在早期Flutter發佈的時候,谷歌雖然提供了iOS和Android App上的Flutter嵌入方案,但主要針對的是純Flutter的情形,混合開發支持的並不友好。git
因此咱們須要一套足夠完整的Flutter嵌入原生App的路由解決方案,因此咱們本身造了個輪子 thrio ,現已開源,遵循MIT協議。weex
以dart中的 Navigator
不提供iOS中存在的 present
要路由,咱們須要對頁面創建索引,一般狀況下,咱們只須要給每一個頁面設定一個 url
就能夠了,若是每一個頁面都只打開一次的話,不會有任何問題。可是當一個頁面被打開屢次以後,僅僅經過url是沒法定位到明確的頁面實例的,因此在 thrio
中咱們增長了頁面索引的概念,具體在API中都會以 index
來表示,同一個url第一個打開的頁面的索引爲 1
,以後同一個 url
如此,惟必定位一個頁面的方式爲 url
+ index
,在dart中 route
的 name
就是由 '$url.$index'
不少時候,使用者不須要關注 index
,只有當須要定位到多開的 url
的頁面中的某一個時才須要關注 index
。最簡單獲取 index
的方式爲 push
ThrioNavigator.push(url: 'flutter1'); // 傳入參數 ThrioNavigator.push(url: 'native1', params: { '1': {'2': '3'}}); // 是否動畫,目前在內嵌的dart頁面中動畫沒法取消,原生iOS頁面有效果 ThrioNavigator.push(url: 'native1', animated:true); // 接收鎖打開頁面的關閉回調 ThrioNavigator.push( url: 'biz2/flutter2', params: {'1': {'2': '3'}}, poppedResult: (params) => ThrioLogger.v('biz2/flutter2 popped: $params'), );
[ThrioNavigator pushUrl:@"flutter1"]; // 接收所打開頁面的關閉回調 [ThrioNavigator pushUrl:@"biz2/flutter2" poppedResult:^(id _Nonnull params) { ThrioLogV(@"biz2/flutter2 popped: %@", params); }];
ThrioNavigator.push(this, "biz1/flutter1", mapOf("k1" to 1), false, poppedResult = { Log.e("Thrio", "native1 popResult call params $it") } )
// 默認動畫開啓 ThrioNavigator.pop(); // 不開啓動畫,原生和dart頁面都生效 ThrioNavigator.pop(animated: false); // 關閉當前頁面,並傳遞參數給push這個頁面的回調 ThrioNavigator.pop(params: 'popped flutter1'),
// 默認動畫開啓 [ThrioNavigator pop]; // 關閉動畫 [ThrioNavigator popAnimated:NO]; // 關閉當前頁面,並傳遞參數給push這個頁面的回調 [ThrioNavigator popParams:@{@"k1": @3}];
ThrioNavigator.pop(this, params, animated)
// 默認動畫開啓 ThrioNavigator.popTo(url: 'flutter1'); // 不開啓動畫,原生和dart頁面都生效 ThrioNavigator.popTo(url: 'flutter1', animated: false);
// 默認動畫開啓 [ThrioNavigator popToUrl:@"flutter1"]; // 關閉動畫 [ThrioNavigator popToUrl:@"flutter1" animated:NO];
ThrioNavigator.popTo(context, url, index)
ThrioNavigator.remove(url: 'flutter1'); // 只有當頁面是頂層頁面時,animated參數纔會生效 ThrioNavigator.remove(url: 'flutter1', animated: true);
[ThrioNavigator removeUrl:@"flutter1"]; // 只有當頁面是頂層頁面時,animated參數纔會生效 [ThrioNavigator removeUrl:@"flutter1" animated:NO];
ThrioNavigator.remove(context, url, index)
ThrioNavigator.notify(url: 'flutter1', name: 'reload');
[ThrioNavigator notifyUrl:@"flutter1" name:@"reload"];
ThrioNavigator.notify(url, index, params)
使用 NavigatorPageNotify
這個 Widget
NavigatorPageNotify( name: 'page1Notify', onPageNotify: (params) => ThrioLogger.v('flutter1 receive notify: $params'), child: Xxxx());
,經過 onNotify
- (void)onNotify:(NSString *)name params:(NSDictionary *)params { ThrioLogV(@"native1 onNotify: %@, %@", name, params); }
,經過 onNotify
class Activity : AppCompatActivity(), OnNotifyListener { override fun onNotify(name: String, params: Any?) { } }
由於Android activity在後臺可能會被銷燬,因此頁面通知實現了一個懶響應的行爲,只有當頁面呈現以後纔會收到該通知,這也符合頁面須要刷新的場景。
,很小巧,主要提供了 Module
mixin ThrioModule { /// A function for registering a module, which will call /// the `onModuleRegister` function of the `module`. /// void registerModule(ThrioModule module); /// A function for module initialization that will call /// the `onPageRegister`, `onModuleInit` and `onModuleAsyncInit` /// methods of all modules. /// void initModule(); /// A function for registering submodules. /// void onModuleRegister() {} /// A function for registering a page builder. /// void onPageRegister() {} /// A function for module initialization. /// void onModuleInit() {} /// A function for module asynchronous initialization. /// void onModuleAsyncInit() {} /// Register an page builder for the router. /// /// Unregistry by calling the return value `VoidCallback`. /// VoidCallback registerPageBuilder(String url, NavigatorPageBuilder builder); /// Register observers for the life cycle of Dart pages. /// /// Unregistry by calling the return value `VoidCallback`. /// /// Do not override this method. /// VoidCallback registerPageObserver(NavigatorPageObserver pageObserver); /// Register observers for route action of Dart pages. /// /// Unregistry by calling the return value `VoidCallback`. /// /// Do not override this method. /// VoidCallback registerRouteObserver(NavigatorRouteObserver routeObserver); }
