環境配置,例如OS kernel 參數; 建立gp管理用戶; ssh key的交換(使用gpssh-exkeys -e exist_hosts -x new_hosts); greenplum bin軟件的拷貝; 規劃segment 數據目錄; 使用gpcheck檢查 (gpcheck -f new_hosts ); 使用gpcheckperf檢查性能 (gpcheckperf -f new_hosts_file -d /data1 -d /data2 -v)
這一步主要作的是 產生配置文件(gpexpand -f new_hosts_file),也能夠本身寫配置文件; 在指定目錄初始化segment數據庫(gpexpand -i cnf -D dbname ); 將新增的segment信息添加到master元表; 擴展失敗了怎麼處理?
規劃表的重分佈優先級順序; 將表數據根據新的 segments 從新分佈。 分析表;
4臺虛擬機,每臺虛擬機16G內存,跑8個segment。 查看配置 test=# select * from gp_segment_configuration ;
由於沒有新增主機,因此直接進入第二步. 建立須要擴展segment的主機文件 cat > seg_nodes << EOF gpsegment62 gpsegment63 gpsegment64 EOF
$gpexpand -f ./seg_nodes Would you like to initiate a new System Expansion Yy|Nn (default=N): > y How many new primary segments per host do you want to add? (default=0): 每一個主機加幾個segment > 8 Enter new primary data directory 1: segment data目錄 > /greenplum/data/gpdatap9 此處中間省略。。。 Enter new primary data directory 8: segment data目錄 > /greenplum/data/gpdatap16 Enter new mirror data directory 1: segment data目錄 > /greenplum/data/gpdatam9 此處中間省略。。。 Enter new mirror data directory 8: segment data目錄 > /greenplum/data/gpdatam16 Input configuration files were written to 'gpexpand_inputfile_20180814_140954' and 'None'. Please review the file and make sure that it is correct then re-run with: gpexpand -i gpexpand_inputfile_20180814_140954 -D digoal
$cat gpexpand_inputfile_20180814_140954 gpsegment62:gpsegment62:40008:/greenplum/data/gpdatap9/gpseg24:50:24:p:41008 gpsegment63:gpsegment63:50008:/greenplum/data/gpdatam9/gpseg24:82:24:m:51008 gpsegment62:gpsegment62:40009:/greenplum/data/gpdatap10/gpseg25:51:25:p:41009 gpsegment63:gpsegment63:50009:/greenplum/data/gpdatam10/gpseg25:83:25:m:51009 gpsegment62:gpsegment62:40010:/greenplum/data/gpdatap11/gpseg26:52:26:p:41010 gpsegment63:gpsegment63:50010:/greenplum/data/gpdatam11/gpseg26:84:26:m:51010 gpsegment62:gpsegment62:40011:/greenplum/data/gpdatap12/gpseg27:53:27:p:41011 gpsegment63:gpsegment63:50011:/greenplum/data/gpdatam12/gpseg27:85:27:m:51011 gpsegment62:gpsegment62:40012:/greenplum/data/gpdatap13/gpseg28:54:28:p:41012 ... gpsegment62:gpsegment62:50012:/greenplum/data/gpdatam13/gpseg44:78:44:m:51012 gpsegment64:gpsegment64:40013:/greenplum/data/gpdatap14/gpseg45:71:45:p:41013 gpsegment62:gpsegment62:50013:/greenplum/data/gpdatam14/gpseg45:79:45:m:51013 gpsegment64:gpsegment64:40014:/greenplum/data/gpdatap15/gpseg46:72:46:p:41014 gpsegment62:gpsegment62:50014:/greenplum/data/gpdatam15/gpseg46:80:46:m:51014 gpsegment64:gpsegment64:40015:/greenplum/data/gpdatap16/gpseg47:73:47:p:41015 gpsegment62:gpsegment62:50015:/greenplum/data/gpdatam16/gpseg47:81:47:m:51015 內容包括幾個字段 hostname 主機名 address 相似主機名 port segment監聽端口 fselocation segment data目錄,注意是全路徑 dbid gp集羣的惟一ID,能夠到gp_segment_configuration中得到,必須順序累加 content 能夠到gp_segment_configuration中得到,必須順序累加 prefered_role 角色(p或m)(primary , mirror) replication_port 若是沒有mirror則不須要(用於replication的端口)。 若是你以爲以上內容有問題,能夠手工修改。
gpssh -f seg_nodes 'mkdir /greenplum/data/gpdatap{9..16} /greenplum/data/gpdatam{9..16}' 修改配置 gpconfig -c max_connections -v 1000 -m 500 gpconfig -c shared_buffers -v 64m -m 64m gpstop -afr
