Ubuntu12.10(X86_64)上安裝Mesa-8.0.4 因爲最近項目須要接觸OpenGL,實現軟件渲染,Mesa則是OpenGL的開源實現。網址:www.mesa3d.org 1. 下載MesaLib-8.0.4.tar.gz,mesa-demos-8.0.1.tar.gz; 並解壓 2. 安裝Meas-8.0.4 1> ./configure, error:makedepend is required to build Mesa sudo apt-get install xutils-dev 2> ./configure, error: flex is needed to build Mesa sudo apt-get install flex 3> ./configure, error: bison is needed to build Mesa sudo apt-get install bison 4> ./configure, error: X11 development libraries needed for GLX sudo apt-get install xorg-dev 5> ./configure, error: Direct rendering requries libdrm>= 2.4.24 下載libdrm-2.4.33.tar.bz2,解壓,安裝 6> ./configure, configure: error: Package requirements (x11 xext xdamage xfixes x11-xcb xcb-glx xxf86vm) were not met: No package 'x11-xcb' found No package 'xcb-glx' found No package 'xcb-xlib' found sudo apt-get install libx11-xcb-dev libxcb-glx0 libxcb-glx0-dev libxcb-xfixes0-dev 7> ./configure, No package 'libdrm_nouveau' found 這個問題比較鬱悶,在32位的ubuntu應該是經過vmware tools能夠安裝驅動Gallium 0.4 on llvmpipe(LLVM 0x300),不知爲什麼64位不行(不是很肯定?) 這時候須要咱們加兩個參數:./configure NOUVEAU_CFLAGS=disable NOUVEAU_LIBS=disable (反正咱們只須要軟件模擬) 從新configure,又出現如下錯誤 configure: error: LLVM is required to build Gallium R300 on x86 and x86_64 sudo apt-get install llvm 8> ./configure NOUVEAU_CFLAGS=disable NOUVEAU_LIBS=disable 總算經過了,太不容易了! 3. make Error:g++ command not found 這個好說:sudo apt-get install g++ 仍是不行,若是使用make的話,他會調用全部的makefile編譯mesa下的全部文件,固然也能夠來修改makefile文件 不過這個我暫時還不太會,只能回到2.7,想辦法用./configure不加參數的方式讓其徹底經過 sudo apt-get install libdrm-dev 原來仍是少庫,這下./configure所有搞定了 4. make install 進入到mesa-demos-8.0.1目錄(目前demo目錄下只有兩個版本,這個最新版本) 執行: ./configure ; make; make install 很不幸,又遇到錯誤「error: GLEW required」 sudo apt-get install libglewmx1.6-dev 總算是搞定了!