How to SSH Batch Dispense

SSH Batch Dispense

1 Request

Different machines must not root login with remote. All machines at user ygh_ssh(ordinary user).shell

NFS_SERVICE send data and NFS_CLIENT_1, NFS_CLIENT_2 receive data. Don’t be asked password when send or receive data.ssh

2 Preparation machines and accounts

Three Linux System machines, ant they can ping each.ide


we use SSH to transmission data, because SSH can make sure safe with SSH2.xui



Network cardspa




Center sender






Three Linux System all use the user name is 「ygh_ssh」 and uid=」666」 to transmission data.


3 Setting Private Key and Public Key

The need is NFS_SERVICE can send data to NFS_CLIENT_1 and NFS_CLIENT_2, so private key is in NFS_SERVICE and public key is in NFS_CLIENT_1, NFS_CLIENT_2.

3.1.1 create private in NFS_SERVICE

Firstly, we make three Linux login 「ygh_ssh」.

Secondly, we use 「ssh-keygen -t dsa」 command to create private key and public key.

you can give password, but you can also press 「Enter」 until end.

       -t sda indicates use 「sda」 algorithem.




In 「ygh_ssh」 home directory, you will find a 「.ssh」 hidden directory




The this directory, we will viem three main file:

id_dsa:private key

id_dsa_pub:public key

Others file you can ingore if you haven’t

So we shoud keep private to local and send public to service(NFS_CLIENT_1, NFS_CLIENT_2.




we use this command 「ssh-copy-id [-i [identity_file]] [user@]machine」 to send public key to Service.

for example:

use follow commands to send public key to NFS_CLIENT_1

ssh-copy-id -i /home/ygh_ssh/.ssh/ "-p 52113 ygh_ssh@"

You should give ygh_ssh@ password for the first time connection.

If you repeat above actions, you will find it’s needn’t password.



You also use this command to test whether you public key received. Using this command

「ssh -p 52113 ygh_ssh@」 ,then you find you don’t give password and connect the NFS_CLIENT_1(you hostname change to NFS_CLIENT_1), it indelicate you success.




we need to send public key to NSF_CLIENT_2 repeat above actions.


In NFS_CLIENT_1 or NFS_CLIENT_2 /home/ygh_ssh/.ssh/

you will view a file named 「authorized_keys」, it is public key. It is same as the file id_dsa_qub at NFS_SERVICE /home/ygh_ssh/.ssh





Now we can transmit date use NSF_SERVICE with NFS-CLIENT_2 and NFS_CLIENT_1 withput password!


4 Testing batch send file

4.1 Send Batch File to ygh_ssh Home Directory

Firstly, we should write a shell scripts to help us send batch file.t


# batch send file script author:ygh date:2017-01-09


. /etc/init.d/functions

for n in 131 134 123 122


        scp -P52113 -rp $1 ygh_ssh@192.168.98.$n:~




In NFS_CLIENT_1 or NFS_CLIENT_2 /home/ygh_ssh/ you will find /data



This indelicate data transmission success.

4.2 Send to Batch File to arbitrary Directory

We know, we use ygh_ssh only can write data to some directories that it is permitted, but if we want to transmit data to /root or /ect. How to do



we you use this thoughts:

一、 cp file or directory to ygh_ssh home directory

二、 mv this file to the directory that you want set.

三、 give ygh_ssh 「sudo mv source file desDirectory」.


In NFS_CLINET_1 or  NFS_CLINET_2 to give sudo mv authority to ygh_ssh



Use follow shell scripts:


# batch send file script author:ygh date:2017-01-09



. /etc/init.d/functions

for n in 131 134 123 122


        scp -P52113 -rp $1 ygh_ssh@192.168.98.$n:~ > /dev/null 2>&1 &&\

        ssh -t -p 52113 ygh_ssh@192.168.98.$n "sudo /bin/mv ~/$file $remotedir" > /dev/null 2>&1

        if [ $? -eq 0 ]


                action "scp $file to ygh_ssh@192.168.98.$n:$remotedir is ok" /bin/true


                action "scp $file to ygh_ssh@192.168.98.$n:$remotedir is failed" /bin/false







In NSF_CLIENT_1 or NFS_CLIENT_2 /root, you will view




5 Summary SSH Batch Send

一、 It is single forward only from NFS_SERVICE to NFS_CLIENT_2 , NFS_CLIENT_1

二、 It is based users, you better don’t span users

三、 If you SSH connection is slow, you can retrieve following:
