ achieve
【反義詞】lose/ deprive
70. combine [kəm'baɪn]
【派生】combination/ combined
【同義詞】join/ unit/ integrate/ associate
【反義詞】divide/ separate
71. contradict [ˌkɒntrə'dɪkt]
【詞義】vt.反駁;與 ... 矛盾
【派生】contradiction/ contradictory/ contradictor/ contradictious/ contradictable
【同義詞】deny/ oppose/ refute
【反義詞】agree/ confirm/ endorse/ approve
72. triumph ['traɪʌmf]
【詞義】n.凱旋;成就;勝利 vi.打敗;慶祝勝利
【派生】triumphant/ triumphantly/ triumphal
【同義詞】victory/ success/ winning/ conquer/ overcome/ overthrow/ defeat
【反義詞】failure/ breakdown
73. contract ['kɒntrækt]
【詞義】n.合同;婚約;合約 v.縮小;訂合同;
【派生】contraction/ contractor/ contracted
【同義詞】condense/ compress/ shrink
74. duplicate ['djuːplɪkət]
【詞義】n.副本adj.徹底同樣的;複製的 v.複製;重複
【派生】duplication/ duplicated/ duplicator/ duplicative
【同義詞】copy/ imitate/ simulate/ repeat/ reproduce
75. innovative ['ɪnəveɪtɪv]
【派生】innovate/ innovator/ innovation/ innovationist
【同義詞】creative/ imaginative/ original/ novel/ groundbreaking/ inventive / fresh
【反義詞】old/ outdated
76. cruel ['kruːəl]
【派生】cruelty / cruelness
【同義詞】brutal/ inhuman/ savage/ fierce/ ruthless/ barbarous/ merciless/ ungentle/ unkind
【反義詞】kind/ merciful/ compassionate/ humane/ sympathetic/ soft-hearted/ tolerant
77. attract [ə'trækt]
【派生】attraction/ attractive/ attractiveness/ attractor/ attractable
【同義詞】induce/ tempt/ lure/ appeal/ enchant/ fascinate/ seduce/ captivate
【反義詞】repel/ repulse
78. surpass [sə'pɑːs]
【派生】surpassing/ surpassed
【同義詞】excel/ exceed/ transcend/ outdo/ go beyond
79. astonish [ə'stɒnɪʃ]
【派生】astonishing/ astonished/ astonishment
【同義詞】surprise/ amaze/ startle/ astound
80. pressure ['preʃə(r)]
【詞義】n.壓強;壓力;壓迫 v.施壓
【派生】pressurize/ pressurized
【同義詞】strain/ stress/ tension
81. symbol ['sɪmbl]
【派生】symbolism/ symbolize/ symbolic
【同義詞】sign/ signal/ mark/ token
82. skeptical ['skeptɪkəl]
【派生】skeptically/ skepticism
【同義詞】dubious/ doubtful/ suspicious/ incredulous
【反義詞】credulous/ trusting
83. diffuse [dɪ'fjuːz]
【詞義】v.擴散;散開; 瀰漫
【派生】diffusion/ diffuser/ diffusive/ diffusible/ diffuseness
【同義詞】scatter/ disperse/ spread
【反義詞】concentrate/ focus
84. severe [sɪ'vɪə(r)]
【詞義】adj.嚴厲的;嚴重的;劇烈的; 嚴峻的
【同義詞】stern/ strict/ rigorous/ serious/ grave/ solemn
【反義詞】tender/ gentle/ soft
85. expose [ɪk'spəʊz]
【派生】exposure/ exposed/ exposition
【同義詞】reveal/ disclose/ uncover
【反義詞】conceal/ cover/ hide
86. reject ['riːdʒekt]
【派生】rejection/ rejecter
【同義詞】refuse/ deny/ withhold/ decline/ repel
【反義詞】accept/ admit
87. pursue [pə'sjuː]
【派生】pursuit/ pursuer/ pursuable
【同義詞】chase/ follow/ hunt/ trace/ trail
88. protect ['prɒdʒekt]
【派生】protection/ protected/ protective/ protector/ protectionism
【同義詞】safeguard/ defend/shield/ shelter
【反義詞】attack/ threat
89. terminate ['tɜːmɪneɪt]
【派生】termination/ terminator
【同義詞】complete/ finish/ end/ accomplish/ expire
【反義詞】begin/ start/ initiate
90. reclaim [rɪ'kleɪm]
