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cgminer github代碼: https://github.com/ckolivas/cgminergit
If building on Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install build-essential autoconf automake libtool pkg-config \ libcurl3-dev libudev-dev
sudo apt-get install build-essential autoconf automake libtool pkg-config libcurl3-dev libudev-devgithub
sudo apt-get gitcore 參考http://www.cnblogs.com/cocowool/archive/2010/10/19/1855616.htmlubuntu
git clone https://github.com/ckolivas/cgminer.git api
cd cgminerapp
sh autogen.shcurl
./configure --enable-icarustcp
sudo make install
cgminer -V 查看版本號
cgminer --help
2. 運行cgminer
sudo cgminer -o stratum+tcp://stratum.mining.eligius.st:3334 -u 1E1igiusfEjs1pCaGjEERExE9gYcrFwow7 -p x
a. -S參數錯誤 4.2.3的版本不支持-S參數,應該改成--usb參數
b. --usb :/dev/ttyUSB0 :不能少
c. [2014-04-15 08:54:24] USB init, open device failed, err -3, you don't have privilege to access - AMU device 2:5
[2014-04-15 08:54:24] See README file included for help
[2014-04-15 08:54:24] Icarus detect (2:5) failed to initialise (incorrect device?)
沒有權限 改成sudo運行
d. sudo cgminer -o stratum+tcp://stratum.mining.eligius.st:3334 -u 1E1igiusfEjs1pCaGjEERExE9gYcrFwow7 -p x --icarus-timing 3.0=100 --usb :/dev/ttyUSB0
[2014-04-15 09:00:37] Started cgminer 4.2.3
[2014-04-15 09:00:37] No devices detected!
[2014-04-15 09:00:37] Waiting for USB hotplug devices or press q to quit
[2014-04-15 09:00:37] Probing for an alive pool
提示No device detected
USB init, open device failed, err -3, you don't have privilege to access - AMU device 2:8
google 搜索:
聯想到咱們也須要安裝silabs cp210x的linux驅動
e. 安裝linux驅動的過程
安裝驅動 參考安裝包裏面的安裝說明 CP210x_VCP_Linux_3.x.x_Release_Notes.txt
uname -a 查看當前運行的內核版本號
sudo cgminer -o stratum+tcp://stratum.mining.eligius.st:3334 -u 1E1igiusfEjs1pCaGjEERExE9gYcrFwow7 -p x
[2014-04-15 09:42:46] Started cgminer 4.2.3
[2014-04-15 09:42:47] Probing for an alive pool
[2014-04-15 09:42:52] Pool 0 difficulty changed to 16.0
[2014-04-15 09:42:57] Waiting for work to be available from pools.
[2014-04-15 09:43:47] No servers were found that could be used to get work from.
[2014-04-15 09:43:47] Please check the details from the list below of the servers you have input
[2014-04-15 09:43:47] Most likely you have input the wrong URL, forgotten to add a port, or have not set up workers
[2014-04-15 09:43:47] Pool: 0 URL: stratum+tcp://stratum.mining.eligius.st:3334 User: 1E1igiusfEjs1pCaGjEERExE9gYcrFwow7 Password: x
[2014-04-15 09:43:47] No servers could be used! Exiting.
lin@ubuntu :~/Downloads/Linux_3.x.x_VCP_Driver_Source$
lin@ubuntu :~/Downloads/Linux_3.x.x_VCP_Driver_Source$ sudo cgminer -o stratum+tcp://stratum.mining.eligius.st:3334 -u 1E1igiusfEjs1pCaGjEERExE9gYcrFwow7 -p x
[2014-04-15 09:55:01] Started cgminer 4.2.3
[2014-04-15 09:55:01] Probing for an alive pool
[2014-04-15 09:55:06] Pool 0 difficulty changed to 16.0
[2014-04-15 09:55:07] Network diff set to 6.12G
(5s):535.3M (1m):290.0M (5m):120.8M (15m):47.27M (avg):296.8Mh/s
1. 虛擬機也須要安裝usb轉串口驅動
2. cgminer會自動檢測設備,不用--usb指定
3. sudo 命令運行纔有訪問usb串口設備的權限。
ls: cannot access /dev/*com*: No such file or directory
lin@ubuntu :/$ cgminer --help
cgminer 4.2.3
Built with icarus mining support.
