volley網絡請求過程:當請求被添加到請求隊列後,volley經過兩種調度線程()不斷從請求隊列中取出請求,根據是否已緩存調用Cache或Network這兩類數據獲取接口之一,從緩存中或網絡上取得數據。而後交給response delivery去作結果分發及回調處理。高併發
RequestQueue:A request dispatch queue with a thread pool of dispatchers.Calling {@link #add(Request)} will enqueue the given Request for dispatch, resolving from either cache or network on a worker thread, and then delivering a parsed response on the main thread.this
RequestQueue 中維護了兩個基於優先級的 Request 隊列,緩存請求隊列和網絡請求隊列。
CacheDispatcher:Provides a thread for performing cache triage on a queue of requests.Requests added to the specified cache queue are resolved from cache.Any deliverable response is posted back to the caller via a{@link ResponseDelivery}. Cache misses and responses that require refresh are enqueued on the specified network queue for processing by a { @link NetworkDispatcher}.
NetworkDispatcher:Provides a thread for performing network dispatch from a queue of requests.Requests added to the specified queue are processed from the network via a specified {@link Network} interface. Responses are committed to cache, if eligible, using a specified {@link Cache} interface. Valid responses and errors are posted back to the caller via a {@link ResponseDelivery}.
Request<T>:Base class for all network requests.@param <T> The type of parsed response this request expects.
ExecutorDelivery:Delivers responses and errors.
DiskBasedCache:Cache implementation that caches files directly onto the hard disk in the specified directory. The default disk usage size is 5MB, but is configurable.