gpexpand -i gpexpand_inputfile_20180814_140954 -D test -V -v -n 8 -B 1 -t /home/gpadmin/gpAdminLogs 解釋一下命令 -B <batch_size> Batch size of remote commands to send to a given host before making a one-second pause. Default is 16. Valid values are 1-128. The gpexpand utility issues a number of setup commands that may exceed the host's maximum threshold for authenticated connections as defined by MaxStartups in the SSH daemon configuration. The one-second pause allows authentications to be completed before gpexpand issues any more commands. The default value does not normally need to be changed. However, it may be necessary to reduce the maximum number of commands if gpexpand fails with connection errors such as 'ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host.' -D <database_name> Specifies the database in which to create the expansion schema and tables. If this option is not given, the setting for the environment variable PGDATABASE is used. The database templates template1 and template0 cannot be used. -i | --input <input_file> Specifies the name of the expansion configuration file, which contains one line for each segment to be added in the format of: <hostname>:<address>:<port>:<fselocation>:<dbid>:<content>:<preferred_role>:<replication_port> -n <parallel_processes> The number of tables to redistribute simultaneously. Valid values are 1 - 16. Each table redistribution process requires two database connections: one to alter the table, and another to update the table's status in the expansion schema. Before increasing -n, check the current value of the server configuration parameter max_connections and make sure the maximum connection limit is not exceeded. -S | --simple_progress Show simple progress view. -t | --tardir <directory> Specify the temporary directory on segment hosts to put tar file. -v | --verbose Verbose debugging output. With this option, the utility will output all DDL and DML used to expand the database. -V | --novacuum Do not vacuum catalog tables before creating schema copy.
20180814:14:15:20:002788 gpexpand:gpmaster61:gpadmin-[DEBUG]:-Transitioning from PREPARE_EXPANSION_SCHEMA_STARTED to PREPARE_EXPANSION_SCHEMA_DONE 20180814:14:15:20:002788 gpexpand:gpmaster61:gpadmin-[DEBUG]:-Transitioning from PREPARE_EXPANSION_SCHEMA_DONE to EXPANSION_PREPARE_DONE 20180814:14:15:20:002788 gpexpand:gpmaster61:gpadmin-[DEBUG]:-Removing segment configuration backup file 20180814:14:15:20:002788 gpexpand:gpmaster61:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Stopping Greenplum Database 20180814:14:16:18:002788 gpexpand:gpmaster61:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Starting Greenplum Database 20180814:14:16:36:002788 gpexpand:gpmaster61:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Starting new mirror segment synchronization 20180814:14:17:48:002788 gpexpand:gpmaster61:gpadmin-[INFO]:-************************************************ 20180814:14:17:48:002788 gpexpand:gpmaster61:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Initialization of the system expansion complete. 20180814:14:17:48:002788 gpexpand:gpmaster61:gpadmin-[INFO]:-To begin table expansion onto the new segments 20180814:14:17:48:002788 gpexpand:gpmaster61:gpadmin-[INFO]:-rerun gpexpand 20180814:14:17:48:002788 gpexpand:gpmaster61:gpadmin-[INFO]:-************************************************ 20180814:14:17:48:002788 gpexpand:gpmaster61:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Exiting... 20180814:14:17:48:002788 gpexpand:gpmaster61:gpadmin-[DEBUG]:-WorkerPool haltWork() 20180814:14:17:48:002788 gpexpand:gpmaster61:gpadmin-[DEBUG]:-[worker0] haltWork 20180814:14:17:48:002788 gpexpand:gpmaster61:gpadmin-[DEBUG]:-[worker0] got a halt cmd
啓動限制模式,回滾。 gpstart -R gpexpand --rollback -D test gpstart -a 而後找問題繼續上一步,直到成功。
test=# select * from gp_segment_configuration ;
