參數變量argv(argument variable):這是一個變量,它能夠保存你運行python腳本時傳遞給Python腳本的參數。它適用於須要用戶在輸入腳本運行命令時,就要輸入不能更改的參數,用以賦值給argv的變量們(第一個除外)spa
1 #-*-coding:utf-8-*- 2 3 from sys import argv 4 5 script_name, a, b, c, d, e, f = argv 6 # argv 的第一個變量不須要賦值,默認是腳本的名稱 7 # 因此在運行該腳本時,須要在腳本ex13_1.py後面鍵入6個參數,分別對應六個變量abcdef 8 # python ex13_1.py 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 print "script_name is :", script_name #這裏的變量名,必須跟參數變量裏面的名字一致, 11 print "the first number is :", a 12 print "the second number is :", b 13 print "the third number is :", c 14 print "the fourth number is :", d 15 print "the fifth number is :", e 16 print "the sixth number is :", f 17 18 19 #一樣都是須要用戶輸入參數,對比argv和raw_input()的區別 20 print "x=", 21 x = raw_input() 22 print "y=", 23 y = raw_input() 24 25 26 27 28 # raw_input()和argv的區別是:raw_iput()是在腳本運行的過程當中輸入參數, 29 # 而argv是在編寫運行腳本的命令行時輸入參數
1 # -*-coding:utf-8-*- 2 3 from sys import argv 4 5 script, user_name = argv #在python運行ex14_py是,須要輸入一個字符,用於定義user_name 6 prompt = '>-' #raw_input()後面答案的提示符 7 8 print "Hi %s, I'm the %s script." % (user_name, script) 9 print "I'd like to ask you a few question." 10 print "Do you like me? %s?" % user_name # 也可用%r 11 likes = raw_input (prompt) 12 13 print "Where do you live? %s?" % user_name 14 lives = raw_input(prompt) #其實能夠直接把該處的prompt該處'>-',該處設置一個prompt,僅僅是爲了統一提示符的格式 15 16 print "What kind of computer do you have?" 17 computer = raw_input(prompt) 18 19 # 三個引號是能夠定義多行字符串 20 print """ 21 Alright, so you said %r about liking me. 22 You live in %r, Not sure where that is. 23 And you have a %r computer.Nice. 24 """ % (likes, lives, computer)
首先介紹兩個函數和一個符號‘.':txt = open(filename)、 txt.read()
open():打開文件名了,須要在括號內鍵入文件的名稱,並且能夠將open()的結果賦值給一個變量,本文是複製給 變量txt。
read(): 讀取文件的函數,也能夠將讀出的結果賦值給一個變量
ex15_sample.txt 的內容以下:
1 This is stuff I typed into a file. 2 It is really cool stuff. 3 Lots and lots of fun to have in here.
1 # -*-coding:utf-8-*- 2 from sys import argv 3 4 script, filename = argv 5 6 txt = open(filename) #執行 python ex15.py ex15_example.txt, 該文本是提早在目錄temp/ex中建立完成的 7 # 是爲了將文本「ex15_example.txt"輸入到txt=open(),該文本至關於一個參數,而且供下面的%r命令使用 8 9 print "Here's your file %r:" % filename # 10 print txt.read() #txt.read命令,不須要輸入參數,直接執行read命令,對象是txt 11 12 print "Type the filename again:" 13 file_again = raw_input(">") #用>字符提示raw_input()的輸出結果 14 15 txt_again = open(file_again) 16 17 print txt_again.read() #txt_again.read命令,不須要輸入參數,直接執行read命令,對象是txt_again
即然有了open()函數,那有沒有close()函數呢? 求助! 求助! 求助! 求助!答案也是確定的,並且當你再也不讀或者用某個文本時,用close()函數將其關閉,是一個很好的習慣,至於爲何,我也不太清楚,但願懂得的朋友實例解釋一下,謝謝啦。
1 # -*-coding:utf-8-*- 2 from sys import argv 3 4 script, filename = argv 5 6 txt = open(filename) #執行 python ex15_2.py ex15_example.txt, 該文本是提早在目錄temp/ex中建立完成的 7 # 是爲了將文本「ex15_example.txt"輸入到txt=open(),該文本至關於一個參數,而且供下面的%r命令使用 8 9 print "Here's your file %r:" % filename # 10 print txt.read() #txt.read命令,不須要輸入參數,直接執行read命令,對象是txt 11 12 txt.close() #關閉打開的文件 13 14 # print txt.read() 這段代碼會報錯,由於txt已經執行了close()命令,沒法再被讀。
求助!求助! 求助! 求助! 這個習題講的是打開和閱讀本地文檔,其中有一個前提就是:Python腳本ex15..py必須和文本ex15_sample.txt在同一個目錄下,可是若是我想讀取其它目錄下的文本,該如何操做呢?利用url?
