

1、To configure prerequisiteside

1.Configure the authentication token:ui


Replace ADMIN_TOKEN with the authentication tokenthis

2.Configure the endpoint URL:url

export OS_URL=http://controller:35357/v2.0

 2、To create the service entity and API endpointspa

1.The Identity service manages a catalog of services in your OpenStack environment. Services use this catalog to determine the other services available in your environment.code

openstack service create --name keystone --description "OpenStack Identity" identity

2.The Identity service manages a catalog of API endpoints associated with the services in your OpenStack environment. Services use this catalog to determine how to communicate with other services in your

openstack endpoint create \
  --publicurl http://controller:5000/v2.0 \
  --internalurl http://controller:5000/v2.0 \
  --adminurl http://controller:35357/v2.0 \
  --region RegionOne \

3、To create tenants, users, and rolestoken

1.Create an administrative project, user, and role for administrative operations in your environment:ip

 a.Create the admin project:

openstack project create --description "Admin Project" admin

b.Create the admin user:

openstack user create --password-prompt admin

c.Create the admin role:

openstack role create admin

d.Add the admin role to the admin project and user:

openstack role add --project admin --user admin admin

2.This guide uses a service project that contains a unique user for each service that you add to your environment.

a.Create the service project:

openstack project create --description "Service Project" service

3.Regular (non-admin) tasks should use an unprivileged project and user. As an example, this guide creates the demo project and user.

a.Create the demo project:

openstack project create --description "Demo Project" demo

b.Create the demo user:

openstack user create --password-prompt demo

c.Create the user role:

openstack role create user

d.Add the user role to the demo project and user:

openstack role add --project demo --user demo user