摘要: 深刻剖析Android官方新模塊化方案——App Bundles,技術要點全方位挖掘。java
App Bundles是2018 Google I/O新引入的一個概念。不一樣於以往傳統的App是以一個完整的Apk做爲單位,而App Bundles有下面幾個技術特色:android
App Bundles能夠在運行時選取設備所需的APK組合運行,與傳統方式對好比下:api
須要上傳到Play商店的是一個Android App Bundle(.aab)文件,經過Android Studio中的Build > Build Bundle(s)/APK(s) > Build Bundle(s)
Archive: app/build/outputs/bundle/debug/bundle.aab Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 67086 05-17-18 13:21 META-INF/MANIFEST.MF 67248 05-17-18 13:21 META-INF/ANDROIDD.SF 773 05-17-18 13:21 META-INF/ANDROIDD.RSA 4056 05-17-18 13:21 base/manifest/AndroidManifest.xml 541 05-17-18 13:21 base/res/anim/abc_fade_in.xml 541 05-17-18 13:21 base/res/anim/abc_fade_out.xml ... ... 448151 05-17-18 13:21 base/resources.pb 3121604 05-17-18 13:21 base/dex/classes.dex 7 05-17-18 13:21 base/root/META-INF/com.android.support_appcompat-v7.version 7 05-17-18 13:21 base/root/META-INF/com.android.support_support-core-utils.version ... ... 182504 05-17-18 13:21 base/lib/arm64-v8a/libnative-lib.so 104160 05-17-18 13:21 base/lib/armeabi-v7a/libnative-lib.so 177924 05-17-18 13:21 base/lib/x86/libnative-lib.so 174712 05-17-18 13:21 base/lib/x86_64/libnative-lib.so 85 05-17-18 13:21 base/native.pb 1719 05-17-18 13:21 feature0/manifest/AndroidManifest.xml 375 05-17-18 13:21 feature0/res/layout/feature0_activity.xml 1272 05-17-18 13:21 feature0/res/layout/feature0_fragment.xml 573 05-17-18 13:21 feature0/resources.pb 4192 05-17-18 13:21 feature0/dex/classes.dex 27292 05-17-18 13:21 feature0/dex/classes2.dex 6 05-17-18 13:21 feature0/root/META-INF/android.arch.lifecycle_extensions.version 6 05-17-18 13:21 feature0/root/META-INF/android.arch.lifecycle_livedata.version 273 05-17-18 13:21 BundleConfig.pb -------- ------- 4977479 528 files
bundletool build-apks --bundle=app/build/outputs/bundle/debug/bundle.aab --output=bundle.apks
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 56679 05-11-18 10:32 base-xhdpi.apk 47738 05-11-18 10:32 base-ldpi.apk 51733 05-11-18 10:32 base-hdpi.apk 47350 05-11-18 10:32 base-mdpi.apk 67465 05-11-18 10:32 base-xxhdpi.apk 71691 05-11-18 10:32 base-xxxhdpi.apk 85949 05-11-18 10:32 base-tvdpi.apk 58942 05-11-18 10:32 base-armeabi_v7a.apk 75591 05-11-18 10:32 base-arm64_v8a.apk 79456 05-11-18 10:32 base-x86.apk 76614 05-11-18 10:32 base-x86_64.apk 1278608 05-11-18 10:32 base-master.apk 6456 05-11-18 10:32 feature0-ldpi.apk 6455 05-11-18 10:32 feature0-mdpi.apk 6453 05-11-18 10:32 feature0-hdpi.apk 6455 05-11-18 10:32 feature0-xhdpi.apk 6458 05-11-18 10:32 feature0-xxhdpi.apk 6459 05-11-18 10:32 feature0-xxxhdpi.apk 6459 05-11-18 10:32 feature0-tvdpi.apk 23840 05-11-18 10:32 feature0-master.apk 1399736 05-11-18 10:32 standalone-arm64_v8a_mdpi.apk 1404122 05-11-18 10:32 standalone-arm64_v8a_hdpi.apk 1400150 05-11-18 10:32 standalone-arm64_v8a_ldpi.apk 1409067 05-11-18 10:32 standalone-arm64_v8a_xhdpi.apk 1419850 05-11-18 10:32 standalone-arm64_v8a_xxhdpi.apk 1383502 05-11-18 10:32 standalone-armeabi_v7a_ldpi.apk 1424094 05-11-18 10:32 standalone-arm64_v8a_xxxhdpi.apk 1438398 05-11-18 10:32 standalone-arm64_v8a_tvdpi.apk 1383096 05-11-18 10:32 standalone-armeabi_v7a_mdpi.apk 1387471 05-11-18 10:32 standalone-armeabi_v7a_hdpi.apk 