本文主要研究一下storm supervisor的啓動html
/** * Launch the supervisor */ public void launch() throws Exception { LOG.info("Starting Supervisor with conf {}", conf); String path = ConfigUtils.supervisorTmpDir(conf); FileUtils.cleanDirectory(new File(path)); Localizer localizer = getLocalizer(); SupervisorHeartbeat hb = new SupervisorHeartbeat(conf, this); hb.run(); // should synchronize supervisor so it doesn't launch anything after being down (optimization) Integer heartbeatFrequency = Utils.getInt(conf.get(Config.SUPERVISOR_HEARTBEAT_FREQUENCY_SECS)); heartbeatTimer.scheduleRecurring(0, heartbeatFrequency, hb); this.eventManager = new EventManagerImp(false); this.readState = new ReadClusterState(this); Set<String> downloadedTopoIds = SupervisorUtils.readDownloadedTopologyIds(conf); Map<Integer, LocalAssignment> portToAssignments = localState.getLocalAssignmentsMap(); if (portToAssignments != null) { Map<String, LocalAssignment> assignments = new HashMap<>(); for (LocalAssignment la : localState.getLocalAssignmentsMap().values()) { assignments.put(la.get_topology_id(), la); } for (String topoId : downloadedTopoIds) { LocalAssignment la = assignments.get(topoId); if (la != null) { SupervisorUtils.addBlobReferences(localizer, topoId, conf, la.get_owner()); } else { LOG.warn("Could not find an owner for topo {}", topoId); } } } // do this after adding the references so we don't try to clean things being used localizer.startCleaner(); UpdateBlobs updateBlobsThread = new UpdateBlobs(this); if ((Boolean) conf.get(Config.SUPERVISOR_ENABLE)) { // This isn't strictly necessary, but it doesn't hurt and ensures that the machine stays up // to date even if callbacks don't all work exactly right eventTimer.scheduleRecurring(0, 10, new EventManagerPushCallback(readState, eventManager)); // Blob update thread. Starts with 30 seconds delay, every 30 seconds blobUpdateTimer.scheduleRecurring(30, 30, new EventManagerPushCallback(updateBlobsThread, eventManager)); // supervisor health check eventTimer.scheduleRecurring(300, 300, new SupervisorHealthCheck(this)); } LOG.info("Starting supervisor with id {} at host {}.", getId(), getHostName()); }
public ReadClusterState(Supervisor supervisor) throws Exception { this.superConf = supervisor.getConf(); this.stormClusterState = supervisor.getStormClusterState(); this.syncSupEventManager = supervisor.getEventManger(); this.assignmentVersions = new AtomicReference<Map<String, VersionedData<Assignment>>>(new HashMap<String, VersionedData<Assignment>>()); this.assignmentId = supervisor.getAssignmentId(); this.iSuper = supervisor.getiSupervisor(); this.localizer = supervisor.getAsyncLocalizer(); this.host = supervisor.getHostName(); this.localState = supervisor.getLocalState(); this.clusterState = supervisor.getStormClusterState(); this.cachedAssignments = supervisor.getCurrAssignment(); this.launcher = ContainerLauncher.make(superConf, assignmentId, supervisor.getSharedContext()); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Number> ports = (List<Number>)superConf.get(Config.SUPERVISOR_SLOTS_PORTS); for (Number port: ports) { slots.put(port.intValue(), mkSlot(port.intValue())); } try { Collection<String> workers = SupervisorUtils.supervisorWorkerIds(superConf); for (Slot slot: slots.values()) { String workerId = slot.getWorkerId(); if (workerId != null) { workers.remove(workerId); } } if (!workers.isEmpty()) { supervisor.killWorkers(workers, launcher); } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("Error trying to clean up old workers", e); } //All the slots/assignments should be recovered now, so we can clean up anything that we don't expect to be here try { localizer.cleanupUnusedTopologies(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("Error trying to clean up old topologies", e); } for (Slot slot: slots.values()) { slot.start(); } } private Slot mkSlot(int port) throws Exception { return new Slot(localizer, superConf, launcher, host, port, localState, clusterState, iSuper, cachedAssignments); }
/** * Factory to create the right container launcher * for the config and the environment. * @param conf the config * @param supervisorId the ID of the supervisor * @param sharedContext Used in local mode to let workers talk together without netty * @return the proper container launcher * @throws IOException on any error */ public static ContainerLauncher make(Map<String, Object> conf, String supervisorId, IContext sharedContext) throws IOException { if (ConfigUtils.isLocalMode(conf)) { return new LocalContainerLauncher(conf, supervisorId, sharedContext); } if (Utils.getBoolean(conf.get(Config.SUPERVISOR_RUN_WORKER_AS_USER), false)) { return new RunAsUserContainerLauncher(conf, supervisorId); } return new BasicContainerLauncher(conf, supervisorId); }