接下來能夠計劃重分佈任務中,表的調度順序了 digoal=# select * from gpexpand. gpexpand.status gpexpand.status_detail gpexpand.expansion_progress digoal=# select * from gpexpand.status; status | updated ------------+---------------------------- SETUP | 2015-12-17 16:50:07.15973 SETUP DONE | 2015-12-17 16:50:16.427367 (2 rows) 查看接下來的任務,若是要調整任務的前後順序,改rank便可。 digoal=# select * from gpexpand.status_detail ; dbname | fq_name | schema_oid | table_oid | distribution_policy | distribution_policy_names | distribution_policy_coloids | storage_options | rank | status | expansion_started | expansion_finished | source_bytes --------+--------------+------------+-----------+---------------------+---------------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------+------+-------------+-------------------+--------------------+-------------- digoal | public.test | 2200 | 17156 | {1} | id | 17156 | | 2 | NOT STARTED | | | 0 digoal | public.test1 | 2200 | 17182 | {1} | id | 17182 | | 2 | NOT STARTED | | | 0 (2 rows) 例如: => UPDATE gpexpand.status_detail SET rank=10; => UPDATE gpexpand.status_detail SET rank=1 WHERE fq_name = 'public.lineitem'; => UPDATE gpexpand.status_detail SET rank=2 WHERE fq_name = 'public.orders'; These commands lower the priority of all tables to 10 and then assign a rank of 1 to lineitem and a rank of 2 to orders. When table redistribution begins, lineitem is redistributed first, followed by orders and all other tables in gpexpand.status_detail. To exclude a table from redistribution, remove the table from gpexpand.status_detail.
digoal=# select * from gpexpand.expansion_progress ;
name | value
Tables Left | 2
(1 row)node
須要指定計劃在多久內完成,或者計劃在哪天完成重分佈,腳本會自動調度重分佈。 gpexpand -a -d 1:00:00 -D test -S -t /tmp -v -n 1 命令解釋 To begin the redistribution phase, you must run gpexpand with either the -d (duration) or -e (end time) options. Until the specified end time or duration is reached, the utility will redistribute tables in the expansion schema. Each table is reorganized using ALTER TABLE commands to rebalance the tables across new segments, and to set tables to their original distribution policy. If gpexpand completes the reorganization of all tables before the specified duration, it displays a success message and ends. NOTE: Data redistribution should be performed during low-use hours. Redistribution can divided into batches over an extended period. -a | --analyze Run ANALYZE to update the table statistics after expansion. The default is to not run ANALYZE. -d | --duration <hh:mm:ss> Duration of the expansion session from beginning to end. -D <database_name> Specifies the database in which to create the expansion schema and tables. If this option is not given, the setting for the environment variable PGDATABASE is used. The database templates template1 and template0 cannot be used. -e | --end '<YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss>' Ending date and time for the expansion session. -S | --simple_progress Show simple progress view. -t | --tardir <directory> Specify the temporary directory on segment hosts to put tar file. -v | --verbose Verbose debugging output. With this option, the utility will output all DDL and DML used to expand the database. -n <parallel_processes> The number of tables to redistribute simultaneously. Valid values are 1 - 16. Each table redistribution process requires two database connections: one to alter the table, and another to update the table's status in the expansion schema. Before increasing -n, check the current value of the server configuration parameter max_connections and make sure the maximum connection limit is not exceeded. 