SSM+shiro+redis 作分佈式項目時,在生產環境中遇到 org.apache.shiro.session.UnknownSessionException: There is no session with idweb
(1):shiro的JSESSIONID 與Tomcat 、Jetty默認的JSESSIONID 衝突了。這時候須要改一下shiro對應的JSESSIONID:apache
<bean id="sessionManager" class="org.apache.shiro.web.session.mgt.DefaultWebSessionManager"> <property name="sessionDAO" ref="redisSessionService" /> <property name="sessionIdCookie" ref="sessionIdCookie"/> <property name="sessionValidationInterval" value="3600000"/> <!-- 相隔多久檢查一次session的有效性 --> <property name="globalSessionTimeout" value="3600000"/> <!-- session 有效時間爲半小時 (毫秒單位)--> </bean> <!--設置cookie--> <!-- 會話Cookie模板 --> <bean id="sessionIdCookie" class="org.apache.shiro.web.servlet.SimpleCookie"> <constructor-arg value="sid"/> <!--設置Cookie名字,默認爲JSESSIONID--> <property name="name" value="shiroUserid" /> <property name="path" value="/"/> </bean>
(2)排查redis的配置的maxmemory 是否設置有誤:cookie
# NOTE: since Redis uses the system paging file to allocate the heap memory, # the Working Set memory usage showed by the Windows Task Manager or by other # tools such as ProcessExplorer will not always be accurate. For example, right # after a background save of the RDB or the AOF files, the working set value # may drop significantly. In order to check the correct amount of memory used # by the redis-server to store the data, use the INFO client command. The INFO # command shows only the memory used to store the redis data, not the extra # memory used by the Windows process for its own requirements. Th3 extra amount # of memory not reported by the INFO command can be calculated subtracting the # Peak Working Set reported by the Windows Task Manager and the used_memory_peak # reported by the INFO command. # # maxmemory <bytes> maxmemory 6000000000
個人生產環境是window Server 32G 的。原先配置的是32G的3/4 但這樣設置每過一段時間就出現這樣的bug。我假設內存是8G,配置了8G的3/4。就解決這個問題了session