Reader reader = Resources.getResourceAsReader("mybatis-config.xml"); sqlSessionFactory = new SqlSessionFactoryBuilder().build(reader);
public SqlSessionFactory build(Reader reader, String environment, Properties properties) { try { XMLConfigBuilder parser = new XMLConfigBuilder(reader, environment, properties); return build(parser.parse()); } catch (Exception e) { throw ExceptionFactory.wrapException("Error building SqlSession.", e); } finally { ErrorContext.instance().reset(); try { reader.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // Intentionally ignore. Prefer previous error. } } }
public Configuration parse() { if (parsed) { throw new BuilderException("Each XMLConfigBuilder can only be used once."); } parsed = true; parseConfiguration(parser.evalNode("/configuration")); return configuration; }
public <T> void addMapper(Class<T> type) { if (type.isInterface()) { if (hasMapper(type)) { throw new BindingException("Type " + type + " is already known to the MapperRegistry."); } boolean loadCompleted = false; try { knownMappers.put(type, new MapperProxyFactory<T>(type)); // It's important that the type is added before the parser is run // otherwise the binding may automatically be attempted by the // mapper parser. If the type is already known, it won't try. MapperAnnotationBuilder parser = new MapperAnnotationBuilder(config, type); parser.parse(); loadCompleted = true; } finally { if (!loadCompleted) { knownMappers.remove(type); } } } }
public void parse() { String resource = type.toString(); if (!configuration.isResourceLoaded(resource)) { loadXmlResource(); configuration.addLoadedResource(resource); assistant.setCurrentNamespace(type.getName()); parseCache(); parseCacheRef(); Method[] methods = type.getMethods(); for (Method method : methods) { try { // issue #237 if (!method.isBridge()) { parseStatement(method); } } catch (IncompleteElementException e) { configuration.addIncompleteMethod(new MethodResolver(this, method)); } } } parsePendingMethods(); }
private void loadXmlResource() { // Spring may not know the real resource name so we check a flag // to prevent loading again a resource twice // this flag is set at XMLMapperBuilder#bindMapperForNamespace if (!configuration.isResourceLoaded("namespace:" + type.getName())) { String xmlResource = type.getName().replace('.', '/') + ".xml"; InputStream inputStream = null; try { inputStream = Resources.getResourceAsStream(type.getClassLoader(), xmlResource); } catch (IOException e) { // ignore, resource is not required } if (inputStream != null) { XMLMapperBuilder xmlParser = new XMLMapperBuilder(inputStream, assistant.getConfiguration(), xmlResource, configuration.getSqlFragments(), type.getName()); xmlParser.parse(); } } }
public void parse() { if (!configuration.isResourceLoaded(resource)) { configurationElement(parser.evalNode("/mapper")); configuration.addLoadedResource(resource); bindMapperForNamespace(); } parsePendingResultMaps(); parsePendingChacheRefs(); parsePendingStatements(); }
private void configurationElement(XNode context) { try { String namespace = context.getStringAttribute("namespace"); if (namespace == null || namespace.equals("")) { throw new BuilderException("Mapper's namespace cannot be empty"); } builderAssistant.setCurrentNamespace(namespace); cacheRefElement(context.evalNode("cache-ref")); cacheElement(context.evalNode("cache")); parameterMapElement(context.evalNodes("/mapper/parameterMap")); resultMapElements(context.evalNodes("/mapper/resultMap")); sqlElement(context.evalNodes("/mapper/sql")); buildStatementFromContext(context.evalNodes("select|insert|update|delete")); } catch (Exception e) { throw new BuilderException("Error parsing Mapper XML. Cause: " + e, e); } }
private void buildStatementFromContext(List<XNode> list, String requiredDatabaseId) { for (XNode context : list) { final XMLStatementBuilder statementParser = new XMLStatementBuilder(configuration, builderAssistant, context, requiredDatabaseId); try { statementParser.parseStatementNode(); } catch (IncompleteElementException e) { configuration.addIncompleteStatement(statementParser); } } }
