關於iOS 5的本地文件儲存Marco(Instapaper 的開發者)寫過一篇很好的帖子闡述過相關問題,有興趣的同窗能夠先閱讀下他的文章而後再看下文。web
iCloud 的雲備份佔用了巨大的空間?session
若是你有OS X或者Unix的開發背景,就會很容易明白蘋果的立場:即沒法保證數據在這兩個目錄中能持續地保存多久。
實際上在應用沙盒(sandbox)裏的臨時文件目錄(tmp directory)和根目錄下臨時文件目錄(root /tmp)不太相同,但也不須要區別對待這些目錄。
直到2011年6月的官方開發文檔中關於 <Application_Home>/Documents 的說法是:
這個用法至關明確。而iOS 5改變了Documents 目錄用法卻不給出任何合適的替代方法,所以難怪開發者感到不高興。
而關於 <Application_Home>/Library/Caches 的說法是:
這段話的涵義很不明確。我讀完以爲大意是蘋果在iOS 5上作了個根本上的改變,而使得看這段說明很矛盾。可是若是你仔細看字眼「一般要」(」generally」)和「能從新建立」(」able to re-create」)的話,在蘋果警告你的應用內文件不合規範時,你就會明白那些地方須要改進了。
關於iOS 數據存儲指導手冊(iOS Data Storage Guidelines)的說明:
一、只有那些用戶生成的文檔和其餘數據或者是那些不能被你的應用所重建的數據應當保存在<Application_Home>/Documents 目錄內。這些數據文件將會自動的經過iCloud備份。
二、那些能夠從新下載或者從新建立的數據應當保存在<Application_Home>/Library/Caches 目錄內。你能夠把數據庫緩存文件或者可下載的內容如雜誌、報紙、地圖應用的數據等放入緩存目錄裏(Caches directory)
三、臨時須要的數據應該保存在<Application_Home>/tmp 目錄內。儘管這些文件不會備份到iCloud裏,請記住在你再也不須要它們時當即刪除掉這些文件,這樣它們就不會繼續浪費用戶設備的儲存空間了。」
開發者目前報告說那些在Document 目錄內保存任意/少許/大量數據的應用正在審覈中被拒。
應用裏home 目錄內的全部數據都會被備份除了:
這些在iOS數據儲存指導手冊上(iOS Data Storage Guidelines)和Michael Jurewitz的評論裏已講的很清楚了。
其餘開發文檔裏也明確的指出Application Support 目錄內的文件也會被iTunes備份(假設iCloud也會)。在討論中有些開發者認爲Application Support 目錄內保存文件相比Caches 目錄更安全點(更加持久)。我以爲應用審覈部門會拒掉那些在Application Support 目錄內保存大量數據的應用,這和Document 目錄內的嚴格審覈是同樣的,都是拜iCloud的儲存空間不足所賜。
很明顯在iOS 5.0上想作到這些已經遲了。可是若是足夠多的開發者力排衆議,讓蘋果知道他們很是須要在本身的應用內保持這個功能,或許下個版本會加入進來。提示:提交文件bug 報告。
若是你當前正在Documents 目錄內保存文件的話
你的應用固然能夠繼續在iOS 5內正常工做,你的用戶可能會抱怨有大量的數據被備份到了iCloud上。(詳見如下內容)
若是你正在或者考慮到在Caches 目錄內保存文件的話
請確保在Caches 目錄內你保存的文件突然消失的狀況下,你的應用依然能夠處理穩當。一種處理的方法是,把保存在Caches目錄內的全部文件的源URL(原始路徑或地址)列入進一個清單裏。這樣應用經過遍歷清單就能夠驗證文件是否依然存在了。
一名開發者在蘋果論壇上講的用戶使用案例,我以爲頗有趣:他的應用是爲飛行員顯示地圖的。 若是他把能夠從新下載的地圖放到Caches 目錄內,那麼若是地圖數據被iOS 5忽然刪掉,這時飛機還在天上,可能就悲劇了。讓飛行員從新下載地圖數據的對話框絕對會深深地傷害到他的感情。
若是你服從 iOS 5或iCloud的新規則去更新應用並把文件儲存到Caches 目錄內的話,那麼你可能須要把已存放在Document 內的文件轉移到 Caches 內。我確信應用審覈部分不會去測試這個,由於他們沒有你存有數據的老版本應用。可是這樣作很對。
我不清楚在iOS 5的清除程序運行前,磁盤空間的最低值是多少,而且我也懷疑蘋果會給出具體細節。若是你有任何本身試驗出的結果請務必在下面添加評論指出。
提交文件bug 報告(File a bug report)。
經過iCloud備份的話,用戶們可能不想佔用他們那可憐的5GB儲存空間(或是花錢購買額外空間)來備份那些他們認爲不重要的數據。單個的應用可 以關掉iCloud備份。在應用設置中能很容易的找到設置:iCloud > 儲存與備份>管理儲存空間>備份。在備份選項列表裏每個應用均可以選擇是否備份。可能你的用戶不太容易能找出設置,你可能須要發郵件去指導 他們。
- (BOOL)addSkipBackupAttributeToItemAtURL:(NSURL *)URL
if (&NSURLIsExcludedFromBackupKey == nil) { // iOS <= 5.0.1
const char* filePath = [[URL path] fileSystemRepresentation];
const char* attrName = "com.apple.MobileBackup";
u_int8_t attrValue = 1;
int result = setxattr(filePath, attrName, &attrValue, sizeof(attrValue), 0, 0);
return result == 0;
} else { // iOS >= 5.1
NSLog(@"%d",[URL setResourceValue:[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES] forKey:NSURLIsExcludedFromBackupKey error:nil]);
return [URL setResourceValue:[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES] forKey:NSURLIsExcludedFromBackupKey error:nil];
