一、Project:chatbot 二、功能:聊天、報時間 三、預置聊天學習,智能學習,作數學題 五、關鍵技術:讀取文件,寫入文件 六、打印聊天內容學習
一、成員分工:主界面、預約義庫、計算器 二、技術核心內容:文件流、write,read,array; 三、優化過程優化
<!-- lang: c# -->
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.IO;this
namespace ProjectC_sharp { class chatbot_61 { public static void Main(string[] args) { methot met = new methot(); //實例化方法過程 met.showUI(); //UI string chat; bool flag = false; //判斷 string user; //定義用戶名 string Robot; //定義機器人名字spa
start: { Console.WriteLine("**********************************************************"); Console.WriteLine("請選擇機器人>>>>>>>[A :\"小屌絲\"]\t[B:\"小橘子\"]<<<<<<< "); //start set chat bot Console.WriteLine("* help>>>help *"); Console.WriteLine("**********************************************************"); } Console.WriteLine("請輸入您的姓名:"); user = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("請選擇機器人:"); string set = Console.ReadLine(); //選擇機器人 if (set == "A" || set == "小屌絲" || set == "a") { met.ASayhello(user); Robot = "小屌絲"; } else if (set == "B" || set == "小橘子" || set == "b") { met.BSayhello(user); Robot = "小橘子"; } else { Console.Clear(); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("--------!waring:你的輸入不正確,請從新輸入----------\a\a\a\n"); met.help(); //調出幫助菜單 Console.WriteLine(); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; //白色 goto start; //轉到開始部分 } methot.mcname = Robot; //靜態傳值機器人名字 methot.user = user; //靜態傳用戶姓名 do //機器人循環說話Main { Console.Write(user+">>說:"); chat = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine(); met.Speak(chat,flag); if (chat == "exit" || chat == "EXIT") break; } while (true); //結束程序 Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("\t\t>>>>系統已成功退出,按任意鍵結束程序!<<<<"); Console.ReadKey(); } } class propert { //機器人屬性: 年齡、性別、姓名 private string name; private int age; private string sex; public string Name { set { this.name = value; } get { return name; } } public int Age { set { this.age = value; } get { return age; } } public string Sex { set { this.sex = value; } get { return sex; } } public propert(string N, int A, string S) { name = N; age = A; sex = S; } } class methot { //機器人的名字 public static string mcname; //用戶的名字 public static string user; /* 如下函數是機器人的方法 */ //小屌絲Sayhello public string ASayhello(string user) { propert pr = new propert("小屌絲", 18, "男"); Console.WriteLine("{0}:你好,我叫<{1}>,我{2}歲了,我是{3}生\a", pr.Name = "小屌絲", pr.Name = "小屌絲", pr.Age, pr.Sex); //Console.WriteLine("請問你叫什麼名字呀?\a"); //string user = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("{0}:{1}很高興和你聊天!\a", pr.Name, user); return user; } //小橘子Sayhello public void BSayhello(string user) { propert pg = new propert("小橘子", 16, "女"); Console.WriteLine("{0}:你好我叫<{1}>,我{2}歲了,我是{3}生\a", pg.Name = "小橘子", pg.Name = "小橘子", pg.Age, pg.Sex); Console.WriteLine("{0}:{1}很高興和你聊天!\a", pg.Name, user); } //UI public void showUI() { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; Console.WriteLine("\t\t*****************************************"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t* *"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t--------------wecomel chat bot---------- "); Console.WriteLine("\t\t* 聊天機器人 *"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t* *"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t* >> 項目五組:農夫三拳 *"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t*****************************************"); Console.ReadKey(); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; Console.Clear(); } /*help幫助中心*/ public void help() { Console.WriteLine("**********************************************"); Console.WriteLine("* *"); Console.WriteLine("* CHAT BOT HELP CENTER *"); Console.WriteLine("* 一、select chat bot press \"A\" or \"B\" *"); Console.WriteLine("* 二、chat bot include weather、date、time *"); Console.WriteLine("* 三、Exit input \"exit\" or \"!e\" *"); Console.WriteLine("* 四、Calculator function, enter a formula *"); Console.WriteLine("* 五、the first number second number *"); Console.WriteLine("**********************************************"); Console.ReadKey(); Console.Clear(); } /*查詢時間*/ public void datetime() { DateTime current = DateTime.Now; int year = current.Year; //獲取年 int month = current.Month; //獲取月 int day = current.Day;//獲取日 int hours = current.Hour;//獲取小時 int minute = current.Minute;// 獲取分鐘 int second = current.Second;//獲取秒 if (hours <=6) { Console.WriteLine("如今是凌晨。