public void run() { try { while(!done) { Set<TopoProfileAction> origProfileActions = new HashSet<>(profiling.get()); Set<TopoProfileAction> removed = new HashSet<>(origProfileActions); DynamicState nextState = stateMachineStep(dynamicState.withNewAssignment(newAssignment.get()) .withProfileActions(origProfileActions, dynamicState.pendingStopProfileActions), staticState); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled() || dynamicState.state != nextState.state) { LOG.info("STATE {} -> {}", dynamicState, nextState); } //Save the current state for recovery if (!equivalent(nextState.currentAssignment, dynamicState.currentAssignment)) { LOG.info("SLOT {}: Changing current assignment from {} to {}", staticState.port, dynamicState.currentAssignment, nextState.currentAssignment); saveNewAssignment(nextState.currentAssignment); } if (equivalent(nextState.newAssignment, nextState.currentAssignment) && nextState.currentAssignment != null && nextState.currentAssignment.get_owner() == null && nextState.newAssignment != null && nextState.newAssignment.get_owner() != null) { //This is an odd case for a rolling upgrade where the user on the old assignment may be null, // but not on the new one. Although in all other ways they are the same. // If this happens we want to use the assignment with the owner. LOG.info("Updating assignment to save owner {}", nextState.newAssignment.get_owner()); saveNewAssignment(nextState.newAssignment); nextState = nextState.withCurrentAssignment(nextState.container, nextState.newAssignment); } // clean up the profiler actions that are not being processed removed.removeAll(dynamicState.profileActions); removed.removeAll(dynamicState.pendingStopProfileActions); for (TopoProfileAction action: removed) { try { clusterState.deleteTopologyProfileRequests(action.topoId, action.request); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Error trying to remove profiling request, it will be retried", e); } } Set<TopoProfileAction> orig, copy; do { orig = profiling.get(); copy = new HashSet<>(orig); copy.removeAll(removed); } while (!profiling.compareAndSet(orig, copy)); dynamicState = nextState; } } catch (Throwable e) { if (!Utils.exceptionCauseIsInstanceOf(InterruptedException.class, e)) { LOG.error("Error when processing event", e); Utils.exitProcess(20, "Error when processing an event"); } } } private void saveNewAssignment(LocalAssignment assignment) { synchronized(staticState.localState) { Map<Integer, LocalAssignment> assignments = staticState.localState.getLocalAssignmentsMap(); if (assignments == null) { assignments = new HashMap<>(); } if (assignment == null) { assignments.remove(staticState.port); } else { assignments.put(staticState.port, assignment); } staticState.localState.setLocalAssignmentsMap(assignments); } Map<Long, LocalAssignment> update = null; Map<Long, LocalAssignment> orig = null; do { Long lport = new Long(staticState.port); orig = cachedCurrentAssignments.get(); update = new HashMap<>(orig); if (assignment == null) { update.remove(lport); } else { update.put(lport, assignment); } } while (!cachedCurrentAssignments.compareAndSet(orig, update)); } static DynamicState stateMachineStep(DynamicState dynamicState, StaticState staticState) throws Exception { LOG.debug("STATE {}", dynamicState.state); switch (dynamicState.state) { case EMPTY: return handleEmpty(dynamicState, staticState); case RUNNING: return handleRunning(dynamicState, staticState); case WAITING_FOR_WORKER_START: return handleWaitingForWorkerStart(dynamicState, staticState); case KILL_AND_RELAUNCH: return handleKillAndRelaunch(dynamicState, staticState); case KILL: return handleKill(dynamicState, staticState); case WAITING_FOR_BASIC_LOCALIZATION: return handleWaitingForBasicLocalization(dynamicState, staticState); case WAITING_FOR_BLOB_LOCALIZATION: return handleWaitingForBlobLocalization(dynamicState, staticState); default: throw new IllegalStateException("Code not ready to handle a state of "+dynamicState.state); } }
/** * State Transitions for WAITING_FOR_BLOB_LOCALIZATION state. * PRECONDITION: neither pendingLocalization nor pendingDownload is null. * PRECONDITION: The slot should be empty * @param dynamicState current state * @param staticState static data * @return the next state * @throws Exception on any error */ static DynamicState handleWaitingForBlobLocalization(DynamicState dynamicState, StaticState staticState) throws Exception { assert(dynamicState.pendingLocalization != null); assert(dynamicState.pendingDownload != null); assert(dynamicState.container == null); //Ignore changes to scheduling while downloading the topology blobs // We don't support canceling the download through the future yet, // so to keep everything