//空間不足時 malloc: stack logs being written into /private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/819156CF-C8B8-43FF-BF63-0EABF59CB655/tmp/stack-logs.1373.15a3000.esvideo.aQPqEl.index esvideo(1373,0x39c8a9dc) malloc: recording malloc and VM allocation stacks to disk using standard recorder esvideo(1373,0x39c8a9dc) malloc: process 1338 no longer exists, stack logs deleted from /private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/819156CF-C8B8-43FF-BF63-0EABF59CB655/tmp/stack-logs.1338.1508000.esvideo.tYs7hy.index 2015-08-19 15:22:47.000 esvideo[1373:382143] iRate verbose logging enabled.
//空間不足時,應用程序奔潰 malloc: Unable to write to stack logging file /private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/F20F8C6C-9709-490A-9DDA-E294C1EF3B50/tmp/stack-logs.1234.1549000.esvideo.mNh6B0.index (No space left on device) esvideo(1234,0x39c8a9dc) malloc: stack logging disabled due to previous errors. 2015-08-19 14:57:06.950 esvideo[1234:373855] Unable to copy temp file. Error: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=512 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (Cocoa error 512.)" UserInfo=0x19e68e10 {NSSourceFilePathErrorKey=/private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/F20F8C6C-9709-490A-9DDA-E294C1EF3B50/Library/Caches/com.apple.nsurlsessiond/Downloads/com.easou.esvideo/CFNetworkDownload_BHOOzH.tmp, NSUserStringVariant=( Copy ), NSFilePath=/private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/F20F8C6C-9709-490A-9DDA-E294C1EF3B50/Library/Caches/com.apple.nsurlsessiond/Downloads/com.easou.esvideo/CFNetworkDownload_BHOOzH.tmp, NSDestinationFilePath=/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/F20F8C6C-9709-490A-9DDA-E294C1EF3B50/Library/Caches/DownLoad/Video/火影忍者605_554cd72c0cf29e8153e068a6/火影忍者605_554cd72c0cf29e8153e068a6_0, NSUnderlyingError=0x19e69b50 "The operation couldn’t be completed. Result too large"}
tmp: Use this directory to write temporary files that do not need to persist between launches of your app. Your app should remove files from this directory when it determines they are no longer needed. Caches: Use this directory to write any app-specific support files that your app can re-create easily. Your app is generally responsible for managing the contents of this directory and for adding and deleting files as needed. In iOS 2.2 and later, the contents of this directory are not backed up by iTunes. In addition, iTunes removes files in this directory during a full restoration of the device. On iOS 5.0 and later, the system may delete the Caches directory on rare occasions when the system is very low on disk space. This will never occur while an app is running. However, you should be aware that iTunes restore is not necessarily the only condition under which the Caches directory can be erased.