\a"); } else if (hours <= 9) { Console.WriteLine("早上好!\a"); } else if (hours <=18) { Console.WriteLine("下午好!\a"); } else if(hours<=24) { Console.WriteLine("晚上好!"); } else { Console.WriteLine("__得到時間出錯,請調試!"); } Console.WriteLine("如今是{0}年{1}月{2}日{3}時{4}分{5}秒\a", year, month, day, hours, minute, second); } /*計算器模塊*/ public void Calculator() { double Number1, Number2; char option; double Result; bool flag = true; while(flag) { try { Console.WriteLine("Enter the Fist Number"); Number1 = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("Enter the Second Number"); Number2 = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("Mian Menum"); Console.WriteLine("1.Additon"); Console.WriteLine("2.Subtraction"); Console.WriteLine("3.Multiplication"); Console.WriteLine("4.Division"); Console.WriteLine("Enter the Operation you want to perform"); option = char.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); switch (option) { case '1': Result = Number1 + Number2; Console.WriteLine("The result of addition is :{0}", Result); break; case '2': Result = Number1 - Number2; Console.WriteLine("The result of subtraction is :{0}", Result); break; case '3': Result = Number1 * Number2; Console.WriteLine("The result of Multiplication if :{0}", Result); break; case '4': if (Number2 == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Divisor canot be zero"); } else { Result = Number1 / Number2; Console.WriteLine("The result of divison is :{0}", Result); } break; default: Console.WriteLine("Invalid Option"); break; } flag = false; } catch { flag = true; Console.WriteLine("你的輸入正確,請從新輸入!\a\a\a"); } } } /*test temp*/ public void FileRead() { string FILENAME = "J:\\C_sharp_Code\\Project\\Answer.txt"; FileStream fs = new FileStream(FILENAME, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fs, Encoding.Default); string reder = sr.ReadLine(); while (reder != null) { Console.WriteLine(reder); reder = sr.ReadLine(); } sr.Close(); fs.Close(); } //機器人預約義內置庫回覆 public void Speak(string chat,bool flag) { //string weather="天氣"; //string time="時間"; //string Calculate = "計算"; //string[] str = { "天氣","長沙","今天" }; bool b; int count = 0; string FILENAME1 = "J:\\C_sharp_Code\\Project\\Question.txt"; FileStream fs1 = new FileStream(FILENAME1, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); StreamReader sr1 = new StreamReader(fs1, Encoding.Default); string reader1; reader1 = sr1.ReadLine(); while (reader1 != null) { count++; if (b = reader1.Contains(chat) /*|| chat.Contains(reader1)*/)//reader1.Contains(chat) { // chat = reader1; //reder flag = true; break; } reader1 = sr1.ReadLine(); } // Console.WriteLine("判斷:{0}", flag); Test 判斷是否爲真 fs1.Close(); sr1.Close(); /*小調試*/ // Console.WriteLine("count1={0}",count); //測試count1 // Console.WriteLine("chat={0}",chat); //測試chat // Console.WriteLine(flag); //測試真假 /*預約義內置庫 weather 、計算器、簡單回覆*/ if (chat.Contains("weather") || chat.Contains("天氣") || chat.Contains("長沙")) //關鍵字提取 天氣 { Console.WriteLine("{0}說>>:長沙的天氣多雲轉晴\a",mcname); } //b = chat.Contains(Calculate) else if (chat.Contains("時間") || chat.Contains("幾點") || chat.Contains("鍾")||chat.Contains("time")) //關鍵字提取 時間 { // Console.WriteLine("如今的時間我還真不知道!"); Console.Write("{0}說>>:",mcname); datetime(); //調用時間函數 } else if (chat.Contains("計算") || chat.Contains("數學")||chat.Contains("作題")) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow; //黃色 Console.WriteLine("{0}說>>:好的,正在爲你啓動計算器",mcname); Calculator(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; //白色 } else if (chat.Contains("....") || chat.Contains("...") || chat.Contains("..") || chat.Contains(".")) { Console.WriteLine("{0}說>>:這斑斑點點,不能彰顯你的沉默,只會昭示你左右手的寂寞~",mcname); } else if(chat.Trim().Equals(string.Empty)) //判斷用戶輸入的是否空格 { Console.WriteLine("{0}說>>:您什麼也沒有輸入\a",mcname); } else if (chat=="") { Console.WriteLine("{0}說>>:你一句話也沒有說啊,你在吐口水嗎?