來更改工做目錄。 python
如何在Python中更改當前的工做目錄? ios
這是上下文管理器更改工做目錄的示例。 它比其餘地方提到的ActiveState版本要簡單,但這能夠完成工做。 git
import os class cd: """Context manager for changing the current working directory""" def __init__(self, newPath): self.newPath = os.path.expanduser(newPath) def __enter__(self): self.savedPath = os.getcwd() os.chdir(self.newPath) def __exit__(self, etype, value, traceback): os.chdir(self.savedPath)
或者使用ContextManager嘗試更簡潔的等效方法(以下) 。 github
import subprocess # just to call an arbitrary command e.g. 'ls' # enter the directory like this: with cd("~/Library"): # we are in ~/Library subprocess.call("ls") # outside the context manager we are back wherever we started.
正如其餘人已經指出的那樣,以上全部解決方案僅會更改當前進程的工做目錄。 當您返回Unix shell時,這將丟失。 若是不顧一切,您能夠使用如下可怕的方法在Unix上更改父shell目錄: shell
def quote_against_shell_expansion(s): import pipes return pipes.quote(s) def put_text_back_into_terminal_input_buffer(text): # use of this means that it only works in an interactive session # (and if the user types while it runs they could insert characters between the characters in 'text'!) import fcntl, termios for c in text: fcntl.ioctl(1, termios.TIOCSTI, c) def change_parent_process_directory(dest): # the horror put_text_back_into_terminal_input_buffer("cd "+quote_against_shell_expansion(dest)+"\n")
進一步進入方向指出了由Brian和基於SH (1.0.8+) session
from sh import cd, ls cd('/tmp') print ls()
易於使用生成器和裝飾器編寫。 app
from contextlib import contextmanager import os @contextmanager def cd(newdir): prevdir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(os.path.expanduser(newdir)) try: yield finally: os.chdir(prevdir)
而後,即便在引起異常以後,也將還原目錄: less
os.chdir('/home') with cd('/tmp'): # ... raise Exception("There's no place like home.") # Directory is now back to '/home'.
更改腳本過程的當前目錄很簡單。 我認爲問題其實是如何更改從中調用python腳本的命令窗口的當前目錄,這很是困難。 Windows中的Bat腳本或Bash shell中的Bash腳本可使用普通的cd命令來執行此操做,由於shell自己就是解釋器。 在Windows和Linux中,Python都是程序,沒有程序能夠直接更改其父級的環境。 可是,將簡單的Shell腳本與Python腳本結合使用可完成大多數艱苦的工做,便可達到預期的效果。 例如,爲了製做一個具備遍歷歷史記錄的擴展cd命令以進行向後/向前/選擇從新訪問,我編寫了一個由簡單的bat腳本調用的相對複雜的Python腳本。 遍歷列表存儲在文件中,目標目錄位於第一行。 當python腳本返回時,bat腳本讀取文件的第一行並將其做爲cd的參數。 完整的蝙蝠腳本(爲簡潔起見,減去註釋)爲: ide
if _%1 == _. goto cdDone if _%1 == _? goto help if /i _%1 NEQ _-H goto doCd :help echo d.bat and dSup.py 2016.03.05. Extended chdir. echo -C = clear traversal list. echo -B or nothing = backward (to previous dir). echo -F or - = forward (to next dir). echo -R = remove current from list and return to previous. echo -S = select from list. echo -H, -h, ? = help. echo . = make window title current directory. echo Anything else = target directory. goto done :doCd %~dp0dSup.py %1 for /F %%d in ( %~dp0dSupList ) do ( cd %%d if errorlevel 1 ( %~dp0dSup.py -R ) goto cdDone ) :cdDone title %CD% :done
python腳本dSup.py是: this
import sys, os, msvcrt def indexNoCase ( slist, s ) : for idx in range( len( slist )) : if slist[idx].upper() == s.upper() : return idx raise ValueError # .........main process ................... if len( sys.argv ) < 2 : cmd = 1 # No argument defaults to -B, the most common operation elif sys.argv[1][0] == '-': if len(sys.argv[1]) == 1 : cmd = 2 # '-' alone defaults to -F, second most common operation. else : cmd = 'CBFRS'.find( sys.argv[1][1:2].upper()) else : cmd = -1 dir = os.path.abspath( sys.argv[1] ) + '\n' # cmd is -1 = path, 0 = C, 1 = B, 2 = F, 3 = R, 4 = S fo = open( os.path.dirname( sys.argv[0] ) + '\\dSupList', mode = 'a+t' ) fo.seek( 0 ) dlist = fo.readlines( -1 ) if len( dlist ) == 0 : dlist.append( os.getcwd() + '\n' ) # Prime new directory list with current. if cmd == 1 : # B: move backward, i.e. to previous target = dlist.pop(0) dlist.append( target ) elif cmd == 2 : # F: move forward, i.e. to next target = dlist.pop( len( dlist ) - 1 ) dlist.insert( 0, target ) elif cmd == 3 : # R: remove current from list. This forces cd to previous, a # desireable side-effect dlist.pop( 0 ) elif cmd == 4 : # S: select from list # The current directory (dlist[0]) is included essentially as ESC. for idx in range( len( dlist )) : print( '(' + str( idx ) + ')', dlist[ idx ][:-1]) while True : inp = msvcrt.getche() if inp.isdigit() : inp = int( inp ) if inp < len( dlist ) : print( '' ) # Print the newline we didn't get from getche. break print( ' is out of range' ) # Select 0 means the current directory and the list is not changed. Otherwise # the selected directory is moved to the top of the list. This can be done by # either rotating the whole list until the selection is at the head or pop it # and insert it to 0. It isn't obvious which would be better for the user but # since pop-insert is simpler, it is used. if inp > 0 : dlist.insert( 0, dlist.pop( inp )) elif cmd == -1 : # -1: dir is the requested new directory. # If it is already in the list then remove it before inserting it at the head. # This takes care of both the common case of it having been recently visited # and the less common case of user mistakenly requesting current, in which # case it is already at the head. Deleting and putting it back is a trivial # inefficiency. try: dlist.pop( indexNoCase( dlist, dir )) except ValueError : pass dlist = dlist[:9] # Control list length by removing older dirs (should be # no more than one). dlist.insert( 0, dir ) fo.truncate( 0 ) if cmd != 0 : # C: clear the list fo.writelines( dlist ) fo.close() exit(0)