public void parseStatementNode() { String id = context.getStringAttribute("id"); String databaseId = context.getStringAttribute("databaseId"); if (!databaseIdMatchesCurrent(id, databaseId, this.requiredDatabaseId)) { return; } Integer fetchSize = context.getIntAttribute("fetchSize"); Integer timeout = context.getIntAttribute("timeout"); String parameterMap = context.getStringAttribute("parameterMap"); String parameterType = context.getStringAttribute("parameterType"); Class<?> parameterTypeClass = resolveClass(parameterType); String resultMap = context.getStringAttribute("resultMap"); String resultType = context.getStringAttribute("resultType"); String lang = context.getStringAttribute("lang"); LanguageDriver langDriver = getLanguageDriver(lang); Class<?> resultTypeClass = resolveClass(resultType); String resultSetType = context.getStringAttribute("resultSetType"); StatementType statementType = StatementType.valueOf(context.getStringAttribute("statementType", StatementType.PREPARED.toString())); ResultSetType resultSetTypeEnum = resolveResultSetType(resultSetType); String nodeName = context.getNode().getNodeName(); SqlCommandType sqlCommandType = SqlCommandType.valueOf(nodeName.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH)); boolean isSelect = sqlCommandType == SqlCommandType.SELECT; boolean flushCache = context.getBooleanAttribute("flushCache", !isSelect); boolean useCache = context.getBooleanAttribute("useCache", isSelect); boolean resultOrdered = context.getBooleanAttribute("resultOrdered", false); // Include Fragments before parsing XMLIncludeTransformer includeParser = new XMLIncludeTransformer(configuration, builderAssistant); includeParser.applyIncludes(context.getNode()); // Parse selectKey after includes and remove them. processSelectKeyNodes(id, parameterTypeClass, langDriver); // Parse the SQL (pre: <selectKey> and <include> were parsed and removed) SqlSource sqlSource = langDriver.createSqlSource(configuration, context, parameterTypeClass); String resultSets = context.getStringAttribute("resultSets"); String keyProperty = context.getStringAttribute("keyProperty"); String keyColumn = context.getStringAttribute("keyColumn"); KeyGenerator keyGenerator; String keyStatementId = id + SelectKeyGenerator.SELECT_KEY_SUFFIX; keyStatementId = builderAssistant.applyCurrentNamespace(keyStatementId, true); if (configuration.hasKeyGenerator(keyStatementId)) { keyGenerator = configuration.getKeyGenerator(keyStatementId); } else { keyGenerator = context.getBooleanAttribute("useGeneratedKeys", configuration.isUseGeneratedKeys() && SqlCommandType.INSERT.equals(sqlCommandType)) ? new Jdbc3KeyGenerator() : new NoKeyGenerator(); } builderAssistant.addMappedStatement(id, sqlSource, statementType, sqlCommandType, fetchSize, timeout, parameterMap, parameterTypeClass, resultMap, resultTypeClass, resultSetTypeEnum, flushCache, useCache, resultOrdered, keyGenerator, keyProperty, keyColumn, databaseId, langDriver, resultSets); }
public void addMappedStatement(MappedStatement ms) { mappedStatements.put(ms.getId(), ms); }
public BoundSql getBoundSql(Object parameterObject) { BoundSql boundSql = sqlSource.getBoundSql(parameterObject); List<ParameterMapping> parameterMappings = boundSql.getParameterMappings(); if (parameterMappings == null || parameterMappings.isEmpty()) { boundSql = new BoundSql(configuration, boundSql.getSql(), parameterMap.getParameterMappings(), parameterObject); } // check for nested result maps in parameter mappings (issue #30) for (ParameterMapping pm : boundSql.getParameterMappings()) { String rmId = pm.getResultMapId(); if (rmId != null) { ResultMap rm = configuration.getResultMap(rmId); if (rm != null) { hasNestedResultMaps |= rm.hasNestedResultMaps(); } } } return boundSql; }
@Override public <E> List<E> query(MappedStatement ms, Object parameter, RowBounds rowBounds, ResultHandler resultHandler) throws SQLException { BoundSql boundSql = ms.getBoundSql(parameter); CacheKey key = createCacheKey(ms, parameter, rowBounds, boundSql); return query(ms, parameter, rowBounds, resultHandler, key, boundSql); }
