import os # Get the all files & directories in the specified directory (path). def get_recursive_file_list(path): current_files = os.listdir(path) all_files = [] for file_name in current_files: full_file_name = os.path.join(path, file_name) all_files.append(full_file_name) if os.path.isdir(full_file_name): next_level_files = get_recursive_file_list(full_file_name) all_files.extend(next_level_files) return all_files all_files=get_recursive_file_list('C:\Users\green_pasture\Desktop\korea\key_words') for filename in all_files: print filename f1=open(filename,'r+') for line1 in f1: print "\n" print line1, f1.close
可是遇到一個問題,IndentationError:unindent does not match any outer indentation level,因而去查找了一下python的indentation:服務器
同時,在你使用顯式或者隱式的continue line時縮進會被忽略。測試
import os # Get the all files & directories in the specified directory (path). def get_recursive_file_list(path): current_files = os.listdir(path) all_files = [] for file_name in current_files: full_file_name = os.path.join(path, file_name) all_files.append(full_file_name) if os.path.isdir(full_file_name): next_level_files = get_recursive_file_list(full_file_name) all_files.extend(next_level_files) return all_files all_files=get_recursive_file_list('C:\Users\green_pasture\Desktop\korea\key_words') for filename in all_files: print filename f1=open(filename,'r+') for line1 in f1: print line1,
能夠使用xlsxWriter https://xlsxwriter.readthedocs.org/
xlwt http://www.python-excel.org/
openpyxl http://pythonhosted.org/openpyxl/
############################################################################## # # A simple example of some of the features of the XlsxWriter Python module. # # Copyright 2013-2014, John McNamara, jmcnamara@cpan.org # import xlsxwriter # Create an new Excel file and add a worksheet. workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook('demo.xlsx') worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet() # Widen the first column to make the text clearer. worksheet.set_column('A:A', 20) # Add a bold format to use to highlight cells. bold = workbook.add_format({'bold': True}) # Write some simple text. worksheet.write('A1', 'Hello') # Text with formatting. worksheet.write('A2', 'World', bold) # Write some numbers, with row/column notation. worksheet.write(2, 0, 123) worksheet.write(3, 0, 123.456) # Insert an image. worksheet.insert_image('B5', 'logo.png') workbook.close()
如何安裝呢?能夠使用pip installer,個人python目錄下C:\Python33\Scripts已經有pip.exe,把當前路徑設置到path環境變量,在命令行執行pip install XlsxWriter
Fatal error in launcher: Unable to create process using C:\Python33\Scripts\pip.exe install XlsxWriter。
$ git clone https://github.com/jmcnamara/XlsxWriter.git $ cd XlsxWriter $ sudo python setup.py install
import xlsxwriter workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook('hello.xlsx') worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet() worksheet.write('A1', 'Hello world') workbook.close()
import os import xlsxwriter # Get the all files & directories in the specified directory (path). def get_recursive_file_list(path): current_files = os.listdir(path) all_files = [] for file_name in current_files: full_file_name = os.path.join(path, file_name) all_files.append(full_file_name) if os.path.isdir(full_file_name): next_level_files = get_recursive_file_list(full_file_name) all_files.extend(next_level_files) return all_files workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook('keywords.xlsx') worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet() all_files=get_recursive_file_list('C:\Users\green_pasture\Desktop\korea\key_words') row=0 for filename in all_files: print filename f1=open(filename,'r+') keywords="" list=[] a="\n" for line in f1: list.append(line), keywords=a.join(list) print keywords worksheet.write(row,0, filename) worksheet.write(row,1,keywords.decode("utf-8")) row=row+1 workbook.close()