二、quick engine 移植了cocos2dx V3.10版的 RichText 的換行元素: RichElementNewLineui
1 local RichText = class("RichText", function () 2 return ccui.RichText:create() 3 end) 4 5 local NORMAL_TEXT = 0 6 7 -- 目前支持的標籤訂義, 從1開始且連續 8 local FONT_COMPONENT = 1 -- 不一樣顏色 9 local NEW_LINE_COMPONENT = 2 -- 換行<br>
local IMG_COMPONENT = 3 -- 圖片
10 11 -- 12 -- ******** color要定義在font.lua裏 ************* 13 -- 示例: <font color = DARK_GOLDEN size = 28>金色的字體</font> 14 -- 15 local COMPONENT_CONFIG = { 14 17 [FONT_COMPONENT] = { 18 ["all"] = "<%s-font.->.-</%s-font%s->", 19 ["color"] = "color%s-=%s-([%a_]+)%s-", 20 ["size"] = "size%s-=%s-(%d+)%s-", 21 ["content"] = "<%s-font.->(.*)</%s-font%s->", 22 }, 23 24 [NEW_LINE_COMPONENT] = { 25 ["all"] = "<%s-[bB][rR]%s->", 26 },
-- <img src = "base_icon.png" width=10 height=10 />
["all"] = "<%s-img%s-src%s-=.-/%s->",
["src"] = "src%s-=%s-[\"'](.-)[\"']%s-",
["width"] = "width%s-=%s-[\"']*(%d+)[\"']*%s-",
["height"] = "height%s-=%s-[\"']*(%d+)[\"']*%s-",
27 } 28 29 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30 -- BEGIN 31 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 32 function RichText:ctor( params ) 33 params = params or {} 34 self.m_components = {} 35 self.m_color = params.color 36 self.m_size = params.size 37 end 38 39 function RichText:setText( _content ) 40 self.m_content = _content 41 42 self:update() 43 end 44 45 function RichText:update( ... ) 46 local PATTERN_CONFIG = COMPONENT_CONFIG 47 self.m_components = {} 48 49 local totalLen = string.len( self.m_content ) 50 local st = 0 51 local en = 0 52 53 -- 根據配置,在原串中找出全部標記的文本 54 for i = 1, #PATTERN_CONFIG, 1 do 55 st = 0 56 en = 0 57 58 while true do 59 st, en = string.find( self.m_content, PATTERN_CONFIG[i]["all"], st + 1 ) 60 if not st then 61 break 62 end 63 local comp = {} 64 comp.sIdx = st 65 comp.eIdx = en 66 comp.type = i 67 comp.text = string.sub( self.m_content, comp.sIdx, comp.eIdx ) 68 69 table.insert( self.m_components, comp ) 70 st = en 71 end 72 end 73 74 local function sortFunc( a, b ) 75 return a.sIdx < b.sIdx 76 end 77 table.sort( self.m_components, sortFunc ) 78 79 if #self.m_components <= 0 then 80 -- 所有都是普通文本 81 local comp = {} 82 comp.sIdx = 1 83 comp.eidx = totalLen 84 comp.type = NORMAL_TEXT 85 comp.text = self.m_content 86 table.insert( self.m_components, comp ) 87 else 88 local offset = 1 89 local newComponents = {} 90 91 for i = 1, #self.m_components, 1 do 92 local comp = self.m_components[ i ] 93 table.insert( newComponents, comp ) 94 95 if comp.sIdx > offset then 96 local newComp = {} 97 newComp.sIdx = offset 98 newComp.eIdx = comp.sIdx - 1 99 newComp.type = NORMAL_TEXT 100 newComp.text = string.sub( self.m_content, newComp.sIdx, newComp.eIdx ) 101 102 table.insert( newComponents, newComp ) 103 end 104 105 offset = comp.eIdx + 1 106 end 107 108 if offset < totalLen then 109 local newComp = {} 110 newComp.sIdx = offset 111 newComp.eIdx = totalLen 112 newComp.type = NORMAL_TEXT 113 newComp.text = string.sub( self.m_content, newComp.sIdx, newComp.eIdx ) 114 