in sync, just wait try { dynamicState.pendingDownload.get(1000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); //Downloading of all blobs finished. if (!equivalent(dynamicState.newAssignment, dynamicState.pendingLocalization)) { //Scheduling changed staticState.localizer.releaseSlotFor(dynamicState.pendingLocalization, staticState.port); return prepareForNewAssignmentNoWorkersRunning(dynamicState, staticState); } Container c = staticState.containerLauncher.launchContainer(staticState.port, dynamicState.pendingLocalization, staticState.localState); return dynamicState.withCurrentAssignment(c, dynamicState.pendingLocalization).withState(MachineState.WAITING_FOR_WORKER_START).withPendingLocalization(null, null); } catch (TimeoutException e) { //We waited for 1 second loop around and try again.... return dynamicState; } }
@Override public Container launchContainer(int port, LocalAssignment assignment, LocalState state) throws IOException { LocalContainer ret = new LocalContainer(_conf, _supervisorId, port, assignment, _sharedContext); ret.setup(); ret.launch(); return ret; }
/** * Setup the container to run. By default this creates the needed directories/links in the * local file system * PREREQUISITE: All needed blobs and topology, jars/configs have been downloaded and * placed in the appropriate locations * @throws IOException on any error */ protected void setup() throws IOException { _type.assertFull(); if (!_ops.doRequiredTopoFilesExist(_conf, _topologyId)) { LOG.info("Missing topology storm code, so can't launch worker with assignment {} for this supervisor {} on port {} with id {}", _assignment, _supervisorId, _port, _workerId); throw new IllegalStateException("Not all needed files are here!!!!"); } LOG.info("Setting up {}:{}", _supervisorId, _workerId); _ops.forceMkdir(new File(ConfigUtils.workerPidsRoot(_conf, _workerId))); _ops.forceMkdir(new File(ConfigUtils.workerTmpRoot(_conf, _workerId))); _ops.forceMkdir(new File(ConfigUtils.workerHeartbeatsRoot(_conf, _workerId))); File workerArtifacts = new File(ConfigUtils.workerArtifactsRoot(_conf, _topologyId, _port)); if (!_ops.fileExists(workerArtifacts)) { _ops.forceMkdir(workerArtifacts); _ops.setupWorkerArtifactsDir(_assignment.get_owner(), workerArtifacts); } String user = getWorkerUser(); writeLogMetadata(user); saveWorkerUser(user); createArtifactsLink(); createBlobstoreLinks(); }
public void launch() throws IOException { _type.assertFull(); LOG.info("Launching worker with assignment {} for this supervisor {} on port {} with id {}", _assignment, _supervisorId, _port, _workerId); String logPrefix = "Worker Process " + _workerId; ProcessExitCallback processExitCallback = new ProcessExitCallback(logPrefix); _exitedEarly = false; final WorkerResources resources = _assignment.get_resources(); final int memOnheap = getMemOnHeap(resources); final String stormRoot = ConfigUtils.supervisorStormDistRoot(_conf, _topologyId); final String jlp = javaLibraryPath(stormRoot, _conf); List<String> commandList = mkLaunchCommand(memOnheap, stormRoot, jlp); Map<String, String> topEnvironment = new HashMap<String, String>(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map<String, String> environment = (Map<String, String>) _topoConf.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_ENVIRONMENT); if (environment != null) { topEnvironment.putAll(environment); } topEnvironment.put("LD_LIBRARY_PATH", jlp); LOG.info("Launching worker with command: {}. ", Utils.shellCmd(commandList)); String workerDir = ConfigUtils.workerRoot(_conf, _workerId); launchWorkerProcess(commandList, topEnvironment, logPrefix, processExitCallback, new File(workerDir)); } /** * Launch the worker process (non-blocking) * * @param command * the command to run * @param env * the environment to run the command * @param processExitcallback * a callback for when the process exits * @param logPrefix * the prefix to include in the logs * @param targetDir * the working directory to run the command in * @return true if it ran successfully, else false * @throws IOException * on any error */ protected void launchWorkerProcess(List<String> command, Map<String, String> env, String logPrefix, ExitCodeCallback processExitCallback, File targetDir) throws IOException { SupervisorUtils.launchProcess(command, env, logPrefix, processExitCallback, targetDir); }
