def fib(n): if n in (0, 1): return n fib_n1, fib_n2 = 0, 1 for i in range(2, n + 1): fib_n2, fib_n1 = fib_n2 + fib_n1, fib_n2 return fib_n2
def triangles(): l = [1] while 1: yield l l = [1] + [l[n] + l[n + 1] for n in range(len(l) - 1)] + [1]
def gcd(x, y): return x if (y == 0) else gcd(y, x % y)
def gmd(x, y): return x * y // gcd(x, y)
def my_power(x, n): if n == 0: return 1 if n < 0: return 1.0 / my_power(x, -n) tmp = my_power(x, n >> 1) if n & 1: return x * tmp * tmp else: return tmp * tmp
def binary_sqrt(x): start, end = 0, x while start <= end: middle = (start + end) // 2 if x // middle == middle: return middle if x // middle > middle: start = middle + 1 else: end = middle - 1 def newton_sqrt(x): result = x while x // result < result: result = (result + x // result) >> 1 return result
def duplicate(arr): for i in range(0, len(arr)): while arr[i] != i: if arr[i] == arr[arr[i]]: return arr[i] else: arr[i], arr[arr[i]] = arr[arr[i]], arr[i]
def find(matrix, target): rows, cols = len(matrix), len(matrix[0]) row, col = 0, cols - 1 while row <= rows - 1 and col >= 0: diff = matrix[row][col] - target if diff == 0: return True elif diff > 0: col -= 1 else: row += 1 return False
def find_min(arr): left = 0 right = len(arr) - 1 if arr[left] < arr[right]: return arr[left] while left <= right: middle = (left + right) >> 1 if arr[middle] == arr[left] and \ arr[middle] == arr[right]: return arr_min(arr, left, right) if arr[middle] > arr[left]: left = middle else: right = middle if left == right - 1: break return arr[right] def arr_min(arr, left, right): result = arr[left] for x in range(left, right + 1): if arr[x] < result: result = arr[x] return result
def partion(arr, left, right): # 快排獲取索引 value = arr[right] start = left for i in range(left, right + 1): if arr[i] < value: if i != start: arr[i], arr[start] = arr[start], arr[i] start += 1 arr[right] = arr[start] arr[start] = value return start def krth_num(arr, k): #倒數第k大的數 assert 1 <= k <= len(arr), 'Out of boundary.' start = 0 end = len(arr) - 1 index = partion(arr, start, end) while index != len(arr) - k: if index > len(arr) - k: end = index - 1 index = partion(arr, start, end) else: start = index + 1 index = partion(arr, start, end) return arr[index]
class ListNode: def __init__(self): self.value = 0 = None def print_list(self): tmp = self while tmp: print(tmp.value) tmp =
def print_list_reverse(list_node): arr = [] while list_node: arr.append(list_node.value) list_node = while arr: print(arr.pop())
def reverse_list(root): pre = None while root: next = = pre pre = root root = next return pre
def merge_list(root_a, root_b): if not root_a: return root_b if not root_b: return root_a if root_a.value < root_b.value: root = root_a = merge_list(, root_b) else: root = root_b = merge_list(root_a, return root
def delete_node(root, target): if root is target: = None return if target.value = = None else: while is not target: root = = None
class BinaryTreeNode: def __init__(self, value = 0, left = None, right = None): self.value = value self.left, self.right = left, right def print_tree(self): if self.left: self.left.print_tree() print(self.value) if self.right: self.right.print_tree()
def rebult_tree(arr1, arr2): return rebult_tree_rec(arr1, 0, len(arr1) - 1, arr2, 0, len(arr2) - 1) def rebult_tree_rec(arr1, left1, right1, arr2, left2, right2): if left1 > right1 or left2 > right2: return None root = BinaryTreeNode() root.value = arr1[left1] index = arr2.index(arr1[left1]) root.left = rebult_tree_rec(arr1, left1 + 1, left1 + index - left2, arr2, left2, index - 1) root.right = rebult_tree_rec(arr1, left1 + index - left2 + 1, right1, arr2, index + 1, right2) return root
class BinaryTreeNode: def __init__(self): self.value = 0 self.left, self.right = None, None self.father = None def next_node(node): if node.right: node = node.right while node.left: node = node.left return node else: while node.father: if node.father.left is node: return node.father node = node.father return None
def mirror_tree(root): if not root: return if not root.left and not root.right: return root.left, root.right = root.right, root.left if root.left: mirror_tree(root.left) if root.right: mirror_tree(root.right)
def is_sym_tree(root): return is_sym(root, root) def is_sym(root1, root2): if not root1 and not root2: return True if not root1 or not root2: return False if root1.value != root2.value: return False return is_sym(root1.right, root2.left) and \ is_sym(root2.left, root1.right)
def print_tree_up_down(root): if not root: return queue_data = Queue() queue_data.put(root) while queue_data: node = queue_data.get() print(node.value) if node.left: queue_data.put(node.left) if node.right: queue_data.put(node.right)
class Solution: @classmethod def Convert(cls, pRootOfTree): cls.linkedlistLast = None cls.convertNode(pRootOfTree) pHead = cls.linkedlistLast while pHead.left: pHead = pHead.left return pHead @classmethod def convertNode(cls, root): if not root: return if root.left: cls.convertNode(root.left) root.left = cls.linkedlistLast if cls.linkedlistLast: cls.linkedlistLast.right = root cls.linkedlistLast = root if root.right: cls.convertNode(root.right)
class MyQueue: stack1 = [] stack2 = [] def append_tail(self, item): self.stack1.append(item) def delete_head(self): while self.stack1: self.stack2.append(self.stack1.pop()) return self.stack2.pop()
class MyStack: def __init__(self): self.q1 = Queue() self.q2 = Queue() def pop(self): ''' 彈出元素 ''' if self.q1.empty() and self.q2.empty(): raise BaseException('Empty queue.') if self.q2.empty(): while self.q1.qsize() > 1: self.q2.put(self.q1.get()) return self.q1.get() if self.q1.empty(): while self.q2.qsize() > 1: self.q1.put(self.q2.get()) return self.q2.get() def push(self, item): ''' 插入元素 ''' if self.q1.empty(): self.q2.put(item) if self.q2.empty(): self.q1.put(item)
class MyStack: def __init__(self): self.stack_data = [] self.stack_min = [] self.stack_max = [] def push(self, value): self.stack_data.append(value) if not self.stack_min or value < self.stack_min[-1]: self.stack_min.append(value) else: self.stack_min.append(self.stack_min[-1]) if not self.stack_max or value > self.stack_max[-1]: self.stack_max.append(value) else: self.stack_max.append(self.stack_max[-1]) def pop(self): assert self.stack_min and self.stack_data self.stack_data.pop() self.stack_min.pop() self.stack_max.pop() def min(self): assert self.stack_min and self.stack_data return self.stack_min[-1] def max(self): assert self.stack_min and self.stack_data return self.stack_max[-1]