Guava是對Java API的補充,對Java開發中經常使用功能進行更優雅的實現,使得編碼更加輕鬆,代碼容易理解。Guava使用了多種設計模式,同時通過了不少測試,獲得了愈來愈多開發團隊的青睞。Java最新版本的API採納了Guava的部分功能,但依舊沒法替代。本文以Getting Started With Google Guava原文爲學習材料,對Guava中經常使用的API進行學習,儘可能覆蓋比較有用的API,包括字符串處理,集合類處理,文件IO處理等。html
2.1 鏈接多個字符串並追加到StringBuilderjava
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder("hello"); // 字符串鏈接器,以|爲分隔符,同時去掉null元素 Joiner joiner = Joiner.on("|").skipNulls(); // 構成一個字符串foo|bar|baz並添加到stringBuilder stringBuilder = joiner.appendTo(stringBuilder, "foo", "bar", null, "baz"); System.out.println(stringBuilder); // hellofoo|bar|baz
2.2 鏈接List元素並寫到文件流設計模式
FileWriter fileWriter = null; try { fileWriter = new FileWriter(new File("c:/tmp.txt")); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); } List<Date> dateList = new ArrayList<Date>(); dateList.add(new Date()); dateList.add(null); dateList.add(new Date()); // 構造鏈接器:若是有null元素,替換爲no string Joiner joiner = Joiner.on("#").useForNull("no string"); try { // 將list的元素的tostring()寫到fileWriter,是否覆蓋取決於fileWriter的打開方式,默認是覆蓋,如有true,則是追加 joiner.appendTo(fileWriter, dateList); // 必須添加close(),不然不會寫文件 fileWriter.close(); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); }
Wed Apr 14 21:28:24 CST 2021#no string#Wed Apr 14 21:28:24 CST 2021數組
2.3 將Map轉化爲字符串app
Map<String, String> testMap = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); testMap.put("Cookies", "12332"); testMap.put("Content-Length", "30000"); testMap.put("Date", "2016.12.16"); testMap.put("Mime", "text/html"); // 用:分割鍵值對,並用#分割每一個元素,返回字符串 String returnedString = Joiner.on("#").withKeyValueSeparator(":").join(testMap); System.out.println(returnedString); // Cookies:12332#Content-Length:30000#Date:2016.12.16#Mime:text/html
3.1 將字符串分割爲Iterableless
// 分割符爲|,並去掉獲得元素的先後空白 Splitter sp = Splitter.on("|").trimResults(); String str = "hello | world | your | Name "; Iterable<String> ss = sp.split(str); for(String it : ss){ System.out.println(it); }
Name ide
3.2 將字符串轉化爲Map函數
// 內部類的引用,獲得分割器,將字符串解析爲map String returnedString = "Cookies:12332#Content-Length:30000#Date:2016.12.16#Mime:text/html"; Splitter.MapSplitter ms = Splitter.on("#").withKeyValueSeparator(':'); Map<String, String> ret = ms.split(returnedString); for(String it2 : ret.keySet()){ System.out.println(it2 + " -> " + ret.get(it2)); }
Cookies -> 12332
Content-Length -> 30000
Date -> 2016.12.16
Mime -> text/html工具
System.out.println(Strings.isNullOrEmpty("")); // true System.out.println(Strings.isNullOrEmpty(null)); // true System.out.println(Strings.isNullOrEmpty("hello")); // false // 將null轉化爲"" System.out.println(Strings.nullToEmpty(null)); // "" // 從尾部不斷補充T只到總共8個字符,若是源字符串已經達到或操做,則原樣返回。相似的有padStart System.out.println(Strings.padEnd("hello", 8, 'T')); // helloTTT
5.1 空白一一替換學習
// 空白回車換行對應換成一個#,一對一換 String stringWithLinebreaks = "hello world\r\r\ryou are here\n\ntake it\t\t\teasy"; String s6 = CharMatcher.BREAKING_WHITESPACE.replaceFrom(stringWithLinebreaks,'#'); System.out.println(s6); // hello#world###you#are#here##take#it###easy
5.2 連續空白縮成一個字符
// 將全部連在一塊兒的空白回車換行字符換成一個#,倒塌 String tabString = " hello \n\t\tworld you\r\nare here "; String tabRet = CharMatcher.WHITESPACE.collapseFrom(tabString, '#'); System.out.println(tabRet); // #hello#world#you#are#here#
5.3 去掉先後空白和縮成一個字符
// 在前面的基礎上去掉字符串的先後空白,並將空白換成一個# String tabString = "#hello#world#you#are#here#"; String trimRet = CharMatcher.WHITESPACE.trimAndCollapseFrom(tabString, '#'); System.out.println(trimRet);// hello#world#you#are#here
5.4 保留數字
String letterAndNumber = "1234abcdABCD56789"; // 保留數字 String number = CharMatcher.JAVA_DIGIT.retainFrom(letterAndNumber); System.out.println(number);// 123456789
// 檢查是否爲null,null將拋出異常IllegalArgumentException,且第二個參數爲錯誤消息。 String trimRet = null; Preconditions.checkNotNull(trimRet, "label can not be null"); int data = 10; Preconditions.checkArgument(data < 100, "data must be less than 100");
