# Sets the target folders and the final framework product. FMK_NAME="FI" FMK_VERSION="A" # Install dir will be the final output to the framework. # The following line create it in the root folder of the current project. INSTALL_DIR=${SRCROOT}/Products/${FMK_NAME}.framework # Working dir will be deleted after the framework creation. WRK_DIR=build DEVICE_DIR=${WRK_DIR}/Release-iphoneos/${FMK_NAME}.framework SIMULATOR_DIR=${WRK_DIR}/Release-iphonesimulator/${FMK_NAME}.framework # Building both architectures. xcodebuild -configuration "Release" -target "${FMK_NAME}" -sdk iphoneos xcodebuild -configuration "Release" -target "${FMK_NAME}" -sdk iphonesimulator # Cleaning the oldest. if [ -d "${INSTALL_DIR}" ] then rm -rf "${INSTALL_DIR}" fi # Creates and renews the final product folder. mkdir -p "${INSTALL_DIR}" mkdir -p "${INSTALL_DIR}/Versions" mkdir -p "${INSTALL_DIR}/Versions/${FMK_VERSION}" mkdir -p "${INSTALL_DIR}/Versions/${FMK_VERSION}/Resources" mkdir -p "${INSTALL_DIR}/Versions/${FMK_VERSION}/Headers" # Creates the internal links. # It MUST uses relative path, otherwise will not work when the folder is copied/moved. ln -s "${FMK_VERSION}" "${INSTALL_DIR}/Versions/Current" ln -s "Versions/Current/Headers" "${INSTALL_DIR}/Headers" ln -s "Versions/Current/Resources" "${INSTALL_DIR}/Resources" ln -s "Versions/Current/${FMK_NAME}" "${INSTALL_DIR}/${FMK_NAME}" # Copies the headers and resources files to the final product folder. cp -R "${DEVICE_DIR}/Headers/" "${INSTALL_DIR}/Versions/${FMK_VERSION}/Headers/" cp -R "${DEVICE_DIR}/" "${INSTALL_DIR}/Versions/${FMK_VERSION}/Resources/" # Removes the binary and header from the resources folder. rm -r "${INSTALL_DIR}/Versions/${FMK_VERSION}/Resources/Headers" "${INSTALL_DIR}/Versions/${FMK_VERSION}/Resources/${FMK_NAME}" # Uses the Lipo Tool to merge both binary files (i386 + armv6/armv7) into one Universal final product. lipo -create "${DEVICE_DIR}/${FMK_NAME}" "${SIMULATOR_DIR}/${FMK_NAME}" -output "${INSTALL_DIR}/Versions/${FMK_VERSION}/${FMK_NAME}" rm -r "${WRK_DIR}"
The important thing to realize is that the install path is built into the dylib, as part of its build process.
trouble shooting:
deep clean & relaunch Xcode !ios