在 Angular 4.x 中對於使用 Template-Driven 表單場景,若是須要實現表單數據綁定。咱們就須要引入 ngModel
指令。該指令用於基於 domain 模型,建立 FormControl
@Component({ selector: 'exe-app', template: ` <form novalidate #f="ngForm"> Name: <input type="text" name="username" ngModel> </form> {{ f.value | json }} `, }) export class AppComponent implements OnInit { }
在 <form>
表單中使用 ngModel
時,咱們須要設置一個 name
@Component({ selector: 'exe-app', template: ` <form novalidate #f="ngForm"> Name: <input type="text" name="username" [ngModel]="user.username"> </form> {{ user | json }} `, }) export class AppComponent implements OnInit { user: { username: string }; ngOnInit() { this.user = { username: 'Semlinker' }; } }
@Component({ selector: 'exe-app', template: ` <form novalidate #f="ngForm"> Name: <input type="text" name="username" [(ngModel)]="user.username"> </form> {{ user | json }} `, }) export class AppComponent implements OnInit { user: { username: string }; ngOnInit() { this.user = { username: 'Semlinker' }; } }
import { Component } from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'exe-app', template: ` <input name="username" [(ngModel)]="username"> {{username}} `, }) export class AppComponent { username: string; }
當你在使用 ngModel 時未設置 name 屬性,以下所示:api
<form novalidate #f="ngForm"> Name: <input type="text" [(ngModel)]="user.username"> </form>
Error: If ngModel is used within a form tag, either the name attribute must be set or the form control must be defined as 'standalone' in ngModelOptions.
以上異常信息告訴咱們,若是在表單標籤中使用 ngModel,則必須設置 name 屬性,或者在 ngModelOptions 中必須將表單控件定義爲 "standalone"。依據上述異常信息,咱們作以下調整:angular2
<form novalidate #f="ngForm"> Name: <input type="text" [(ngModel)]="user.username" [ngModelOptions]="{standalone: true}"> </form>
接下來咱們看一下 ngModelOptions 支持的對象類型:app
@Input('ngModelOptions') options: {name?: string, standalone?: boolean};
<form novalidate #f="ngForm"> Name: <input type="text" name="username" [(ngModel)]="user.username" disabled="true"> </form>
@Component({ selector: 'exe-app', template: ` <form novalidate #f="ngForm"> Name: <input type="text" name="username" (ngModelChange)="userNameChange($event)" [(ngModel)]="user.username"> </form> {{ user | json }} `, }) export class AppComponent implements OnInit { user: { username: string }; ngOnInit() { this.user = { username: 'Semlinker' }; } userNameChange(name: string) { console.log(name); } }
@Component({ selector: 'exe-app', template: ` <form novalidate #f="ngForm"> Name: <input type="text" name="username" #userName="ngModel" [(ngModel)]="user.username"> </form> {{ userName.control | json }} `, }) export class AppComponent implements OnInit { user: { username: string }; ngOnInit() { this.user = { username: 'Semlinker' }; } }
經過使用 userName="ngModel"
方式,咱們能夠獲取表單控件關聯的 NgModel 對象,進而獲取控件當前控件的相關信息,如控件的當前的狀態或控件驗證信息等。
import { Component } from '@angular/core'; import { NgForm } from '@angular/forms'; @Component({ selector: 'exe-app', template: ` <form #f="ngForm" (ngSubmit)="onSubmit(f)" novalidate> <input name="first" ngModel required #first="ngModel"> <input name="last" ngModel> <button>Submit</button> </form> <p>First name value: {{ first.value }}</p> <p>First name valid: {{ first.valid }}</p> <p>Form value: {{ f.value | json }}</p> <p>Form valid: {{ f.valid }}</p> `, }) export class AppComponent { onSubmit(f: NgForm) { console.log(f.value); // { first: '', last: '' } console.log(f.valid); // false } }
@Directive({ selector: '[ngModel]:not([formControlName]):not([formControl])', providers: [formControlBinding], exportAs: 'ngModel' })
export const formControlBinding: any = { provide: NgControl, useExisting: forwardRef(() => NgModel) };
selector 中 [ngModel]:not([formControlName]):not([formControl])
表示該指令只應用於 Template-Driven 表單中。
exportAs - 表示可使用 first="ngModel"
語法獲取 NgModel 對象
@Input() name: string; @Input('disabled') isDisabled: boolean; @Input('ngModel') model: any; @Input('ngModelOptions') options: {name?: string, standalone?: boolean};
@Output('ngModelChange') update = new EventEmitter();
