#pg_sql之增刪改查 #修改: inset into table_name (id, name, age, address ) select replace(old_id,old_id,new_id),#old_id字段的old_id數據,替換爲new_id replace(name,name,substring(concat('【新名字】'),name),1,20)),#name字段替換爲【新名字】+name 20, address from table_name where id ='201901' #增長 inset into table_name (id, name, age, address, date ) values( '201901', 'xiaoming', '23', '上海', TO_DATE('2006-03-01','YYYY-MM-DD')) #更新 update table_name set id =3 where id = 2 and name ='xiaoming' #聯表搜索 join on mybatis註解多條件查詢 @Selct({"<script>"+"查詢語句"+"</script>"}) List<DemoBo> getListByForm(Page<DemoBo> page,DemoForm demoForm) 查詢語句以下: select A.id, B.name, A.address, A.age from table_nameA as A left join table_nameB as B on A.id = B.id where A.id = 0 <if test 'id != null'> and A.id <![CDATA[=]]> #{id}</if> <if test 'name != null'> and A.name <![CDATA[=]]> #{name}</if> order by A.age desc,A.id desc #條件判斷 case when selct a.id ,a.name,a.age case when b.begindate = b.enddate then 1 else 0 end as f_date from table_nameA as a inner join( selct id, count(*) as count, sum(case when age =2 then 1 else 0 end) as age from table_nameB group by id ) as b on a.id = b.id where a.id =1232