EMQ 配置

系統版本: ubuntu 16.04 LTS
EMQ 版本: 2.3.11

我使用的代理就是 EMQ(emqttd) 介紹或者詳細的配置能夠到官網看看. 我這裏只寫一些主要的配置.html


我從官網下載的是 emqttd-ubuntu16.04-v2.3.11_amd64.deb 下載後直接雙擊安裝便可.node


安裝後在控制檯輸出 sudo emqttd console 來啓動代理. 啓動後會輸出以下信息.shell

Exec: /usr/lib/emqttd/erts-9.0/bin/erlexec -boot /usr/lib/emqttd/releases/2.3.11/emqttd -mode embedded -boot_var ERTS_LIB_DIR /usr/lib/emqttd/erts-9.0/../lib -mnesia dir "/var/lib/emqttd/mnesia/emq@" -config /var/lib/emqttd/configs/app.2018. -args_file /var/lib/emqttd/configs/vm.2018. -vm_args /var/lib/emqttd/configs/vm.2018. -- console
Root: /usr/lib/emqttd
Erlang/OTP 20 [erts-9.0] [source] [64-bit] [smp:4:4] [ds:4:4:10] [async-threads:32] [hipe] [kernel-poll:true]

starting emqttd on node 'emq@'
emqttd ctl is starting...[ok]
emqttd hook is starting...[ok]
emqttd router is starting...[ok]
emqttd pubsub is starting...[ok]
emqttd stats is starting...[ok]
emqttd metrics is starting...[ok]
emqttd pooler is starting...[ok]
emqttd trace is starting...[ok]
emqttd client manager is starting...[ok]
emqttd session manager is starting...[ok]
emqttd session supervisor is starting...[ok]
emqttd wsclient supervisor is starting...[ok]
emqttd broker is starting...[ok]
emqttd alarm is starting...[ok]
emqttd mod supervisor is starting...[ok]
emqttd bridge supervisor is starting...[ok]
emqttd access control is starting...[ok]
emqttd system monitor is starting...[ok]
emqttd 2.3.11 is running now
Eshell V9.0  (abort with ^G)
(emq@> Load emq_mod_presence module successfully.
dashboard:http listen on with 4 acceptors.
mqtt:tcp listen on with 4 acceptors.
mqtt:tcp listen on with 16 acceptors.
mqtt:ws listen on with 4 acceptors.
mqtt:ssl listen on with 16 acceptors.
mqtt:wss listen on with 4 acceptors.
mqtt:api listen on with 4 acceptors.
systemctl start emqttd
systemctl stop emqttd


目錄 說明
/usr/lib/emqttd/ 全部的可執行文件包括插件
/etc/emqttd/ 保存全部配置文件包括插件配置


Erlang 虛擬機主要參數說明

屬性名 說明
node.process_limit Erlang 虛擬機容許的最大進程數,一個 MQTT 鏈接會消耗2個 Erlang 進程,因此參數值 > 最大鏈接數 * 2
node.max_ports Erlang 虛擬機容許的最大 Port 數量,一個 MQTT 鏈接消耗1個 Port,因此參數值 > 最大鏈接數
node.dist_listen_min Erlang 分佈節點間通訊使用 TCP 鏈接端口範圍。注: 節點間若有防火牆,須要配置該端口段
node.dist_listen_max Erlang 分佈節點間通訊使用 TCP 鏈接端口範圍。注: 節點間若有防火牆,須要配置該端口段


console 日誌

## Console log. Enum: off, file, console, both
log.console = console

## Console log level. Enum: debug, info, notice, warning, error, critical, alert, emergency
log.console.level = error

## Console log file
## log.console.file = log/console.log

error 日誌

## Error log file
log.error.file = log/error.log

crash 日誌

## Enable the crash log. Enum: on, off
log.crash = on

log.crash.file = log/crash.log

syslog 日誌

## Syslog. Enum: on, off
log.syslog = on

##  syslog level. Enum: debug, info, notice, warning, error, critical, alert, emergency
log.syslog.level = error

MQTT 協議參數配置

ClientId 最大容許長度

## Max ClientId Length Allowed.
mqtt.max_clientid_len = 1024

MQTT 最大報文尺寸

## Max Packet Size Allowed, 64K by default.
mqtt.max_packet_size = 64KB


設置 MQTT 客戶端最大容許閒置時間(Socket 鏈接創建, 但未收到 CONNECT 報文):ubuntu

## Client Idle Timeout (Second)
mqtt.client.idle_timeout = 30


## Enable client Stats: on | off
mqtt.client.enable_stats = off

強制 GC 設置

## Force GC: integer. Value 0 disabled the Force GC.
mqtt.conn.force_gc_count = 100


MQTT 認證設置

EMQ 消息服務器認證由一系列認證插件(Plugin)提供,系統支持按用戶名密碼、ClientID 或匿名認證.服務器


----------------           ----------------           ------------
Client --> | Username認證 | -ignore-> | ClientID認證 | -ignore-> | 匿名認證 |
           ----------------           ----------------           ------------
                  |                         |                         |
                 \|/                       \|/                       \|/
            allow | deny              allow | deny              allow | deny

若是開啓 用戶名和密碼 認證以及 客戶ID認證時, 咱們會先判斷 用戶名和密碼 若是認證成功會忽略客戶端ID, 若是認證失敗則會去認證客戶端ID.app

⚠️ 客戶端ID也須要配置密碼. 用戶名和密碼以及客戶端ID都是惟一的, 並且鏈接到代理的會話也是惟一的. 二次鏈接代理會將前一個下線.