// angular2/packages/forms/src/directives/ng_model.ts export class NgModel extends NgControl implements OnChanges, OnDestroy { /** @internal */ _control = new FormControl(); // 建立FormControl對象 /** @internal */ _registered = false; // 用於標識控件是否已註冊 viewModel: any; // 用於保存前一次model的值 ... }
constructor( @Optional() @Host() parent: ControlContainer, @Optional() @Self() @Inject(NG_VALIDATORS) validators: Array<Validator|ValidatorFn>, @Optional() @Self() @Inject(NG_ASYNC_VALIDATORS) asyncValidators: Array<AsyncValidator|AsyncValidatorFn>, @Optional() @Self() @Inject(NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR) valueAccessors: ControlValueAccessor[]) { super(); this._parent = parent; this._rawValidators = validators || []; this._rawAsyncValidators = asyncValidators || []; this.valueAccessor = selectValueAccessor(this, valueAccessors); }
@Optional() - 表示該依賴對象是可選的
@Host() - 表示從宿主元素注入器獲取依賴對象
@Self() - 表示從當前注入器獲取依賴對象
@Inject() - 用於注入 Token (new InjectionToken) 對應的非 Type 類型依賴對象
獲取 ControlContainer (控件容器)對象
獲取控件上的 ControlValueAccessor
ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges) { this._checkForErrors(); if (!this._registered) this._setUpControl(); if ('isDisabled' in changes) { this._updateDisabled(changes); } if (isPropertyUpdated(changes, this.viewModel)) { this._updateValue(this.model); this.viewModel = this.model; } }
private _checkForErrors(): void { if (!this._isStandalone()) { this._checkParentType(); } this._checkName(); } // 判斷是否設置standalone屬性 private _isStandalone(): boolean { return !this._parent || (this.options && this.options.standalone); } /** * 1.ngModel指令不能與formGroupName或formArrayName指令一塊兒使用,需改用 * formControlName或調整ngModel的父控件使用的指令爲ngModelGroup。 * * 2.ngModel不能被註冊到使用formGroup指令的表單中,需改用formControlName或設置 * ngModelOptions對象中的standalone屬性,避免註冊該控件。 */ private _checkParentType(): void { if (!(this._parent instanceof NgModelGroup) && this._parent instanceof AbstractFormGroupDirective) { TemplateDrivenErrors.formGroupNameException(); } else if (!(this._parent instanceof NgModelGroup) && !(this._parent instanceof NgForm)) { TemplateDrivenErrors.modelParentException(); } } /** * 驗證是否設置name屬性 * * 若是在表單標籤中使用 ngModel,則必須設置 name 屬性,或者在ngModelOptions中必須將 * 表單控件定義爲"standalone"。 * * <input [(ngModel)]="person.firstName" [ngModelOptions]="{standalone: * true}"> */ private _checkName(): void { if (this.options && this.options.name) this.name = this.options.name; if (!this._isStandalone() && !this.name) { TemplateDrivenErrors.missingNameException(); } }
// 初始化控件 private _setUpControl(): void { this._isStandalone() ? this._setUpStandalone() : // 在ControlContainer所屬的form中註冊該控件 this.formDirective.addControl(this); this._registered = true; // 標識已註冊 } // 若設置standalone屬性,則初始化該控件,並更新控件的值和驗證狀態 private _setUpStandalone(): void { setUpControl(this._control, this); this._control.updateValueAndValidity({emitEvent: false}); } // 獲取ControlContainer所屬的form get formDirective(): any { return this._parent ? this._parent.formDirective : null; }
若設置 isDisabled
輸入屬性,則更新控件的 disabled 屬性:
// 更新控件的disabled狀態 private _updateDisabled(changes: SimpleChanges) { // 獲取disabled輸入屬性的當前值 const disabledValue = changes['isDisabled'].currentValue; // 判斷是否設置爲disabled const isDisabled = disabledValue === '' || (disabledValue && disabledValue !== 'false'); resolvedPromise.then(() => { if (isDisabled && !this.control.disabled) { this.control.disable(); // 禁用控件 } else if (!isDisabled && this.control.disabled) { this.control.enable(); // 啓用控件 } }); }
// 判斷屬性是否更新 export function isPropertyUpdated(changes: {[key: string]: any}, viewModel: any): boolean { if (!changes.hasOwnProperty('model')) return false; // @Input('ngModel') model: any; const change = changes['model']; if (change.isFirstChange()) return true; // 判斷是否首次改變 return !looseIdentical(viewModel, change.currentValue); } // JS has NaN !== NaN export function looseIdentical(a: any, b: any): boolean { return a === b || typeof a === 'number' && typeof b === 'number' && isNaN(a) && isNaN(b); }
