
WhatsApp has a neat feature where you can pin certain people to the top of the app. This means you can keep the important people in your life in the same place, above the rest of your chats. Here’s how to do it.

WhatsApp具有簡潔的功能,您可以將某些人固定在應用程序的頂部。 這意味着您可以將生活中的重要人物放在其他聊天室之外的同一位置。 這是操作方法。

Open WhatsApp and go to the Chats screen.


On the iPhone, swipe to the right on the chat you want to pin to the top and then tap Pin. On Android, tap and hold on the chat and then tap the pin icon.

在iPhone上,向右滑動您要固定到頂部的聊天,然後點擊固定。 在Android上,點擊並按住聊天,然後點擊圖釘圖標。

This pins that chat to the top and puts a little pin icon beside it.


It will stay on top even as new, unread messages come in.


You can pin up to three individual or group chats to the top for quick access. Now you can stop friends and family getting hidden by over-active group chats.

您最多可以將三個個人或羣組聊天固定到頂部,以便快速訪問。 現在,您可以阻止過於活躍的羣聊隱藏朋友和家人。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/333932/how-to-pin-whatsapp-conversations-to-the-top-of-the-chat-list/