1392416 05-11-18 10:32 standalone-armeabi_v7a_xhdpi.apk 1403202 05-11-18 10:32 standalone-armeabi_v7a_xxhdpi.apk 1407436 05-11-18 10:32 standalone-armeabi_v7a_xxxhdpi.apk 1403612 05-11-18 10:32 standalone-x86_mdpi.apk 1404026 05-11-18 10:32 standalone-x86_ldpi.apk 1421745 05-11-18 10:32 standalone-armeabi_v7a_tvdpi.apk 1407995 05-11-18 10:32 standalone-x86_hdpi.apk 1412940 05-11-18 10:32 standalone-x86_xhdpi.apk 1427968 05-11-18 10:32 standalone-x86_xxxhdpi.apk 1423722 05-11-18 10:32 standalone-x86_xxhdpi.apk 1401172 05-11-18 10:32 standalone-x86_64_ldpi.apk 1442270 05-11-18 10:32 standalone-x86_tvdpi.apk 1400762 05-11-18 10:32 standalone-x86_64_mdpi.apk 1405145 05-11-18 10:32 standalone-x86_64_hdpi.apk 1420877 05-11-18 10:32 standalone-x86_64_xxhdpi.apk 1410090 05-11-18 10:32 standalone-x86_64_xhdpi.apk 1425119 05-11-18 10:32 standalone-x86_64_xxxhdpi.apk 1439423 05-11-18 10:32 standalone-x86_64_tvdpi.apk 6367 05-11-18 10:32 toc.pb -------- ------- 41572624 49 files
由於衆所周知的緣由,國內的設備不會默認包含Google Play商店,所以App Bundles對於國內App是不適用的。因此咱們考慮,是否能夠不經由商店,在App自身開發一套相似的更新機制?
gemini:/ # ls -l data/app/com.taobao.myappbundledemo-2/ total 4664 -rw-r--r-- 1 system system 2343434 2018-05-13 12:41 base.apk drwxr-xr-x 3 system system 4096 2018-05-13 12:41 lib drwxrwx--x 3 system install 4096 2018-05-13 12:41 oat -rw-r--r-- 1 system system 25412 2018-05-13 12:41 split_feature0.apk
這裏確實有些違反常理,一般咱們一個App只有一個APK,而這裏咱們能夠看到,在一個App的安裝目錄下出現了多個APK。實際上,安裝目錄能夠安裝多Apk的特性是Android 5.0開始引入的,這也就解釋了爲什麼4.4如下機型只能安裝一個單獨的完整包。那麼,這種多個APK是以什麼方式安裝的?咱們是否能夠模仿這種安裝方式對App自身進行更新呢?
// Creates an instance of SplitInstallManager. SplitInstallManager splitInstallManager = SplitInstallManagerFactory.create(context); // Creates a request to install a module. SplitInstallRequest request = SplitInstallRequest .newBuilder() // You can download multiple on demand modules per // request by invoking the following method for each // module you want to install. .addModule("pictureMessages") .addModule("promotionalFilters") .build(); splitInstallManager // Submits the request to install the module through the // asynchronous startInstall() task. Your app needs to be // in the foreground to submit the request. .startInstall(request) // You should also be able to gracefully handle // request state changes and errors. To learn more, go to // the section about how to Monitor the request state. .addOnSuccessListener(sessionId -> { ... }) .addOnFailureListener(errorCode -> { ... });
final class k { private static final b b = new b("SplitInstallService"); private static final Intent c = new Intent("com.google.android.play.core.splitinstall.BIND_SPLIT_INSTALL_SERVICE").setPackage("com.android.vending"); final com.google.android.play.core.a.b<a> a; private final Context d; private final String e; private final f f; private k(Context context, String str) { this.f = new j(this); this.d = context; this.e = str; this.a = new com.google.android.play.core.a.b(context.getApplicationContext(), b, "SplitInstallService", c, l.a, this.f); } public final Task<Integer> a(Collection<String> collection) { b.a("startInstall(%s)", collection); i iVar = new i(); this.a.a(new m(this, iVar, collection, iVar)); return iVar.a(); } ... ...