7.1 Objects的toStringHelper和hashCode方法
class Book implements Comparable<Book>{ private String author; private String title; private String publisher; private String isbn; private double price; public String getAuthor() { return author; } public void setAuthor(String author) { = author; } public String getTitle() { return title; } public void setTitle(String title) { this.title = title; } public String getPublisher() { return publisher; } public void setPublisher(String publisher) { this.publisher = publisher; } public String getIsbn() { return isbn; } public void setIsbn(String isbn) { this.isbn = isbn; } public double getPrice() { return price; } public void setPrice(double price) { this.price = price; } // 定義第一二關鍵字 @Override public int compareTo(Book o) { return ComparisonChain.start().compare(this.title, o.title).compare(this.isbn, o.isbn).result(); } public String toString(){ return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(this).omitNullValues().add("author", author).add("title", title) .add("publisher", publisher).add("isbn", isbn).add("price", price).toString(); } public int hashCode(){ return Objects.hashCode(author, title, publisher, isbn, price); } }
// Book用Objects的相關方法簡化toString(),hashCode()的實現。 // 用ComparisonChain簡化compareTo()(Comparable接口)方法的實現。 Book book1 = new Book(); book1.setAuthor("Tom"); book1.setTitle("Children King"); book1.setIsbn("11341332443"); System.out.println(book1); System.out.println(book1.hashCode()); Book book2 = new Book(); book2.setAuthor("Amy"); book2.setTitle("Children King"); book2.setIsbn("111"); System.out.println(book2); System.out.println(book2.hashCode()); System.out.println(book1.compareTo(book2));
Book{author=Tom, title=Children King, isbn=11341332443, price=0.0}
Book{author=Amy, title=Children King, isbn=111, price=0.0}
7.2 Objects的firstNonNull方法
// 若是第一個爲空,則返回第二個,同時爲null,將拋出NullPointerException異常 String someString = null; String value = MoreObjects.firstNonNull(someString, "default value"); System.out.println(value); // deafult value
8.1 使用Predicate總體過濾
class Person{ private String name; private String sex; private int age; public Person(String name, int age, String sex){ = name; = sex; this.age = age; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { = name; } public String getSex() { return sex; } public void setSex(String sex) { = sex; } public int getAge() { return age; } public void setAge(int age) { this.age = age; } @Override public String toString() { return "Person{" + "name='" + name + '\'' + ", sex='" + sex + '\'' + ", age=" + age + '}'; } }
Person person1 = new Person("Wilma", 30, "F"); Person person2 = new Person("Fred", 32, "M"); Person person3 = new Person("Betty", 32, "F"); Person person4 = new Person("Barney", 33, "M"); List<Person> personList = Lists.newArrayList(person1, person2, person3, person4); // 過濾年齡大於等於32的person Iterable<Person> personsFilteredByAge = FluentIterable.from(personList).filter(new Predicate<Person>() { @Override public boolean apply(Person input) { return input.getAge() > 31; } }); // Iterable有一個iterator方法,集合類都有一個Iterator方法 for(Iterator<Person> it = personsFilteredByAge.iterator(); it.hasNext();){ System.out.println(; } System.out.println(Iterables.contains(personsFilteredByAge, person2));
Person{name='Fred', sex='M', age=32}
Person{name='Betty', sex='F', age=32}
Person{name='Barney', sex='M', age=33}
8.2 使用Function總體替換,將List<Person>轉化爲List<String>
