下面是官方介紹:Color Admin is the new premium and fully responsive admin template. Concept of design for Color Admin is based on the FLAT design and finally it comes out with a clean and neat design. It is built on top of the popular Bootstrap Framework. Besides that, it is bundled with a lot of third party plugins and useable elements such as buttons, thumbnails, media objects and much more...

- Built with Bootstrap Bootstrap 4 & 3(基於Bootstrap四、3構建)
- AJAX + HTML + ANGULAR + ANGULAR 5 + VUE.JS + REACT.JS Version(有Ajax、HTML、AJS、AJS五、Vue、React版本)
- 5 Admin Theme (Flat + Material Design + Apple Design + Transparent + Facebook Design)(5中風格,Flat、Material、Apple、Transparent、Facebook)
- 4 Front End Template(4種前端模板)
- 12 Admin Color Scheme(12種管理端配色)
- 2 Admin Header Color Scheme(2種管理端頭部配色)
- 2 Admin Sidebar Color Scheme(2種側邊菜單配色)
- Unlimited Admin Page Options(無限制的管理選頁面選項)
- 2 Admin Content Color Scheme(2種管理端內容配色)
- Local Storage Panel(本次存儲面板)
- Modern & Old Browser Compatibility(新舊瀏覽器同步支持)
- Compatible with DataTables & 9 DataTables Extension(適配DateTables系列組件)
- Unlimited Nav Tabs(無限數量導航組件)
- Smooth Mobile / Tablet Scrollbar Implementation(移動端和平版權平滑滾動過渡)
- Vector Icons - FontAwesome v5.7(FontAwesome5.7版本字體圖標)
- Vector Icons - Simple Line Icons(Simple Line字體圖標)
- Vector Icons - Ionicons (600++ Icons)(Ionicons字體圖標)
- Vector Icons - Google Material Icons(谷歌Material字體圖標)
- Fully Responsive HTML5 Markup & CSS3(徹底的響應式支持,CSS3設計)
- JShint & HTML5 Valid(JS和H5代碼檢查)
- Easy to understand HTML Structure, CSS Classes & Javascript markup(輕鬆理解HTML元素、CSS類名和JS相關)
- Contrast Colors(反色支持)
- Well Documented(文檔健全)