Usage: cgminer [-DElmpPQqUsouOchnV]
Options for both config file and command line:
--anu-freq <arg> Set AntminerU1 frequency in MHz, range 125-500 (default: 1128792064)
--api-allow <arg> Allow API access only to the given list of [G:]IP[/Prefix] addresses[/subnets]
--api-description <arg> Description placed in the API status header, default: cgminer version
--api-groups <arg> API one letter groups G:cmd:cmd[,P:cmd:*...] defining the cmds a groups can use
--api-listen Enable API, default: disabled
--api-mcast Enable API Multicast listener, default: disabled
--api-mcast-addr <arg> API Multicast listen address
--api-mcast-code <arg> Code expected in the API Multicast message, don't use '-'
--api-mcast-des <arg> Description appended to the API Multicast reply, default: ''
--api-mcast-port <arg> API Multicast listen port (default: 4028)
--api-network Allow API (if enabled) to listen on/for any address, default: only
--api-port <arg> Port number of miner API (default: 4028)
--balance Change multipool strategy from failover to even share balance
--benchfile <arg> Run cgminer in benchmark mode using a work file - produces no shares
--benchfile-display Display each benchfile nonce found
--benchmark Run cgminer in benchmark mode - produces no shares
--btc-address <arg> Set bitcoin target address when solo mining to bitcoind (mandatory)
--btc-sig <arg> Set signature to add to coinbase when solo mining (optional)
--debug|-D Enable debug output
--disable-rejecting Automatically disable pools that continually reject shares
--expiry|-E <arg> Upper bound on how many seconds after getting work we consider a share from it stale (default: 120)
--failover-only Don't leak work to backup pools when primary pool is lagging
--fix-protocol Do not redirect to a different getwork protocol (eg. stratum)
--hotplug <arg> Seconds between hotplug checks (0 means never check)
--load-balance Change multipool strategy from failover to quota based balance
--log|-l <arg> Interval in seconds between log output (default: 5)
--lowmem Minimise caching of shares for low memory applications
--monitor|-m <arg> Use custom pipe cmd for output messages
--net-delay Impose small delays in networking to not overload slow routers
--no-submit-stale Don't submit shares if they are detected as stale
--pass|-p <arg> Password for bitcoin JSON-RPC server
--per-device-stats Force verbose mode and output per-device statistics
--protocol-dump|-P Verbose dump of protocol-level activities
--queue|-Q <arg> Maximum number of work items to have queued (default: 9999)
--quiet|-q Disable logging output, display status and errors
--quota|-U <arg> quota;URL combination for server with load-balance strategy quotas
--real-quiet Disable all output
--rotate <arg> Change multipool strategy from failover to regularly rotate at N minutes (default: 0)
--round-robin Change multipool strategy from failover to round robin on failure
--scan-time|-s <arg> Upper bound on time spent scanning current work, in seconds (default: -1)
--sched-start Set a time of day in HH:MM to start mining (a once off without a stop time)
--sched-stop Set a time of day in HH:MM to stop mining (will quit without a start time)
--sharelog Append share log to file
--shares <arg> Quit after mining N shares (default: unlimited)
--socks-proxy <arg> Set socks4 proxy (host:port)
--syslog Use system log for output messages (default: standard error)
--url|-o <arg> URL for bitcoin JSON-RPC server
--usb <arg> USB device selection
--user|-u <arg> Username for bitcoin JSON-RPC server
--userpass|-O <arg> Username:Password pair for bitcoin JSON-RPC server
--verbose Log verbose output to stderr as well as status output
--widescreen Use extra wide display without toggling
--worktime Display extra work time debug information
Options for command line only:
--config|-c <arg> Load a JSON-format configuration file
See example.conf for an example configuration.
--default-config <arg> Specify the filename of the default config file
Loaded at start and used when saving without a name.
--help|-h Print this message
--ndevs|-n Display all USB devices and exit
--version|-V Display version and exit
lin@ubuntu :/$ ls /dev/*USB*
ls: cannot access /dev/*USB*: No such file or directory
lin@ubuntu :/$ ls /dev/*USB*
lin@ubuntu :/$ cgminer -o stratum+tcp://stratum.mining.eligius.st:3334 -u 1E1igiusfEjs1pCaGjEERExE9gYcrFwow7 -p x --icarus-options 115200:1:1 --icarus-timing 3.0=100 -S /dev/ttyUSB0
[2014-04-15 08:41:05] cgminer: -S: unrecognized option
lin@ubuntu :/$ cgminer -o stratum+tcp://stratum.mining.eligius.st:3334 -u 1E1igiusfEjs1pCaGjEERExE9gYcrFwow7 -p x --icarus-options 115200:1:1 --icarus-timing 3.0=100 -usb :/dev/ttyUSB0
[2014-04-15 08:41:20] Unexpected extra commandline arguments
lin@ubuntu :/$
lin@ubuntu :/$ cgminer -o stratum+tcp://stratum.mining.eligius.st:3334 -u 1E1igiusfEjs1pCaGjEERExE9gYcrFwow7 -p x --icarus-options 115200:1:1 --icarus-timing 3.0=100 --usb :/dev/ttyUSB0
[2014-04-15 08:49:56] Started cgminer 4.2.3
[2014-04-15 08:49:56] No devices detected!
[2014-04-15 08:49:56] Waiting for USB hotplug devices or press q to quit
[2014-04-15 08:49:56] Probing for an alive pool
[2014-04-15 08:50:01] Pool 0 difficulty changed to 16.0
[2014-04-15 08:50:57] No servers were found that could be used to get work from.
[2014-04-15 08:50:57] Please check the details from the list below of the servers you have input
[2014-04-15 08:50:57] Most likely you have input the wrong URL, forgotten to add a port, or have not set up workers
[2014-04-15 08:50:57] Pool: 0 URL: stratum+tcp://stratum.mining.eligius.st:3334 User: 1E1igiusfEjs1pCaGjEERExE9gYcrFwow7 Password: x
[2014-04-15 08:50:57] No servers could be used! Exiting.
lin@ubuntu :/$
lin@ubuntu :/$ cgminer -o stratum+tcp://stratum.mining.eligius.st:3334 -u 1E1igiusfEjs1pCaGjEERExE9gYcrFwow7 -p x
[2014-04-15 08:53:51] Started cgminer 4.2.3
[2014-04-15 08:53:52] USB init, open device failed, err -3, you don't have privilege to access - AMU device 2:5
[2014-04-15 08:53:52] See README file included for help
[2014-04-15 08:53:52] Icarus detect (2:5) failed to initialise (incorrect device?)