Person person1 = new Person("Wilma", 30, "F"); Person person2 = new Person("Fred", 32, "M"); Person person3 = new Person("Betty", 32, "F"); Person person4 = new Person("Barney", 33, "M"); List<Person> personList = Lists.newArrayList(person1, person2, person3, person4); // 將List<Person> 轉化爲 List<String>,數據源爲personList。總體迭代。 List<String> transformPersonList = FluentIterable.from(personList).transform( new Function<Person, String>(){ @Override public String apply(Person person) { // 不定參數,返回String類型 return Joiner.on("#").join(person.getName(), person.getSex(), person.getAge()); } } ).toList(); for(int i = 0; i < transformPersonList.size(); i++){ System.out.println(transformPersonList.get(i)); }
9.1 集合差
// s1 - s2 Set<String> s1 = Sets.newHashSet("1", "2", "3", "4"); Set<String> s2 = Sets.newHashSet("2", "3", "4", "5"); // 獲得第一個集合中有而第二個集合沒有的字符串 Sets.SetView res = Sets.difference(s1, s2); for(Iterator<String> it = res.iterator(); it.hasNext();){ System.out.println(; // 1 }
9.2 集合對稱差
Set<String> s1 = Sets.newHashSet("1", "2", "3", "4"); Set<String> s2 = Sets.newHashSet("2", "3", "4", "5"); Sets.SetView res2 = Sets.symmetricDifference(s1, s2); for(Object it14 : res2){ System.out.println(it14); // 1 5 }
9.3 集合交
Set<String> s1 = Sets.newHashSet("1", "2", "3", "4"); Set<String> s2 = Sets.newHashSet("2", "3", "4", "5"); // s1和s2的交集 Sets.SetView<String> res3 = Sets.intersection(s1, s2); for(String it14 : res3){ System.out.println(it14); // 2 3 4 }
9.4 集合並
Set<String> s1 = Sets.newHashSet("1", "2", "3", "4"); Set<String> s2 = Sets.newHashSet("2", "3", "4", "5"); // 合併s1和s2 Sets.SetView<String> res4 = Sets.union(s1, s2); for(String it14 : res4){ System.out.println(it14); // 1 2 3 4 5 }
10.1 利用Functions將Map轉化爲Function
Person person1 = new Person("Wilma", 30, "F"); Person person2 = new Person("Fred", 32, "M"); Person person3 = new Person("Betty", 32, "F"); Person person4 = new Person("Barney", 33, "M"); Map<String, Person> mp = Maps.newHashMap(); mp.put(person1.getName(), person1); mp.put(person2.getName(), person2); mp.put(person3.getName(), person3); mp.put(person4.getName(), person4); // 將map轉化爲Function,Function的功能是將一個類型轉化爲另外一個類型 Function<String, Person> lookup = Functions.forMap(mp); // 若是鍵值不存在,則會拋出異常。lookup內部已經有元素 Person tmp = lookup.apply("Betty"); System.out.println(tmp == person3); // true
10.2 Predicate單個判斷
Person person1 = new Person("Wilma", 30, "F"); Person person2 = new Person("Fred", 32, "M"); Person person3 = new Person("Betty", 32, "F"); Person person4 = new Person("Barney", 33, "M"); Predicate<Person> agePre = new Predicate<Person>(){ @Override public boolean apply(Person person) { return person.getAge() < 32; } }; Predicate<Person> namePre = new Predicate<Person>(){ @Override public boolean apply(Person person) { return person.getName().equals("Betty"); } }; // 判斷是否符合條件 System.out.println(agePre.apply(person2)); // false System.out.println(agePre.apply(person3)); // false System.out.println(namePre.apply(person2)); // false System.out.println(namePre.apply(person3)); // true
10.3 Predicates的and運算
Person person1 = new Person("Wilma", 30, "F"); Person person2 = new Person("Fred", 32, "M"); Person person3 = new Person("Betty", 32, "F"); Person person4 = new Person("Barney", 33, "M"); Predicate<Person> agePre = new Predicate<Person>(){ @Override public boolean apply(Person person) { return person.getAge() < 32; } }; Predicate<Person> namePre = new Predicate<Person>(){ @Override public boolean apply(Person person) { return person.getName().equals("Betty"); } }; // 利用Predicates工具類,同時知足兩個條件成一個predicate Predicate<Person> both = Predicates.and(agePre, namePre); System.out.println(both.apply(person1)); // false System.out.println(both.apply(person3)); // false
10.4 Predicates的or運算
Person person1 = new Person("Wilma", 30, "F"); Person person2 = new Person("Fred", 32, "M"); Person person3 = new Person("Betty", 32, "F"); Person person4 = new Person("Barney", 33, "M"); Predicate<Person> agePre = new Predicate<Person>(){ @Override public boolean apply(Person person) { return person.getAge() < 32; } }; Predicate<Person> namePre = new Predicate<Person>(){ @Override public boolean apply(Person person) { return person.getName().equals("Betty"); } }; // 至少一個知足組成一個Predicate Predicate<Person> orPre = Predicates.or(agePre, namePre); System.out.println(orPre.apply(person2)); // false
