Qt WebKit and HTML5 geolocation | Qt Project forums | Qt Projecthtml
Qt WebKit and HTML5 geolocation
I’m learning HTML5 and testing the new features on a Qt hybrid application.
Now I’m working on a simple geolocation example but when I call navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(displayLocation); it seems the QtWebKit does not support it, but acording to this http://trac.webkit.org/wiki/QtWebKitFeatures22 the version of QtWebKit that comes with Qt4.8.0 supports geolocation.javaThis is the code I’m using:git
window. onload = function ( ) { getMyLocation ( ) ; } function getMyLocation ( ) { if (navigator. geolocation ) { navigator. geolocation. getCurrentPosition (displayLocation ) ; } else { alert ( "No geolocation support" ) ; } } function displayLocation (position ) { var latitude = position. coords. latitude ; var longitude = position. coords. longitude ; var div = document. getElementById ( "location" ) ; div [removed ] = "You are at Latitude: " + latitude + ", Longitude: " + longitude ; }
{ connect (web_view -> page ( ) -> mainFrame ( ) , SIGNAL (javaScriptWindowObjectCleared ( ) ) , this , SLOT (addJavascriptObject ( ) ) ) ; inspector_ -> setPage (web_view -> page ( ) ) ; inspector_ -> setVisible ( true ) ; inspector_ -> show ( ) ; return web_view ; }
Anyone knows how to enable geolocation for a desktop app?web