【派生】reclaimable/ reclaimed
【同義詞】recover/ restore/ regain
91. rectify ['rektɪfaɪ]
【派生】rectification/ rectifiable/ rectifier
【同義詞】amend/ correct/ revise/ repair/ regulate
92. fortune ['fɔːtʃuːn]
【派生】fortunate/ fortunately/ unfortunate/ unfortunately/ fortuneteller/ fortunetelling
【同義詞】fate/ destiny/ property/ asset/ estate
93.demonstrate ['demənstreɪt]
【派生】 demonstration/ demonstrator/ demonstrative
【同義詞】display/ clarify/ illuminate/ convey/ indicate
94. reasonable ['riːznəbl]
【派生】reasonably/ reasonableness
【同義詞】sensible/ rational
【反義詞】irrational/ unreasonable
95. occupation [ˌɒkju'peɪʃn]
【同義詞】job/ vocation/ career/ employment/ work/ profession
96. fragment ['fræɡmənt]
【同義詞】part/ section/ portion/ fraction/ segment
97. remarkable [rɪ'mɑːkəbl]
【派生】remarkableness/ remarkably
【同義詞】noticeable/ conspicuous/ striking/ pronounced/ outstanding/ extraordinary
98. oppose [ə'pəʊz]
【同義詞】object/ defy/ withstand/ resist/ protest
【反義詞】agree/ approve/ consent
99. announce [ə'naʊns]
【派生】announcement/ announcer
【同義詞】notify/ inform/ proclaim/ publish/ declare
【反義詞】restrain/ stifle/ suppress
100. terror ['terə(r)]
【派生】terrorism/ terrorist
【同義詞】panic/ horror/ alarm
101. assign [ə'saɪn]
【派生】assignment/ assigned
【同義詞】appoint/ designate/ name/ nominate
102. alternative [ɔːl'tɜːnətɪv]
【詞義】adj.二者擇一的;供選擇的; n.兩者擇一;選擇
【派生】alter/ alternate/ alternation
【同義詞】option/ choice/ selection
103. adverse ['ædvɜːs]
【派生】adversity/ adversary/ adversarial
【同義詞】opposite/ contrary/ reverse
104. original [ə'rɪdʒənl]
【派生】origin/ originate/ originality/ originator
【同義詞】new/ fresh/ novel/ innovative/ creative/ initial
105. comply [kəm'plaɪ]
【派生】complied/ complicity
【同義詞】obey/ submit/ follow
【反義詞】disobey/ oppose/ reject
106. defect ['diːfekt]
【派生】defective/ defectiveness/ defection/ defector
【同義詞】shortcoming/ flaw/ disadvantage/ weakness/ deficiency/ demerit
【反義詞】merit/ profit/ advantage
107. primarily [praɪ'merəli]
【同義詞】mainly/ chiefly/ greatly/ largely/ mostly/ principally/ generally
108. approach [ə'prəʊtʃ]
【派生】approaching/ approachable
【同義詞】manner/ method/ way/ mode/ means
109. crush [krʌʃ]
【派生】crushed/ crushing/ crusher
【同義詞】shatter/ break/ crack/ smash
110. embarrass [ɪm'bærəs]
【派生】embarrassed/ embarrassing/ embarrassment
【同義詞】shame/ disgrace/ dishonor/ humiliate
111. gorgeous ['ɡɔːdʒəs]
【同義詞】splendid/ glorious/ superb/ magnificent
112. evidence ['evɪdəns]
【同義詞】proof/ witness/ testimony
113. amusement [ə'mjuːzmənt]
【派生】amuse/ amused
【同義詞】pastime/ entertainment/ recreation
【反義詞】boredom/ displeasure
114. appeal [ə'piːl]
【派生】appealing/ appealable
【同義詞】advocate/ plead/ beg/ pray/ request
115. principal ['prɪnsəp(ə)l]
【派生】principally/ principality
【同義詞】predominate/ dominant/ leading
116. sympathy ['sɪmpəθi]
【派生】sympathize/ sympathetic/ sympathizer