public BoundSql getBoundSql(Object parameterObject) { return new BoundSql(configuration, sql, parameterMappings, parameterObject); }
這裏的sql就是mapper裏頭寫得select * from book where id = ? limit 1
private <E> List<E> queryFromDatabase(MappedStatement ms, Object parameter, RowBounds rowBounds, ResultHandler resultHandler, CacheKey key, BoundSql boundSql) throws SQLException { List<E> list; localCache.putObject(key, EXECUTION_PLACEHOLDER); try { list = doQuery(ms, parameter, rowBounds, resultHandler, boundSql); } finally { localCache.removeObject(key); } localCache.putObject(key, list); if (ms.getStatementType() == StatementType.CALLABLE) { localOutputParameterCache.putObject(key, parameter); } return list; }
public <E> List<E> doQuery(MappedStatement ms, Object parameter, RowBounds rowBounds, ResultHandler resultHandler, BoundSql boundSql) throws SQLException { Statement stmt = null; try { Configuration configuration = ms.getConfiguration(); StatementHandler handler = configuration.newStatementHandler(wrapper, ms, parameter, rowBounds, resultHandler, boundSql); stmt = prepareStatement(handler, ms.getStatementLog()); return handler.<E>query(stmt, resultHandler); } finally { closeStatement(stmt); } }
public Statement prepare(Connection connection) throws SQLException { return delegate.prepare(connection); }
public Statement prepare(Connection connection) throws SQLException { ErrorContext.instance().sql(boundSql.getSql()); Statement statement = null; try { statement = instantiateStatement(connection); setStatementTimeout(statement); setFetchSize(statement); return statement; } catch (SQLException e) { closeStatement(statement); throw e; } catch (Exception e) { closeStatement(statement); throw new ExecutorException("Error preparing statement. Cause: " + e, e); } }
protected Statement instantiateStatement(Connection connection) throws SQLException { String sql = boundSql.getSql(); if (mappedStatement.getKeyGenerator() instanceof Jdbc3KeyGenerator) { String[] keyColumnNames = mappedStatement.getKeyColumns(); if (keyColumnNames == null) { return connection.prepareStatement(sql, PreparedStatement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS); } else { return connection.prepareStatement(sql, keyColumnNames); } } else if (mappedStatement.getResultSetType() != null) { return connection.prepareStatement(sql, mappedStatement.getResultSetType().getValue(), ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY); } else { return connection.prepareStatement(sql); } }
public void parameterize(Statement statement) throws SQLException { parameterHandler.setParameters((PreparedStatement) statement); }
public void setParameters(PreparedStatement ps) { ErrorContext.instance().activity("setting parameters").object(mappedStatement.getParameterMap().getId()); List<ParameterMapping> parameterMappings = boundSql.getParameterMappings(); if (parameterMappings != null) { for (int i = 0; i < parameterMappings.size(); i++) { ParameterMapping parameterMapping = parameterMappings.get(i); if (parameterMapping.getMode() != ParameterMode.OUT) { Object value; String propertyName = parameterMapping.getProperty(); if (boundSql.hasAdditionalParameter(propertyName)) { // issue #448 ask first for additional params value = boundSql.getAdditionalParameter(propertyName); } else if (parameterObject == null) { value = null; } else if (typeHandlerRegistry.hasTypeHandler(parameterObject.getClass())) { value = parameterObject; } else { MetaObject metaObject = configuration.newMetaObject(parameterObject); value = metaObject.getValue(propertyName); } TypeHandler typeHandler = parameterMapping.getTypeHandler(); JdbcType jdbcType = parameterMapping.getJdbcType(); if (value == null && jdbcType == null) { jdbcType = configuration.getJdbcTypeForNull(); } try { typeHandler.setParameter(ps, i + 1, value, jdbcType); } catch (TypeException e) { throw new TypeException("Could not set parameters for mapping: " + parameterMapping + ". Cause: " + e, e); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new TypeException("Could not set parameters for mapping: " + parameterMapping + ". Cause: " + e, e); } } } } }