// 更新控件的值 private _updateValue(value: any): void { resolvedPromise.then( () => { this.control.setValue(value, {emitViewToModelChange: false}); }); } const resolvedPromise = Promise.resolve(null);
// 指令銷燬時,從formDirective中移除該控件 ngOnDestroy(): void { this.formDirective && this.formDirective.removeControl(this); }
// 獲取控件 get control(): FormControl { return this._control; } /** @internal */ _control = new FormControl();
// 獲取控件的訪問路徑 get path(): string[] { return this._parent ? controlPath(this.name, this._parent) : [this.name]; }
// 獲取同步驗證器 get validator(): ValidatorFn { return composeValidators(this._rawValidators); } export interface ValidatorFn { (c: AbstractControl): ValidationErrors|null; }
// 獲取異步驗證器 get asyncValidator(): AsyncValidatorFn { return composeAsyncValidators(this._rawAsyncValidators); } export interface AsyncValidatorFn { (c: AbstractControl): Promise<ValidationErrors|null>|Observable<ValidationErrors|null>; }
// 觸發ngModelChange事件 viewToModelUpdate(newValue: any): void { this.viewModel = newValue; // @Output('ngModelChange') update = new EventEmitter(); this.update.emit(newValue); }
// angular2/packages/forms/src/directives/ng_control.ts // 全部控件指令都需繼承的基類,綁定FormControl對象至DOM元素 export abstract class NgControl extends AbstractControlDirective { /** @internal */ _parent: ControlContainer = null; name: string = null; valueAccessor: ControlValueAccessor = null; /** @internal */ _rawValidators: Array<Validator|ValidatorFn> = []; /** @internal */ _rawAsyncValidators: Array<AsyncValidator|AsyncValidatorFn> = []; get validator(): ValidatorFn { return <ValidatorFn>unimplemented(); } get asyncValidator(): AsyncValidatorFn { return <AsyncValidatorFn>unimplemented(); } abstract viewToModelUpdate(newValue: any): void; }
// angular2/packages/forms/src/directives/abstract_control_directive.ts export abstract class AbstractControlDirective { // 獲取控件 get control(): AbstractControl { throw new Error('unimplemented'); } // 獲取控件的值 get value(): any { return this.control ? this.control.value : null; } // 控件控件的驗證狀態 - valid、invalid、pending get valid(): boolean { return this.control ? this.control.valid : null; } get invalid(): boolean { return this.control ? this.control.invalid : null; } get pending(): boolean { return this.control ? this.control.pending : null; } get pristine(): boolean { return this.control ? this.control.pristine : null; } get dirty(): boolean { return this.control ? this.control.dirty : null; } get touched(): boolean { return this.control ? this.control.touched : null; } get untouched(): boolean { return this.control ? this.control.untouched : null; } get disabled(): boolean { return this.control ? this.control.disabled : null; } get enabled(): boolean { return this.control ? this.control.enabled : null; } // 獲取控件驗證異常對象 get errors(): ValidationErrors|null { return this.control ? this.control.errors : null; } // 獲取statusChanges對象 get statusChanges(): Observable<any> { return this.control ? this.control.statusChanges : null; } // 獲取valueChanges對象 get valueChanges(): Observable<any> { return this.control ? this.control.valueChanges : null; } // 獲取控件路徑 get path(): string[] { return null; } // 重設控件的值 reset(value: any = undefined): void { if (this.control) this.control.reset(value); } // 判斷是否path路徑對應的控件,是否存在errorCode對應的錯誤 hasError(errorCode: string, path: string[] = null): boolean { return this.control ? this.control.hasError(errorCode, path) : false; } // 獲取path路徑對應的控件,參數errorCode對應的錯誤 getError(errorCode: string, path: string[] = null): any { return this.control ? this.control.getError(errorCode, path) : null; } }
@Directive({ selector:` input:not([type=checkbox])[formControlName],textarea[formControlName], input:not([type=checkbox])[formControl],textarea[formControl], input:not([type=checkbox])[ngModel],textarea[ngModel],[ngDefaultControl] `, host: { '(input)': '_handleInput($event.target.value)', '(blur)': 'onTouched()', '(compositionstart)': '_compositionStart()', '(compositionend)': '_compositionEnd($event.target.value)' }, providers: [DEFAULT_VALUE_ACCESSOR] })