public final class b<T extends IInterface> { private static final Map<String, Handler> a = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap()); private final Context b; private final com.google.android.play.core.splitcompat.b.b c; private final String d; private final List<a> e = new ArrayList(); private boolean f; private final Intent g; private final g<T> h; private final WeakReference<f> i; private final DeathRecipient j = new c(this); private ServiceConnection k; private T l; public b(Context context, com.google.android.play.core.splitcompat.b.b bVar, String str, Intent intent, g<T> gVar, f fVar) { this.b = context; this.c = bVar; this.d = str; this.g = intent; this.h = gVar; this.i = new WeakReference(fVar); } private final void b(a aVar) { if (this.l == null && !this.f) { this.c.a("Initiate binding to the service.", new Object[0]); this.e.add(aVar); this.k = new h(); this.f = true; if (!this.b.bindService(this.g, this.k, 1)) { this.c.a("Failed to bind to the service.", new Object[0]); this.f = false; for (a a : this.e) { i a2 = a.a(); if (a2 != null) { a2.a(new k()); } } this.e.clear(); } } else if (this.f) { this.c.a("Waiting to bind to the service.", new Object[0]); this.e.add(aVar); } else { aVar.run(); } } ... ...
能夠看到class k的a字段是一個class b,在這個class b的構造函數中,經過com.google.android.play.core.splitinstall.BIND_SPLIT_INSTALL_SERVICE
<service android:name="com.google.android.finsky.splitinstallservice.SplitInstallService" android:enabled="true" android:exported="true" android:visibleToInstantApps="true"> <meta-data android:name="instantapps.clients.allowed" android:value="true"/> <intent-filter> <action android:name="com.google.android.play.core.splitinstall.BIND_SPLIT_INSTALL_SERVICE"/> </intent-filter> </service>
bundletool install-apks --apks=bundle.apks
private String createMultiInstallSession(List<File> apkFiles, String pmOptions, long timeout, TimeUnit unit) throws TimeoutException, AdbCommandRejectedException, ShellCommandUnresponsiveException, IOException { long totalFileSize = 0; for (File apkFile : apkFiles) { totalFileSize += apkFile.length(); } InstallCreateReceiver receiver = new InstallCreateReceiver(); this.mDevice.executeShellCommand(String.format(this.mPrefix + " install-create %1$s -S %2$d", new Object[]{pmOptions, Long.valueOf(totalFileSize)}), receiver, timeout, unit); return receiver.getSessionId(); } private boolean uploadApk(String sessionId, File fileToUpload, int uniqueId, long timeout, TimeUnit unit) { Throwable e; Throwable th; Log.d(sessionId, String.format("Uploading APK %1$s ", new Object[]{fileToUpload.getPath()})); if (!fileToUpload.exists()) { Log.e(sessionId, String.format("File not found: %1$s", new Object[]{fileToUpload.getPath()})); return false; } else if (fileToUpload.isDirectory()) { Log.e(sessionId, String.format("Directory upload not supported: %1$s", new Object[]{fileToUpload.getAbsolutePath()})); return false; } else { String baseName; if (fileToUpload.getName().lastIndexOf(46) != -1) { baseName = fileToUpload.getName().substring(0, fileToUpload.getName().lastIndexOf(46)); } else { baseName = fileToUpload.getName(); } baseName = UNSAFE_PM_INSTALL_SESSION_SPLIT_NAME_CHARS.replaceFrom(baseName, '_'); Log.d(sessionId, String.format("Executing : %1$s", new Object[]{String.format(this.mPrefix + " install-write -S %d %s %d_%s -", new Object[]{Long.valueOf(fileToUpload.length()), sessionId, Integer.valueOf(uniqueId), baseName})})); ... ... } } public void install(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) throws InstallException { try { String sessionId = createMultiInstallSession(this.mApks, this.mOptions, timeout, unit); if (sessionId == null) { Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Failed to establish session, quit installation"); throw new InstallException("Failed to establish session"); } int index = 0; boolean allUploadSucceeded = true; while (allUploadSucceeded) { if (index >= this.mApks.size()) { break; } int index2 = index + 1; allUploadSucceeded = uploadApk(sessionId, (File) this.mApks.get(index), index, timeout, unit); index = index2; } String command = this.mPrefix + " install-" + (allUploadSucceeded ? "commit " : "abandon ") + sessionId; InstallReceiver receiver = new InstallReceiver(); this.mDevice.executeShellCommand(command, receiver, timeout, unit); if (receiver.getErrorMessage() != null) { String message = String.format("Failed to finalize session : %1$s", new Object[]{receiver.getErrorMessage()}); Log.e(LOG_TAG, message); throw new InstallException(message); } else if (!allUploadSucceeded) { throw new InstallException("Failed to install all "); } } catch (InstallException e) { throw e; } catch (Throwable e2) { throw new InstallException(e2); } }
adb shell pm install-create ... adb shell pm install-write ... adb shell pm install-commit ...