【同義詞】compassion/ mercy/ pity
117. special ['speʃl]
【派生】specialist/ specialized/ specialty/ specialize
【同義詞】especial/ specific/ particular/ exceptional/ extraordinary/ peculiar/ uncommon
【反義詞】common/ normal/ ordinary/ usual
118. meditate ['medɪteɪt]
【派生】 meditation/ meditative/ meditating/ meditator
【同義詞】think over/ ponder/ consider/ deliberate/ muse
119. determine [dɪ'tɜːmɪn]
【派生】determination/ determined
【同義詞】decide/ resolve/ settle
120. solve [sɒlv]
【派生】solvent/ solvable
【同義詞】tackle/ address/ cope with/ handle/ deal with/ work out/ figure out
121. reject ['riːdʒekt]
【派生】rejection/ rejecter
【同義詞】refuse/ decline/ rebuff/ disallow
【反義詞】accept/ admit
122. infer [ɪn'fɜː(r)]
【派生】inference/ inferential
【同義詞】deduce/ reason/ conclude
123. deliberately [dɪ'lɪbərətli]
【派生】deliberate/ deliberated/ deliberateness
【同義詞】purposely/ on purpose/ intentionally/ consciously
124. gloomy ['ɡluːmi]
【派生】gloom/ gloominess/ gloomily
【同義詞】dim/ obscure/ vague
【反義詞】brilliant/ bright/ shining/ luminous
125. postpone [pə'spəʊn]
【派生】postponed/ postponement
【同義詞】delay/ prolong/ suspend/ put off/ defer
【反義詞】put ahead/ antedate/ predate
126. hazard ['hæzəd]
【派生】hazardous/ hazardless
【同義詞】danger/ risk/ adventure/ threat/ peril/ cliff
【反義詞】safety/ security
127. diminish [dɪ'mɪnɪʃ]
【詞義】vt.減小;減損;貶低 vi.變少;逐漸變細
【派生】diminished/ diminishable
【同義詞】decline/ reduce/ lessen/ cut/ fall/ drop/ shrink / decrease/ descend/ decelerate/ weaken
【反義詞】ascend/ increase/ accelerate/ rocket/ raise
128. diligent ['dɪlɪdʒənt]
【同義詞】industrious/ hardworking
【反義詞】lazy/ inactive
129. detect [dɪ'tekt]
【派生】detective/ detection/ detector/ detectable
【同義詞】discover/ perceive
【反義詞】conceal/ hide
130. distinction [dɪ'stɪŋkʃn]
【派生】distinct/ distinctive/ distinctiveness
【同義詞】difference/ discrepancy/ discrimination/ differentiation/ separation
【反義詞】similarity/ likeness/ resemblance
131. various ['veəriəs]
【派生】variously/ vary
【同義詞】different/ varied/ diverse
【反義詞】same/ similar
132. contradict [ˌkɒntrə'dɪkt]
【詞義】vt.反駁;與 ... 矛盾
【派生】contradiction/ contradictory/ contradictor/ contradictious/ contradictable/ contradictive
【同義詞】disagree/ differ/ object/ oppose/ reject
【反義詞】agree/ conform/ comply/ obey
133. despise [dɪ'spaɪz]
【同義詞】scorn/ look down upon/ contempt
134. eliminate [ɪ'lɪmɪneɪt]
【派生】elimination/ eliminator/ eliminative
【同義詞】remove/ expel/ eradicate/ get rid of/ do away with/ extinguish/ exterminate/
135. demerit [diː'merɪt]
【同義詞】disadvantage/ drawback/ shortcoming/ weakness/ limitation/ negative aspect
【反義詞】advantage/ benefit/ profit/ merit/ positive aspect
135. disaster [dɪ'zɑːstə(r)]
【同義詞】calamity/ misfortune/ catastrophe
136. neglect [nɪ'ɡlekt]
【派生】neglected/ neglectful/ neglector
【同義詞】ignore/ overlook/ bypass/ disregard
【反義詞】attention/ care/ notice/ regard
137. expire [ɪk'spaɪə(r)]
【派生】expiration/ expiratory
