AppImage 是一種在 Linux 系統中用於分發便攜式軟件,且不須要超級用戶權限來安裝它們的格式。它還容許 Linux 的上游開發者來分發他們的程序而不用考慮不一樣 Linux 發行版間的區別。AppImage 的核心思想是一個文件即一個應用程序,每一個 AppImage 都包含應用程序以及應用程序運行所需的全部文件。html
像 Linux 自己同樣,AppImageKit 是開源的。java
適用於全部至關現代的 Linux 桌面發行版。node
AppImage 的核心思想是:一個應用程序 = 一個文件。每一個 AppImage 都包含應用程序以及應用程序運行所需的全部文件。換句話說,除了操做系統自己的基礎組件,Appimage 不須要依賴包便可運行。python
AppImage 格式是上游應用打包的理想選擇,這意味着你能夠直接從開發者那裏獲取軟件,而不須要任何中間步驟,這徹底符合開發者意圖。很是迅速。linux
AppImage 應用能夠直接下載而且運行,無需安裝,而且不須要 root 權限。git
須要注意 AppImage 所需的文件以及目錄結構!web
使用 AppImage 系列工具的前提就是,你所編寫的程序項目或者工具依賴格式必須符合 AppDir 的目錄要求,大體目錄結構以下所示。shell
AppDir └── AppRun └── your_app.desktop └── your_app.png └── usr ├── bin │ └── your_app ├── lib └── share ├── applications │ └── your_app.desktop └── icons └── <theme> └── <resolution> └── your_app.png
[Desktop Entry] Name=Hypnos Exec=hypnos %F Icon=hypnos Type=Application Categories=Audio;AudioVideo; Comment=Music Player and Library MimeType=inode/directory;audio/flac; Name[en]=Hypnos Terminal=false StartupNotify=true NoDisplay=false
介紹 AppImage 工具的使用格式和經常使用命令參數。ubuntu
appimagetool 命令用於把現有的 AppDir 目錄生成一個 AppImage 程序。
Usage: appimagetool [OPTION...] SOURCE [DESTINATION] - Generate, extract, and inspect AppImages Help Options: -h, --help Show help options Application Options: -l, --list List files in SOURCE AppImage -u, --updateinformation Embed update information STRING; if zsyncmake is installed, generate zsync file -g, --guess Guess update information based on Travis CI or GitLab environment variables --bintray-user Bintray user name --bintray-repo Bintray repository --version Show version number -v, --verbose Produce verbose output -s, --sign Sign with gpg[2] --comp Squashfs compression -n, --no-appstream Do not check AppStream metadata --exclude-file Uses given file as exclude file for mksquashfs, in addition to .appimageignore. --runtime-file Runtime file to use --sign-key Key ID to use for gpg[2] signatures --sign-args Extra arguments to use when signing with gpg
若是咱們運行一個由 AppImageKit 工具構建的程序,那麼其會附加如下參數,對應不一樣的參數會提供一些額外的特性和功能。
# usage ./appimagetool-x86_64.AppImage some.AppDir
pkg2appimage 工具適用於將 deb 格式的包變成 appimage 的獨立可執行文件!
若是已經有了對應的二進制文件,不論是 zip 歸檔文件、.deb 格式的文件仍是 ppa 源上的文件,咱們只須要編寫一個 .yml 格式的描述文件,而後使用 pkg2appimage 工具來運行它,就會幫助咱們轉換生成一個 AppImage 的獨立文件,是否是很是簡單呢?yml 描述文件告訴 pkg2appimage 從哪裏得到所須要的內容,以及如何將它們轉換爲 AppImage。
# 執行方式 $ bash -ex ./pkg2appimage recipes/XXX.yml
若是你只是看到了簡答,那麼你就太年輕了,你不知道這個 yml 格式的配置文件到底有多糟心。真的,看了官方文檔中的配置文件介紹,以及對於官方倉庫的示例軟件對於 yml,內心有些懵逼。不過,等多看幾回以後,就會發現仍是不難寫的,只是須要咱們再出現錯誤的時候,可以及時調整配置文件,就能夠正常打出咱們須要的獨立文件。
下面咱們就一塊兒看下,yml 文件的編寫內容吧!正如咱們所看到的那樣,.yml 文件由三個部分組成,分別是主體部分、依賴部分和腳本部分。
app: zstd # 軟件名稱 binpatch: true # chdir() overwrite: true # union file system ingredients: # 依賴關係;包的內容從哪裏來 dist: bionic package: zstd sources: - deb bionic main universe script: - cat > ./zstd.desktop <<EOF - [Desktop Entry] - Type=Application - Terminal=true - Name=zstd - Exec=zstd - Icon=transmission-tray-icon.png - Categories=Development; - EOF - cat > ./AppRun <<EOF - #!/bin/sh - HERE=$(dirname $(readlink -f "${0}")) - export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${HERE}"/usr/lib:$PATH - "${HERE}"/usr/bin/zstd $@ - EOF - chmod a+x ./AppRun
# 執行以下命令便可生成zstd的獨立程序 $ pkg2appimage ./zstd-appimage.yml
app: zstd