compositionstart - 事件觸發於一段文字的輸入以前 (相似於 keydown
compositionend - 事件觸發於完成文本段落輸入或取消輸入
compositionstart、compositionend 的實際應用,請參考 - 應對中文輸入法的字符串截斷方案
export const DEFAULT_VALUE_ACCESSOR: any = { provide: NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR, useExisting: forwardRef(() => DefaultValueAccessor), multi: true };
export class DefaultValueAccessor implements ControlValueAccessor { onChange = (_: any) => {}; onTouched = () => {}; /** Whether the user is creating a composition string (IME events). */ private _composing = false; constructor( private _renderer: Renderer, // 注入Renderer對象 private _elementRef: ElementRef, @Optional() @Inject(COMPOSITION_BUFFER_MODE) private _compositionMode: boolean) { if (this._compositionMode == null) { this._compositionMode = !_isAndroid(); } } // 將模型中的新值寫入視圖或DOM元素屬性中 writeValue(value: any): void { const normalizedValue = value == null ? '' : value; this._renderer.setElementProperty(this._elementRef.nativeElement, 'value', normalizedValue); } // 設置當控件接收到change事件後,調用的函數 registerOnChange(fn: (_: any) => void): void { this.onChange = fn; } // 設置當控件接收到touched事件後,調用的函數 registerOnTouched(fn: () => void): void { this.onTouched = fn; } // 設置控件的Disabled狀態 setDisabledState(isDisabled: boolean): void { this._renderer.setElementProperty(this._elementRef.nativeElement, 'disabled', isDisabled); } // 處理input事件 _handleInput(value: any): void { if (!this._compositionMode || (this._compositionMode && !this._composing)) { this.onChange(value); } } // 處理compositionstart事件 _compositionStart(): void { this._composing = true; } // 處理compositionend事件 _compositionEnd(value: any): void { this._composing = false; this._compositionMode && this.onChange(value); } } export const COMPOSITION_BUFFER_MODE = new InjectionToken<boolean> ('CompositionEventMode'); // 用於判斷是否處於安卓平臺,composition事件在iOS和Android存在兼容性 function _isAndroid(): boolean { const userAgent = getDOM() ? getDOM().getUserAgent() : ''; return /android (\d+)/.test(userAgent.toLowerCase()); }
爲了可以支持跨平臺,Angular 經過抽象層封裝了不一樣平臺的差別,統一了 API 接口。如定義了抽象類 Renderer 、抽象類 RootRenderer 等。此外還定義瞭如下引用類型:ElementRef、TemplateRef、ViewRef 、ComponentRef 和 ViewContainerRef 等。
瞭解詳細的信息,請查看 - Angular 2 ElementRef
writeValue() 方法何時調用?
registerOnChange() 何時調用?
registerOnTouched() 何時調用?
爲了解開這些疑惑咱們就須要分析一下,一個很重要的方法 - setUpControl()。咱們先來看一下 setUpControl() 的調用的時機點:
ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges) { ... if (!this._registered) this._setUpControl(); ... }
private _setUpControl(): void { this._isStandalone() ? this._setUpStandalone() : // 在ControlContainer所屬的form中註冊該控件 this.formDirective.addControl(this); this._registered = true; // 標識已註冊 }
_setUpControl() 方法內部,先判斷控件有設置 standalone 屬性,若是有的話,則調用 _setUpStandalone() 方法:
// 若設置standalone屬性,則初始化該控件,並更新控件的值和驗證狀態 private _setUpStandalone(): void { setUpControl(this._control, this); // 調用時機點一 this._control.updateValueAndValidity({emitEvent: false}); }
若是沒有設置 standalone 屬性,則調用 this.formDirective.addControl(this)
,這個方法存在於咱們的 form
addControl(dir: NgModel): void { resolvedPromise.then(() => { const container = this._findContainer(dir.path); dir._control = <FormControl>container.registerControl(dir.name, dir.control); setUpControl(dir.control, dir); // 調用時機點二 dir.control.updateValueAndValidity({emitEvent: false}); }); }
搞清楚 setUpControl() 調用的時機點,是時候分析一下 setUpControl() 方法的具體實現了。
// angular2/packages/forms/src/directives/shared.ts export function setUpControl(control: FormControl, dir: NgControl): void { if (!control) _throwError(dir, 'Cannot find control with'); /** * NgModel構造函數 * @Optional() @Self() @Inject(NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR) valueAccessors: ControlValueAccessor[] * this.valueAccessor = selectValueAccessor(this, valueAccessors); */ // 判斷控件是否實現ControlValueAccessor接口 if (!dir.valueAccessor) _throwError(dir, 'No value accessor for form control with'); // 組合同步驗證器 control.validator = Validators.compose([control.validator, dir.validator]); // 