10.5 Predicates的compose運算
Person person1 = new Person("Wilma", 30, "F"); Person person2 = new Person("Fred", 32, "M"); Person person3 = new Person("Betty", 32, "F"); Person person4 = new Person("Barney", 33, "M"); Map<String, Person> mp = Maps.newHashMap(); mp.put(person1.getName(), person1); mp.put(person2.getName(), person2); mp.put(person3.getName(), person3); mp.put(person4.getName(), person4); Predicate<Person> agePre = new Predicate<Person>(){ @Override public boolean apply(Person person) { return person.getAge() < 32; } }; Predicate<Person> namePre = new Predicate<Person>(){ @Override public boolean apply(Person person) { return person.getName().equals("Betty"); } }; // 經過鍵name得到值Person,而後檢查Person的age < 32,即agepre.apply(lookup.apply(name)) == true? // lookup內部已經有集合 Function<String, Person> lookup = Functions.forMap(mp); Predicate<String> two = Predicates.compose(agePre, lookup); System.out.println(two.apply("Wilma")); // true
Person person1 = new Person("Wilma", 30, "F"); Person person2 = new Person("Fred", 32, "M"); Person person3 = new Person("Betty", 32, "F"); Person person4 = new Person("Barney", 33, "M"); List<Person> personList = Lists.newArrayList(person1, person2, person3, person4); // 將List<Person> 轉化爲Map<String, Person>,其中鍵值對是 -> Person Map<String, Person> myMp = Maps.uniqueIndex(personList, new Function<Person, String>(){ // name做爲person的鍵 @Override public String apply(Person person) { return person.getName(); } }); for(String name : myMp.keySet()){ System.out.println(myMp.get(name)); }
Person{name='Wilma', sex='F', age=30}
Person{name='Fred', sex='M', age=32}
Person{name='Betty', sex='F', age=32}
Person{name='Barney', sex='M', age=33}
12.1 數組存儲多值類ArrayListMultimap
// 用ArrayList保存,一鍵多值,值不會被覆蓋 ArrayListMultimap<String, String> multimap = ArrayListMultimap.create(); multimap.put("foo", "1"); multimap.put("foo", "2"); multimap.put("foo", "3"); multimap.put("bar", "a"); multimap.put("bar", "a"); multimap.put("bar", "b"); for(String it20 : multimap.keySet()){ // 返回類型List<String> System.out.println(it20 + " : " + multimap.get(it20)); } // 返回全部ArrayList的元素個數的和 System.out.println(multimap.size());
bar : [a, a, b]
foo : [1, 2, 3]
12.2 HashTable存儲多值類 HashMultimap
//這裏採用HashTable保存 HashMultimap<String, String> hashMultimap = HashMultimap.create(); hashMultimap.put("foo", "1"); hashMultimap.put("foo", "2"); hashMultimap.put("foo", "3"); // 重複的鍵值對值保留一個 hashMultimap.put("bar", "a"); hashMultimap.put("bar", "a"); hashMultimap.put("bar", "b"); for(String it20 : hashMultimap.keySet()){ // 返回類型List<String> System.out.println(it20 + " : " + hashMultimap.get(it20)); } // 5 System.out.println(hashMultimap.size());
bar : [a, b]
foo : [1, 2, 3]
13.1 兩個鍵操做
// 兩個鍵row key和column key,其實就是map中map, map<Integer, map<Integer, String> > mp HashBasedTable<Integer, Integer, String> table = HashBasedTable.create(); table.put(1, 1, "book"); table.put(1, 2, "turkey"); table.put(2, 2, "apple"); System.out.println(table.get(1, 1)); // book System.out.println(table.contains(2, 3)); // false System.out.println(table.containsRow(2)); // true table.remove(2, 2); System.out.println(table.get(2, 2)); // null
13.2 獲取一個Map
// 兩個鍵row key和column key,其實就是map中map, map<Integer, map<Integer, String> > mp HashBasedTable<Integer, Integer, String> table = HashBasedTable.create(); table.put(1, 1, "book"); table.put(1, 2, "turkey"); table.put(2, 2, "apple"); // 獲取單獨的一個map Map<Integer, String> row = table.row(1); Map<Integer, String> column = table.column(2); System.out.println(row.get(1)); // book System.out.println(column.get(1)); // turkey System.out.println(column.get(2)); // turkey