115 table.insert( newComponents, newComp ) 116 end 117 118 self.m_components = newComponents 119 end 120 121 table.sort( self.m_components, sortFunc ) 122 123 self:render() 124 125 self:formatText() 126 end 127 128 function RichText:render( ... ) 129 130 for i = 1, #self.m_components, 1 do 131 local comp = self.m_components[i] 132 local text = comp.text 133 134 if comp.type == NORMAL_TEXT then 135 self:handleNormalTextRender( text ) 136 elseif comp.type == FONT_COMPONENT then 137 self:handleFontTextRender( text ) 138 elseif comp.type == NEW_LINE_COMPONENT then 139 self:handleNewLineRender()
elseif comp.type == IMG_COMPONENT then
self:handleImgRender( text )code
140 end 141 end 142 end 143 144 function RichText:handleNormalTextRender( _text ) 145 local color = self.m_color 146 147 local element = ccui.RichElementText:create(1, color, 255, _text or "", display.DEFAULT_TTF_FONT, self.m_size) 148 self:pushBackElement( element ) 149 end 150 151 function RichText:handleFontTextRender( _text ) 152 local content = "" 153 local color = self.m_special_color 154 local size = self.m_size 155 156 content = string.match( _text, COMPONENT_CONFIG[ FONT_COMPONENT ]["content"] ) 157 color = string.match( _text, COMPONENT_CONFIG[ FONT_COMPONENT ]["color"] ) 158 size = string.match( _text, COMPONENT_CONFIG[ FONT_COMPONENT ]["size"] ) 159 160 local element = ccui.RichElementText:create(1, color, 255, content, display.DEFAULT_TTF_FONT, size) 161 self:pushBackElement( element ) 162 end 163 164 function RichText:handleNewLineRender( ... ) 165 local element = ccui.RichElementNewLine:create(1, self.m_color, 255) 166 self:pushBackElement( element ) 167 end
function RichText:handleImgRender( _text )
local src = string.match( _text, COMPONENT_CONFIG[ IMG_COMPONENT ][ "src" ] )
local width = string.match( _text, COMPONENT_CONFIG[ IMG_COMPONENT ][ "width" ] )
local height = string.match( _text, COMPONENT_CONFIG[ IMG_COMPONENT ][ "height" ] )component
-- print( ">>>> handleImgRender: " .. src .. ", w: " .. (width or "") .. ", h: " .. (height or "") )orm
if src and width and height then
local node = display.newNode()
:pos(width/2, height/2)
node:setContentSize( cc.size(width + 5, height) )blog
local element = ccui.RichElementCustomNode:create( 1, self.m_color, 255, node )
self:pushBackElement( element )
168 169 return RichText
self._richText = CustomRichText.new() self._richText:ignoreContentAdaptWithSize( false ) self._richText:setContentSize( cc.size(500, 0) ) self._richText:setAnchorPoint(cc.p(0,0.5)) self._richText:setVerticalSpace( 5 ) self:addChild( self._richText ) local testStr = "這是<font color=GOLD size = 30>金色的</font>字體" self._richText:setText( testStr )
font = {}
font.GOLD = cc.c3b(xxx,xxx,xxx)
%a: 與任何字母配對
%c: 與任何控制符配對(例如\n)
%d: 與任何數字配對
%l: 與任何小寫字母配對
%p: 與任何標點(punctuation)配對
%s: 與空白字符配對
%u: 與任何大寫字母配對
%w: 與任何字母/數字配對
%x: 與任何十六進制數配對
%z: 與任何表明0的字符配對
%x(此處x是非字母非數字字符): 與字符x配對. 主要用來處理表達式中有功能的字符(^$()%.
+:重複一次或屢次 :重複0次或屢次
-:重複0次或屢次 (雖然與*同樣,可是它會匹配最短的字串)
二、Lua的string.find string.match string.sub