Matlab數據降維工具箱drtoolbox 安裝備忘


工具箱 Readme.txt 原文內容:工具

Copy the drtoolbox/ folder into the $MATLAB_DIR/toolbox directory (where $MATLAB_DIR indicates your Matlab installation directory). Start Matlab and select Set path... from the File menu. Click the Add with subfolders... button, select the folder $MATLAB_DIR/toolbox/drtoolbox in the file dialog, and press Open. Subsequently, press the Save button in order to save your changes to the Matlab search path. The toolbox is now installed.
Some of the functions in the toolbox use MEX-files. Precompiled versions of these MEX-files are distributed with this release, but the compiled version for your platform might be missing. In order to compile all MEX-files, type cd([matlabroot '/toolbox/drtoolbox']) in your Matlab prompt, and execute the function MEXALL.this


在執行編譯的 mexall命令前先:orm

  1. 修改 dijkstra.cpp 中 include<iosteam.h> 爲 <iosteam>;
  2. 在 dijsktra.cpp 中加入一行 using namespace std;