【同義詞】die/ decease/ perish/ pass away/ elapse
138. expose [ɪk'spəʊz]
【派生】exposure/ exposed /exposing / exposition
【同義詞】disclose/ uncover/ reveal/ unveil/ unmask
【反義詞】conceal/ cover/ hide
139. separate ['sepərət]
【派生】separation/ separately/ separator/ separated/ separatism/ separateness
【同義詞】divide/ part/ divorce/ isolate/ segregate/ insulate
【反義詞】joint/ unite
140. advancement [əd'vɑːnsmənt]
【派生】advance/ advanced
【同義詞】development/ promotion/ advance/ improvement/ enhancement/ evolution
【反義詞】backwardness/ slowness
141. responsibility [rɪˌspɒnsə'bɪləti]
【同義詞】duty/ obligation
142. expense [ɪk'spens]
【派生】expensive/ expenditure
【同義詞】earnings/ allowance/ pension/ income/ salary/ wage/ pay/ fee
143. passionate ['pæʃənət]
【派生】passion/ passionately
【同義詞】eager/ earnest/ enthusiastic/ zealous/ keen/ anxious/ affectionate
【反義詞】passionless/ loveless/ detached/ emotionless/ cold/ unemotional
144. overestimate [ˌəʊvər'estɪmeɪt]
【同義詞】overrate/ overvalue
【反義詞】underestimate/ undervalue
145. enhance [ɪn'hɑːns]
【派生】enhancement/ enhanced
【同義詞】heighten/ intensify/ aggravate/ reinforce/ enforce/ strengthen
【反義詞】decline/ diminish
146. incident ['ɪnsɪdənt]
【派生】incidence/ incidental
【同義詞】event/ accident/ occurrence
147. vigor ['vɪgə]
【派生】vigorous/ vigorousness
【同義詞】energy/ force/ power/ might/ strength
148. enlarge [ɪn'lɑːdʒ]
【同義詞】amplify/ expand/ magnify/ augment
【反義詞】reduce/ diminish
149. enormous [ɪ'nɔːməs]
【派生】enormously/ enormousness
【同義詞】huge/ immense/ vast/ giant/ titanic/ considerable/ massive/ tremendous/ gigantic
【反義詞】small/ tiny/ mini/ miniature
150. complete [kəm'pliːt]
【詞義】adj.完整的;完全的 vt.完成;使完美
【派生】completely/ completed/ completion/ completeness/ completive/ completest
【同義詞】entire/ whole/ full/ total/ absolute/ accomplished/ conclusive/ thorough
【反義詞】incomplete/ imperfect/ inconclusive/ unaccomplished/ unfinished
151. extreme [ɪk'striːm]
【詞義】 adj.極度的;極端的 n.極端;極限
【派生】extremely/ extremity/ extremist/ extremism
【同義詞】excessive/ supreme/ utmost
【反義詞】moderate/ temperate
152. anticipate [æn'tɪsɪpeɪt]
【派生】anticipation/ anticipated/ anticipatory/ anticipative/ anticipator
【同義詞】expect/ foresee/ predict
153. extend [ɪk'stend]
【派生】extension/ extent/ extensive/ extensible/ extensibility
【同義詞】enlarge/ stretch/ lengthen/ prolong
【反義詞】contract/ shrink
154. fortune ['fɔːtʃuːn]
【派生】fortunate/ unfortunate/ unfortunately
【同義詞】fate/ destiny
155. collapse [kə'læps]
【派生】collapsing/ collapsible
【同義詞】fall/ crash/ crumble/ tumble/ crack
【反義詞】establish/ build/ construct
156. excellent ['eksələnt]
【派生】excellence/ excellently
【同義詞】outstanding/ prominent/ distinguished/ remarkable
【反義詞】ordinary/ common
157. clarify ['klærəfaɪ]
【派生】clarification/ clarifier
【同義詞】illuminate/ exemplify/ illustrate
158. suspicious [sə'spɪʃəs]
【派生】suspiciously/ suspiciousness