[2014-04-15 08:53:52] No devices detected!
[2014-04-15 08:53:52] Waiting for USB hotplug devices or press q to quit
[2014-04-15 08:53:52] Probing for an alive pool
[2014-04-15 08:53:56] Pool 0 difficulty changed to 16.0
[2014-04-15 08:53:58] Network diff set to 6.12G
[2014-04-15 08:54:03] USB init, open device failed, err -3, you don't have privilege to access - AMU device 2:5
[2014-04-15 08:54:03] See README file included for help
[2014-04-15 08:54:03] Icarus detect (2:5) failed to initialise (incorrect device?)
[2014-04-15 08:54:07] Network diff set to 6.12G
[2014-04-15 08:54:07] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block
[2014-04-15 08:54:08] USB init, open device failed, err -3, you don't have privilege to access - AMU device 2:5
[2014-04-15 08:54:08] See README file included for help
[2014-04-15 08:54:08] Icarus detect (2:5) failed to initialise (incorrect device?)
[2014-04-15 08:54:13] USB init, open device failed, err -3, you don't have privilege to access - AMU device 2:5
[2014-04-15 08:54:13] See README file included for help
[2014-04-15 08:54:13] Icarus detect (2:5) failed to initialise (incorrect device?)
[2014-04-15 08:54:18] USB init, open device failed, err -3, you don't have privilege to access - AMU device 2:5
[2014-04-15 08:54:18] See README file included for help
[2014-04-15 08:54:18] Icarus detect (2:5) failed to initialise (incorrect device?)
[2014-04-15 08:54:24] USB init, open device failed, err -3, you don't have privilege to access - AMU device 2:5
[2014-04-15 08:54:24] See README file included for help
[2014-04-15 08:54:24] Icarus detect (2:5) failed to initialise (incorrect device?)
^C [2014-04-15 08:54:28] Shutdown signal received.
[2014-04-15 08:54:29]
Summary of runtime statistics:
[2014-04-15 08:54:29] Started at [2014-04-15 08:53:58]
[2014-04-15 08:54:29] Pool: stratum+tcp://stratum.mining.eligius.st:3334
[2014-04-15 08:54:29] Runtime: 0 hrs : 0 mins : 31 secs
[2014-04-15 08:54:29] Average hashrate: 0.0 Mhash/s
[2014-04-15 08:54:29] Solved blocks: 0
[2014-04-15 08:54:29] Best share difficulty: 0
[2014-04-15 08:54:29] Share submissions: 0
[2014-04-15 08:54:29] Accepted shares: 0
[2014-04-15 08:54:29] Rejected shares: 0
[2014-04-15 08:54:29] Accepted difficulty shares: 0
[2014-04-15 08:54:29] Rejected difficulty shares: 0
[2014-04-15 08:54:29] Hardware errors: 0
[2014-04-15 08:54:29] Utility (accepted shares / min): 0.00/min
[2014-04-15 08:54:29] Work Utility (diff1 shares solved / min): 0.00/min
[2014-04-15 08:54:29] Stale submissions discarded due to new blocks: 0
[2014-04-15 08:54:29] Unable to get work from server occasions: 0
[2014-04-15 08:54:29] Work items generated locally: 20
[2014-04-15 08:54:29] Submitting work remotely delay occasions: 0
[2014-04-15 08:54:29] New blocks detected on network: 2
[2014-04-15 08:54:29] Summary of per device statistics:
[2014-04-15 08:54:29]
lin@ubuntu :/$ sudo cgminer -o stratum+tcp://stratum.mining.eligius.st:3334 -u 1E1igiusfEjs1pCaGjEERExE9gYcrFwow7 -p x
[sudo] password for lin:
[2014-04-15 08:54:39] Started cgminer 4.2.3
[2014-04-15 08:54:41] No devices detected!
[2014-04-15 08:54:41] Waiting for USB hotplug devices or press q to quit
[2014-04-15 08:54:41] Probing for an alive pool
[2014-04-15 08:54:45] Pool 0 difficulty changed to 16.0
[2014-04-15 08:54:47] Network diff set to 6.12G
(5s):0.000 (1m):0.000 (5m):0.000 (15m):0.000 (avg):0.000h/s
q5s):0.000 (1m):0.000 (5m):0.000 (15m):0.000 (avg):0.000h/s
^Clin@ubuntu :/$
lin@ubuntu :/$
lin@ubuntu :/$
lin@ubuntu :/$ sudo cgminer -o stratum+tcp://stratum.mining.eligius.st:3334 -u 1E1igiusfEjs1pCaGjEERExE9gYcrFwow7 -p x
[2014-04-15 08:55:48] Started cgminer 4.2.3
[2014-04-15 08:55:48] No devices detected!
[2014-04-15 08:55:48] Waiting for USB hotplug devices or press q to quit
[2014-04-15 08:55:48] Probing for an alive pool
[2014-04-15 08:55:53] Pool 0 difficulty changed to 16.0
[2014-04-15 08:55:54] Network diff set to 6.12G
^Clin@ubuntu :/$ ^C000 (5m):0.000 (15m):0.000 (avg):0.000h/s
lin@ubuntu :/$ sudo cgminer -o stratum+tcp://stratum.mining.eligius.st:3334 -u 1E1igiusfEjs1pCaGjEERExE9gYcrFwow7 -p x
[2014-04-15 08:56:22] Started cgminer 4.2.3
[2014-04-15 08:56:23] No devices detected!
