好久之前ubuntu上裝ldoce5,裝上以後發現沒聲音,在win7上裝就有聲音。沒搜到解決辦法也就沒管了。後來改用OpenSUSE,裝上ldoce5發現也沒有聲音。OpenSUSE上還出現不少視頻播放器都沒有聲音的問題,mplayer系列的播放器都放不出聲音,只有realplayer和VLC有聲音。 linux
此次又在Ubuntu上裝ldoce5,也沒聲音,原本不報任何但願的搜了一下,結果找到了解決辦法。在這裏mark一下。 ubuntu
第一,安裝alsa-oss包(sudo apt-get install alsa-oss)。
第二,以"aoss /XX/ldoce5" 命令啓動longman dictionnary,能夠發聲了。
問題緣由分析: 應該是聲卡驅動支持方面的問題。linux下聲卡驅動主要是ALSA(Advance Linux Sound Architecture)和OSS(Open Sound System)兩種。
This package contains a program loader, aoss, which wraps applications written for OSS in a compatibility library, thus allowing them to work with ALSA.
There are two ways of getting an application to work with ALSA if the application was written for OSS. The first way is to load the special ALSA drivers that emulate the OSS kernel interface; these allow the application to open /dev/dsp0 and other OSS device files. The second way is to wrap the application in the libaoss library provided in this package; the wrapper causes the application to access native ALSA device files such as /dev/snd/pcmC0D0c instead of OSS device files.
Use of the alsa-oss library is recommended over the use of OSS-emulation drivers if you want to use ALSA's PCM plugin layer.
ALSA is the Advanced Linux Sound Architecture.
OSS is the free version of the Open Sound System.
總的來講,這個包的功能就是讓一個基於OSS驅動的程序能運行在ALSA驅動上。 app