frameworks-base-p-preview-1/cmds/pm/src/com/android/commands/pm/Pm.java public int run(String[] args) throws RemoteException { ... ... mPm = IPackageManager.Stub.asInterface(ServiceManager.getService("package")); mInstaller = mPm.getPackageInstaller(); ... ... if ("install-create".equals(op)) { return runInstallCreate(); } if ("install-write".equals(op)) { return runInstallWrite(); } if ("install-commit".equals(op)) { return runInstallCommit(); } ... ... } private int runInstallCreate() throws RemoteException { final InstallParams installParams = makeInstallParams(); final int sessionId = doCreateSession(installParams.sessionParams, installParams.installerPackageName, installParams.userId); // NOTE: adb depends on parsing this string System.out.println("Success: created install session [" + sessionId + "]"); return PackageInstaller.STATUS_SUCCESS; } private int doCreateSession(SessionParams params, String installerPackageName, int userId) throws RemoteException { userId = translateUserId(userId, "runInstallCreate"); if (userId == UserHandle.USER_ALL) { userId = UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM; params.installFlags |= PackageManager.INSTALL_ALL_USERS; } final int sessionId = mInstaller.createSession(params, installerPackageName, userId); return sessionId; } private int runInstallWrite() throws RemoteException { long sizeBytes = -1; String opt; while ((opt = nextOption()) != null) { if (opt.equals("-S")) { sizeBytes = Long.parseLong(nextArg()); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown option: " + opt); } } final int sessionId = Integer.parseInt(nextArg()); final String splitName = nextArg(); final String path = nextArg(); return doWriteSession(sessionId, path, sizeBytes, splitName, true /*logSuccess*/); } private int doWriteSession(int sessionId, String inPath, long sizeBytes, String splitName, boolean logSuccess) throws RemoteException { if (STDIN_PATH.equals(inPath)) { inPath = null; } else if (inPath != null) { final File file = new File(inPath); if (file.isFile()) { sizeBytes = file.length(); } } final SessionInfo info = mInstaller.getSessionInfo(sessionId); PackageInstaller.Session session = null; InputStream in = null; OutputStream out = null; try { session = new PackageInstaller.Session( mInstaller.openSession(sessionId)); if (inPath != null) { in = new FileInputStream(inPath); } else { in = new SizedInputStream(System.in, sizeBytes); } out = session.openWrite(splitName, 0, sizeBytes); int total = 0; byte[] buffer = new byte[65536]; int c; while ((c = in.read(buffer)) != -1) { total += c; out.write(buffer, 0, c); if (info.sizeBytes > 0) { final float fraction = ((float) c / (float) info.sizeBytes); session.addProgress(fraction); } } session.fsync(out); if (logSuccess) { System.out.println("Success: streamed " + total + " bytes"); } return PackageInstaller.STATUS_SUCCESS; } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Error: failed to write; " + e.getMessage()); return PackageInstaller.STATUS_FAILURE; } finally { IoUtils.closeQuietly(out); IoUtils.closeQuietly(in); IoUtils.closeQuietly(session); } }