[2014-04-15 08:56:23] Waiting for USB hotplug devices or press q to quit
[2014-04-15 08:56:23] Probing for an alive pool
[2014-04-15 08:56:28] Pool 0 difficulty changed to 16.0
[2014-04-15 08:56:29] Network diff set to 6.12G
^Clin@ubuntu :/$ ^C000 (5m):0.000 (15m):0.000 (avg):0.000h/s
lin@ubuntu :/$ cgminer -o stratum+tcp://stratum.mining.eligius.st:3334 -u 1E1igiusfEjs1pCaGjEERExE9gYcrFwow7 -p x
[2014-04-15 08:56:43] Started cgminer 4.2.3
[2014-04-15 08:56:44] USB init, open device failed, err -3, you don't have privilege to access - AMU device 2:6
[2014-04-15 08:56:44] See README file included for help
[2014-04-15 08:56:44] Icarus detect (2:6) failed to initialise (incorrect device?)
[2014-04-15 08:56:44] No devices detected!
[2014-04-15 08:56:44] Waiting for USB hotplug devices or press q to quit
[2014-04-15 08:56:44] Probing for an alive pool
[2014-04-15 08:56:50] Pool 0 difficulty changed to 16.0
[2014-04-15 08:56:52] Network diff set to 6.12G
[2014-04-15 08:56:57] USB init, open device failed, err -3, you don't have privilege to access - AMU device 2:6
[2014-04-15 08:56:57] See README file included for help
[2014-04-15 08:56:57] Icarus detect (2:6) failed to initialise (incorrect device?)
[2014-04-15 08:57:02] USB init, open device failed, err -3, you don't have privilege to access - AMU device 2:6
[2014-04-15 08:57:02] See README file included for help
[2014-04-15 08:57:02] Icarus detect (2:6) failed to initialise (incorrect device?)
^[ [2014-04-15 08:57:07] USB init, open device failed, err -3, you don't have privilege to access - AMU device 2:6
[2014-04-15 08:57:07] See README file included for help
[2014-04-15 08:57:07] Icarus detect (2:6) failed to initialise (incorrect device?)
[2014-04-15 08:57:12] USB init, open device failed, err -3, you don't have privilege to access - AMU device 2:6
[2014-04-15 08:57:12] See README file included for help
[2014-04-15 08:57:12] Icarus detect (2:6) failed to initialise (incorrect device?)
[2014-04-15 08:57:18] USB init, open device failed, err -3, you don't have privilege to access - AMU device 2:6
[2014-04-15 08:57:18] See README file included for help
[2014-04-15 08:57:18] Icarus detect (2:6) failed to initialise (incorrect device?)
[2014-04-15 08:57:23] USB init, open device failed, err -3, you don't have privilege to access - AMU device 2:6
[2014-04-15 08:57:23] See README file included for help
[2014-04-15 08:57:23] Icarus detect (2:6) failed to initialise (incorrect device?)
[2014-04-15 08:57:28] USB init, open device failed, err -3, you don't have privilege to access - AMU device 2:6
[2014-04-15 08:57:28] See README file included for help
[2014-04-15 08:57:28] Icarus detect (2:6) failed to initialise (incorrect device?)
[2014-04-15 08:57:33] USB init, open device failed, err -3, you don't have privilege to access - AMU device 2:6
[2014-04-15 08:57:33] See README file included for help
[2014-04-15 08:57:33] Icarus detect (2:6) failed to initialise (incorrect device?)
[2014-04-15 08:57:38] USB init, open device failed, err -3, you don't have privilege to access - AMU device 2:6
[2014-04-15 08:57:38] See README file included for help
[2014-04-15 08:57:38] Icarus detect (2:6) failed to initialise (incorrect device?)
[2014-04-15 08:57:44] USB init, open device failed, err -3, you don't have privilege to access - AMU device 2:6
[2014-04-15 08:57:44] See README file included for help
[2014-04-15 08:57:44] Icarus detect (2:6) failed to initialise (incorrect device?)
[2014-04-15 08:57:49] USB init, open device failed, err -3, you don't have privilege to access - AMU device 2:6
[2014-04-15 08:57:49] See README file included for help
[2014-04-15 08:57:49] Icarus detect (2:6) failed to initialise (incorrect device?)
[2014-04-15 08:57:54] USB init, open device failed, err -3, you don't have privilege to access - AMU device 2:6
[2014-04-15 08:57:54] See README file included for help
[2014-04-15 08:57:54] Icarus detect (2:6) failed to initialise (incorrect device?)
[2014-04-15 08:57:59] USB init, open device failed, err -3, you don't have privilege to access - AMU device 2:6
[2014-04-15 08:57:59] See README file included for help
[2014-04-15 08:57:59] Icarus detect (2:6) failed to initialise (incorrect device?)
[2014-04-15 08:58:05] USB init, open device failed, err -3, you don't have privilege to access - AMU device 2:6
[2014-04-15 08:58:05] See README file included for help
[2014-04-15 08:58:05] Icarus detect (2:6) failed to initialise (incorrect device?)
[2014-04-15 08:58:10] USB init, open device failed, err -3, you don't have privilege to access - AMU device 2:6
[2014-04-15 08:58:10] See README file included for help
[2014-04-15 08:58:10] Icarus detect (2:6) failed to initialise (incorrect device?)
