


  網上下回來的代碼是一個.c文件,主要的功能是用來分析命令行參數,函數有三個參數:前兩個參數分別表明參數個數和內容,跟main()函數的命令行參數是同樣的。第三個參數是選項字符串, 告知 getopt()能夠處理哪一個選項以及哪一個選項須要參數,若是選項字符串裏的字母后接着冒號「:」,則表示還有相關的參數,全局變量optarg 即會指向此額外參數。ide


3 單個字符後跟兩個冒號,表示該選項後能夠跟一個參數,也能夠不跟。若是跟一個參數,參數必須緊跟在選項後不能以空格隔開。該參數的指針賦給optarg。(如上例中的e::,若是沒有跟參數,則optarg = NULL)



#include <stdio.h>                  /* for EOF */
#include <string.h>                 /* for strchr() */
/* static (global) variables that are specified as exported by getopt() */
char *optarg = NULL;    /* pointer to the start of the option argument  */
int   optind = 1;       /* number of the next argv[] to be evaluated    */
int   opterr = 1;       /* non-zero if a question mark should be returned
                           when a non-valid option character is detected */
/* handle possible future character set concerns by putting this in a macro */
#define _next_char(string)  (char)(*(string+1))
int getopt(int argc, char *argv[], char *opstring)
    static char *pIndexPosition = NULL; /* place inside current argv string */
    char *pArgString = NULL;        /* where to start from next */
    char *pOptString;               /* the string in our program */
    if (pIndexPosition != NULL) {
        /* we last left off inside an argv string */
        if (*(++pIndexPosition)) {
            /* there is more to come in the most recent argv */
            pArgString = pIndexPosition;
    if (pArgString == NULL) {
        /* we didn't leave off in the middle of an argv string */
        if (optind >= argc) {
            /* more command-line arguments than the argument count */
            pIndexPosition = NULL;  /* not in the middle of anything */
            return EOF;             /* used up all command-line arguments */
         * If the next argv[] is not an option, there can be no more options.
        pArgString = argv[optind++]; /* set this to the next argument ptr */
        if (('/' != *pArgString) && /* doesn't start with a slash or a dash? */
            ('-' != *pArgString)) {
            --optind;               /* point to current arg once we're done */
            optarg = NULL;          /* no argument follows the option */
            pIndexPosition = NULL;  /* not in the middle of anything */
            return EOF;             /* used up all the command-line flags */
        /* check for special end-of-flags markers */
        if ((strcmp(pArgString, "-") == 0) ||
            (strcmp(pArgString, "--") == 0)) {
            optarg = NULL;          /* no argument follows the option */
            pIndexPosition = NULL;  /* not in the middle of anything */
            return EOF;             /* encountered the special flag */
        pArgString++;               /* look past the / or - */
    if (':' == *pArgString) {       /* is it a colon? */
         * Rare case: if opterr is non-zero, return a question mark;
         * otherwise, just return the colon we're on.
        return (opterr ? (int)'?' : (int)':');
    else if ((pOptString = strchr(opstring, *pArgString)) == 0) {
         * The letter on the command-line wasn't any good.
        optarg = NULL;              /* no argument follows the option */
        pIndexPosition = NULL;      /* not in the middle of anything */
        return (opterr ? (int)'?' : (int)*pArgString);
    else {
         * The letter on the command-line matches one we expect to see
        if (':' == _next_char(pOptString)) { /* is the next letter a colon? */
            /* It is a colon.  Look for an argument string. */
            if ('\0' != _next_char(pArgString)) {  /* argument in this argv? */
                optarg = &pArgString[1];   /* Yes, it is */
            else {
                 * The argument string must be in the next argv.
                 * But, what if there is none (bad input from the user)?
                 * In that case, return the letter, and optarg as NULL.
                if (optind < argc)
                    optarg = argv[optind++];
                else {
                    optarg = NULL;
                    return (opterr ? (int)'?' : (int)*pArgString);
            pIndexPosition = NULL;  /* not in the middle of anything */
        else {
            /* it's not a colon, so just return the letter */
            optarg = NULL;          /* no argument follows the option */
            pIndexPosition = pArgString;    /* point to the letter we're on */
        return (int)*pArgString;    /* return the letter that matched */


#include "stdafx.h"
#include "getopt.c"

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    int ch;
    //opterr = 0;
    while((ch = getopt(argc,argv,"a:b:c:d:"))!= -1)
        case 'a': printf("option a:'%s'\n",optarg); break;
        case 'b': printf("option b:'%s'\n",optarg); break;
        case 'c': printf("option c:'%s'\n",optarg); break;
        case 'd': printf("option d:'%s'\n",optarg); break;
        default: printf("other option :%c\n",ch);
    return 0;


D:\cproject\getopt\Release>getopt.exe -a f -b fawef -c fawe -d fawef
option a:'f'
option b:'fawef'
option c:'fawe'
option d:'fawef'




代碼編寫使用的ide是VC++ 6.0。spa

