xp好還是vista好_將Windows 7與XP和Vista聯網的完整指南



Since there are three versions of Windows out in the field these days, chances are you need to share data between them. Today we show how to get each version to be share files and printers with one another.

由於這些天來已經有Windows的三個版本,因此您可能需要在它們之間共享數據。 今天,我們展示瞭如何使每個版本相互共享文件和打印機。

In a perfect world, getting your computers with different Microsoft operating systems to network would be as easy as clicking a button. With the Windows 7 Homegroup feature, it’s almost that easy. However, getting all three of them to communicate with each other can be a bit of a challenge. Today we’ve put together a guide that will help you share files and printers in whatever scenario of the three versions you might encounter on your home network.

在理想的情況下,只需單擊一個按鈕,即可將具有不同Microsoft操作系統的計算機聯網。 有了Windows 7 Homegroup功能,一切就變得如此簡單。 但是,讓他們三個人彼此通信可能會有些挑戰。 今天,我們整理了一份指南,可幫助您在家庭網絡中可能遇到的三個版本的任何情況下共享文件和打印機。

Sharing Between Windows 7 and XP

Windows 7和XP之間的共享

The most common scenario you’re probably going to run into is sharing between Windows 7 and XP.  Essentially you’ll want to make sure both machines are part of the same workgroup, set up the correct sharing settings, and making sure network discovery is enabled on Windows 7. The biggest problem you may run into is finding the correct printer drivers for both versions of Windows.

您可能會遇到的最常見的情況是Windows 7和XP之間的共享。 本質上,您將需要確保兩臺計算機都屬於同一工作組,設置正確的共享設置,並確保在Windows 7上啓用了網絡發現。您可能遇到的最大問題是爲兩臺計算機都找到正確的打印機驅動程序Windows版本。


Share Files and Printers Between Windows 7 & XP 

在Windows 7和XP之間共享文件和打印機

Map a Network Drive


Another method of sharing data between XP and Windows 7 is mapping a network drive. If you don’t need to share a printer and only want to share a drive, then you can just map an XP drive to Windows 7. Although it might sound complicated, the process is not bad. The trickiest part is making sure you add the appropriate local user. This will allow you to share the contents of an XP drive to your Windows 7 computer.

在XP和Windows 7之間共享數據的另一種方法是映射網絡驅動器。 如果您不需要共享打印機,而只想共享驅動器,則可以將XP驅動器映射到Windows7。儘管聽起來很複雜,但過程還不錯。 最棘手的部分是確保您添加適當的本地用戶。 這將使您可以將XP驅動器的內容共享到Windows 7計算機。


Map a Network Drive from XP to Windows 7

將網絡驅動器從XP映射到Windows 7

Sharing between Vista and Windows 7

在Vista和Windows 7之間共享

Another scenario you might run into is having to share files and printers between a Vista and Windows 7 machine. The process is a bit easier than sharing between XP and Windows 7, but takes a bit of work. The Homegroup feature isn’t compatible with Vista, so we need to go through a few different steps. Depending on what your printer is, sharing it should be easier as Vista and Windows 7 do a much better job of automatically locating the drivers.

您可能會遇到的另一種情況是,必須在Vista和Windows 7計算機之間共享文件和打印機。 該過程比在XP和Windows 7之間共享要容易一些,但是需要一些工作。 Homegroup功能與Vista不兼容,因此我們需要經過幾個不同的步驟。 根據您的打印機的類型,共享它應該更容易,因爲Vista和Windows 7在自動查找驅動程序方面做得更好。


How to Share Files and Printers Between Windows 7 and Vista

如何在Windows 7和Vista之間共享文件和打印機

Sharing between Vista and XP


When Windows Vista came out, hardware requirements were intensive, drivers weren’t ready, and sharing between them was complicated due to the new Vista structure. The sharing process is pretty straight-forward if you’re not using password protection…as you just need to drop what you want to share into the Vista Public folder. On the other hand, sharing with password protection becomes a bit more difficult. Basically you need to add a user and set up sharing on the XP machine. But once again, we have a complete tutorial for that situation.