[2014-04-15 08:58:15] USB init, open device failed, err -3, you don't have privilege to access - AMU device 2:6
[2014-04-15 08:58:15] See README file included for help
[2014-04-15 08:58:15] Icarus detect (2:6) failed to initialise (incorrect device?)
[2014-04-15 08:58:20] USB init, open device failed, err -3, you don't have privilege to access - AMU device 2:6
[2014-04-15 08:58:20] See README file included for help
[2014-04-15 08:58:20] Icarus detect (2:6) failed to initialise (incorrect device?)
[2014-04-15 08:58:25] USB init, open device failed, err -3, you don't have privilege to access - AMU device 2:6
[2014-04-15 08:58:25] See README file included for help
[2014-04-15 08:58:25] Icarus detect (2:6) failed to initialise (incorrect device?)
[2014-04-15 08:58:31] USB init, open device failed, err -3, you don't have privilege to access - AMU device 2:6
[2014-04-15 08:58:31] See README file included for help
[2014-04-15 08:58:31] Icarus detect (2:6) failed to initialise (incorrect device?)
[2014-04-15 08:58:36] USB init, open device failed, err -3, you don't have privilege to access - AMU device 2:6
[2014-04-15 08:58:36] See README file included for help
[2014-04-15 08:58:36] Icarus detect (2:6) failed to initialise (incorrect device?)
[2014-04-15 08:58:41] USB init, open device failed, err -3, you don't have privilege to access - AMU device 2:6
[2014-04-15 08:58:41] See README file included for help
[2014-04-15 08:58:41] Icarus detect (2:6) failed to initialise (incorrect device?)
[2014-04-15 08:58:46] USB init, open device failed, err -3, you don't have privilege to access - AMU device 2:6
[2014-04-15 08:58:46] See README file included for help
[2014-04-15 08:58:46] Icarus detect (2:6) failed to initialise (incorrect device?)
[2014-04-15 08:58:52] USB init, open device failed, err -3, you don't have privilege to access - AMU device 2:6
[2014-04-15 08:58:52] See README file included for help
[2014-04-15 08:58:52] Icarus detect (2:6) failed to initialise (incorrect device?)
[2014-04-15 08:58:57] USB init, open device failed, err -3, you don't have privilege to access - AMU device 2:6
[2014-04-15 08:58:57] See README file included for help
[2014-04-15 08:58:57] Icarus detect (2:6) failed to initialise (incorrect device?)
[2014-04-15 08:59:02] USB init, open device failed, err -3, you don't have privilege to access - AMU device 2:6
[2014-04-15 08:59:02] See README file included for help
[2014-04-15 08:59:02] Icarus detect (2:6) failed to initialise (incorrect device?)
[2014-04-15 08:59:07] USB init, open device failed, err -3, you don't have privilege to access - AMU device 2:6
[2014-04-15 08:59:07] See README file included for help
[2014-04-15 08:59:07] Icarus detect (2:6) failed to initialise (incorrect device?)
[2014-04-15 08:59:12] USB init, open device failed, err -3, you don't have privilege to access - AMU device 2:6
[2014-04-15 08:59:12] See README file included for help
[2014-04-15 08:59:12] Icarus detect (2:6) failed to initialise (incorrect device?)
[2014-04-15 08:59:18] USB init, open device failed, err -3, you don't have privilege to access - AMU device 2:6
[2014-04-15 08:59:18] See README file included for help
[2014-04-15 08:59:18] Icarus detect (2:6) failed to initialise (incorrect device?)
[2014-04-15 08:59:23] USB init, open device failed, err -3, you don't have privilege to access - AMU device 2:6
[2014-04-15 08:59:23] See README file included for help
[2014-04-15 08:59:23] Icarus detect (2:6) failed to initialise (incorrect device?)
[2014-04-15 08:59:28] USB init, open device failed, err -3, you don't have privilege to access - AMU device 2:6
[2014-04-15 08:59:28] See README file included for help
[2014-04-15 08:59:28] Icarus detect (2:6) failed to initialise (incorrect device?)
[2014-04-15 08:59:33] USB init, open device failed, err -3, you don't have privilege to access - AMU device 2:6
[2014-04-15 08:59:33] See README file included for help
[2014-04-15 08:59:33] Icarus detect (2:6) failed to initialise (incorrect device?)
[2014-04-15 08:59:39] USB init, open device failed, err -3, you don't have privilege to access - AMU device 2:6
[2014-04-15 08:59:39] See README file included for help
[2014-04-15 08:59:39] Icarus detect (2:6) failed to initialise (incorrect device?)
[2014-04-15 08:59:44] USB init, open device failed, err -3, you don't have privilege to access - AMU device 2:6
[2014-04-15 08:59:44] See README file included for help
[2014-04-15 08:59:44] Icarus detect (2:6) failed to initialise (incorrect device?)
[2014-04-15 08:59:49] USB init, open device failed, err -3, you don't have privilege to access - AMU device 2:6
[2014-04-15 08:59:49] See README file included for help
[2014-04-15 08:59:49] Icarus detect (2:6) failed to initialise (incorrect device?)
[2014-04-15 08:59:54] USB init, open device failed, err -3, you don't have privilege to access - AMU device 2:6
[2014-04-15 08:59:54] See README file included for help
[2014-04-15 08:59:54] Icarus detect (2:6) failed to initialise (incorrect device?)