\a",mcname); } else if (flag) { ReaderQuestion(chat,mcname); //question } else { // bool yn = true; Console.WriteLine("{0}說>>:~噢我沒有聽懂,你教我好嗎?",mcname); while (yn) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkCyan; Console.WriteLine("{0}說>>:教我學習吧(Y\\N)?\a",mcname); Console.Write("{0}>>說:",user); string repor = Console.ReadLine(); if (repor == "y" || repor == "Y") { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("\t\t>>>>>>>>>機器人已進入學習模式<<<<<<<<<<<<"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkCyan; WriteQuestion(); //調用學習方法 yn = false; } else if (repor == "n" || repor == "N") { Console.WriteLine("{0}說>>:您取消了學習,哼~竟然不教我。\a",mcname); yn = false; } else { Console.WriteLine("{0}說>>:您的輸入不正確\a",mcname); yn = true; } Console.WriteLine(); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; //白色 } } } /*機器人學習*/ /*test Reader*/ public void ReadAnser() //讀取Answer—A文件 { string FILENAME = "J:\\C_sharp_Code\\Project\\Answer.txt"; FileStream fs = new FileStream(FILENAME, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fs, Encoding.Default); string reder = sr.ReadLine(); while (reder != null) { Console.WriteLine(reder); reder = sr.ReadLine(); } sr.Close(); fs.Close(); } /*機器人智能匹配模塊*/ public void ReaderQuestion(string chat, string name ) //讀取Questioin第二文件B { bool b; //flag int count = 0; string FILENAME1 = "J:\\C_sharp_Code\\Project\\Question.txt"; string FILENAME2 = "J:\\C_sharp_Code\\Project\\Answer.txt"; FileStream fs1 = new FileStream(FILENAME1, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); FileStream fs2 = new FileStream(FILENAME2, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); StreamReader sr1 = new StreamReader(fs1, Encoding.Default); StreamReader sr2 = new StreamReader(fs2, Encoding.Default); string reader1; reader1 = sr1.ReadLine(); while (reader1 != null) { count++; if (b = reader1.Contains(chat)/*||chat.Contains(reader1)*/) //一、核心關鍵捕獲,智能匹配// { chat = reader1; //reder //Console.WriteLine(chat); break; //找到座標位置跳出去 } reader1 = sr1.ReadLine(); // Console.WriteLine(chat); } //指針指向Anser //Console.WriteLine("count={0}",count); //座標位置測試 string reder2 = "null沒有讀到"; for (int i = 1; i <= count; i++) { reder2 = sr2.ReadLine(); chat = reder2; } Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; Console.WriteLine("{0}說>>{1}\a", name, chat); //機器人的回答 Console.WriteLine(); sr1.Close(); fs1.Close(); sr2.Close(); fs2.Close(); } /*Write機器人學習過程*/ public void WriteAnwser() //WriterAnswer_ B文件 { string FILENAME = @"J:\C_sharp_Code\Project\Answer.txt"; FileStream feel = new FileStream(FILENAME, FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write); StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(feel, Encoding.Default); Console.WriteLine("請輸入答案:"); //寫入文件 string str = Console.ReadLine(); sw.WriteLine(str + "\n"); sw.Flush(); sw.Close(); feel.Close(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Blue; Console.WriteLine("{0}說>>:OK,我學會了!",mcname); Console.WriteLine("~親我們繼續聊!"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("\t\t>>>>>>>>>機器人學習已成功<<<<<<<<<<<<"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; //白色 } public void WriteQuestion() //Write Question A文件 { string FILENAME = @"J:\C_sharp_Code\Project\Question.txt"; FileStream feel = new FileStream(FILENAME, FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write); StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(feel, Encoding.Default); //寫入文件 Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; //綠色 Console.WriteLine("請輸入問題:"); string str = Console.ReadLine(); sw.WriteLine(str + "\n"); sw.Flush(); sw.Close(); feel.Close(); WriteAnwser(); //調用回答方法 } }