14.1 value不能夠有相同的key
BiMap<String, String> biMap = HashBiMap.create(); // value能夠做爲Key,即value不能夠有多個對應的值 biMap.put("hello", "world"); biMap.put("123", "tell"); biMap.put("123", "none"); // 覆蓋tell // biMap.put("abc", "world"); // 失敗 // 下面是強制替換第一對 biMap.forcePut("abc", "world"); System.out.println(biMap.size()); // 2 System.out.println(biMap.get("hello"));// null System.out.println(biMap.get("abc")); // world System.out.println(biMap.get("123")); // none
14.2 鍵值對互換獲得新的BiMap
BiMap<String, String> biMap = HashBiMap.create(); // value能夠做爲Key,即value不能夠有多個對應的值 biMap.put("hello", "world"); biMap.put("123", "tell"); biMap.put("123", "none"); // 覆蓋tell // biMap.put("abc", "world"); // 失敗 // 下面是強制替換第一對 biMap.forcePut("abc", "world"); // 鍵值對互換 BiMap<String, String> inverseMap = biMap.inverse(); System.out.println(inverseMap.get("world")); // abc System.out.println(inverseMap.get("tell")); // null System.out.println(inverseMap.get(null)); // null
// 不可變的集合,都有一個Builder內部類。不能夠修改和添加 Multimap<Integer, String> map = new ImmutableListMultimap.Builder<Integer, String>().put(1, "hello") .putAll(2, "abc", "log", "in").putAll(3, "get", "up").build(); System.out.println(map.get(2)); // [abc, log, in]
// 閉區間 Range<Integer> closedRange = Range.closed(30, 33); System.out.println(closedRange.contains(30)); // true System.out.println(closedRange.contains(33)); // true // 開區間 Range<Integer> openRange =, 33); System.out.println(openRange.contains(30)); // false System.out.println(openRange.contains(33)); // false Function<Person, Integer> ageFunction = new Function<Person, Integer>(){ @Override public Integer apply(Person person) { return person.getAge(); } }; Person person1 = new Person("Wilma", 30, "F"); // Range實現了Predicate接口,這裏的第一個參數是Predicate,第二個參數是Function // ageFunction必須返回整數 Predicate<Person> agePredicate = Predicates.compose(closedRange, ageFunction); System.out.println(agePredicate.apply(person1)); // person1.age == 30 true
17.1 逆置比較器
// 自定義比較器,嵌入式的比較器,匿名類。注意這裏有兩個person參數,與Comparable的區別 Comparator<Person> ageCmp = new Comparator<Person>(){ // Ints是Guava提供的,遞增 @Override public int compare(Person o1, Person o2) { return, o2.getAge()); } }; List<Person> list = Lists.newArrayList(person1, person2, person3, person4); // 將比較器轉化爲Ordering,獲得比較器ageCmp的相反比較器,遞減 Collections.sort(list, Ordering.from(ageCmp).reverse()); for(Iterator<Person> iter = list.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ){ System.out.println(; }
Person{name='Barney', sex='M', age=33}
Person{name='Fred', sex='M', age=32}
Person{name='Betty', sex='F', age=32}
Person{name='Wilma', sex='F', age=30}
17.2 組合多個比較器
// 按照名字排序 Comparator<Person> nameCmp = new Comparator<Person>(){ @Override // 兩個對象,而Comparable是this和一個對象 public int compare(Person o1, Person o2) { return o1.getName().compareTo(o2.getName()); } }; // 組合兩個比較器,獲得第一二排序關鍵字 // 年齡相同時按照名字排序 Ordering order = Ordering.from(ageCmp).compound(nameCmp); Collections.sort(list, order); for(Iterator<Person> iter = list.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ){ System.out.println(; }
Person{name='Wilma', sex='F', age=30}
Person{name='Betty', sex='F', age=32}
Person{name='Fred', sex='M', age=32}
Person{name='Barney', sex='M', age=33}
17.3 直接獲取最小几個和最大幾個
Ordering order2 = Ordering.from(nameCmp); // 最小的兩個,無序 System.out.println("least 2..."); List<Person> least = order2.leastOf(personList, 2); for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++){ System.out.println(least.get(i)); } // 最大的三個,無序 System.out.println("greatest 3...."); List<Person> great = order2.greatestOf(personList, 3); for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++){ System.out.println(great.get(i)); }
least 2...
