1 print 'compiling procedure dbo.workday_add ...' 2 3 if object_id('dbo.workday_add' ,'p') is not null 4 drop procedure dbo.workday_add 5 go 6 7 create procedure dbo.workday_add( 8 @rtncode varchar(5) output 9 ,@rtnmsg varchar(255) output 10 ,@begindate datetime --開始日期 11 ,@workday int --要增長的工做日數 12 ,@closedate date output --截止日期 13 ) 14 as 15 /****************************************************************** 16 項目名稱:xxxxx管理平臺 17 所屬模塊:xxxxx 18 概要說明: 19 中文名稱:返回截止時間 20 用途簡述:返回截止時間 21 語法信息: 22 輸入參數: 23 @begindate --開始日期 24 @workday --要增長的工做日數 25 輸出參數: 26 @closedate --截止日期 27 調用舉例: 28 declare @rtncode varchar(5),@rtnmsg varchar(255),@closedate date 29 exec dbo.workday_add @rtncode output,@rtnmsg output,'2014-09-25',1,@closedate output 30 select @rtncode,@rtnmsg,@closedate 31 修訂記錄: 32 修訂日期 修訂人 修改內容簡要說明 33 ---------- --------- ------------------------------ 34 2014-09-09 趙文彬 建立 35 ******************************************************************/ 36 begin 37 set nocount on 38 set datefirst 1 39 set @rtncode = '0000' 40 set @rtnmsg = 'successful.' 41 42 begin try 43 declare @enddate datetime,@dw int 44 declare @jia int,@ban int,@work_date datetime 45 select @jia=0,@ban=0 46 47 while @workday>0 48 begin 49 select @dw=datepart(dw, @begindate+1),@enddate=@begindate+1 50 if exists(select 1 from dbo.work_time where convert(varchar(10),work_date,101)= convert(varchar(10),@begindate+1,101)) 51 begin 52 select top 1 @jia=case when [type]=1 then 1 else 0 end 53 ,@ban=case when [type]=2 then 1 else 0 end 54 from dbo.work_time where convert(varchar(10),work_date,101)= convert(varchar(10),@begindate+1,101) 55 end 56 else 57 begin 58 select @jia=0,@ban=0 59 end 60 if (@dw=1 and @jia=0) or (@dw=2 and @jia=0) or (@dw=3 and @jia=0) or (@dw=4 and @jia=0) or (@dw=5 and @jia=0) or (@dw=6 and @ban=1) or (@dw=7 and @ban=1) 61 begin 62 select @begindate=@begindate+1,@workday=@workday-1 63 end 64 else 65 begin 66 select @begindate=@begindate+1 67 end 68 end 69 select @closedate = convert(varchar(10),@enddate,120) 70 end try 71 begin catch 72 select @rtnmsg = error_message() 73 ,@rtncode = error_number() 74 return 75 end catch 76 end 77 go 78 79 if @@error<>0 80 print 'error-----dbo.workday_add-----error' 81 else 82 print 'compiled procedure dbo.workday_add' 83 go
/*==============================================================*/ /* Table: WORK_TIME */ /*==============================================================*/ PRINT 'dbo.WORK_TIME' GO if object_id('dbo.WORK_TIME', 'U') IS NOT NULL drop table dbo.WORK_TIME create table dbo.WORK_TIME ( WORK_DATE DATE not null, TYPE INT not null default 1, constraint PK_WORK_TIME primary key (WORK_DATE) ) go execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description', '工做日曆', 'schema', 'dbo', 'table', 'WORK_TIME' go execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description', '日期', 'schema', 'dbo', 'table', 'WORK_TIME', 'column', 'WORK_DATE' go execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description', '工做日類型(1-假 2-班)', 'schema', 'dbo', 'table', 'WORK_TIME', 'column', 'TYPE' go
truncate table dbo.work_time; insert into dbo.work_time(work_date,type) select '2014-01-01',1 union all select '2014-01-26',2 union all select '2014-01-30',2 union all select '2014-01-31',1 union all select '2014-02-01',1 union all select '2014-02-02',1 union all select '2014-02-03',1 union all select '2014-02-04',1 union all select '2014-02-05',1 union all select '2014-02-06',1 union all select '2014-02-07',2 union all select '2014-02-08',2 union all select '2014-04-05',1 union all select '2014-04-06',1 union all select '2014-04-07',1 union all select '2014-05-01',1 union all select '2014-05-02',1 union all select '2014-05-03',1 union all select '2014-05-04',2 union all select '2014-05-31',1 union all select '2014-06-01',1 union all select '2014-06-02',1 union all select '2014-09-06',1 union all select '2014-09-07',1 union all select '2014-09-08',1 union all select '2014-10-01',1 union all select '2014-10-02',1 union all select '2014-10-03',1 union all select '2014-10-04',1 union all select '2014-10-05',1 union all select '2014-10-06',1 union all select '2014-10-07',1 union all select '2014-10-08',1