# Using ingredients from a binary archive ingredients: script: - DLD=$(wget -q "" -O - | grep -E "https.*atom-amd64.tar.gz" | cut -d'"' -f4) - wget -c $DLD - tar zxvf atom*tar.gz
# Using ingredients from a debian repository ingredients: dist: xenial sources: - deb xenial main universe - deb /
# Using ingredients from an Ubuntu PPA ingredients: dist: xenial sources: - deb xenial main universe ppas: - geany-dev/ppa
# Using local deb files ingredients: dist: xenial sources: - deb xenial main universe debs: - /home/area42/kdenlive.deb - /home/area42/kdenlive/*
# Excluding certain packages ingredients: dist: xenial packages: - multisystem - gksu sources: - deb xenial main universe - deb all main exclude: - qemu - qemu-kvm - cryptsetup - libwebkitgtk-3.0-0 - dmsetup
# Pretending certain versions of dependencies being installed ingredients: dist: xenial sources: - deb xenial main universe ppas: - otto-kesselgulasch/gimp-edge pretend: - libcups2 1.7.2-0ubuntu1
# Arbitrary scripts in the ingredients section ingredients: script: - URL=$(wget -q -O - | grep jar | cut -d '"' -f 10) - wget -c "$URL" - wget -c --no-check-certificate --no-cookies --header "Cookie: oraclelicense=accept-securebackup-cookie"
# The script section needs to copy ingredients into place ingredients: dist: xenial sources: - deb xenial main universe script: - DLD=$(wget -q "" -O - | grep _amd64.deb | head -n 1 | cut -d '"' -f 2) - wget -c "$DLD" script: - mv opt/webtorrent-desktop/* usr/bin/ - sed -i -e 's|/opt/webtorrent-desktop/||g' webtorrent-desktop.desktop
# The script section needs to copy ingredients into place ingredients: script: - wget -c "" --trust-server-names - tar xf tsetup.*.tar.xz script: - cp ../Telegram/Telegram ./usr/bin/telegram-desktop
# The script section needs to copy icon and .desktop file in place script: - tar xf ../fritzing* -C usr/bin/ --strip 1 - mv usr/bin/fritzing.desktop .
# The script section needs to copy icon and .desktop file in place script: - # Workaround for: - # - cat > firefox.desktop <<EOF - [Desktop Entry] - Type=Application - Name=Firefox - Icon=firefox - Exec=firefox %u - Categories=GNOME;GTK;Network;WebBrowser; - MimeType=text/html;text/xml;application/xhtml+xml; - StartupNotify=true - EOF
# The script section needs to copy icon and .desktop file in place script: - cp ./usr/share/applications/FBReader.desktop fbreader.desktop - sed -i -e 's|Exec=FBReader|Exec=fbreader|g' fbreader.desktop - sed -i -e 's|Name=.*|Name=FBReader|g' fbreader.desktop - sed -i -e 's|Icon=.*|Icon=fbreader|g' fbreader.desktop - mv usr/bin/FBReader usr/bin/fbreader - cp usr/share/pixmaps/FBReader.png fbreader.png
下面示例是 pip 這個工具的官方倉庫中給出的 yml 配置文件。
# Converting Python applications packaged with pip app: mu.codewith.editor ingredients: dist: xenial sources: - deb xenial xenial-updates xenial-security main universe - deb xenial-updates main universe - deb xenial-security main universe packages: - python3.4-venv script: - wget -c - wget -c script: - cp ../mu.codewith.editor.png ./usr/share/icons/hicolor/256x256/ - cp ../mu.codewith.editor.png . - mkdir -p usr/share/metainfo/ ; cp ../mu.appdata.xml usr/share/metainfo/ - virtualenv --python=python3 usr - ./usr/bin/pip3 install mu-editor - cat > usr/share/applications/mu.codewith.editor.desktop <<EOF - [Desktop Entry] - Type=Application - Name=Mu - Comment=A Python editor for beginner programmers - Icon=mu.codewith.editor - Exec=python3 bin/mu-editor %F - Terminal=false - Categories=Application;Development; - Keywords=Python;Editor;microbit;micro:bit; - StartupWMClass=mu - MimeType=text/x-python3;text/x-python3; - EOF - cp usr/share/applications/mu.codewith.editor.desktop . - usr/bin/pip3 freeze | grep "mu-editor" | cut -d "=" -f 3 >> ../VERSION
下面示例是 Atom 這個代碼編輯器官方倉庫中給出的 yml 配置文件。
app: Atom ingredients: script: - DLD=$(wget -q "" -O - | grep -E "https.*atom-amd64.tar.gz" | cut -d'"' -f4) - wget -c $DLD - echo $DLD | cut -d/ -f8 > VERSION - tar zxvf atom*tar.gz script: - cp -r ../atom-*/* usr/bin/ - find . -name atom.png -exec cp {} atom.png ; - cat > atom.desktop <<EOF - [Desktop Entry] - Type=Application - Name=Atom - Icon=atom - Exec=atom %u - Categories=Development;IDE; - Comment=The hackable text editor - EOF
linuxdeployqt 是 Linux 下的 qt 打包工具!