Windows Vista發佈時,硬件要求很高,驅動程序尚未準備就緒,由於新的Vista結構,它們之間的共享變得很複雜。 如果您不使用密碼保護,則共享過程非常簡單……因爲您只需要將要共享的內容拖放到Vista Public文件夾中即可。 另一方面,使用密碼保護進行共享變得更加困難。 基本上,您需要添加用戶並在XP計算機上設置共享。 但是,我們再次針對這種情況提供了完整的教程。


Share Files and Folders Between Vista and XP Machines


Sharing Between Windows 7 with Homegroup

Windows 7與Homegroup之間的共享

If you have one or more Windows 7 machine, sharing files and devices becomes extremely easy with the Homegroup feature. It’s as simple as creating a Homegroup on on machine then joining the other to it. It allows you to stream media, control what data is shared, and can also be password protected. If you don’t want to make your Windows 7 machines part of the same Homegroup, you can still share files through the Public Folder, and setup a printer to be shared as well.

如果您有一臺或多臺Windows 7計算機,則使用家庭組功能可以非常輕鬆地共享文件和設備。 就像在計算機上創建一個家庭組然後將另一個家庭組加入其中一樣簡單。 它使您可以流式傳輸媒體,控制要共享的數據,也可以用密碼保護。 如果不想使Windows 7計算機成爲同一Homegroup的一部分,則仍然可以通過「公用文件夾」共享文件,並設置要共享的打印機


Use the Homegroup Feature in Windows 7 to Share Printers and Files

在Windows 7中使用Homegroup功能共享打印機和文件

Create a Homegroup & Join a New Computer To It


Change which Files are Shared in a Homegroup


Windows Home Server

Windows Home服務器

If you want an ultimate setup that creates a centralized location to share files between all systems on your home network, regardless of the operating system, then set up a Windows Home Server. It allows you to centralize your important documents and digital media files on one box and provides easy access to data and the ability to stream media to other machines on your network. Not only that, but it provides easy backup of all your machines to the server, in case disaster strikes.

如果您想要一個最終的安裝程序來創建一個集中的位置,以在家庭網絡上的所有系統之間共享文件,而不管操作系統是什麼,那麼請設置Windows Home Server。 它使您可以將重要的文檔和數字媒體文件集中在一個盒子上,並提供對數據的輕鬆訪問以及將媒體流傳輸到網絡上其他計算機的能力。 不僅如此,還可以在災難發生時輕鬆將所有計算機備份到服務器。


How to Install and Setup Windows Home Server

如何安裝和設置Windows Home Server

How to Manage Shared Folders on Windows Home Server

如何在Windows Home Server上管理共享文件夾



The biggest annoyance is dealing with printers that have a different set of drivers for each OS. There is no real easy way to solve this problem. Our best advice is to try to connect it to one machine, and if the drivers won’t work, hook it up to the other computer and see if that works. Each printer manufacturer is different, and Windows doesn’t always automatically install the correct drivers for the device.

最大的煩惱是處理每個操作系統具有不同驅動程序集的打印機。 沒有真正簡單的方法可以解決此問題。 最好的建議是嘗試將其連接到一臺計算機上,如果驅動程序無法正常工作,則將其連接到另一臺計算機上,看看是否可以運行。 每個打印機制造商都不一樣,Windows並不總是自動爲設備安裝正確的驅動程序。

We hope this guide helps you share your data between whichever Microsoft OS scenario you might run into!

我們希望本指南可以幫助您在可能遇到的任何Microsoft OS方案之間共享數據!

Here are some other articles that will help you accomplish your home networking needs:


Share a Printer on a Home Network from Vista or XP to Windows 7

從Vista或XP到Windows 7在家庭網絡上共享打印機

How to Share a Folder the XP Way in Windows Vista

如何在Windows Vista中以XP方式共享文件夾

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/15247/complete-guide-to-networking-windows-7-with-xp-and-vista/