PackageInstaller.SessionParams sessionParams = new PackageInstaller.SessionParams( PackageInstaller.SessionParams.MODE_INHERIT_EXISTING); PackageInstaller installer = context.getPackageManager().getPackageInstaller(); int sessionId = installer.createSession(sessionParams); PackageInstaller.Session session = installer.openSession(sessionId); File apkFile = new File(getFilesDir(), "feature0-debug.apk"); in = new FileInputStream(apkFile.getPath()); out = session.openWrite("anything", 0, apkFile.length()); int total = 0; byte[] buffer = new byte[65536]; int c; while ((c = in.read(buffer)) != -1) { total += c; out.write(buffer, 0, c); } session.fsync(out); IntentSender intentSender = createIntentSender(context, sessionId); session.commit(intentSender); session.close();
,才能覆蓋安裝模塊APK。模塊APK的名稱爲split_<module name>.apk
。這裏的<module name>
是模塊APK的AndroidManifest中指定的,<manifest ... ... package="com.taobao.myappbundledemo" split="feature0">
angler:/ # ls -l data/app/com.taobao.myappbundledemo-6XP2HdNBRWLquWr3U15iJA\=\=/ total 2376 -rw-r--r-- 1 system system 2392626 2018-05-16 12:04 base.apk drwxr-xr-x 3 system system 4096 2018-05-16 12:18 lib drwxrwx--x 3 system install 4096 2018-05-16 12:18 oat -rw-r--r-- 1 system system 25412 2018-05-16 12:18 split_feature0.apk
然而還有個問題,在安裝執行後,App會立馬被殺死。而根據官方文檔,在Android 7.0及以上版本的設備是能夠直接請求安裝模塊後當即進行使用,若是直接殺死,那確定體驗很糟糕。所以應該能夠找到辦法,在安裝後不殺當前進程。
private final synchronized void a(String str, long j, String str2, Bitmap bitmap, int i, int i2, fk fkVar, int i3) { if (this.c.containsKey(str)) { FinskyLog.e("Creating session for %s when one already exists", str); } else { SessionParams sessionParams = new SessionParams(i3); if (i3 == 2 && android.support.v4.os.a.a()) { sessionParams.setDontKillApp(true); } if (bitmap != null) { sessionParams.setAppIcon(bitmap); } if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(str2)) { sessionParams.setAppLabel(str2); } sessionParams.setAppPackageName(str); sessionParams.setInstallLocation(i); if (j > 0) { sessionParams.setSize(j); } if (android.support.v4.os.a.b()) { sessionParams.setInstallReason(i2); } ... ...
sessionParams.getClass().getDeclaredMethod("setDontKillApp", boolean.class).invoke(sessionParams, true);
7265874000-7265876000 r--p 00000000 fd:00 1439142 /data/app/com.taobao.myappbundledemo-I1BztqjLDnwA1LZ7mxP6kg==/oat/arm64/split_feature0.odex 7265876000-7265879000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 [anon:.bss] 7265879000-726587a000 r--p 00002000 fd:00 1439142 /data/app/com.taobao.myappbundledemo-I1BztqjLDnwA1LZ7mxP6kg==/oat/arm64/split_feature0.odex 726587a000-726587b000 rw-p 00003000 fd:00 1439142 /data/app/com.taobao.myappbundledemo-I1BztqjLDnwA1LZ7mxP6kg==/oat/arm64/split_feature0.odex ... ... 7265ce1000-7265d0b000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 1439025 /data/app/com.taobao.myappbundledemo-4tyKF-aM9SLiSM28Z4YkkQ==/lib/arm64/libnative-lib.so (deleted) 7265d0b000-7265d1b000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 7265d1b000-7265d1d000 r--p 0002a000 fd:00 1439025 /data/app/com.taobao.myappbundledemo-4tyKF-aM9SLiSM28Z4YkkQ==/lib/arm64/libnative-lib.so (deleted) 7265d1d000-7265d1e000 rw-p 0002c000 fd:00 1439025 /data/app/com.taobao.myappbundledemo-4tyKF-aM9SLiSM28Z4YkkQ==/lib/arm64/libnative-lib.so (deleted) 7265d1e000-7265d30000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 [anon:.bss] 7265d53000-7265d54000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 [anon:thread stack guard page] 7265d54000-7265d55000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 7265d55000-7265e50000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 [stack:20896] 7265e50000-7265e5e000 r--p 00000000 fd:00 1439058 /data/app/com.taobao.myappbundledemo-4tyKF-aM9SLiSM28Z4YkkQ==/oat/arm64/base.odex (deleted) 7265e5e000-7265e5f000 r-xp 0000e000 fd:00 1439058 /data/app/com.taobao.myappbundledemo-4tyKF-aM9SLiSM28Z4YkkQ==/oat/arm64/base.odex (deleted) 7265e5f000-7265e6d000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 [anon:.bss] 7265e6d000-7265e6e000 r--p 0000f000 fd:00 1439058 /data/app/com.taobao.myappbundledemo-4tyKF-aM9SLiSM28Z4YkkQ==/oat/arm64/base.odex (deleted) 7265e6e000-7265e6f000 rw-p 00010000 fd:00 1439058 /data/app/com.taobao.myappbundledemo-4tyKF-aM9SLiSM28Z4YkkQ==/oat/arm64/base.odex (deleted) 7265eb1000-72661b4000 r--s 00000000 fd:00 1439062 /data/app/com.taobao.myappbundledemo-4tyKF-aM9SLiSM28Z4YkkQ==/oat/arm64/base.vdex (deleted) ... ... 72ff84f000-72ff850000 r--s 00004000 fd:00 1439097 /data/app/com.taobao.myappbundledemo-I1BztqjLDnwA1LZ7mxP6kg==/split_feature0.apk
7265874000-7265876000 r--p 00000000 fd:00 1439142 /data/app/com.taobao.myappbundledemo-I1BztqjLDnwA1LZ7mxP6kg==/oat/arm64/split_feature0.odex (deleted) 7265876000-7265879000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 [anon:.bss] 7265879000-726587a000 r--p 00002000 fd:00 1439142 /data/app/com.taobao.myappbundledemo-I1BztqjLDnwA1LZ7mxP6kg==/oat/arm64/split_feature0.odex (deleted) 726587a000-726587b000 rw-p 00003000 fd:00 1439142 /data/app/com.taobao.myappbundledemo-I1BztqjLDnwA1LZ7mxP6kg==/oat/arm64/split_feature0.odex (deleted) ... ... 7265ce1000-7265d0b000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 1439025 /data/app/com.taobao.myappbundledemo-4tyKF-aM9SLiSM28Z4YkkQ==/lib/arm64/libnative-lib.so (deleted) 7265d0b000-7265d1b000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 7265d1b000-7265d1d000 r--p 0002a000 fd:00 1439025 /data/app/com.taobao.myappbundledemo-4tyKF-aM9SLiSM28Z4YkkQ==/lib/arm64/libnative-lib.so (deleted) 7265d1d000-7265d1e000 rw-p 0002c000 fd:00 1439025 /data/app/com.taobao.myappbundledemo-4tyKF-aM9SLiSM28Z4YkkQ==/lib/arm64/libnative-lib.so (deleted) 7265d1e000-7265d30000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 [anon:.bss] 7265d53000-7265d54000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 [anon:thread stack guard page] 7265d54000-7265d55000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 7265d55000-7265e50000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 [stack:20896] 7265e50000-7265e5e000 r--p 00000000 fd:00 1439058 /data/app/com.taobao.myappbundledemo-4tyKF-aM9SLiSM28Z4YkkQ==/oat/arm64/base.odex (deleted) 7265e5e000-7265e5f000 r-xp 0000e000 fd:00 1439058 /data/app/com.taobao.myappbundledemo-4tyKF-aM9SLiSM28Z4YkkQ==/oat/arm64/base.odex (deleted) 7265e5f000-7265e6d000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 [anon:.bss] 7265e6d000-7265e6e000 r--p 0000f000 fd:00 1439058 /data/app/com.taobao.myappbundledemo-4tyKF-aM9SLiSM28Z4YkkQ==/oat/arm64/base.odex (deleted) 7265e6e000-7265e6f000 rw-p 00010000 fd:00 1439058 /data/app/com.taobao.myappbundledemo-4tyKF-aM9SLiSM28Z4YkkQ==/oat/arm64/base.odex (deleted) 7265eb1000-72661b4000 r--s 00000000 fd:00 1439062 /data/app/com.taobao.myappbundledemo-4tyKF-aM9SLiSM28Z4YkkQ==/oat/arm64/base.vdex (deleted) ... 72ff5a4000-72ff5a5000 r--s 00006000 fd:00 1439145 /data/app/com.taobao.myappbundledemo-6XP2HdNBRWLquWr3U15iJA==/split_feature0.apk
前面說過,Android 7.0及以上版本的設備能夠在請求到新模塊後直接使用。而對於6.0如下版本的機型,是沒法直接使用下載的新模塊的。不過Google也提供了一種兼容方式,使得低版本機型能夠即時使用新模塊,那就是採用SplitCompat
public class MyApplication extends SplitCompatApplication { ... }