重分佈過程當中,能夠看到進度。 digoal=# select * from gpexpand.expansion_progress ; name | value -----------------+------- Tables Expanded | 1 Tables Left | 1 (2 rows) test=# select * from gpexpand.status_detail ; dbname | fq_name | schema_oid | table_oid | distribution_policy | distribution_policy_names | distribution_policy_coloids | storage_options | rank | status | expansion_started | expansion_finished | source_byte s --------+--------------+------------+-----------+---------------------+---------------------------+------- -- test | public.test | 2200 | 17156 | {1} | id | 17156 | | 2 | NOT STARTED | | |0 test | public.test1 | 2200 | 17182 | {1} | id | 17182 | | 2 | COMPLETED | 2015-12-17 17:12:12.43088 | 2015-12-17 17:13:27.335207 | 0 (2 rows) # 或者在命令行看進度 20151217:17:12:11:020043 gpexpand:digoal193096:digoal-[DEBUG]:-['digoal', 'public.test1', 2200L, 17182L, '{1}', 'id', '17182', None, 2, 'NOT STARTED', None, None, Decimal('0')] 20151217:17:12:11:020043 gpexpand:digoal193096:digoal-[DEBUG]:-Adding cmd to work_queue: None 20151217:17:12:11:020043 gpexpand:digoal193096:digoal-[DEBUG]:-['digoal', 'public.test', 2200L, 17156L, '{1}', 'id', '17156', None, 2, 'NOT STARTED', None, None, Decimal('0')] 20151217:17:12:11:020043 gpexpand:digoal193096:digoal-[DEBUG]:-Adding cmd to work_queue: None 20151217:17:12:11:020043 gpexpand:digoal193096:digoal-[DEBUG]:-woke up. queue: 2 finished 0 。。。。 20151217:17:14:36:020043 gpexpand:digoal193096:digoal-[DEBUG]:-woke up. queue: 2 finished 1 20151217:17:14:40:020043 gpexpand:digoal193096:digoal-[INFO]:-Analyzing public.test 20151217:17:14:41:020043 gpexpand:digoal193096:digoal-[DEBUG]:-woke up. queue: 2 finished 1 20151217:17:14:43:020043 gpexpand:digoal193096:digoal-[INFO]:-Finished expanding digoal.public.test 20151217:17:14:43:020043 gpexpand:digoal193096:digoal-[DEBUG]:-UPDATE gpexpand.status_detail SET status = 'COMPLETED', expansion_started='2015-12-17 17:13:29.258085', expansion_finished='2015-12-17 17:14:43.552232' WHERE dbname = 'digoal' AND schema_oid = 2200 AND table_oid = 17156 20151217:17:14:44:020043 gpexpand:digoal193096:digoal-[DEBUG]:-[worker0] finished cmd: name cmdStr='None' 20151217:17:14:46:020043 gpexpand:digoal193096:digoal-[DEBUG]:-WorkerPool haltWork() 20151217:17:14:46:020043 gpexpand:digoal193096:digoal-[DEBUG]:-[worker0] haltWork 。。。 20151217:17:14:54:020043 gpexpand:digoal193096:digoal-[INFO]:-EXPANSION COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY 20151217:17:14:54:020043 gpexpand:digoal193096:digoal-[INFO]:-Exiting...
gpexpand -c -D test 問你是否須要在清除gpexpand schema前將狀態信息導出。 Do you want to dump the gpexpand.status_detail table to file? Yy|Nn (default=Y): > y
例子2,再擴展,6個segment,而且新加一臺主機。達到每一個主機分佈4個SEGMENT的目的。 和例子1的差異就在於新加了主機,因此須要額外的過程。 過程概要 環境配置,例如OS kernel 參數; 建立gp管理用戶; ssh key的交換(使用gpssh-exkeys -e exist_hosts -x new_hosts); greenplum bin軟件的拷貝; 規劃segment 數據目錄; 使用gpcheck檢查 (gpcheck -f new_hosts ); 使用gpcheckperf檢查性能 (gpcheckperf -f new_hosts_file -d /data1 -d /data2 -v)
