Step by Step for configuration of sending customize IDOC/自定義IDOC發送配置

Step by Step for configuration of sending customize IDOCgit

  1. WE31 建立IDOC所包含的字段



  1. WE30 建立IDOC 把Segment分配給IDOC



  1. WE81  建立信息類型


  1. WE82   把IDOC類型與信息類型對應


  1. WE57 Assign Message & Idoc Type to a Function Module for data Process (Optional)


  1. SM59 Define a RFC connection for Idoc transfer


  1. WE21 Define a Port ( Assign a RFC destination which created in SM59 )


  1. WE41/42 Creat Process Code


  1. WE20 Define a Partner Profiles

First create Logical system in SALEoracle


  1. Use program to build and send out IDOC


  DATA: head TYPE zgghead,
        item TYPE zggitem,
        char TYPE zggchar.

  DATA: control_data LIKE edidc,
        data LIKE edidd OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE,
        communication LIKE edidc OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE.

*  Master idoc control record
  control_data-rcvprt = 'LS'.
  control_data-rcvprn = 'ZGG_OUT_LS'.
  control_data-rcvpor = 'ZGG_OUT'.
  control_data-idoctp = 'ZGGIDOC'.
  control_data-mestyp = 'ZGGMSG'.
*   master idoc data records

  head-f1 = 'Header'.
  data-segnam = 'ZGGHEAD'.
  data-sdata = head.
  append data.

  item-if1 = 'Item1'.
  data-segnam = 'ZGGITEM'.
  data-sdata = item.
  APPEND data.

  char-cf1 = 'Char1'.
  data-segnam = 'ZGGCHAR'.
  data-sdata = char.
  APPEND data.

  item-if1 = 'Item2'.
  data-segnam = 'ZGGITEM'.
  data-sdata = item.
  APPEND data.

  char-cf1 = 'Char21'.
  data-segnam = 'ZGGCHAR'.
  data-sdata = char.
  APPEND data.

  char-cf1 = 'Char22'.
  data-segnam = 'ZGGCHAR'.
  data-sdata = char.
  APPEND data.

  item-if1 = 'Item3'.
  data-segnam = 'ZGGITEM'.
  data-sdata = item.
  APPEND data.

      master_idoc_control = control_data
      communication_idoc_control = communication
      master_idoc_data = data.
  IF sy-subrc = 0.

  1. WE02 to Check result


  1. Use program RSEOUT00 (usually set up as job) to send to external system


Part II: Configuration for inbound IDOCui

  1. BD64 to create distribution model (Optional)


  1. BD51 to maintain the characteristic of Inbound processing function module

First create a FM with fix parameters (creation with referring to FM IDOC_INPUT_MATMAS01)this



  1. WE57 to mapping the Inbound processing function module with message type


  1. WE42 to Create inbound process code


  1. WE20 to add the inbound message into logical system


手工處理inbound IDOC:BD87, 程序:RBDAPP01(BD20,可用於schedule一個job)RBDMANI2spa

Test inbound

Create a table to store the inbound IDOC datacode



BD87 to process inbound IDOChtm






Check the data in table


Inbound processing function module:

FUNCTION zggmsg_in_proc.
*"*"Global Interface:
*"       OPTIONAL
  DATA: wa_idoc_control   TYPE          edidc,
        wa_idoc_data      TYPE          edidd,
        gv_time           TYPE          sy-uzeit,
        gv_index          TYPE          i,
        gv_appt_ser       TYPE          string.
  DATA: lt_zggmsg         TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF zggmsg,
        lw_zggmsg         TYPE zggmsg,
        lv_key1           TYPE timestampl,
        lv_key            TYPE timestamp.
  IF idoc_contrl-mestyp = 'ZGGMSG'.
    "check if it is the right message type
****for inbound IDoc receive, you can't delete this block of code, otherwise the inbound IDoc will be error
    READ TABLE idoc_contrl INDEX 1.
    IF sy-subrc = 0.
      idoc_status-docnum = idoc_contrl-docnum.
      idoc_status-status = '53'.
      idoc_status-msgty = 'S'.
      idoc_status-msgid = '00'.
      idoc_status-msgno = '001'.
      idoc_status-msgv1 = 'This is '.
      idoc_status-msgv2 = 'a message '.
      idoc_status-msgv3 = 'from '.
      idoc_status-msgv4 = 'Gavin'.
      idoc_status-docnum = idoc_contrl-docnum."/h
      idoc_status-status = '51'.
    APPEND idoc_status.
****for inbound IDoc receive, you can't delete this block of code, otherwise the inbound IDoc will be error
    CLEAR gv_index.
    LOOP AT idoc_data WHERE segnam = 'ZGGCHAR'.
      gv_index = gv_index + 1.
      GET TIME STAMP FIELD lv_key.
      GET TIME STAMP FIELD lv_key1.
      lw_zggmsg-cdate = lv_key.
      lw_zggmsg-seqnum = gv_index.
      lw_zggmsg-cf1 = idoc_data-sdata.
      READ TABLE idoc_data WITH KEY segnum = idoc_data-psgnum.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
        lw_zggmsg-if1 = idoc_data-sdata.
        READ TABLE idoc_data WITH KEY segnum = idoc_data-psgnum.
        IF sy-subrc = 0.
          lw_zggmsg-f1 = idoc_data-sdata.

      APPEND lw_zggmsg TO lt_zggmsg.
      CLEAR lw_zggmsg.



  IF lt_zggmsg IS NOT INITIAL.
    MODIFY zggmsg FROM TABLE lt_zggmsg.


Some related link:

Some more testing:

If change the RFC connection to another client


Send IDOC out from 781, and firstly in 782 it will get error:


Add parameters in WE20 (first need to maintain WE42)



BD87 reprocess the IDOC


Check in table