【同義詞】doubtful/ skeptical/ questionable/ distrustful/ unbelievable/ dubious/ untrustworthy/ mistrustful / incredulous
【反義詞】trustful/ credulous
159. dedicate ['dedɪkeɪt]
【派生】dedication/ dedicated/ dedicator
【同義詞】devote/ sacrifice/ contribute
160. kill [kɪl]
【派生】killer/ killed/ killing
【同義詞】murder/ assassinate/ slaughter/ suicide
161. contemporary [kən'temprəri]
【派生】contemporaries/ contemporaneous/ contemporaneously
【同義詞】current/ recent/ present/ modern
【反義詞】outmoded/ out-of-date
162. combine [kəm'baɪn]
【派生】combination/ combined/ combiner
【同義詞】mix/ mingle/ blend/ merge/ compose
【反義詞】decompose/ divide/ separate
163. memorize ['meməraɪz]
【派生】memorization/ memorizer
【同義詞】remember/ recall/ remind
164. reside [rɪ'zaɪd]
【派生】resident/ residential
【同義詞】dwell/ live/ inhabit
165. confront [kən'frʌnt]
【同義詞】encounter/ face/ meet
166. deteriorate [dɪ'tɪəriəreɪt]
【同義詞】aggravate/ worsen/ degenerate/ regress
【反義詞】improve/ restore/ advance
166. motivate ['məʊtɪveɪt]
【派生】motive/ motivation/ motivator/ motivational
【同義詞】stimulate/ inspire
167. interfere [ˌɪntə'fɪə(r)]
【派生】interference/ interferential
【同義詞】interrupt/ disturb/ intervene/ meddle/hinder/ obstruct
【反義詞】help/ assist/ support
168. compose
【派生】composition/ composer
【同義詞】comprise/ constitute/ consist/ include/ contain
【反義詞】decompose/ disintegrate
169. persevere [ˌpɜːsɪ'vɪə(r)]
【派生】perseverance/ perseverant
【同義詞】persist/ insist/ adhere to/ cling to
170. conception [kən'sepʃn]
【同義詞】notion/ thought/ concept/ idea
171. pursue [pə'sjuː]
【派生】pursuit/ pursuer
【同義詞】hunt/ explore/ track/ trace/ seek
【反義詞】abandon/ discard/ desert/ forsake
172. demonstrate ['demənstreɪt]
【派生】demonstration/ demonstrationist/ demonstrator/demonstrative/ demonstratively/
【同義詞】display/ exhibit/ show/ illuminate/ indicate/ convey/ clarify/ manifest/ represent
173. neutral ['njuːtrəl]
【派生】neutralize/ neutrality/ neutralization
【同義詞】impartial/ indifferent/ unconcerned/ uninterested/ objective/ detached/unbiased
【反義詞】partial/ prejudiced/ biased
174. investigate [ɪn'vestɪɡeɪt]
【派生】investigation/ investigator/ investigative
【同義詞】examine/ research/ inspect/ probe/ study/ look into
175. assume [ə'sjuːm]
【派生】assumption/ assumed/ assumable
【同義詞】presume/ suppose/guess/ postulate/ hypothesize
【反義詞】deem/ believe
176. cheerful ['tʃɪəfl]
【派生】cheerfully/ cheerfulness
【同義詞】joyful/ delightful/ merry/ pleasant
【反義詞】cheerless/ gloomy/ sad/ upset
177. possess
【派生】possession/ possessor
【同義詞】have/ occupy/ hold/ own
【反義詞】deprive/ dispossess/ take away
178. imply [ɪm'plaɪ]
【詞義】vt.暗示;意指;含有 ... 的意義
【派生】implication/ implicated/ implicative
【同義詞】hint/ denote/ indicate/ insinuate
179. distress [dɪ'stres]
【詞義】n.不幸;痛苦 vt.使苦惱;使痛苦
【派生】distressed/ distressful/ distressing
【同義詞】grief/ sorrow/ misery
【反義詞】joyousness/ cheerfulness/ gladness/ happiness/ joyfulness
