#!/usr/bin/env python #Author:Austin def match_name(level): _file = open("dictionary.txt","r") line = _file.readline() while line: _level = line.split(":")[0] _name = line.split(":")[1][:-1] if _level == level: name = _name break line = _file.readline() _file.close() return name def level1_print(): print("------List------") _file = open("list.txt","r") line = _file.readline() _tmp_level = "" while line: level1 = line.split(":")[0] if level1 != _tmp_level: name = match_name(level1) print(level1,name) _tmp_level = level1 line = _file.readline() print("----------------") chose = input("Plese chose one:(1/2/3)") _file.close() return chose def level2_print(level): print("-----{level}-----".format(level=level)) _file = open("list.txt","r") line = _file.readline() _tmp_level = "" while line: level1 = line.split(":")[0] level2 = line.split(":")[1] if level1 == level and level2 != _tmp_level: name = match_name(level2) print(level2,name) _tmp_level = level2 line = _file.readline() _file.close() print("----------") chose = input("Back or chose one:") return chose def level3_print(level): print("-----{level}-----".format(level=level)) _file = open("list.txt","r") line = _file.readline() _tmp_level = "" while line: level2 = line.split(":")[1] level3 = line.split(":")[2][:-1] if level2 == level and level3 != _tmp_level: name = match_name(level3) print(name) _tmp_level = level3 line = _file.readline() _file.close() print("----------") chose = input("Back or chose one:") return chose current_level = 1 last_chose = "" current_chose = "" chose = "" while True: if current_level == 1: chose = level1_print() current_level = 2 elif current_level == 2 and chose != "b": last_chose = chose chose = level2_print(chose) current_level = 3 elif current_level == 3 and chose != "b": chose = level3_print(chose) elif current_level == 3 and chose == "b": chose = level2_print(last_chose) current_level = 2 elif current_level == 2 and chose == "b": chose = level1_print()