# 下載linuxdeployqt工具 $ wget "" # 重命名linuxdeployqt名稱 $ mv linuxdeployqt-continuous-x86_64.AppImage linuxdeployqt # 變成系統可執行文件 $ sudo mv ./linuxdeployqt /usr/local/bin $ sudo chmod 755 linuxdeployqt # 查看linuxdeployqt版本 $ sudo linuxdelpoyqt --version linuxdeployqt 4 (commit 988d294), build 481 built on 2018-02-02 15:05:23 UTC
# linuxdeployqt命令要用到-appImage選項 $ wget -c "" -O /usr/local/bin/appimagetool # 變成系統可執行文件 $ sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/appimagetool
# 不能定會成功 $ linuxdeployqt <本身的工程名稱> -appimage
打包軟件程序的簡單演示流程 - cmake
生成 AppDir 打包目錄
# fetch sources (you could as well use a tarball etc.) > git clone > cd QtQuickApp # build out of source > mkdir build > cd build # configure build system # the flags below are the bare minimum that is needed, the app might define additional variables that might have to be set > cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr # build the application on all CPU cores > make -j$(nproc) # now "install" resources into future AppDir > make install DESTDIR=AppDir
AppDir └── AppRun └── your_app.desktop └── your_app.png └── usr ├── bin │ └── your_app ├── lib └── share ├── applications │ └── your_app.desktop └── icons └── <theme> └── <resolution> └── your_app.png
使用 linuxdeploy 打包成 AppImages
# get linuxdeploy's AppImage > wget > chmod +x linuxdeploy-x86_64.AppImage # run linuxdeploy and generate an AppDir > ./linuxdeploy-x86_64.AppImage --appdir AppDir
官方的 cmake 工具打包示例
#! /bin/bash set -x set -e # building in temporary directory to keep system clean # use RAM disk if possible (as in: not building on CI system like Travis, and RAM disk is available) if [ "$CI" == "" ] && [ -d /dev/shm ]; then TEMP_BASE=/dev/shm else TEMP_BASE=/tmp fi BUILD_DIR=$(mktemp -d -p "$TEMP_BASE" appimage-build-XXXXXX) # make sure to clean up build dir, even if errors occur cleanup () { if [ -d "$BUILD_DIR" ]; then rm -rf "$BUILD_DIR" fi } trap cleanup EXIT # store repo root as variable REPO_ROOT=$(readlink -f $(dirname $(dirname $0))) OLD_CWD=$(readlink -f .) # switch to build dir pushd "$BUILD_DIR" # configure build files with CMake # we need to explicitly set the install prefix, as CMake's default is /usr/local for some reason... cmake "$REPO_ROOT" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr # build project and install files into AppDir make -j$(nproc) make install DESTDIR=AppDir # now, build AppImage using linuxdeploy and linuxdeploy-plugin-qt # download linuxdeploy and its Qt plugin wget wget # make them executable chmod +x linuxdeploy*.AppImage # make sure Qt plugin finds QML sources so it can deploy the imported files export QML_SOURCES_PATHS="$REPO_ROOT"/src # initialize AppDir, bundle shared libraries for QtQuickApp, use Qt plugin to bundle additional resources, and build AppImage, all in one single command ./linuxdeploy-x86_64.AppImage --appdir AppDir --plugin qt --output appimage # move built AppImage back into original CWD mv QtQuickApp*.AppImage "$OLD_CWD"
做者: Escape