180. conceal [kən'siːl]
【派生】concealed/ concealment
【同義詞】hide/ disguise/ dissemble
【反義詞】disclose/ reveal
181. innovate ['ɪnəveɪt]
【派生】innovation/ innovator/ innovative
【同義詞】invent/ originate/ remodel
182. genuine ['dʒenjuɪn]
【派生】genuinely/ genuineness
【同義詞】actual/ authentic/ real/ true/ factual
【反義詞】fake/ artificial/ synthetic
183. moderate ['mɒdərət]
【派生】moderately/ moderator/ moderation
【同義詞】temperate/ average/ calm/ modest/ fair/ ordinary
【反義詞】excessive/ extreme/ immoderate
184. passion ['pæʃn]
【派生】passionate/ passionately/ passionless
【同義詞】emotion/ feeling/ sensation/ sense/ desire/ fancy/ thirst
【反義詞】coldness/ indifference/ unconcern
185. appropriate [ə'prəʊpriət ]
【詞義】adj.適當的 vt.佔用;撥出(款項)
【派生】appropriately/ appropriation/ appropriateness/ appropriator
【同義詞】applicable/ proper/ right/ fitting/ suitable/ apt
【反義詞】inappropriate/ inapt/ unfit
186. revive [rɪ'vaɪv]
【派生】revival/ revived/ reviver
【同義詞】refresh/ regenerate/ recover/ revitalize/ restore/ reanimate
187. flourish ['flʌrɪʃ]
【同義詞】boom/ thrive/ prosper
【反義詞】decay/ recede/ regress
188. magnificent [mæɡ'nɪfɪsnt]
【派生】magnificently/ magnificence
【同義詞】glorious/ grand/ splendid/ wonderful/ fantastic/ fabulous/ marvelous/ spectacular
189. forbid [fə'bɪd]
【派生】forbidden/ forbidding/ forbiddance
【同義詞】ban/ prohibit/ prevent/ hinder
【反義詞】permit/ admit/ allow/ approve
190. liberate ['lɪbəreɪt]
【派生】liberation/ liberator/ liberationist
【同義詞】free/ release/ discharge
【反義詞】confine/ imprison
191. stable ['steɪbl]
【派生】stably/ stability/ stableness
【同義詞】reliable/ solid/ steady/ firm
【反義詞】changeable/ unstable/ unsteady
192. numerous ['njuːmərəs]
【派生】numerously/ numerousness
【同義詞】innumerable/ infinite/ countless/ a great number of/ an ocean of/ a host of
【反義詞】few/ scanty
193. intelligent [ɪn'telɪdʒənt]
【派生】intelligently/ intelligence
【同義詞】bright/ brilliant/ clever/ smart/ wise/ acute/ knowledgeable
【反義詞】foolish/ unintelligent/ unwise
194. attractive [ə'træktɪv]
【派生】attract/ attraction/ attractiveness
【同義詞】charming/ gorgeous/ pretty/ adorable/ eye-catching/ hot/ cute/ lovable
【反義詞】unattractive/ repellent/ disgusting/ offensive/ revolting
195. complicated ['kɒmplɪkeɪtɪd]
【派生】complicate/ complicatedness
【同義詞】intricate/ sophisticated/ complex/ perplexing/ puzzling/ tricky/ hard
【反義詞】easy/ simple/ effortless/ uncomplicated/ undemanding/ a piece of cake
196. swift [swɪft]
【派生】swiftly/ swiftness
【同義詞】fast/ hasty/ quick/ rapid/ speedy
【反義詞】late/ slow
197. construct [kən'strʌkt]
【派生】construction/ constructive/ constructor
【同義詞】build/ establish
【反義詞】ruin/ demolish/ destroy
198. accommodate [ə'kɒmədeɪt]
【派生】accommodation/ accommodating
【同義詞】provide/ supply/ adapt/ adjust
199. submit [səb'mɪt]
【派生】submission/ submissive
【同義詞】surrender/ subject/ yield
【反義詞】fight/ resist