[2014-04-15 08:59:59] USB init, open device failed, err -3, you don't have privilege to access - AMU device 2:6
[2014-04-15 08:59:59] See README file included for help
[2014-04-15 08:59:59] Icarus detect (2:6) failed to initialise (incorrect device?)
q5s):0.000 (1m):0.000 (5m):0.000 (15m):0.000 (avg):0.000h/s
^C [2014-04-15 09:00:06] Shutdown signal received.
[2014-04-15 09:00:07]
Summary of runtime statistics:
[2014-04-15 09:00:07] Started at [2014-04-15 08:56:52]
[2014-04-15 09:00:07] Pool: stratum+tcp://stratum.mining.eligius.st:3334
[2014-04-15 09:00:07] Runtime: 0 hrs : 3 mins : 15 secs
[2014-04-15 09:00:07] Average hashrate: 0.0 Mhash/s
[2014-04-15 09:00:07] Solved blocks: 0
[2014-04-15 09:00:07] Best share difficulty: 0
[2014-04-15 09:00:07] Share submissions: 0
[2014-04-15 09:00:07] Accepted shares: 0
[2014-04-15 09:00:07] Rejected shares: 0
[2014-04-15 09:00:07] Accepted difficulty shares: 0
[2014-04-15 09:00:07] Rejected difficulty shares: 0
[2014-04-15 09:00:07] Hardware errors: 0
[2014-04-15 09:00:07] Utility (accepted shares / min): 0.00/min
[2014-04-15 09:00:07] Work Utility (diff1 shares solved / min): 0.00/min
[2014-04-15 09:00:07] Stale submissions discarded due to new blocks: 0
[2014-04-15 09:00:07] Unable to get work from server occasions: 0
[2014-04-15 09:00:07] Work items generated locally: 102
[2014-04-15 09:00:07] Submitting work remotely delay occasions: 0
[2014-04-15 09:00:07] New blocks detected on network: 1
[2014-04-15 09:00:07] Summary of per device statistics:
[2014-04-15 09:00:07]
lin@ubuntu :/$ sudo cgminer -o stratum+tcp://stratum.mining.eligius.st:3334 -u 1E1igiusfEjs1pCaGjEERExE9gYcrFwow7 -p x --icarus-timing 3.0=100 --usb :/dev/ttyUSB0
[2014-04-15 09:00:37] Started cgminer 4.2.3
[2014-04-15 09:00:37] No devices detected!
[2014-04-15 09:00:37] Waiting for USB hotplug devices or press q to quit
[2014-04-15 09:00:37] Probing for an alive pool
[2014-04-15 09:00:42] Pool 0 difficulty changed to 16.0
[2014-04-15 09:00:43] Network diff set to 6.12G
^Clin@ubuntu :/$ 0.000 (5m):0.000 (15m):0.000 (avg):0.000h/s
lin@ubuntu :/$
lin@ubuntu :/$ cgminer -o stratum+tcp://stratum.mining.eligius.st:3334 -u 1E1igiusfEjs1pCaGjEERExE9gYcrFwow7 -p x --icarus-timing 3.0=100 --usb :/dev/ttyUSB0
[2014-04-15 09:02:20] Started cgminer 4.2.3
[2014-04-15 09:02:20] No devices detected!
[2014-04-15 09:02:20] Waiting for USB hotplug devices or press q to quit
[2014-04-15 09:02:20] Probing for an alive pool
[2014-04-15 09:02:24] Pool 0 difficulty changed to 16.0
[2014-04-15 09:02:26] Network diff set to 6.12G
^C [2014-04-15 09:02:33] Shutdown signal received.
[2014-04-15 09:02:35]
Summary of runtime statistics:
[2014-04-15 09:02:35] Started at [2014-04-15 09:02:26]
[2014-04-15 09:02:35] Pool: stratum+tcp://stratum.mining.eligius.st:3334
[2014-04-15 09:02:35] Runtime: 0 hrs : 0 mins : 9 secs
[2014-04-15 09:02:35] Average hashrate: 0.0 Mhash/s
[2014-04-15 09:02:35] Solved blocks: 0
[2014-04-15 09:02:35] Best share difficulty: 0
[2014-04-15 09:02:35] Share submissions: 0
[2014-04-15 09:02:35] Accepted shares: 0
[2014-04-15 09:02:35] Rejected shares: 0
[2014-04-15 09:02:35] Accepted difficulty shares: 0
[2014-04-15 09:02:35] Rejected difficulty shares: 0
[2014-04-15 09:02:35] Hardware errors: 0
[2014-04-15 09:02:35] Utility (accepted shares / min): 0.00/min
[2014-04-15 09:02:35] Work Utility (diff1 shares solved / min): 0.00/min
[2014-04-15 09:02:35] Stale submissions discarded due to new blocks: 0
[2014-04-15 09:02:35] Unable to get work from server occasions: 0
[2014-04-15 09:02:35] Work items generated locally: 5
[2014-04-15 09:02:35] Submitting work remotely delay occasions: 0
[2014-04-15 09:02:35] New blocks detected on network: 1
[2014-04-15 09:02:35] Summary of per device statistics:
[2014-04-15 09:02:35]
lin@ubuntu :/$ cgminer -o stratum+tcp://stratum.mining.eligius.st:3334 -u 1E1igiusfEjs1pCaGjEERExE9gYcrFwow7 -p x
[2014-04-15 09:02:44] Started cgminer 4.2.3
[2014-04-15 09:02:44] USB init, open device failed, err -3, you don't have privilege to access - AMU device 2:8
[2014-04-15 09:02:44] See README file included for help
[2014-04-15 09:02:44] Icarus detect (2:8) failed to initialise (incorrect device?)