組合異步驗證器 control.asyncValidator = Validators.composeAsync([control.asyncValidator, dir.asyncValidator]); // 該方法用於將模型中的新值寫入視圖或 DOM 屬性中 dir.valueAccessor.writeValue(control.value); // view -> model /** * @Directive({ * selector: 'input:not([type=checkbox])[formControlName],...', * host: { * '(input)': '_handleInput($event.target.value)' * }, * providers: [DEFAULT_VALUE_ACCESSOR] * }) * export class DefaultValueAccessor implements ControlValueAccessor { * // 下面就是調用該方法 * registerOnChange(fn: (_: any) => void): void { this.onChange = fn; } * * // input事件觸發後,調用該方法 * _handleInput(value: any): void { * if (!this._compositionMode || (this._compositionMode && !this._composing)) { * this.onChange(value); //調用下面註冊的onChange函數 * } * } * } * */ dir.valueAccessor.registerOnChange((newValue: any) => { /** * ngModel指令 - viewToModelUpdate() 方法 * * viewToModelUpdate(newValue: any): void { * this.viewModel = newValue; // 更新viewModel * // @Output('ngModelChange') update = new EventEmitter(); * this.update.emit(newValue); // 觸發ngModelChange事件 * } */ dir.viewToModelUpdate(newValue); control.markAsDirty(); /* * setValue(value: any, {onlySelf, emitEvent, emitModelToViewChange, * emitViewToModelChange}: { * onlySelf?: boolean, * emitEvent?: boolean, * emitModelToViewChange?: boolean, * emitViewToModelChange?: boolean * } = {}): void { * this._value = value; * if (this._onChange.length && emitModelToViewChange !== false) { * this._onChange.forEach((changeFn) => changeFn(this._value, * emitViewToModelChange !== false)); * } * this.updateValueAndValidity({onlySelf, emitEvent}); * } */ control.setValue(newValue, {emitModelToViewChange: false}); // 更新控件的值 }); // touched dir.valueAccessor.registerOnTouched(() => control.markAsTouched()); /** * control = new FormControl(); * * control - _onChange 屬性 * _onChange: Function[] = []; * * control - registerOnChange() 方法 * registerOnChange(fn: Function): void { this._onChange.push(fn); } */ control.registerOnChange((newValue: any, emitModelEvent: boolean) => { // control -> view /* * writeValue(value: any): void { * const normalizedValue = value == null ? '' : value; * this._renderer.setElementProperty(this._elementRef.nativeElement, 'value', * normalizedValue); * } */ dir.valueAccessor.writeValue(newValue); // control -> ngModel /** * ngModel指令 - viewToModelUpdate() 方法 * * viewToModelUpdate(newValue: any): void { * this.viewModel = newValue; // 更新viewModel * // @Output('ngModelChange') update = new EventEmitter(); * this.update.emit(newValue); // 觸發ngModelChange事件 * } */ if (emitModelEvent) dir.viewToModelUpdate(newValue); }); // 當控件狀態變成 DISABLED 或從 DISABLED 狀態變化成 ENABLE 狀態時,會調用該函數。該函數會根據參數 // 值,啓用或禁用指定的 DOM 元素 if (dir.valueAccessor.setDisabledState) { control.registerOnDisabledChange( (isDisabled: boolean) => { dir.valueAccessor.setDisabledState(isDisabled); }); } // re-run validation when validator binding changes, e.g. minlength=3 -> minlength=4 dir._rawValidators.forEach((validator: Validator | ValidatorFn) => { if ((<Validator>validator).registerOnValidatorChange) (<Validator>validator).registerOnValidatorChange(() => control.updateValueAndValidity()); }); dir._rawAsyncValidators.forEach((validator: AsyncValidator | AsyncValidatorFn) => { if ((<Validator>validator).registerOnValidatorChange) (<Validator>validator).registerOnValidatorChange(() => control.updateValueAndValidity()); }); }
最後咱們再看一下 ControlValueAccessor 接口:
// angular2/packages/forms/src/directives/control_value_accessor.ts export interface ControlValueAccessor { writeValue(obj: any): void; registerOnChange(fn: any): void; registerOnTouched(fn: any): void; setDisabledState?(isDisabled: boolean): void; }
writeValue(obj: any):該方法用於將模型中的新值寫入視圖或 DOM 屬性中
registerOnChange(fn: any):設置當控件接收到 change 事件後,調用的函數
registerOnTouched(fn: any):設置當控件接收到 touched 事件後,調用的函數
setDisabledState?(isDisabled: boolean):當控件狀態變成 DISABLED
狀態變化成 ENABLE
狀態時,會調用該函數。該函數會根據參數值,啓用或禁用指定的 DOM 元素
瞭解 ControlValueAccessor 的詳細信息,能夠參考 - Understanding ControlValueAccessor