- Python : 3.7.3
- OS : Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS
- IDE : pycharm-community-2019.1.3
- Conda : 4.7.5
- typesetting : Markdown
""" @Author : 行初心 @Date : 2019/7/7 @Blog : www.cnblogs.com/xingchuxin @Gitee : gitee.com/zhichengjiu """ def main(): # eval會把字符串的內容 當作 有效的表達式 # 信息安全 -> eval不要直接執行用戶的輸入內容 # 字符串的格式得對 # txt文本存儲 數據信息 -> 讀取 轉換 應用 # str -> list print(eval("['地漿','阿井泉','鹽膽水']"), type(eval("['地漿','阿井泉','鹽膽水']"))) # str -> tuple print(eval("(1,2,3,4)"), type(eval("(1,2,3,4)"))) # str -> dict print(eval("{'子':'鼠','醜':'牛','寅':'虎'}"), type(eval("{'子':'鼠','醜':'牛','寅':'虎'}"))) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
/home/coder/anaconda3/envs/py37/bin/python /home/coder/PycharmProjects/Base/demo.py ['地漿', '阿井泉', '鹽膽水'] <class 'list'> (1, 2, 3, 4) <class 'tuple'> {'子': '鼠', '醜': '牛', '寅': '虎'} <class 'dict'> Process finished with exit code 0
def eval(*args, **kwargs): # real signature unknown """ Evaluate the given source in the context of globals and locals. The source may be a string representing a Python expression or a code object as returned by compile(). The globals must be a dictionary and locals can be any mapping, defaulting to the current globals and locals. If only globals is given, locals defaults to it. """ pass