原生端能夠得到全部頁面的生命週期,Dart 端只能獲取自身頁面的生命週期
class Module with ThrioModule, NavigatorPageObserver { @override void onPageRegister() { registerPageObserver(this); } @override void didAppear(RouteSettings routeSettings) {} @override void didDisappear(RouteSettings routeSettings) {} @override void onCreate(RouteSettings routeSettings) {} @override void willAppear(RouteSettings routeSettings) {} @override void willDisappear(RouteSettings routeSettings) {} }
@interface Module1 : ThrioModule<NavigatorPageObserverProtocol> @end @implementation Module1 - (void)onPageRegister { [self registerPageObserver:self]; } - (void)onCreate:(NavigatorRouteSettings *)routeSettings { } - (void)willAppear:(NavigatorRouteSettings *)routeSettings { } - (void)didAppear:(NavigatorRouteSettings *)routeSettings { } - (void)willDisappear:(NavigatorRouteSettings *)routeSettings { } - (void)didDisappear:(NavigatorRouteSettings *)routeSettings { } @end
原生端能夠觀察全部頁面的路由行爲,dart 端只能觀察 dart 頁面的路由行爲
class Module with ThrioModule, NavigatorRouteObserver { @override void onModuleRegister() { registerRouteObserver(this); } @override void didPop( RouteSettings routeSettings, RouteSettings previousRouteSettings, ) {} @override void didPopTo( RouteSettings routeSettings, RouteSettings previousRouteSettings, ) {} @override void didPush( RouteSettings routeSettings, RouteSettings previousRouteSettings, ) {} @override void didRemove( RouteSettings routeSettings, RouteSettings previousRouteSettings, ) {} }
@interface Module2 : ThrioModule<NavigatorRouteObserverProtocol> @end @implementation Module2 - (void)onPageRegister { [self registerRouteObserver:self]; } - (void)didPop:(NavigatorRouteSettings *)routeSettings previousRoute:(NavigatorRouteSettings * _Nullable)previousRouteSettings { } - (void)didPopTo:(NavigatorRouteSettings *)routeSettings previousRoute:(NavigatorRouteSettings * _Nullable)previousRouteSettings { } - (void)didPush:(NavigatorRouteSettings *)routeSettings previousRoute:(NavigatorRouteSettings * _Nullable)previousRouteSettings { } - (void)didRemove:(NavigatorRouteSettings *)routeSettings previousRoute:(NavigatorRouteSettings * _Nullable)previousRouteSettings { } @end
原生的導航欄在 dart 上通常狀況下是不須要的,但切換到原生頁面又須要把原生的導航欄置回來,thrio 不提供的話,使用者較難擴展,我以前在目前一個主流的Flutter接入庫上進行此項功能的擴展,很不流暢,因此這個功能最好的效果仍是 thrio 直接內置,切換到 dart 頁面默認會隱藏原生的導航欄,切回原生頁面也會自動恢復。另外也能夠手動隱藏原生頁面的導航欄。
viewController.thrio_hidesNavigationBar = NO;
在 dart 中,有一個 Widget
提供了該功能,thrio 無缺的保留了這個功能。
WillPopScope( onWillPop: () async => true, child: Container(), );
在 iOS 中,thrio 提供了相似的功能,返回 NO
viewController.thrio_willPopBlock = ^(ThrioBoolCallback _Nonnull result) { result(NO); };
關於 FlutterViewController
的側滑返回手勢,Flutter 默認支持的是純Flutter應用,僅支持單一的 FlutterViewController
做爲整個App的容器,內部已經將 FlutterViewController
的側滑返回手勢去掉。但 thrio 要解決的是 Flutter 與原生應用的無縫集成,因此必須將側滑返回的手勢加回來。
目前開源 Flutter 嵌入原生的庫,主要的仍是經過切換 FlutterEngine 上的原生容器來實現的,這是 Flutter 本來提供的原生容器之上最小改動而實現,須要當心處理好容器切換的時序,不然在頁面導航時會產生崩潰。基於 Flutter 提供的這個功能, thrio 構建了三端一致的頁面管理API。
dart 端只管理 dart頁面
擴展的 NavigatorPageRoute
擴展,封裝 NavigatorWidget