/** * Create the command to launch the worker process * @param memOnheap the on heap memory for the worker * @param stormRoot the root dist dir for the topology * @param jlp java library path for the topology * @return the command to run * @throws IOException on any error. */ private List<String> mkLaunchCommand(final int memOnheap, final String stormRoot, final String jlp) throws IOException { final String javaCmd = javaCmd("java"); final String stormOptions = ConfigUtils.concatIfNotNull(System.getProperty("storm.options")); final String stormConfFile = ConfigUtils.concatIfNotNull(System.getProperty("storm.conf.file")); final String workerTmpDir = ConfigUtils.workerTmpRoot(_conf, _workerId); List<String> classPathParams = getClassPathParams(stormRoot); List<String> commonParams = getCommonParams(); List<String> commandList = new ArrayList<>(); //Log Writer Command... commandList.add(javaCmd); commandList.addAll(classPathParams); commandList.addAll(substituteChildopts(_topoConf.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_WORKER_LOGWRITER_CHILDOPTS))); commandList.addAll(commonParams); commandList.add("org.apache.storm.LogWriter"); //The LogWriter in turn launches the actual worker. //Worker Command... commandList.add(javaCmd); commandList.add("-server"); commandList.addAll(commonParams); commandList.addAll(substituteChildopts(_conf.get(Config.WORKER_CHILDOPTS), memOnheap)); commandList.addAll(substituteChildopts(_topoConf.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_WORKER_CHILDOPTS), memOnheap)); commandList.addAll(substituteChildopts(OR( _topoConf.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_WORKER_GC_CHILDOPTS), _conf.get(Config.WORKER_GC_CHILDOPTS)), memOnheap)); commandList.addAll(getWorkerProfilerChildOpts(memOnheap)); commandList.add("-Djava.library.path=" + jlp); commandList.add("-Dstorm.conf.file=" + stormConfFile); commandList.add("-Dstorm.options=" + stormOptions); commandList.add("-Djava.io.tmpdir=" + workerTmpDir); commandList.addAll(classPathParams); commandList.add("org.apache.storm.daemon.worker"); commandList.add(_topologyId); commandList.add(_supervisorId); commandList.add(String.valueOf(_port)); commandList.add(_workerId); return commandList; }
/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8-openjdk/jre/bin/java -server -Dlogging.sensitivity=S3 -Dlogfile.name=worker.log -Dstorm.home=/apache-storm-1.2.2 -Dworkers.artifacts=/logs/workers-artifacts -Dstorm.id=DemoTopology-1-1539163962 -Dworker.id=f0f30bc3-11af-4f4f-b2dd-8cc92d8791bf -Dworker.port=6700 -Dstorm.log.dir=/logs -Dlog4j.configurationFile=/apache-storm-1.2.2/log4j2/worker.xml -DLog4jContextSelector=org.apache.logging.log4j.core.selector.BasicContextSelector -Dstorm.local.dir=/data -Xmx768m -XX:+PrintGCDetails -Xloggc:artifacts/gc.log -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps -XX:+UseGCLogFileRotation -XX:NumberOfGCLogFiles=10 -XX:GCLogFileSize=1M -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:HeapDumpPath=artifacts/heapdump -Djava.library.path=/data/supervisor/stormdist/DemoTopology-1-1539163962/resources/Linux-amd64:/data/supervisor/stormdist/DemoTopology-1-1539163962/resources:/usr/local/lib:/opt/local/lib:/usr/lib -Dstorm.conf.file= -Dstorm.options=storm.local.hostname%3D192.168.99.100 -Djava.io.tmpdir=/data/workers/f0f30bc3-11af-4f4f-b2dd-8cc92d8791bf/tmp -cp /apache-storm-1.2.2/lib/*:/apache-storm-1.2.2/extlib/*:/conf:/data/supervisor/stormdist/DemoTopology-1-1539163962/stormjar.jar org.apache.storm.daemon.worker DemoTopology-1-1539163962 8dd6dc7f-95cb-49f9-9bd1-f0d638fe6fc6 6700 f0f30bc3-11af-4f4f-b2dd-8cc92d8791bf
/** * Launch a new process as per {@link java.lang.ProcessBuilder} with a given * callback. * @param command the command to be executed in the new process * @param environment the environment to be applied to the process. Can be * null. * @param logPrefix a prefix for log entries from the output of the process. * Can be null. * @param exitCodeCallback code to be called passing the exit code value * when the process completes * @param dir the working directory of the new process * @return the new process * @throws IOException * @see java.lang.ProcessBuilder */ public static Process launchProcess(List<String> command, Map<String,String> environment, final String logPrefix, final ExitCodeCallback exitCodeCallback, File dir) throws IOException { ProcessBuilder builder = new ProcessBuilder(command); Map<String,String> procEnv = builder.environment(); if (dir != null) { builder.directory(dir); } builder.redirectErrorStream(true); if (environment != null) { procEnv.putAll(environment); } final Process process = builder.start(); if (logPrefix != null || exitCodeCallback != null) { Utils.asyncLoop(new Callable<Object>() { public Object call() { if (logPrefix != null ) { Utils.readAndLogStream(logPrefix, process.getInputStream()); } if (exitCodeCallback != null) { try { process.waitFor(); exitCodeCallback.call(process.exitValue()); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { LOG.info("{} interrupted", logPrefix); exitCodeCallback.call(-1); } } return null; // Run only once. } }); } return process; }