2、在attachBaseContext中調用 SplitCompat.install
protected void attachBaseContext(Context base) { super.attachBaseContext(base); // Emulates installation of future on demand modules using SplitCompat. SplitCompat.install(this); }
public class SplitCompat { private static final AtomicReference<SplitCompat> a = new AtomicReference(null); private final Context b; private final c c; private final Set<String> d = new HashSet(); public static boolean install(Context context) { return a(context, false); } private static boolean a(Context context, boolean z) { if (VERSION.SDK_INT >= 24) { return true; } if (VERSION.SDK_INT <= 19) { return false; } SplitCompat splitCompat = (SplitCompat) a.get(); if (a.compareAndSet(null, new SplitCompat(context))) { com.google.android.play.core.splitinstall.a.a(new com.google.android.play.core.splitcompat.a.a(context, a.a(), new c(context, splitCompat.c, new com.google.android.play.core.splitcompat.c.b()), splitCompat.c)); d.a(new l(splitCompat)); } try { splitCompat.a(z); return true; } catch (Throwable e) { Log.e("SplitCompat", "Error installing additional splits", e); return false; } } private final synchronized void a(boolean z) { Iterator it; if (z) { this.c.a(); } else { a.a().execute(new m(this)); } Set<o> b = b(z); d dVar = new d(this.c); a a = b.a(); ClassLoader classLoader = this.b.getClassLoader(); if (z) { a.a(classLoader, dVar.a()); } else { it = b.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Set a2 = dVar.a((o) it.next()); if (a2 == null) { it.remove(); } else { a.a(classLoader, a2); } } } Set<File> hashSet = new HashSet(); for (o oVar : b) { if (a.a(classLoader, this.c.c(oVar.a()), oVar.b(), z)) { hashSet.add(oVar.b()); } } AssetManager assets = this.b.getAssets(); for (File path : hashSet) { int intValue = ((Integer) com.google.android.play.core.splitcompat.c.b.a(assets, "addAssetPath", Integer.class, String.class, path.getPath())).intValue(); StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(39); stringBuilder.append("addAssetPath completed with "); stringBuilder.append(intValue); Log.d("SplitCompat", stringBuilder.toString()); } for (o oVar2 : b) { String a3 = oVar2.a(); StringBuilder stringBuilder2 = new StringBuilder(String.valueOf(a3).length() + 30); stringBuilder2.append("Split '"); stringBuilder2.append(a3); stringBuilder2.append("' installation emulated"); Log.d("SplitCompat", stringBuilder2.toString()); this.d.add(oVar2.a()); } }
public static a a() { if (VERSION.SDK_INT == 21) { return new c(); } if (VERSION.SDK_INT == 22) { return new f(); } if (VERSION.SDK_INT == 23) { return new g(); } throw new AssertionError(); } final class c implements a { c() { } static Object a(ClassLoader classLoader) { return b.b(classLoader, "pathList", Object.class).a(); } static boolean a(ClassLoader classLoader, File file, File file2, boolean z, e eVar) { Collection arrayList = new ArrayList(); Object a = a(classLoader); a c = b.c(a, "dexElements", Object.class); List<Object> asList = Arrays.asList((Object[]) c.a()); List arrayList2 = new ArrayList(); for (Object b : asList) { arrayList2.add((File) b.b(b, "zip", File.class).a()); } if (arrayList2.contains(file2)) { return true; } int i = 0; if (!z) { if (!new File((String) b.a(a.getClass(), "optimizedPathFor", String.class, File.class, file2, File.class, file)).exists()) { return false; } } c.a(eVar.a(a, new ArrayList(Collections.singleton(file2)), file, arrayList)); if (arrayList.isEmpty()) { return true; } Throwable kVar = new k("DexPathList.makeDexElement failed"); ArrayList arrayList3 = (ArrayList) arrayList; int size = arrayList3.size(); while (i < size) { Object obj = arrayList3.get(i); i++; IOException iOException = (IOException) obj; Log.e("SplitCompat", "DexPathList.makeDexElement failed", iOException); com.google.a.a.a.a.a.a.a(kVar, iOException); } b.c(a, "dexElementsSuppressedExceptions", IOException.class).a(arrayList); throw kVar; } static void b(ClassLoader classLoader, Set<File> set) { if (!set.isEmpty()) { Collection hashSet = new HashSet(); for (File file : set) { String str = "Splitcompat"; String str2 = "Adding native library parent directory: "; String valueOf = String.valueOf(file.getParentFile().getAbsolutePath()); Log.d(str, valueOf.length() != 0 ? str2.concat(valueOf) : new String(str2)); hashSet.add(file.getParentFile()); } a c = b.c(a(classLoader), "nativeLibraryDirectories", File.class); hashSet.removeAll(Arrays.asList((File[]) c.a())); int size = hashSet.size(); StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(30); stringBuilder.append("Adding directories "); stringBuilder.append(size); Log.d("Splitcompat", stringBuilder.toString()); c.a(hashSet); } } public final void a(ClassLoader classLoader, Set<File> set) { b(classLoader, set); } public final boolean a(ClassLoader classLoader, File file, File file2, boolean z) { return a(classLoader, file, file2, z, new d()); } }
這裏只列出了SDK = 21
狀況下的c類,SDK = 22
和SDK = 23
的狀況其實也大同小異。熟悉Instant Run
dalvik.system.PathClassLoader [DexPathList[ [zip file "/data/app/com.taobao.myappbundledemo-y4Ih9MutYd4z43hpON6LVg==/base.apk", zip file "/data/app/com.taobao.myappbundledemo-y4Ih9MutYd4z43hpON6LVg==/split_feature0.apk", zip file "/data/app/com.taobao.myappbundledemo-y4Ih9MutYd4z43hpON6LVg==/split_feature1.apk"], nativeLibraryDirectories=[ /data/app/com.taobao.myappbundledemo-y4Ih9MutYd4z43hpON6LVg==/lib/arm64, /data/app/com.taobao.myappbundledemo-y4Ih9MutYd4z43hpON6LVg==/base.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a, /data/app/com.taobao.myappbundledemo-y4Ih9MutYd4z43hpON6LVg==/split_feature0.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a, /data/app/com.taobao.myappbundledemo-y4Ih9MutYd4z43hpON6LVg==/split_feature1.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a, /system/lib64, /vendor/lib64] ]]
而這個ClassLoader裏面包含了三個模塊全部的APK路徑與so路徑,可見模塊之間的類和so庫的訪問是徹底相通的。也就是說一個模塊中聲明的類,可以直接在另外一個模塊中毫無差異的使用,就像使用本身模塊中的類同樣。而若是兩個模塊引入了相同的依賴,兩個依賴會被分別打進兩個模塊的APK中,這就可能引起問題。因此,若是兩個不一樣的模塊依賴了相同的庫,須要先改成provided(gradle 3.0.0以上稱爲compileOnly)依賴,而在base模塊中引入compile(gradle 3.0.0以上稱爲api)依賴。
App Bundles提供了一整套動態模塊化App的機制,依託Google官方的插件支持,開發者能夠直接進行模塊化開發,而再也不須要本身造輪子,也能夠避免Android官方插件不斷升級帶來的兼容性問題。Google Play商店自然承載了更新APK的使命,用戶能夠直接在商店上發佈新模塊APK,來實現靜默升級,因爲是直接安裝,於是不存在任何兼容性問題。按需獲取對應特徵APK,可以極大減少本地安裝的包大小。
固然,隨着時間的推移,App Bundles這一套模式對於海外應用仍具備很強的吸引力。
還須要注意的是,App Bundles沒有實現多模塊之間包依賴的自動管理。也就是說各個模塊的依賴是獨立的,所以各個模塊對於使用的相同的依賴都會各自引入,從而致使冗餘。而且,若多個模塊使用相同依賴包的不一樣版本,可能還會有兼容性問題。所以須要在各個模塊中進行provided依賴,而把公共依賴放入base模塊中。
App Bundles的模塊化,主要基於APK直接安裝的方式,不須要用戶任何對系統組件的修改,就能自然得到原生優化能力(如JIT、DEX優化等),於是不存在任何兼容性問題。這個思路與傳統組件化/插件化方式大相徑庭,由於Google做爲Android官方主體,把控了Play商店這個惟一安裝渠道(國內除外),因此能夠採用這種玩法來作到史無前例的穩定性和動態能力。App Bundles也存在一個問題,就是沒法在運行過程當中直接新增四大組件,須要覆蓋安裝base模塊以後再重啓。然後面兩個方案因爲都是基於App Bundles的,於是有更大侷限性。
目前看來,期望Google迴歸恐怕遙遙無期,不過這或許能吸引國內各個廠商自帶應用市場的跟進,甚至可能像統一推送那樣協商出一套符合國情的標準,從而改善國內的App更新環境。不過,App Bunndles的一些思想,如細緻化配置,確實值得現有的模塊化方案進行借鑑和吸取。