Person{name='Barney', sex='M', age=33}
Person{name='Betty', sex='F', age=32}
greatest 3....
Person{name='Wilma', sex='F', age=30}
Person{name='Fred', sex='M', age=32}
Person{name='Betty', sex='F', age=32}
18.1 複製移動重命名文件
// 文件操做:複製,移動,重命名 File originFile = new File("C:/tmp.txt"); File copyFile = new File("C:/tmp_copy.txt"); File mvFile = new File("C:/tmp_move.txt"); try { Files.copy(originFile, copyFile); Files.move(copyFile, mvFile); // 重命名 } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
18.2 獲取文件哈希碼
File originFile = new File("C:/tmp.txt"); File copyFile = new File("C:/tmp_copy.txt"); File mvFile = new File("C:/tmp_move.txt"); try { // File,HashFunction HashCode hashCode = Files.hash(originFile, Hashing.md5()); System.out.println(originFile.getName() + " : " + hashCode); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
結果爲 : 66721c8573de09bd17bafac125e63e98
18.3 讀取文件流,將文件行轉化爲List
// 文件操做:複製,移動,重命名 File originFile = new File("C:/tmp.txt"); File copyFile = new File("C:/tmp_copy.txt"); File mvFile = new File("C:/tmp_move.txt"); // 讀文件流 int lineNumber = 1; try { // 讀出全部的行到list中,去掉\n List<String> list2 = Files.readLines(mvFile, Charsets.UTF_8); for(Iterator<String> it = list2.iterator(); it.hasNext();){ System.out.println("line " + lineNumber + ":" +; lineNumber++; } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
line 1:Wed Apr 14 21:28:24 CST 2021
line 2:#no string#Wed Apr 14 21:28:24 CST 2021
18.4 將文件行進行處理,再獲得List
class TitleLineProcessor implements LineProcessor<List<String>>{ private final static int INDEX = 0; private final static Splitter splitter = Splitter.on(","); private List<String> titles = new ArrayList<String>(); // 每一行都會調用這個函數,進而追加成一個list @Override public boolean processLine(String s) throws IOException { // 獲取第一項,並追加到titles titles.add(Iterables.get(splitter.split(s), INDEX)); return true; } // 最終的結果 @Override public List<String> getResult() { return titles; } }
File bookFile = new File("C:/tmp.txt"); try { // 只取書名 List<String> list3 = Files.readLines(bookFile, Charsets.UTF_8, new TitleLineProcessor()); for(Iterator<String> it = list3.iterator(); it.hasNext();){ System.out.println(; } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
File writeFile = new File("C:/tmp.txt"); // source是源的意思,封裝輸入流 ByteSource byteSource = Files.asByteSource(writeFile); try { byte[] contents1 =; byte[] contents2 = Files.toByteArray(writeFile); // 兩個方法的做用相同 for(int i = 0; i < contents1.length; i++){ assert(contents1[i] == contents2[i]); System.out.print(contents1[i] + " "); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // sink是目的地的意思,封裝輸出流,流會自動關閉 File tmpFile = new File("C:/tmp2.txt"); // acd ByteSink byteSink = Files.asByteSink(tmpFile); try { byteSink.write(new byte[]{'a', 'c', 'd', '\n'}); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
File writeFile = new File("C:/tmp.txt"); BaseEncoding baseEncoding = BaseEncoding.base64(); try { byte[] content = Files.toByteArray(writeFile); String encoded = baseEncoding.encode(content); // 將不可打印的字符串轉化爲能夠打印的字符串A-Za-z0-9/+=,pdf不是純文本文件 System.out.println("encoded:\n" + encoded); System.out.println(Pattern.matches("[A-Za-z0-9/+=]+", encoded)); // 得到對應的加密字符串,能夠解密,可逆的,獲得原來的字節 byte[] decoded = baseEncoding.decode(encoded); for(int i = 0; i < content.length; i++){ assert(content[i] == decoded[i]); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
Optional<Person> optional = Optional.fromNullable(person1); // 容許參數爲null System.out.println(optional.isPresent()); // true System.out.println(optional.get() == person1); // 若是是person1 == null,get將拋出IllegalStateException, true Optional<Person> optional2 = Optional.of(person1); // 不容許參數爲null。若是person1 == null, 將拋出NullPointerException System.out.println(optional2.isPresent()); // true