random模塊用於生成隨機數。 random.randint(a, b):html
生成隨機整數n (a <= n <= b)python
random.randint(1,10) 10dom
生成隨機浮點數n (0 <= n < 1.0).net
print random.random() 0.5240641875 print random.random() 0.234854238114rest
random.uniform(a, b):code
生成隨機浮點數n (若是a>b,則b <= n <= a。若是b>a,則a <= n <= b)orm
print random.uniform(1, 10) 3.35351445677 print random.uniform(1, 10) 2.46947884885 print random.uniform(100, 10) 45.9025693327htm
random.randrange([start], stop[, step]):blog
換而言之,它是從range(start, stop, step)裏隨機獲取一個元素,等價於random.choice(range(start, stop, step))。
(官方文檔說:This is equivalent to choice(range(start, stop, step)), but doesn’t actually build a range object.)
random.randrange(1, 10, 2) 9 random.randrange(1, 10) 8 random.randrange(10) 7
注意:按語法說明寫「random.randrange(, 10, 2)」或者「random.randrange(, 10)」會提示語法錯誤。 random.choice(seq):
seq範指list, tuple, 字符串等等。seq爲空時返回一個IndexError錯誤。
print random.choice("Python") t print random.choice(["a", "ab", "abc"]) ab print random.choice(("a", "ab", "abc")) ab
random.shuffle(x[, random])
p = (["a", "ab", "abc"]) random.shuffle(p) p
p = (("a", "ab", "abc")) random.shuffle(p) Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> File "/usr/lib/python2.6/random.py", line 275, in shuffle x[i], x[j] = x[j], x[i] TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment
p = ("Python") random.shuffle(p) Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> File "/usr/lib/python2.6/random.py", line 275, in shuffle x[i], x[j] = x[j], x[i] TypeError: 'str' object does not support item assignment
import os,random,sys,time
while True:
father = os.fork() if father: time.sleep(2) rd = 7 else: # random.seed() rd = random.choice([2,3,4,5]) print rd time.sleep(2) sys.exit(0)
$ python test7.py 5 5 5 1 [main] python 10704 D:\cygwin\bin\python.exe: *** fatal error - unable to remap \?\D:\cygwin\lib\python2.6\lib-dynload_codecs_cn.dll to same address as parent: 0x360000 != 0x3D0000 Stack trace: Frame Function Args 0028B3C8 6102796B (0028B3C8, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000) 0028B6B8 6102796B (6117EC60, 00008000, 00000000, 61180977) 0028C6E8 61004F1B (611A7FAC, 61243684, 00360000, 003D0000) End of stack trace 0 [main] python 14488 fork: child 10704 - died waiting for dll loading, errno 11 Traceback (most recent call last): File "test7.py", line 5, in <module> father = os.fork() OSError: [Errno 11] Resource temporarily unavailable
The fork call in Cygwin is particularly interesting because it does not map well on top of the Win32 API. This makes it very difficult to implement correctly. Currently, the Cygwin fork is a non-copy-on-write implementation similar to what was present in early flavors of UNIX.
} random.sample(population, k)
random.sample((["a", "ab", "abc", "abcd", "abcde", "abcdef"]), 3) ['a', 'ab', 'abcde'] random.sample((("a", "ab", "abc", "abcd", "abcde", "abcdef")), 3) ['abc', 'abcdef', 'ab'] random.sample(("python"), 3) ['o', 'h', 'p']
random.sample(xrange(1, 1000000 ,2), 3) [717481, 410151, 700227]