200. promote [prə'məʊt]
【派生】promotion/ promotional/ promoter
【同義詞】upgrade/ elevate/ improve
【反義詞】degrade/ demote
201. efficient [ɪ'fɪʃnt]
【派生】efficiently/ efficiency
【同義詞】effective/ competent/ able/ useful
【反義詞】ineffective/ useless
202. circumscribe ['sɜːkəmskraɪb]
【同義詞】limit/ define/ confine/ restrict/ restrain
【反義詞】free/ liberate/ release
203. adopt [ə'dɒpt]
【派生】adoption/ adopted/ adopter/ adoptee/ adoptive/ adoptable
【同義詞】accept/ assume/ take on
【反義詞】reject/ refuse/ resist
204. proficient [prə'fɪʃnt]
【詞義】adj.熟練的;精通的 n.能手
【派生】proficiency/ proficiently
【同義詞】adept/ skilled/ masterful
【反義詞】clumsy/ strange/ verdant
205. originate [ə'rɪdʒɪneɪt]
【派生】origination/ originator/ originative
【同義詞】initiate/ start/ begin/ create/ invent
【反義詞】finish/ accomplish/ terminate/ end
206. appreciate [ə'priːʃieɪt]
【派生】appreciation/ appreciative/ appreciatively/ appreciator
【同義詞】be grateful for/ be thankful for
【反義詞】depreciate/ despise
207. transmit [træns'mɪt]
【派生】transmission/ transmitter/ transmissible
【同義詞】transfer/ communicate/ convey/ spread/ dispatch/ pass on/ send out
208. assess [ə'ses]
【派生】assessment/ assessable/ assessor
【同義詞】estimate/ evaluate
209. express [ɪk'spres]
【派生】expression/ expressive/ expressively/ expressionism
【同義詞】communicate/ convey/ manifest/ state
210. extinguish [ɪk'stɪŋɡwɪʃ]
【派生】extinguisher/ extinguished/ extinguishment/ extinguishable
【同義詞】snuff out/ do away with/ stub out/ terminate/ end
【反義詞】ignite/ kindle
211. considerate [kən'sɪdərət]
【派生】consideration/ considerately/ considerateness
【同義詞】thoughtful/ kind/ concerned
【反義詞】inconsiderate/ selfish/ thoughtless
212. nominate ['nɒmɪneɪt]
【派生】nomination/ nominated/ nominative/ nominator
【同義詞】name/ appoint/ designate
213. deceive [dɪ'siːv]
【派生】decisiveness/ decisively/ significant
【同義詞】definite/ determined
【反義詞】indecisive/ insignificant
214. realize ['riːəlaɪz]
【派生】realization/ realizable
【同義詞】accomplish/ achieve/ actualize/ complete/ recognize/ be aware of
【反義詞】be unaware of
215. triumphant [traɪ'ʌmfənt]
【派生】triumph/ triumphantly/ triumphalism
【同義詞】successful/ victorious
【反義詞】unsuccessful/ failing/ frustrated
216. isolate ['aɪsəleɪt]
【派生】isolation/ isolated/ isolator/ isolationism
【同義詞】disconnect/ separate/ set apart
【反義詞】combine/ join/ unite
217. recognize ['rekəɡnaɪz]
【派生】recognition/ recognized/ recognizable
【同義詞】acknowledge/ admit/ understand/ identify/ confess/ accept/ be aware of/ concede
【反義詞】overlook/ ignore/ neglect/ bypass
218. donate [dəʊ'neɪt]
【派生】donation/ donator/ donative
【同義詞】contribute/ have a hand in
【反義詞】detract/ divert/ diminish/ lessen
219. complain [kəm'pleɪn]
【派生】complaint/ complainer
【同義詞】grumble/ protest/ gripe
220. manipulate [mə'nɪpjuleɪt]
【派生】manipulation/ manipulative/ manipulator
【同義詞】handle/ operate/ manage/ perform
221. controversy ['kɒntrəvɜːsɪ]