,提供如下方法Future<bool> push(RouteSettings settings, { bool animated = true, NavigatorParamsCallback poppedResult, }); Future<bool> pop(RouteSettings settings, {bool animated = true}); Future<bool> popTo(RouteSettings settings, {bool animated = true}); Future<bool> remove(RouteSettings settings, {bool animated = false});
路由APIabstract class ThrioNavigator { /// Push the page onto the navigation stack. /// /// If a native page builder exists for the `url`, open the native page, /// otherwise open the flutter page. /// static Future<int> push({ @required String url, params, bool animated = true, NavigatorParamsCallback poppedResult, }); /// Send a notification to the page. /// /// Notifications will be triggered when the page enters the foreground. /// Notifications with the same `name` will be overwritten. /// static Future<bool> notify({ @required String url, int index, @required String name, params, }); /// Pop a page from the navigation stack. /// static Future<bool> pop({params, bool animated = true}) static Future<bool> popTo({ @required String url, int index, bool animated = true, }); /// Remove the page with `url` in the navigation stack. /// static Future<bool> remove({ @required String url, int index, bool animated = true, }); }
對應於 dart 的 RouteSettings
類,並提供相同數據結構@interface NavigatorRouteSettings : NSObject @property (nonatomic, copy, readonly) NSString *url; @property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) NSNumber *index; @property (nonatomic, assign, readonly) BOOL nested; @property (nonatomic, copy, readonly, nullable) id params; @end
對應於 dart 的 NavigatorPageRoute
擴展,功能相似 dart 的 NavigatorWidget
容器上的 dart 頁面的管理功能ThrioNavigator
路由API@interface ThrioNavigator : NSObject /// Push the page onto the navigation stack. /// /// If a native page builder exists for the url, open the native page, /// otherwise open the flutter page. /// + (void)pushUrl:(NSString *)url params:(id)params animated:(BOOL)animated result:(ThrioNumberCallback)result poppedResult:(ThrioIdCallback)poppedResult; /// Send a notification to the page. /// /// Notifications will be triggered when the page enters the foreground. /// Notifications with the same name will be overwritten. /// + (void)notifyUrl:(NSString *)url index:(NSNumber *)index name:(NSString *)name params:(id)params result:(ThrioBoolCallback)result; /// Pop a page from the navigation stack. /// + (void)popParams:(id)params animated:(BOOL)animated result:(ThrioBoolCallback)result; /// Pop the page in the navigation stack until the page with `url`. /// + (void)popToUrl:(NSString *)url index:(NSNumber *)index animated:(BOOL)animated result:(ThrioBoolCallback)result; /// Remove the page with `url` in the navigation stack. /// + (void)removeUrl:(NSString *)url index:(NSNumber *)index animated:(BOOL)animated result:(ThrioBoolCallback)result; @end
會在手勢開始的時候調用,致使 dart 端的頁面已經被 pop 掉,但若是手勢被放棄了,則致使兩端的頁面棧不一致,thrio 已經解決了這個問題,具體流程稍複雜,源碼可能更好的說明。目前 Flutter 接入原生應用主流的解決方案應該是boost,筆者的團隊在項目深度使用過 boost,也積累了不少對 boost 改善的需求,遇到的最大問題是內存問題,每打開一個 Flutter 頁面的內存開銷基本到了很難接受的程度,thrio把解決內存問題做爲頭等任務,最終效果仍是不錯的,好比以連續打開 5 個 Flutter 頁面計算,boost 的方案會消耗 91.67M 內存,thrio 只消耗 42.76 內存,模擬器上跑出來的數據大體以下:
demo | 啓動 | 頁面 1 | 頁面 2 | 頁面 3 | 頁面 4 | 頁面 5 |
thrio | 8.56 | 37.42 | 38.88 | 42.52 | 42.61 | 42.76 |
boost | 6.81 | 36.08 | 50.96 | 66.18 | 78.86 | 91.67 |
一樣連續打開 5 個頁面的場景,thrio 打開第一個頁面跟 boost 耗時是同樣的,由於都須要打開一個新的 Activity,以後 4 個頁面 thrio 會直接打開 Flutter 頁面,耗時會降下來,如下單位爲 ms:
demo | 頁面 1 | 頁面 2 | 頁面 3 | 頁面 4 | 頁面 5 |
thrio | 242 | 45 | 39 | 31 | 37 |
boost | 247 | 169 | 196 | 162 | 165 |
固然,thrio 跟 boost 的定位仍是不太同樣的,thrio 更多的偏向於解決咱們業務上的需求,儘可能作到開箱即用。