- 本章解釋了繼承的概念,繼承是從已有類派生新類的一個過程,是支持軟件複用思想的一種方法
- 繼承在子類與父類之間創建了"is a"關係,使用保留字extends
- 子類實例不依賴於父類實例
- 繼承是單向的
- 不容許多重繼承
- 重寫(重定義)父類方法
- 子類能夠間接引用私有成員
- 問題1:抽象類、抽象方法的做用是什麼?
- 問題1解決方案:抽象類表示通常的概念,有一些沒有聲明的方法,以供子類重寫。抽象方法提供方法簽名,由子類繼承它們。
- 問題2:保留字super的做用都有哪些?
- 問題2解決方案:能夠用super引用來調用父類的構造方法,也能夠進入父類的方法和實例數據(無論是否被隱藏)
- 問題1解決方案:我先試着一共寫了兩個輸入暫時解決了問題。接着上網查詢,將nextline改成next也可解決此問題
- Abstract methods are used when defining
- A .interface classes
- D .arrays
- E .classes that have no methods
- An interface is a class that has defined some of its components, but leaves other components (methods) for you to implement. So, these components (methods) are referred to as abstract and defined in the interface class as abstract.
- 理解:是要重寫父類中的全部抽象方法,即接口讓咱們實現方法,而非沒有方法
- Which of the following is true regarding Java classes?
- A .All classes must have 1 parent but may have any number of children (derived or extended) classes
- E .All classes can have either 0 or 1 parent class and any number of children (derived or extended) classes
- Further, since all Java classes inherit either directly or indirectly from the Object class, all Java classes have exactly 1 parent class.
- 理解:java類與Object類有直接看法的關係,因此每一個類都有一個父類,那Object類本身呢?
- A variable declared to be of one class can later reference an extended class of that class. This variable is known as
- D .polymorphic
- The term polymorphic means that the variable can have many forms. Under ordinary circumstances, Java is strongly defined that is, a variable, once declared to be of a type, can never change to be of a different type. The exception to this is that polymorphic variables can be any type of derived class (although not at the same time, the variable can change from one type to another).
- 理解:第九章
- In order to determine the type that a polymorphic variable refers to, the decision is made
- by the Java run-time environment at run time
- The polymorphic variable can take on many different types, but it is not know which type it has taken on until the program is executing. At the time the variable is referenced, then the decision must be made. That decision is made by the run-time environment based on the latest assignment of the variable.
- 理解:第九章
- Using the reserved word, super, one can
- A .access a parent class'constructor(s)
- B . access a parent class'methods and instance data
- E .none of the above
- The super reserved word provides a mechanism for accessing a parent class'methods and instance data (whether or not they are hidden). In addition, a parent class'constructor(s) may be accessed using super. So the correct answer is the combination of A and B which isn't an option so the correct answer is E.
- 理解:其實二者均可以
- Interface classes cannot be extended but classes that implement interfaces can be extended.
- B .false
- Any class can be extended whether it is an interface, implements an interface, or neither. The only exception to this is if the class is explicitly modified with the word "final" in which case it cannot be extended.
- 理解:前面帶final的不行
- If class AParentClass has a protected instance data x, and AChildClass is a derived class of AParentClass, then AChildClass can access x but can not redefine x to be a different type.
- B .false
- A derived class can redefine any of the instance data or methods of the parent class. The parent class'version is now hidden, but can be accessed through the use of super, as in super.x.
- 理解:能夠用super更改x的值
- You may use the super reserved word to access a parent class'private members.
- 理解:Super will allow access to all non-private members of a parent class but, not to the private ones.
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參考:軟件工程軟件的估計爲何這麼難,軟件工程 估計方法
(有空多看看現代軟件工程 課件