readline(): 讀取文本文件中的一行
write(stuff): 將stuff寫入文件,形式爲:txt.write(stuff)
1 #-*-coding:utf-8-*- 2 from sys import argv #從sys軟件包中調取參數變量argv使用。 3 4 script, filename = argv #給argv解壓, 5 # 而且在運行python ex16.py ex16_sample1.txt時,賦予filename以參數ex16_sample1.txt 6 7 print "We're going to erase %r." %filename 8 print "If you don't want that, hit CTRL-C(^C)." 9 print "If you do want that, hit RETURN." 10 11 raw_input("?") 12 13 print "Opening the file..." 14 target = open(filename,'w') #賦予變量target以ex16_sample1.txt 15 16 print "Truncating the file, Goodbye!" 17 target.truncate()# 清空文檔target中的內容 18 19 20 print "Now I'm going to ask you for three lines." 21 22 line1 = raw_input("line 1:")# 輸入字符串,用於定義line1 23 line2 = raw_input("line 2:")# 輸入字符串,用於定義line2 24 line3 = raw_input("line 3:")# 輸入字符串,用於定義line3 25 26 print "I'm going to write these to the file." 27 28 target.write(line1)# 將line1寫入target文本中 29 target.write("\n")# 重起一行 30 target.write(line2)# 將line2寫入target文本中 31 target.write("\n")# 重起一行 32 target.write(line3)# 將line3寫入target文本中 33 target.write("\n")# 重起一行 34 35 print "And finally, we close it." 36 target.close() #關閉target文本 37 38 39 # 是爲了輸出你剛剛寫的txt文檔 40 txt = open(filename, 'r') #文檔必須先被open(),而且將open後的文件賦予變量,而後才能read()這個變量 41 print "Here is the complete txt file you have justed wrote." 42 print "-"*20 #這個命令行,僅僅是爲了終端運行時看起來更清晰 43 print txt.read() 44 txt.close
1 #-*-coding:utf-8-*- 2 #本程序是爲了讀文本ex16_sample1.txt 3 4 print "filename" 5 filename = raw_input() 6 7 txt = open(filename) 8 9 print "You can find your file here:" 10 print txt.read() 11 12 txt.close() 13 14 15 # 利用argv獲取文本或文件名,必須在整個腳本運行開始的第一條命令行中輸入文件名 16 from sys import argv 17 18 19 script, filename = argv 20 21 txt = open(filename) 22 23 print "It's your file:" 24 print txt.read() 25 26 txt.close()
附加練習2:編寫ex16_3.py,要求簡化write()命令這段代碼, 代碼以下:
1 #-*-coding:utf-8-*- 2 from sys import argv #從sys軟件包中調取參數變量argv使用。 3 4 script, filename = argv #給argv解壓, 5 # 而且在運行python ex16.py ex16_sample.txt時,賦予filename以參數ex16_sample1.txt 6 7 print "We're going to erase %r." %filename 8 print "If you don't want that, hit CTRL-C(^C)." 9 print "If you do want that, hit RETURN." 10 11 raw_input("?") 12 13 print "Opening the file..." 14 target = open(filename,'w') #賦予變量target以ex16_sample1.txt,而且w表示時只寫模式 15 16 print "Truncating the file, Goodbye!" 17 target.truncate()# 清空文檔target中的內容 18 19 20 print "Now I'm going to ask you for three lines." 21 22 line1 = raw_input("line 1:")# 輸入字符串,用於定義line1 23 line2 = raw_input("line 2:")# 輸入字符串,用於定義line2 24 line3 = raw_input("line 3:")# 輸入字符串,用於定義line3 25 26 print "I'm going to write these to the file." 27 28 contxt = "%r \n%r \n%r" %(line1, line2, line3) 29 30 target.write(contxt) # 將line1寫入target文本中 31 32 print "And finally, we close it." 33 34 target.close() #關閉target文本 35 36 # 是爲了輸出你剛剛寫的txt文檔 37 txt = open(filename, 'r') #文檔必須先被open(),而且將open後的文件賦予變量,而後才能read()這個變量 38 print "Here is the complete txt file you have justed wrote." 39 print "-"*20 #這個命令行,僅僅是爲了終端運行時看起來更清晰 40 print txt.read() 41 txt.close
