Zipkin 分佈式數據追蹤系統

Zipkin 是一個分佈式數據追蹤系統,適用於微服務架構下的調用鏈路數據採集及分析工做。前端

可經過一個 Web 前端輕鬆的收集和分析數據,例如用戶每次請求服務的處理時間等,可方便的監測系統中存在的瓶頸。java

1、配置 Java 環境 安裝 JDKnode

Zipkin 使用 Java8
yum install java
-1.8.0-openjdk* -y java -version

2、安裝 Zipkin mysql

一、建立zipkin安裝目錄 mkdir -p /opt/server/zipkin && cd "$_" 
二、下載 Zipkin wget
-O zipkin.jar ''
三、啓動 Zipkin (nohup & 能夠進行後臺運行 ) java
-jar zipkin.jar

   Zipkin 默認監聽 9411 端口sql

3、配置 MySQL 數據持久化 express

  一、Zipkin 支持的持久化方案不少: Cassandra, MySQL, Elasticsearch。npm

wget rpm -Uvh mysql57-community-release-el7-9.noarch.rpm yum install mysql-community-server -y systemctl start mysqld.service 
設置 mysql 密碼 建立一個zipkin 庫; mysql
-uroot -p
'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'passwd';

> create database zipkin;


  二、建立 Zipkin初始化文件  zipkin_init.sql json

     建立了 zipkin_annotations, zipkin_dependencies, zipkin_spans 三張數據表api

# cat /opt/server/zipkin/zipkin_init.sql
0 COMMENT 'If non zero, this means the trace uses 128 bit traceIds instead of 64 bit', `trace_id` BIGINT NOT NULL, `id` BIGINT NOT NULL, `name` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `parent_id` BIGINT, `debug` BIT(1), `start_ts` BIGINT COMMENT 'Span.timestamp(): epoch micros used for endTs query and to implement TTL', `duration` BIGINT COMMENT 'Span.duration(): micros used for minDuration and maxDuration query' ) ENGINE=InnoDB ROW_FORMAT=COMPRESSED CHARACTER SET=utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci; ALTER TABLE zipkin_spans ADD UNIQUE KEY(`trace_id_high`, `trace_id`, `id`) COMMENT 'ignore insert on duplicate'; ALTER TABLE zipkin_spans ADD INDEX(`trace_id_high`, `trace_id`, `id`) COMMENT 'for joining with zipkin_annotations'; ALTER TABLE zipkin_spans ADD INDEX(`trace_id_high`, `trace_id`) COMMENT 'for getTracesByIds'; ALTER TABLE zipkin_spans ADD INDEX(`name`) COMMENT 'for getTraces and getSpanNames'; ALTER TABLE zipkin_spans ADD INDEX(`start_ts`) COMMENT 'for getTraces ordering and range'; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS zipkin_annotations ( `trace_id_high` BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'If non zero, this means the trace uses 128 bit traceIds instead of 64 bit', `trace_id` BIGINT NOT NULL COMMENT 'coincides with zipkin_spans.trace_id', `span_id` BIGINT NOT NULL COMMENT 'coincides with', `a_key` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL COMMENT 'BinaryAnnotation.key or Annotation.value if type == -1', `a_value` BLOB COMMENT 'BinaryAnnotation.value(), which must be smaller than 64KB', `a_type` INT NOT NULL COMMENT 'BinaryAnnotation.type() or -1 if Annotation', `a_timestamp` BIGINT COMMENT 'Used to implement TTL; Annotation.timestamp or zipkin_spans.timestamp', `endpoint_ipv4` INT COMMENT 'Null when Binary/Annotation.endpoint is null', `endpoint_ipv6` BINARY(16) COMMENT 'Null when Binary/Annotation.endpoint is null, or no IPv6 address', `endpoint_port` SMALLINT COMMENT 'Null when Binary/Annotation.endpoint is null', `endpoint_service_name` VARCHAR(255) COMMENT 'Null when Binary/Annotation.endpoint is null' ) ENGINE=InnoDB ROW_FORMAT=COMPRESSED CHARACTER SET=utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci; ALTER TABLE zipkin_annotations ADD UNIQUE KEY(`trace_id_high`, `trace_id`, `span_id`, `a_key`, `a_timestamp`) COMMENT 'Ignore insert on duplicate'; ALTER TABLE zipkin_annotations ADD INDEX(`trace_id_high`, `trace_id`, `span_id`) COMMENT 'for joining with zipkin_spans'; ALTER TABLE zipkin_annotations ADD INDEX(`trace_id_high`, `trace_id`) COMMENT 'for getTraces/ByIds'; ALTER TABLE zipkin_annotations ADD INDEX(`endpoint_service_name`) COMMENT 'for getTraces and getServiceNames'; ALTER TABLE zipkin_annotations ADD INDEX(`a_type`) COMMENT 'for getTraces'; ALTER TABLE zipkin_annotations ADD INDEX(`a_key`) COMMENT 'for getTraces'; ALTER TABLE zipkin_annotations ADD INDEX(`trace_id`, `span_id`, `a_key`) COMMENT 'for dependencies job'; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS zipkin_dependencies ( `day` DATE NOT NULL, `parent` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `child` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `call_count` BIGINT ) ENGINE=InnoDB ROW_FORMAT=COMPRESSED CHARACTER SET=utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci; ALTER TABLE zipkin_dependencies ADD UNIQUE KEY(`day`, `parent`, `child`);


mysql -u root --password='passwd'

> use zipkin;
> source /opt/server/zipkin/zipkin_init.sql
> show tables;
> exit

4、從新啓動 zipkin

cd /opt/server/zipkin STORAGE_TYPE=mysql MYSQL_HOST=localhost MYSQL_TCP_PORT=3306 MYSQL_DB=zipkin MYSQL_USER=root MYSQL_PASS='passwd' \ nohup java -jar zipkin.jar &

5、建立一個dome 示例

  一、搭建 NodeJS 環境

curl --silent --location | sudo bash -
yum install nodejs -y

  二、建立 /opt/server/service_testing 工做目錄

mkdir -p /opt/server/service_testing


  三、在 /opt/server/service_testing 目錄下建立並編輯 package.json

# cat /opt/server/service_testing/package.json
"name": "service_testing", "version": "1.0.0", "description": "", "main": "index.js", "scripts": {}, "author": "", "license": "ISC", "dependencies": { "express": "^4.15.3", "zipkin": "^0.7.2", "zipkin-instrumentation-express": "^0.7.2", "zipkin-transport-http": "^0.7.2" } }


# npm install

  五、建立並編輯 app.js

# cat /opt/server/service_testing/app.js
const express = require('express'); const {Tracer, ExplicitContext, BatchRecorder} = require('zipkin'); const {HttpLogger} = require('zipkin-transport-http'); const zipkinMiddleware = require('zipkin-instrumentation-express').expressMiddleware; const ctxImpl = new ExplicitContext(); const recorder = new BatchRecorder({ logger: new HttpLogger( { endpoint: '' }) }); const tracer = new Tracer({ctxImpl, recorder}); const app = express(); app.use(zipkinMiddleware({ tracer, serviceName: 'service-testing' })); app.use('/', (req, res, next) => { res.send('hello one'); }); app.listen(3000, () => { console.log('service-testing listening on port 3000!') });

  六、啓動服務 (監聽 3000 端口)http://IP:3000

# node app.js

6、zipkin 訪問 http://IP:9411 
