Abstract. The OpenGL Shading Language syntax comes from the C family of programming languages. Tokes, identifiers, semicolons, nesting with curly braces, control-flow, and many key words look like C. GLSL provides three qualifiers which form the interfaces of the shaders to their outside world. html
Key Words. OpenGL, GLSL, Qualifiers, node
1. Introduction 編程
GLSL的特性與C/C++很是相似,包括它的數據類型。GLSL有三種基本數據類型:float, int和bool,及由這些數據類型組成的數組和結構體。須要注意的是GLSL並不支持指針。數組
GLSL 中有4個限定符(Qualifier)可供使用,它們限定了被標記的變量不能被更改的「範圍」。及經過這幾個限定符能夠與OpenGL的程序來通訊,即爲 OpenGL程序提供了一個將數據傳遞給Shader的界面(Interface to a Shader)。app
OpenCASCADE中使用GLSL實現了Ray Tracing效果,剛開始使用第三方庫OpenCL來使用GPU加速,最新版本統一使用GLSL。curl
Figure 1.1 OpenGL Trainingide
2.GLSL Data Types post
GLSL內置了許多數據類型,使圖形操做的表達式計算更方便。布爾類型、整型、矩陣、向量及結構、數組等都包括在內。 Scalars |
float |
Declares a single floating-point number. |
int |
Declares a single integer number. |
bool |
Declares a single Boolean number. |
Vectors |
vec2 |
Vector of two floating-point numbers |
vec3 |
Vector of three floating-point numbers |
vec4 |
Vector of four floating-point numbers |
ivec2 |
Vector of two integers |
ivec3 |
Vector of three integers |
ivec4 |
Vector of four integers |
bvec2 |
Vector of two booleans |
bvc3 |
Vector of three booleans |
bvc4 |
Vector of four booleans |
Matrices |
mat2 |
2x2 matrix of floating-point numbers |
mat3 |
3x3 matrix of floating-point numbers |
mat4 |
4x4 matrix of floating-point numbers |
Samplers |
sampler1D |
Accesses a one-dimensional texture |
sampler2D |
Accesses a two-dimensional texture |
sampler3D |
Accesses a three-dimensional texture |
samplerCube |
Accesses a cube-map texture |
sampler1DShadow |
Accesses a one-dimensional depth texture with comparison |
sampler2DShadow |
Accesses a two-dimensional depth texture with comparison |
Qualifiers |
attribute |
For frequently changing information, from the application to a vertex shader |
uniform |
For infrequently changing information, from the application to either a vertex shader or a fragment shader |
varying |
For interpolated information passed from a vertex shader to a fragment shader |
const |
For declaring nonwritable, compile-time constant variables as in C |
4.Code Example
在《A Simple OpenGL Shader Example》 中已經成功實現了一個帶Shader的OpenGL程序。事實上這是兩個相對獨立的Shader,它們只能使用OpenGL內置的變量從外部OpenGL 程序中獲取一些數據。好比當前頂點座標、當前像素顏色等。這些Shader尚未自定義的變量,以便從OpenGL程序中傳遞數據。一般程序的設計者須要 在OpenGL程序中更好地控制shader的行爲,這就須要從OpenGL程序向shader傳遞數據。
如上述的4個限定符,能夠用來聲明變量幫助shader從外部獲取數據。其中uniform變量能夠用來從OpenGL程序中給vertex shader或fragment shader傳遞數據,最很經常使用的一個限定符變量。將《A Simple OpenGL Shader Example》中的程序稍作修改,使得片斷shader能夠收到一個來自OpenGL程序裏面的數據。
void ShaderWidget::paintGL() { glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); mAngle += 0.1; glRotatef(mAngle, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0); // update uniform variable value mShaderProgram->setUniformValue(mTimeId, mAngle); glutSolidTeapot(1.0); //glutWireTeapot(1.0); } void ShaderWidget::setShader() { if (!isValid()) { return; } const QGLContext* aGlContext = context(); mShaderProgram = new QGLShaderProgram(aGlContext); //mShaderProgram->addShaderFromSourceFile(QGLShader::Vertex, "vertex.vs"); mShaderProgram->addShaderFromSourceFile(QGLShader::Fragment, "uniform.fs"); mShaderProgram->link(); mShaderProgram->bind(); QString aLog = mShaderProgram->log(); // save the location of the uniform variable name within the shader program. mTimeId = mShaderProgram->uniformLocation("v_time"); }
// time(passed in from the application) uniform float v_time; void main() { float fr = 0.9 * sin(0.0 + v_time*0.05) + 1.0; float fg = 0.9 * cos(0.33 + v_time*0.05) + 1.0; float fb = 0.9 * sin(0.67 + v_time*0.05) + 1.0; gl_FragColor = vec4(fr/2.0, fg/2.0, fb/2.0, 1.0); }
Figure 4.1 Test uniform variable in GLSL
6. References
1. san. Shader support in OCCT6.7.0. http://dev.opencascade.org/index.php?q=node/902
2. Qt Assistant.
PDF version and Source code: A Simple OpenGL Shader Example II