1 This is stuff I typed into a file. 2 It is really cool stuff. 3 Lots and lots of fun to have in here.
1 #-*-coding:utf-8-*- 2 3 #整行讀取文本的方法 4 5 6 from sys import argv 7 8 script_name, file_name = argv 9 10 print " I am going to read the file ex15_sample.txt line by line" 11 12 txt = open(file_name, 'r') 13 L = txt.readlines() 14 15 #方法1,該方法不徹底正確 16 print L # 讀出的結果是所有的內容,是一個列表,列表的元素個數爲文本的行數 #['This is stuff I typed into a file.\n', 'It is really cool stuff.\n', 'Lots and lots of fun to have in here.'] 17 print "-"*30 18 19 20 #方法2 由於上面說過txt.readlines()是一個列表,因此用下面的方法 21 print L[0], L[1], L[2] 22 print "-"*30 23 24 25 #方法3 26 for line in open(file_name): 27 print line 28 29 print "-"*30 30 31 #方法4 32 txt = open(file_name, 'r') 33 M = txt.readline() #這裏定義變量M,M知識txt中的一句 34 while M: #這是一個死循環,會一直運行這個while語句 35 print M, #輸出打印處一句 36 M = txt.readline() #此處的M實際上是第二次讀取txt裏的第二句,往下循環就是第三次
下面要介紹一下常見的打開方式,我相信你們在看到open(file_name, 'r') 時已經注意到此處的'r'了,它是什麼意思呢?它規定了文件打開的方式。
'r': open for reading (default) 默認的只讀模式
'w': open for wiritting 須要先將文本內容狀況後,才能夠寫!
'a': open for writting, appending, to the end of the file if it exists 可寫可增長模式,只能寫在文件的末位
'b': binary mode 二進制式模式
't': text mode(default) 默認的文本模式
'+': open a disk for updating (reading and writting)
'u': universal newline mode(for backwards compatiblity, shouldn't be used in new code)
介紹一個函數:exits(stuff), 若是stuff存在,則該函數反饋True,否者反饋False
1 'she is so beautiful!' 2 'she is so kind!' 3 'she is the one!'
1 #-*-coding:utf-8-*- 2 from sys import argv 3 from os.path import exists #命令exists是爲了驗證文件是否存在,若是存在,則反饋True,反之False 4 5 script, from_file, to_file = argv 6 7 print "Copying from %s to %s " % (from_file, to_file) 8 print "\n" 9 #we could do these two on one line too, how ? 10 #寫成這樣便可取代下面兩行代碼 indata = open(from_flie).read() 11 in_file = open(from_file) # 將from_file.txt打開,並定義稱爲一個變量,命名位in_file 12 indata = in_file.read() #將from_file中的原字符串提取出來,造成一個變量indata 13 14 print "The original file is :\n" 15 print indata 16 17 print "The input file is %d bytes long" % len(indata) 18 19 print "Does the output file exist? %r" % exists(to_file) #如何to_file存在,則exists(to_file)反饋True 20 print "Ready, hit RETURN to continue, CTRL-C to abort." 21 raw_input('?') 22 23 out_file = open(to_file, 'w') #這個out_file不能夠用read(),由於它的打開方式是w 24 out_file.write(indata) 25 out_file.close() 26 in_file.close() 27 28 #這是爲了輸出被複制內容的空白文件ex17_to_file.txt 29 new_file = raw_input('file_name:') #在這裏輸入ex17_to_file.txt 30 txt = open(new_file) 31 print "This is editted ex17_to_file.txt" 32 print txt.read() 33 34 #in_file, out_file, indata 都是中間變量,是爲了可以更加清晰體現程序的原理。
注意:上面截屏的下方,我用到 bogon:ex neymagico$ cat ex17_to_file.txt,這命令行能夠直接打印文本的內容,所以也能夠上了ex17..py的最後一段代碼。