[2014-04-15 09:02:44] No devices detected!
[2014-04-15 09:02:44] Waiting for USB hotplug devices or press q to quit
[2014-04-15 09:02:44] Probing for an alive pool
[2014-04-15 09:02:49] Pool 0 difficulty changed to 16.0
[2014-04-15 09:02:50] Network diff set to 6.12G
[2014-04-15 09:02:55] USB init, open device failed, err -3, you don't have privilege to access - AMU device 2:8
[2014-04-15 09:02:55] See README file included for help
[2014-04-15 09:02:55] Icarus detect (2:8) failed to initialise (incorrect device?)
[2014-04-15 09:03:01] USB init, open device failed, err -3, you don't have privilege to access - AMU device 2:8
[2014-04-15 09:03:01] See README file included for help
[2014-04-15 09:03:01] Icarus detect (2:8) failed to initialise (incorrect device?)
[2014-04-15 09:03:06] USB init, open device failed, err -3, you don't have privilege to access - AMU device 2:8
[2014-04-15 09:03:06] See README file included for help
[2014-04-15 09:03:06] Icarus detect (2:8) failed to initialise (incorrect device?)
[2014-04-15 09:03:11] USB init, open device failed, err -3, you don't have privilege to access - AMU device 2:8
[2014-04-15 09:03:11] See README file included for help
[2014-04-15 09:03:11] Icarus detect (2:8) failed to initialise (incorrect device?)
^C [2014-04-15 09:03:17] Shutdown signal received.
[2014-04-15 09:03:18]
Summary of runtime statistics:
[2014-04-15 09:03:18] Started at [2014-04-15 09:02:50]
[2014-04-15 09:03:18] Pool: stratum+tcp://stratum.mining.eligius.st:3334
[2014-04-15 09:03:18] Runtime: 0 hrs : 0 mins : 27 secs
[2014-04-15 09:03:18] Average hashrate: 0.0 Mhash/s
[2014-04-15 09:03:18] Solved blocks: 0
[2014-04-15 09:03:18] Best share difficulty: 0
[2014-04-15 09:03:18] Share submissions: 0
[2014-04-15 09:03:18] Accepted shares: 0
[2014-04-15 09:03:18] Rejected shares: 0
[2014-04-15 09:03:18] Accepted difficulty shares: 0
[2014-04-15 09:03:18] Rejected difficulty shares: 0
[2014-04-15 09:03:18] Hardware errors: 0
[2014-04-15 09:03:18] Utility (accepted shares / min): 0.00/min
[2014-04-15 09:03:18] Work Utility (diff1 shares solved / min): 0.00/min
[2014-04-15 09:03:18] Stale submissions discarded due to new blocks: 0
[2014-04-15 09:03:18] Unable to get work from server occasions: 0
[2014-04-15 09:03:18] Work items generated locally: 14
[2014-04-15 09:03:18] Submitting work remotely delay occasions: 0
[2014-04-15 09:03:18] New blocks detected on network: 1
[2014-04-15 09:03:18] Summary of per device statistics:
[2014-04-15 09:03:18]
lin@ubuntu :/$ ^C
lin@ubuntu :/$
lin@ubuntu :/$
lin@ubuntu :/$ cd ~
lin@ubuntu :~$ dir
cgminer Desktop Documents Downloads examples.desktop Music Pictures Public Templates Videos
lin@ubuntu :~$ cd Do
Documents/ Downloads/
lin@ubuntu :~$ cd Do
Documents/ Downloads/
lin@ubuntu :~$ cd Downloads/
lin@ubuntu :~/Downloads$ dir
Linux_3.x.x_VCP_Driver_Source Linux_3.x.x_VCP_Driver_Source.zip
lin@ubuntu :~/Downloads$ cd Linux_3.x.x_VCP_Driver_Source/
lin@ubuntu :~/Downloads/Linux_3.x.x_VCP_Driver_Source$ dir
cp210x.c cp210x_gpio_example.c CP210x_VCP_Linux_3.x.x_Release_Notes.txt Makefile
lin@ubuntu :~/Downloads/Linux_3.x.x_VCP_Driver_Source$ make
make -C /lib/modules/3.2.0-60-generic-pae/build M=/home/lin/Downloads/Linux_3.x.x_VCP_Driver_Source modules
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-3.2.0-60-generic-pae'
CC [M] /home/lin/Downloads/Linux_3.x.x_VCP_Driver_Source/cp210x.o
Building modules, stage 2.
MODPOST 1 modules
CC /home/lin/Downloads/Linux_3.x.x_VCP_Driver_Source/cp210x.mod.o
LD [M] /home/lin/Downloads/Linux_3.x.x_VCP_Driver_Source/cp210x.ko
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-3.2.0-60-generic-pae'
lin@ubuntu :~/Downloads/Linux_3.x.x_VCP_Driver_Source$
lin@ubuntu :~/Downloads/Linux_3.x.x_VCP_Driver_Source$
lin@ubuntu :~/Downloads/Linux_3.x.x_VCP_Driver_Source$ sudo make install
make: *** No rule to make target `install'. Stop.
lin@ubuntu :~/Downloads/Linux_3.x.x_VCP_Driver_Source$ grep cp210x.o
lin@ubuntu :~/Downloads/Linux_3.x.x_VCP_Driver_Source$
lin@ubuntu :~/Downloads/Linux_3.x.x_VCP_Driver_Source$ sudo make
make -C /lib/modules/3.2.0-60-generic-pae/build M= modules
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-3.2.0-60-generic-pae'
HOSTCC scripts/basic/fixdep
HOSTCC scripts/kconfig/conf.o
HOSTCC scripts/kconfig/zconf.tab.o
HOSTLD scripts/kconfig/conf
scripts/kconfig/conf --silentoldconfig Kconfig
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-3.2.0-60-generic-pae'
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-3.2.0-60-generic-pae'
make[2]: *** No rule to make target `arch/x86/tools/relocs.c', needed by `arch/x86/tools/relocs'. Stop.
make[1]: *** [archscripts] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-3.2.0-60-generic-pae'
make: *** [all] Error 2
lin@ubuntu :~/Downloads/Linux_3.x.x_VCP_Driver_Source$ make
make -C /lib/modules/3.2.0-60-generic-pae/build M=/home/lin/Downloads/Linux_3.x.x_VCP_Driver_Source modules
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-3.2.0-60-generic-pae'
Building modules, stage 2.
MODPOST 1 modules
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-3.2.0-60-generic-pae'
lin@ubuntu :~/Downloads/Linux_3.x.x_VCP_Driver_Source$ dir
cp210x.c cp210x_gpio_example.c cp210x.ko cp210x.mod.c cp210x.mod.o cp210x.o CP210x_VCP_Linux_3.x.x_Release_Notes.txt Makefile modules.order Module.symvers
lin@ubuntu :~/Downloads/Linux_3.x.x_VCP_Driver_Source$ gedit CP210x_VCP_Linux_3.x.x_Release_Notes.txt
lin@ubuntu :~/Downloads/Linux_3.x.x_VCP_Driver_Source$
lin@ubuntu :~/Downloads/Linux_3.x.x_VCP_Driver_Source$
lin@ubuntu :~/Downloads/Linux_3.x.x_VCP_Driver_Source$ ls /dev/*USB*
lin@ubuntu :~/Downloads/Linux_3.x.x_VCP_Driver_Source$ cgminer -o stratum+tcp://stratum.mining.eligius.st:3334 -u 1E1igiusfEjs1pCaGjEERExE9gYcrFwow7 -p x
[2014-04-15 09:41:40] Started cgminer 4.2.3
[2014-04-15 09:41:41] USB init, open device failed, err -3, you don't have privilege to access - AMU device 2:8
[2014-04-15 09:41:41] See README file included for help
[2014-04-15 09:41:41] Icarus detect (2:8) failed to initialise (incorrect device?)
[2014-04-15 09:41:41] No devices detected!
[2014-04-15 09:41:41] Waiting for USB hotplug devices or press q to quit
[2014-04-15 09:41:41] Probing for an alive pool
[2014-04-15 09:41:45] Pool 0 difficulty changed to 16.0
^C [2014-04-15 09:41:49] Shutdown signal received.
lin@ubuntu :~/Downloads/Linux_3.x.x_VCP_Driver_Source$ sudo root
[sudo] password for lin:
sudo: root: command not found
lin@ubuntu :~/Downloads/Linux_3.x.x_VCP_Driver_Source$
lin@ubuntu :~/Downloads/Linux_3.x.x_VCP_Driver_Source$ su
su: Authentication failure
lin@ubuntu :~/Downloads/Linux_3.x.x_VCP_Driver_Source$
lin@ubuntu :~/Downloads/Linux_3.x.x_VCP_Driver_Source$ su
su: Authentication failure
lin@ubuntu :~/Downloads/Linux_3.x.x_VCP_Driver_Source$ sudo cgminer -o stratum+tcp://stratum.mining.eligius.st:3334 -u 1E1igiusfEjs1pCaGjEERExE9gYcrFwow7 -p x
[2014-04-15 09:42:46] Started cgminer 4.2.3
[2014-04-15 09:42:47] Probing for an alive pool
[2014-04-15 09:42:52] Pool 0 difficulty changed to 16.0
[2014-04-15 09:42:57] Waiting for work to be available from pools.
[2014-04-15 09:43:47] No servers were found that could be used to get work from.
[2014-04-15 09:43:47] Please check the details from the list below of the servers you have input
[2014-04-15 09:43:47] Most likely you have input the wrong URL, forgotten to add a port, or have not set up workers
[2014-04-15 09:43:47] Pool: 0 URL: stratum+tcp://stratum.mining.eligius.st:3334 User: 1E1igiusfEjs1pCaGjEERExE9gYcrFwow7 Password: x
[2014-04-15 09:43:47] No servers could be used! Exiting.
lin@ubuntu :~/Downloads/Linux_3.x.x_VCP_Driver_Source$
lin@ubuntu :~/Downloads/Linux_3.x.x_VCP_Driver_Source$ sudo cgminer -o stratum+tcp://stratum.mining.eligius.st:3334 -u 1E1igiusfEjs1pCaGjEERExE9gYcrFwow7 -p x [2014-04-15 09:55:01] Started cgminer 4.2.3 [2014-04-15 09:55:01] Probing for an alive pool [2014-04-15 09:55:06] Pool 0 difficulty changed to 16.0 [2014-04-15 09:55:07] Network diff set to 6.12G (5s):535.3M (1m):290.0M (5m):120.8M (15m):47.27M (avg):296.8Mh/s