【派生】controversial/ controversialist
【同義詞】argument/ dispute/ conflict/ debate/ quarrel/ strife
【反義詞】agreement/ accord/ harmony
222. possess [pə'zes]
【派生】possession/ possessed/ possessor
【同義詞】have/ own/ occupy/ control/ maintain/ dominate/ keep/ retain
【反義詞】lose/ forfeit/ deprive/ strip
223. elaborate [ɪ'læbəreɪt]
【詞義】adj.詳盡的;複雜的; v.用心製做
【派生】elaboration/ elaborative/ elaborately/ elaborator/ elaborateness
【同義詞】complex/ complicated/ clarify/ specify
【反義詞】plain/ simple
224. compromise ['kɒmprəmaɪz]
【派生】compromising/ compromisingly
【同義詞】concede/ concession/ negotiate/ give in/ meet halfway/ settle
【反義詞】persist/ insist/ persevere/ stick to
225. strive [straɪv]
【派生】striver/ striving
【同義詞】attempt/ try/ endeavor
【反義詞】abandon/ discard/ desert/ forsake
226. eager ['iːɡə(r)]
【派生】eagerly/ eagerness
【同義詞】anxious/ keen/ enthusiastic/ desirous
【反義詞】apathetic/ unconcerned/ unenthusiastic/ uninterested
227. frustrate [frʌ'streɪt]
【派生】frustrated/ frustrating/ frustration
【同義詞】defeat/ depress/ surrender/ discourage/demoralize/ dispirit
【反義詞】encourage/ inspire/ stimulate
228. standard ['stændəd]
【派生】standardize/ standardized/ standardization
【同義詞】average/ principle/ basic/ normal/ regular/ usual
【反義詞】abnormal/ irregular/ unusual
229. compel [kəm'pel]
【派生】compelling/ compelled
【同義詞】force/ require/ impel/ enforce/ oppress/ demand/ constrain
【反義詞】free/ liberate
230. suppress [sə'pres]
【派生】suppression/ suppressor/ suppressive/ suppressible
【同義詞】repress/ restrain/ inhibit/ overpower/ restrict/ limit/ keep down/ curb
231. conflict
【詞義】 n.衝突;戰鬥 vi.衝突;抵觸;爭執
【派生】confliction/ conflictive/ conflictingly
【同義詞】controversy/ argument/ debate/ dispute/ quarrel/ strife/ battle/ combat
【反義詞】agreement/ harmony
232. consult ['kɒnflɪkt]
【派生】consultant/ consultation/ consulting
【同義詞】confer/ discuss/ negotiate
【反義詞】decide/ determine/ resolve
233. transfer [træns'fɜː(r)]
【派生】transferable/ transference
【同義詞】carry/ move/ remove/ transport
【反義詞】keep/ retain
234. facilitate [fə'sɪlɪteɪt]
【詞義】vt.促進;幫助;使 ... 容易
【派生】facilitation/ facilitator/ facilitative
【同義詞】assist/ ease/ help
【反義詞】hinder/ obstruct/ prevent/ obstacle
235. addict ['ædɪkt]
【詞義】vt.沉溺;使 ... 上癮 n.上癮者
【派生】addiction/ addicted/ addictive
【同義詞】fascinate/ attract/ captivate/ enchant
236. consume [kən'sjuːm]
【派生】consumer/ consumption/ consumed/ consumable/ consumerism
【同義詞】expend/ exhaust
【反義詞】produce/ abstain
237. inspect [ɪn'spekt]
【派生】inspection/ inspector/ inspective
【同義詞】examine/ look over/ check/ supervise
238. reflect [rɪ'flekt]
【派生】reflection/ reflective/ reflector
【同義詞】reveal/ expose/ suggest/ indicate
【反義詞】imply/ insinuate
239. reluctant [rɪ'lʌktənt]
【派生】reluctantly/ reluctance
【同義詞】hesitant/ unwilling
240. thrive [θraɪv]
【同義詞】flourish/ prosper/ bloom /mushroom
【反義詞】decline/ regress/ recede