yum -y install rsync coreutils glib2 lrzsz sysstat e4fsprogs xfsprogs ntp readline-devel zlib zlib-devel openssl openssl-devel pam-devel libxml2-devel libxslt-devel python-devel tcl-devel gcc make smartmontools flex bison perl perl-devel perl-ExtUtils* OpenIPMI-tools openldap openldap-devel logrotate cat > /etc/sysctl.conf << EOF kernel.shmmax = 68719476736 kernel.shmmni = 4096 kernel.shmall = 4000000000 kernel.sem = 50100 64128000 50100 1280 kernel.sysrq = 1 kernel.core_uses_pid = 1 kernel.msgmnb = 65536 kernel.msgmax = 65536 kernel.msgmni = 2048 net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies = 1 net.ipv4.ip_forward = 0 net.ipv4.conf.default.accept_source_route = 0 net.ipv4.tcp_tw_recycle = 1 net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog = 4096 net.ipv4.conf.all.arp_filter = 1 net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 1025 65535 net.core.netdev_max_backlog = 10000 net.core.rmem_max = 2097152 net.core.wmem_max = 2097152 vm.overcommit_memory = 2 fs.file-max = 7672460 net.ipv4.netfilter.ip_conntrack_max = 655360 fs.aio-max-nr = 1048576 net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time = 72 net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_probes = 9 net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_intvl = 7 EOF sysctl -p cat >> /etc/security/limits.conf EOF * soft nofile 131072 * hard nofile 131072 * soft nproc 131072 * hard nproc 131072 * soft memlock unlimited * hard memlock unlimited EOF rm -f /etc/security/limits.d/90-nproc.conf
cat > /etc/hosts << EOF localhost node61 node62 node63 node64 node65 node66 node67
/sbin/blockdev --setra 16384 /dev/xvda1 建立一個管理greenplum 的用戶,這裏使用digoal 建立一個目錄,放gp軟件, 給greenplum管理用戶寫權限,也能夠直接使用用戶的HOME目錄,例如/home/digoal/greenplum-db- 建立一個目錄,放數據庫, 給greenplum管理用戶寫權限 # mkdir -p /data01/gpdata # chown -R digoal /data01/gpdata # chmod -R 700 /data01/gpdata
建立主機文件,包括全部節點以及主節點自己 $ vi host_exist digoal193096.zmf digoal199092.zmf digoal200164.zmf digoal204016.zmf digoal204063.zmf $ vi host_new digoal209198.zmf 交換KEY,master使用gp管理用戶(digoal)訪問全部的segment不須要輸入密碼,master pub拷貝到全部的segment authorized_keys $ gpssh-exkeys -e host_exist -x host_new 安裝軟件到segment hosts $gpseginstall -f ./host_new -u digoal 使用gpcheck檢查 $ gpcheck -f host_new 使用gpcheckperf檢查性能 $ gpcheckperf -f host_new -d /data01/gpdata -v 接下來的操做和前面就差很少了,以下: $vi host digoal204016.zmf digoal204063.zmf digoal209198.zmf 產生配置文件 $gpexpand -f ./host -c 產生的配置文件內容以下 $cat gpexpand_inputfile_20151217_173855 digoal209198.zmf:digoal209198.zmf:40000:/data01/gpdata/gpseg20:22:20:p digoal209198.zmf:digoal209198.zmf:40001:/data01/gpdata/gpseg21:23:21:p digoal209198.zmf:digoal209198.zmf:40002:/data01/gpdata/gpseg22:24:22:p digoal209198.zmf:digoal209198.zmf:40003:/data01/gpdata/gpseg23:25:23:p digoal193096.zmf:digoal193096.zmf:40004:/data01/gpdata/gpseg24:26:24:p digoal199092.zmf:digoal199092.zmf:40004:/data01/gpdata/gpseg25:27:25:p digoal200164.zmf:digoal200164.zmf:40004:/data01/gpdata/gpseg26:28:26:p digoal204016.zmf:digoal204016.zmf:40004:/data01/gpdata/gpseg27:29:27:p digoal204063.zmf:digoal204063.zmf:40004:/data01/gpdata/gpseg28:30:28:p digoal209198.zmf:digoal209198.zmf:40004:/data01/gpdata/gpseg29:31:29:p 須要人爲調整一下: (dbid, contendid都務必連續, 經過查看gp_segment_configuration) (同一主機,端口不能衝突) digoal204016.zmf:digoal204016.zmf:40004:/data01/gpdata/gpseg20:22:20:p digoal204063.zmf:digoal204063.zmf:40004:/data01/gpdata/gpseg21:23:21:p digoal209198.zmf:digoal209198.zmf:40000:/data01/gpdata/gpseg22:24:22:p digoal209198.zmf:digoal209198.zmf:40001:/data01/gpdata/gpseg23:25:23:p digoal209198.zmf:digoal209198.zmf:40002:/data01/gpdata/gpseg24:26:24:p digoal209198.zmf:digoal209198.zmf:40003:/data01/gpdata/gpseg25:27:25:p 接下來須要修改greenplum bin目錄權限,gpexpand須要在這個目錄寫一些東西。 chmod -R 700 /opt/gpdb
$ gpexpand -i ./gpexpand_inputfile_20151217_173855 -D digoal -S -V -v -n 1 -B 1 -t /tmp 執行重分佈命令。須要指定計劃在多久內完成,或者計劃在哪天完成重分佈,腳本會自動調度重分佈。 $ gpexpand -a -d 1:00:00 -D digoal -S -t /tmp -v -n 1