分享以前我仍是介紹下個人大數據交流羣:784557197, 不論是大學生,仍是工做人士, 只要想學,都歡迎進入交流oop
hive> create table wyp > (id int, name string, > age int, tel string) > ROW FORMAT DELIMITED > FIELDS TERMINATED BY '\t' > STORED AS TEXTFILE; OK Time taken: 2.832 seconds
這個表很簡單,只有四個字段,具體含義我就不解釋了。本地文件系統裏面有個 /home/wyp/wyp.txt
[wyp@master ~]$ cat wyp.txt 1 wyp 25 13188888888888 2 test 30 13888888888888 3 zs 34 899314121
文件中的數據列之間是使用 \t
hive> load data local inpath 'wyp.txt' into table wyp; Copying data from file:/home/wyp/wyp.txt Copying file: file:/home/wyp/wyp.txt Loading data to table default.wyp Table default.wyp stats: [num_partitions: 0, num_files: 1, num_rows: 0, total_size: 67] OK Time taken: 5.967 seconds
hive> dfs -ls /user/hive/warehouse/wyp ; Found 1 items -rw-r--r--3 wyp supergroup 67 2014-02-19 18:23 /hive/warehouse/wyp/wyp.txt
<font color='green'>和咱們熟悉的關係型數據庫不同,Hive如今還不支持在insert語句裏面直接給出一組記錄的文字形式,也就是說,Hive並不支持INSERT INTO .... VALUES形式的語句。.
從本地文件系統中將數據導入到Hive表的過程當中,實際上是先將數據臨時複製到HDFS的一個目錄下(典型的狀況是複製到上傳用戶的HDFS home
[wyp@master /home/q/hadoop-2.2.0]$ bin/hadoop fs -cat /home/wyp/add.txt 5 wyp1 23 131212121212 6 wyp2 24 134535353535 7 wyp3 25 132453535353 8 wyp4 26 154243434355
hive> load data inpath '/home/wyp/add.txt' into table wyp; Loading data to table default.wyp Table default.wyp stats: [num_partitions: 0, num_files: 2, num_rows: 0, total_size: 215] OK Time taken: 0.47 seconds hive> select * from wyp; OK 5 wyp1 23 131212121212 6 wyp2 24 134535353535 7 wyp3 25 132453535353 8 wyp4 26 154243434355 1 wyp 25 13188888888888 2 test 30 13888888888888 3 zs 34 899314121 Time taken: 0.096 seconds, Fetched: 7 row(s)
從上面的執行結果咱們能夠看到,數據的確導入到wyp表中了!請注意load data inpath '/home/wyp/add.txt' into table wyp;裏面是沒有local這個單詞的,這個是和一中的區別。
hive> create table test( .> id int, name string .> ,tel string) . > partitioned by .> (age int) .> ROW FORMAT DELIMITED .> FIELDS TERMINATED BY '\t' .> STORED AS TEXTFILE; OK Time taken: 0.261 seconds
hive> insert into table test > partition (age='25') > select id, name, tel > from wyp; ##################################################################### 這裏輸出了一堆Mapreduce任務信息,這裏省略 ##################################################################### Total MapReduce CPU Time Spent: 1 seconds 310 msec OK Time taken: 19.125 seconds hive> select * from test; OK 5 wyp1 131212121212 25 6 wyp2 134535353535 25 7 wyp3 132453535353 25 8 wyp4 154243434355 25 1 wyp 13188888888888 25 2 test 13888888888888 25 3 zs 899314121 25 Time taken: 0.126 seconds, Fetched: 7 row(s)
經過上面的輸出,咱們能夠看到從wyp表中查詢出來的東西已經成功插入到test表中去了!若是目標表(test)中不存在分區字段,能夠去掉partition (age='25')語句。固然,咱們也能夠在select語句裏面經過使用分區值來動態指明分區:
hive> set hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict; hive> insert into table test > partition (age) > select id, name, > tel, age > from wyp; ##################################################################### 這裏輸出了一堆Mapreduce任務信息,這裏省略 ##################################################################### Total MapReduce CPU Time Spent: 1 seconds 510 msec OK Time taken: 17.712 seconds hive> select * from test; OK 5 wyp1 131212121212 23 6 wyp2 134535353535 24 7 wyp3 132453535353 25 1 wyp 13188888888888 25 8 wyp4 154243434355 26 2 test 13888888888888 30 3 zs 899314121 34 Time taken: 0.399 seconds, Fetched: 7 row(s)
。固然,Hive也支持insert overwrite
是覆蓋的意思,是的,執行完這條語句的時候,相應數據目錄下的數據將會被覆蓋!而insert into
hive> insert overwrite table test > PARTITION (age) > select id, name, tel, age > from wyp;
hive> show create table test3; OK CREATE TABLE test3( id int, name string) Time taken: 0.277 seconds, Fetched: 18 row(s) hive> from wyp > insert into table test > partition(age) > select id, name, tel, age > insert into table test3 > select id, name > where age>25; hive> select * from test3; OK 8 wyp4 2 test 3 zs Time taken: 4.308 seconds, Fetched: 3 row(s)
在實際狀況中,表的輸出結果可能太多,不適於顯示在控制檯上,這時候,將Hive的查詢輸出結果直接存在一個新的表中是很是方便的,咱們稱這種狀況爲CTAS(create table .. as select)以下:
hive> create table test4 > as > select id, name, tel > from wyp; hive> select * from test4; OK 5 wyp1 131212121212 6 wyp2 134535353535 7 wyp3 132453535353 8 wyp4 154243434355 1 wyp 13188888888888 2 test 13888888888888 3 zs 899314121 Time taken: 0.089 seconds, Fetched: 7 row(s)