To prevent the syncing and backup processes on iOS devices from taking a long time, be selective about where you place files inside your app’s home directory. Apps that store large files can slow down the process of backing up to iTunes or iCloud. These apps can also consume a large amount of a user's available storage, which may encourage the user to delete the app or disable backup of that app's data to iCloud. With this in mind, you should store app data according to the following guidelines:
Put user data in the <Application_Home>/Documents/. User data is any data that cannot be recreated by your app, such as user documents and other user-generated content.
Handle support files—files your application downloads or generates and can recreate as needed—in one of two ways:
In iOS 5.0 and earlier, put support files in the <Application_Home>/Library/Caches directory to prevent them from being backed up
In iOS 5.0.1 and later, put support files in the <Application_Home>/Library/Application Support directory and apply thecom.apple.MobileBackup extended attribute to them. This attribute prevents the files from being backed up to iTunes or iCloud. If you have a large number of support files, you may store them in a custom subdirectory and apply the extended attribute to just the directory.
Put data cache files in the <Application_Home>/Library/Caches directory. Examples of files you should put in this directory include (but are not limited to) database cache files and downloadable content, such as that used by magazine, newspaper, and map apps. Your app should be able to gracefully handle situations where cached data is deleted by the system to free up disk space.
Put temporary data in the <Application_Home>/tmp directory. Temporary data comprises any data that you do not need to persist for an extended period of time. Remember to delete those files when you are done with them so that they do not continue to consume space on the user’s device.
也就是說,通常從網上下載的那些內容,包括雜誌、報紙、視頻什麼的,都要放在 <Application_Home> /Library/Caches 目錄下面
<Application_Home>/Library/ |
This directory is the top-level directory for files that are not user data files. You typically put files in one of several standard subdirectories but you can also create custom subdirectories for files you want backed up but not exposed to the user. You should not use this directory for user data files. The contents of this directory (with the exception of the Caches subdirectory) are backed up by iTunes. For additional information about the Library directory, see 「The Library Directory Stores App-Specific Files.」 |
Caches |
Use this directory to write any app-specific support files that your app can re-create easily. Your app is generally responsible for managing the contents of this directory and for adding and deleting files as needed. In iOS 2.2 and later, the contents of this directory are not backed up by iTunes. In addition, iTunes removes files in this directory during a full restoration of the device. On iOS 5.0 and later, the system may delete the Caches directory on rare occasions when the system is very low on disk space. This will never occur while an app is running. However, you should be aware that iTunes restore is not necessarily the only condition under which the Caches directory can be erased. |
Files Saved During Application Updates When a user downloads an application update, iTunes installs the update in a new application directory. It then moves the user’s data files from the old installation over to the new application directory before deleting the old installation. Files in the following directories are guaranteed to be preserved during the update process:
Although files in other user directories may also be moved over, you should not rely on them being present after an update.
Application_Home/Library/Caches Use this directory to write any application-specific support files that you want to persist between launches of the application or during application updates. Your application is generally responsible for adding and removing these files. It should also be able to re-create these files as needed because iTunes removes them during a full restoration of the device. In iOS 2.2 and later, the contents of this directory are not backed up by iTunes.
File System Programming Guide